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Modern Presentation Design Agency Template Black White

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Template Design

Transcript: Motivation Motivation Advantages both economically and politically. Influence public opinion, thus the ability to impact societal perceptions and even shape policy decisions. Can work as a framework for policymakers, social media platforms, and civil society to monitor and respond to the evolving landscape of political discourse. Keep your words short and punchy so your audience stays focused. You can add imagery and frames to keep their attention where you want it. Methodology A pipeline with 5 stages+ Data A pipeline with 5 stages+ Stage.1: Preprocessing Stage.2: Topic Modelling Stage.3: Event Detection Stage.4: Story Extraction Stage.5: Competing Narratives Detection 1.2 million tweets of European politicians extracted from Twitter for the period from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. Tweets are narrowed down to tweets authored by German speaking politicians in 2022. Extracted tweets attributes: 'id', 'user-id', 'date', 'text', 'lang', 'translation' and 'sentiment'. Map of user party affiliation, which includes user IDs and their corresponding party affiliations. (Source: Wikidata) Put a bold statement here Use this space for details that you haven’t talked about yet. Relate what you’re saying to the nearby image so your audience has a visual, too. Use this for a powerful quote or statistic. Content Motivation Introduction.. Data. Method. Evaluation. Conclusion. Automated Identification of Competing Narratives in Political Discourse on Social Media Ahmad Hamadeh Hannover, den 15. Mai 2024 Conclusion

Black + White= Black

Transcript: Black + White= Black 2. How would the authors life be different if he grew up in a black community. There is no colour discrimination through writing and that is what the author explains through his conclusion. The conclusion is not effective because Hill explains what happened through his life, not the lives of other individuals. Definition " Frankly, larry don't you think it's terrible mixing race like that? It will ruin the children, how are they to make their way in life".( pg 66,p6) 1. Has anyone in the class dealt with racial identity? "Questions of my identity would leap like a cougar from the woods and take a bite out of my backside" (pg 67,p6) Conclusion Thesis Vocabulary My first sense of blackness, sprang from warm places.(pg 68,p15) Anything + White= Anything But White. For example, people are identified by their most dominant characteristics. For people that are not mixed, this gives the reader insight on the authors thoughts about racial identity. " In 1977, when I decided to take a year off university, I went to visit my cousins in Brooklyn before flying to Europe, which must have appeared to them a quintessentially white thing to do."(pg 67,p9) Questions 3. Why did Hills parent leave the U.S.A and move to Toronto? Bill Cosby and Flip Wilson - When the author watched these shows, he felt alive. He felt that they were speaking to him, so he ate up every bit of black writing that he could find. I believe he looked up to these icons because their shows had educational skits and heartfelt moments that happen in a day to day life of an African American. Literary Devices For example, the author mentions in the article, "you can have white parents and be considered black, but you can never have black parents and be considered white."(p68) "Without knowing exactly what I was doing, I was forming my own sense of blackness and my own connection to the black diaspora". (pg70,p23) "Quadroon women were favoured by slave owners for features deemed exotic and sexy but not too black, thank you very much"(pg68,p12) '' I think of the factors that contributed to my sense of identity, and of how malleable that sense of identity was and still is". pg 67,p10 Lawrence Hill Black + White= Black By Gerry & Sadeek Argument That identity was wrapped around them, like a snug towel, at the moment of birth. (pg 67,p8) In the beginning, the author talks about his life (Narrative). The author also compares how his life would have a different outcome if he grew up in a different community within that era (comparison) People and Events The thesis is implied. People who have mixed parents will have a harder time growing up because they don't know who they are. "The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice, meaning the darker ones skin colour, the deeper the roots".(pg 66,p1). Quintessentially- Embodying or possessing the essence of something. Malleable- Easily influenced or controlled by people. Quadroon- different race specific in African and European mix. Diaspora- someone who is of a particular nation but lives in a different part of the world.

Clash Attack Template

Transcript: Presentation Tips Effectively using visuals and engaging the audience are essential for a successful presentation. Let's explore strategies for impactful delivery. Audience Engagement Strategies Using Visuals Effectively Engaging the audience involves interactive elements like polls, Q&A sessions, and storytelling. Personalizing the presentation to resonate with the audience's interests can enhance engagement and retention. Visual aids enhance audience understanding by up to 400%. Incorporating relevant images and graphics can make complex information more accessible and memorable. Recap of Template Features Summarizing the key aspects of the Clash Attack Presentation template designed with white background, 12 black circles for customization, and featuring a prominent Hog Rider visual. Template Features Overview The Clash Attack Presentation template includes a white background, 12 black circles for customization, and a striking Hog Rider visual. Visual Impact of Hog Rider Customization with Circles The Hog Rider image serves as a focal point, adding a dynamic element to the template and attracting attention. The 12 blank circles allow for personalized content and creative input, enhancing engagement and visual appeal. Main Visual Topic: Hog Rider Image The Hog Rider image serves as the central visual element, adding a thematic touch to the template and capturing the essence of Clash Attack. Placement of 12 Black Circles Strategically positioning 12 black circles allows for personalized content insertion, creating a dynamic and interactive template layout. Design Elements Creating a visually appealing template with a white background and 12 black circles for customization, featuring the iconic Hog Rider image. White Background Template The white background provides a clean canvas for customization, ensuring a sleek and modern design aesthetic. Clash Attack Template Flexibility in Design The template provides flexible design options, allowing users to experiment with layouts, colors, and placements of the elements for tailored presentations. Blank Circles Customization Overview of Clash Attack Presentation The 12 black circles in the template serve as customizable elements for personalized content insertion, offering unique design opportunities. The Clash Attack Presentation focuses on creating a customizable template featuring a white background and black circles for customization. Personalized Design Features Black Circles on White Background Blank circles allow for personalized content and customization in the template, enhancing creativity and individuality. Introduction to Clash Attack Presentation Creating a customizable template for Clash Attack with a white background and black circles for customization. Objective: Creating a Customizable Template The main objective is to offer a template that allows users to personalize their content with 12 black circles on a white background.

Modern Sales Presentation Template

Transcript: Modern Sales Presentation Template Incorporating Dynamic Elements Color Scheme Implementation Adding dynamic elements such as animations, transitions, and interactive features elevates the presentation's engagement level. Dynamic elements create a visually stimulating experience for the audience, enhancing retention and impact. Implementing the existing company color scheme ensures brand consistency and enhances visual appeal. Consistent use of colors conveys professionalism and reinforces brand recognition. Utilization of Company Logo Design Requirements Dynamic and Clean Design The company logo serves as a symbol of brand identity and should be strategically placed for brand recognition throughout the presentation template. Incorporating company logo, color scheme, and dynamic elements are crucial for a visually impactful sales presentation template. Data Visualization Techniques Implement data visualization tools to present complex information in a clear and engaging manner. Utilize charts, graphs, and infographics to illustrate key metrics and trends. Feedback and Improvement Loop Guidelines for Customization Use of Modern Graphics Establish a feedback loop to gather insights on template usability, receive suggestions for enhancements, and continuously refine the design to meet evolving requirements. Provide team members with clear instructions on customizing the template to maintain brand consistency and adapt visual elements to suit various content needs. Photography Integration for Impact Incorporate sleek and innovative graphic elements to enhance visual appeal and convey information effectively. Utilize minimalist design principles for a clean and professional look. Integrate high-quality images strategically to evoke emotions and enhance the overall message of the presentation. Use visuals that align with the company's brand identity and resonate with the audience. Applying the Template in Action Utilizing the Sales Presentation Template Visual Elements: Enhancing Design Impact Demonstrate the template's versatility and functionality in crafting engaging sales pitches that resonate with clients and stakeholders. Implementing the new PowerPoint template for impactful sales presentations will enhance visual appeal and convey professionalism effectively. Modern graphics, data visualization, and photography integration play crucial roles in creating visually compelling sales presentations. Innovative Graphic Elements Incorporate modern graphic elements that visually represent the content and create a memorable first impression. Avoid clutter and maintain a clean layout for maximum impact. Introducing the Company Call-to-Action Integration Include a compelling call-to-action on the title page to engage the audience and guide them towards the presentation's purpose. Use strategic positioning and clear language for effective communication. A leading force in the industry, leveraging innovation and expertise to drive success. Strategic Title Placement Crafting Engaging Title Pages The title should be placed prominently with the company logo for brand recognition. Utilize dynamic fonts and colors that align with the overall theme of the presentation. Company Overview Importance of Visual Design Established as an industry pioneer, our company is renowned for its commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. The title page sets the tone for the entire presentation. It should be visually appealing and informative, capturing the audience's attention right from the start. Visual design plays a crucial role in capturing attention, conveying information effectively, and creating a memorable brand identity. Purpose of Sales Presentation This presentation aims to showcase our products and services, highlight key advantages, and drive engagement with potential clients.

Black + White = Black

Transcript: Author: Lawrence Hill Lenses • He struggled with self identity • His childhood was punctuated with sayings about black people "If you're white, you're alright. If you're brown, stay around. If you're black, stay back" "the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice" • Hill's parents moved to Toronto after they got married in Washington D.C. • He was classified as black in a white city even though he was half white • He tried to find a way to connect with the people on TV by writing • He starts living his life as an African-American Historical Criticism: Themes Racial Views in Society & Power - * How society views people of African American decent - Sense of society treating people of the black race as outcasts, as if they do not fit well in society. * Due to the negative image of African Americans, they are seen as powerless or weak. * In society once upon a time, this was a common view and such views existed while Larry was growing up and he often felt like an outsider. - “…effort to help black people believe that it was OK to be black” * Marginalizing African Americans and throwing around the word “nigger” * Society teaches black individuals they are different and not as good as white people. This influences black children growing up. * “I found that race became an issue as a result of environmental factors.” Racial limbo: being in between 2 races and not being fully accepted by either Nigger: derogatory term used to denote a person of African American descent - "there’s nothing like being called “nigger” to let you know you’re not white’" Segregation: enforced separation of different racial groups in a community or country B) In text - During his parents' early adulthood, interracial marriages were banned in America and even the federal's government cafeterias were segregated Quadroons: A) person who is part black of descent B) In text - his children were categorized as quadroons Categorized: placed in a particular class or group If you were Lawrence Hill, what race would you categorize yourself as? (answer silently and honestly) Do you unintentionally judge someone who is a different race than you? How do you think Lawrence Hill's life would have differed if he lived in an African-American society? (i.e, childhood, identity struggle, etc.) Do you think racism will ever be abolished or do you believe that it is too deeply rooted in our history making it unlikely to change? Black + White = Black Lenses Continued Personal Response Themes Continued Marxism: - learned in class how Marxism focuses on class conflict and power struggles in literature - Hill focuses on the inequality of black people - black people have always been seen as inferior to white people - ‘Gradually, my environment started making me aware that I could never truly be white—there’s nothing like being called “nigger” to let you know you’re not white’" - "You’ll be reminded of your “other-ness” more times than you can shake a stick at it. This is one of the reasons why I self- identify as black." - "They had had enough of racial divisions in their country of birth." - Oppressed because of his race - division between races Reader Response: - Article is connected to the issues of racism and segregation -- this allows each of us to bring in our own experiences and relate to it. Identity Crisis - Larry (author) did not know who he was growing up and for most of his youth. Half white and half black, equal amounts of both parents yet Larry felt as though he could never be considered white. These ideas developed due to his surroundings and how he saw himself as a result. “…my environment started talking to me and making me aware that I could never truly be white.” Questioning of his identity “…for the longest time I didn’t learn what I was- only what I wasn’t.” Larry could not call himself white, nor fully black, this left him questioning what he truly was. He was conflicted by his surroundings, what he thought of himself, and what others saw him as. Identity is a reoccurring theme. Not only him own but the identity of his children who were “quadroons”. Appearance and the way his children are being raised. Songs Imagery Stereotypes: "Larry! That's a white folks' game!" "She has been a ballerina for six years, and you don't find a world much whiter than that" Similes: " own identity would leap like a cougar from the woods and take a bite out of my backside" "That identity was wrapped around, like a snug towel, at the moment of birth" "I love her as profoundly as I love any person on earth" Expression: "if you're white, you're all right/if you're brown, stick around/if you're black, stay back” (referring to his parents) "The America of their youth and early adulthood was replete with laws that banned interracial marriages and upheld segregation in every domain of public life." "One of the most telling details came to me from my mother, who was working as a secretary for a Democratic senator when she met my father in Washington in 1953: “When I

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