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Portfolio Presentation Template For User Experience Design

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Transcript: The rule of 80 : 20 Directly solve the problem Fast Simple Office Apps Make user feel fun, relax Games Phone VS Tablet 85 % Web vs Native Serious Forgotten Screens Where is your app position USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN 62 % why will you need UX design What is UX where to start Ux Design for mobile Web VS Native Assistant Users have their expectation differently Available in app store everything load from server Where to start 20 UX Design for Mobile Navigation Tab Toolbar Platform GUI of customers base future purchase on past experiences ‘Most people make the mistake of thinking design is what it looks like. That’s not what we think design is. It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works’ – Steve Jobs 80 of online shoppers will tell friends about a bad experience online Tools/ Productivities Play Tools Web in App with HTML Relax maybe in living room, office, home can use longer time expect more functions New experiences to solve problem Personal Life Style Apps Available in app store something load from server but some process in client browser Data not found screen Web App Native Splash Screen Like youtube, Live TV Why would you need UX Not available for download Everything load from server Suddenly update version of UX problems can be solved by testing with 5 users should be fast not interrupt user to the main function Branding of users leave a website because of poorly designed UX Available in app store most things process in client device and load some from server Fast !!! Easy to open and close concentrate on function and content 1 page app Weather, Compass What is UX Should tell the user what happens in the term that user can understand and guide what should they do then Should tell user that this is not the program error but we just can't find what you're looking for Fun/Entertain 68 % Web in App without HTML UX Design 44 % Error screen

User Experience Design

Transcript: Behaviors Difficulties in visiting school and meet the counselor Shifting the mindset toward digital communication Majority are seeking advice for Academic advises, second trend is for behavioral and attitude issues Looking for different advises from other more qualified counselors, due to lack of confidence and trust worthy Users' Anxiety of ignorance if depending on the digital reporting, might no actions would be taken to solve the reported issue Design Lead Presentation Lead For Students/Parents Who seeking for a trusted and free consultation platform, Hakeem is a consultation platform that provide several types of consultation by a qualified counselors. Unlike Labayh, Our product is free and sponsor by Ministry of Education. Launch Dislikes Paying more ! (price). Physical connection. Share information with guider directly. Product Vision Statement Analyze User Experience Design Course All of users using visiting school to discuss their kids’ problem. Only one school arrange scheduled visiting. What’s-app and phone call are the popular way to contact counselor remotely. One female user didn’t like to contact to counselor by using chat. Academic issues like grading and student assessment are the most reasons to visit counselor. Two of users visiting school for teaching methods, teaching environment. Bullying, and behavioral issues take a very highly attention of parents to have an advice from school counselor. All of user think the online contact will allow them to seek an advice from counselor. All of users think the availability , privacy, voice record, counselor qualifications, and easy to user are the most important features they are looking for. Interview Questions Secondary Competitors Features Prioritization Final Project Team 2 Target Personas User Flow(Parent) Team Members We want to help [Students/ Parents] solve the problem of [facing difficulties in finding right consultation related to academic and behavioral issues] by creating [Personal Educational Consultation Platform]. and we are different from our competitors because [ Trusted and Free]. We will know we have achieved success when we accomplish [the number of requesting advises and the high satisfaction rates]. Five areas that could ask about to help you learn about the topic: Target needs. Target segmentation. Features. Consultations. Competitors/ similar platforms. Target Audience: Students. Parents. User Flows Synthesizing Research User Flow(Counselor) Hakeem Platform Synthesizing Research Abdullah Al-khulifi Hakeem Platform Ghaida Al-Raddadi Understand Competitive Analysis Ali Qublan Research Plan Students dashboards offered by educational institutions. Quotes “I don’t share my identity when I seek advice online”. “Privacy is very important”. “I like connection remotely”. “Availability is important”. “Online platform will be a good idea”. Competitive Research Brand Matrix User Research is a consultation platform that helps students and parents to get advices from qualified counselors related to academic and behavioral issues. Project Manager UX Design Process Experience Map Storyboarding Likes Connecting remotely. Share information with TRUSTED party. Follow my son. Privacy . Research Lead How many kids do have in school and their ages? How do you contact to school’s counselor? Which kind of problems can you share it with counselor? How much important to you to have another? Do you think the online contact can drive you to seek an advice? List the best tools and why? Which features is valuable to ask an advice: Unique Offer Hypothesis: We believe that by creating Personal Educational Consultation Platform for Samer Ibrahim, we will achieve a better consultation by a qualified counselor and ensure the availability of advising platform. We will know this true when we see the number of requesting advises and the high satisfaction rates. User Interview Research User Experience Design Eman Ramel Primary Competitors Problem Statement: Samer Ibrahim needs a way to communicate effectively with a qualified counselor because he is facing difficulties in finding right consultation related to his children’s academic and behavioral issues at school. Privacy Endorsement Accessibility Simplicity Durability Personalization Sponsorship Feature Inventory Problem Statement & Hypothesis Affinity Map Availability Price Location Qualification Interview Findings Research Goals: Find out a perspective about services offered. Validation and solution that it can provide. Project Manager Fahad Al-Sanee Design

User Experience Design

Transcript: While a user interface can make up a part of the user experience, these are not exchangeable terms Backend code and business logic affect UX, but don't affect the UI Examples of different parts that make up IWT's user experience -graphic interface -use (or lack) of intuitive navigation -documentation and user manuals -verbal instructions/in-person core user training User case: specific scenarios of use by characters from the user persona What is UX? User Experience Design != User Interface Design Non-Mobile Design For programmers! Resources: Create personas and use cases Don't design without a user in mind Don't be afraid to delete code Design before coding, every time UX isn't a step, it's a process Designers spend a lot more time thinking about the user, creating user personas and use cases, where developers often jump immediately into coding after receiving basic specifications User Experience is a user's overall satisfaction level when using your product or system User Experience Design is the process of enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty by improving the usability, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the customer and the product (UX doesn't just apply to technology. User Experience Design comes into the creation of things like grocery store layouts, furniture and even crappy 17 cent WalMart notebooks!) UX and UXD Designers vs. Developers User Experience Design Know Your User 5. Map page flow 6. Design each page 7. Simplify and optimize 8. Test with real users User persona: fictional characters created to represent the different user types that might use a site, brand, or product in a similar way End How We Become Better Designers It's worth it to spend some time before creating an app to get to know your user, this will eliminate the "back to the drawing board" phase of creation that many developers face after displaying their first (or fifth) take on the app. But also keep in mind: Mobile Design 1. Define users 2. Define user goals 3. Define user tasks 4. Define user context

User Experience Design

Transcript: My recommendations Check-ins: Return to L&D after 6 or 9 months for meet and greets or weekend retreats with team-building activities. Extra Rotation: One additional week in a preferred department for better understanding. Support: Counseling sessions. Feedback: Anonymous surveys at the start, middle, and end of the program. Gamification: Earn points for task completion and hitting targets, redeemable for rewards (e.g., 1500 points for a 5000 rupee cashback or a discount card). Reverse Mentorship. Schenkers (singapore) Schenker AG and its many subsidiaries handle worldwide logistics operations including Land Transport, Air and Ocean Freight as well as Contract Logistics/SCM, and is part of the DB Schenker organization. Duration: 205 years. They have a MT maturity model Develpoment route plans Overview Nestle Management Dialougue Biennial sharing session. 1 guest speaker per session + open discussion and Q/A. 3-4 project presentations. Improvement projects On going Work with mentor (HOD) or a coach(manager) Train, strategizing and executing. Internal social media On going exercise Duration: 12 months Rotations: 4 rotations, 3 months each Relocation: Housing and food provided Engagement Activities: Weekly fun events every Friday night (e.g., Tambola, cricket matches, painting nights) Telstra (Australia) Duration: 14 months Structure: Rotations across various business units Participation in corporate projects Orientation: 2 weeks with an LT mentor Frontline Attachments: Customer relationship management, corporate, and mass market for a few weeks Subsequent attachments in HR, IT, Finance, Marketing, Wholesale, and international services TIG Rotation: 8 weeks Department Attachment: 20 weeks with projects and job shadowing with Executive leadership trainers Activities: Action-learning projects, work assignments, and networking events PROGRESSION CHART Poney Company: Leading Malaysian kids' fashion retailer Education: Diploma or degree in related field Compensation: RM2400 + RM100 transport allowance per month Duration: 6 months (3 months at HQ, 3 months at boutique) Post-Program: Potential for permanent placement based on performance Responsibilities: Individual project/case study (e.g., customer service improvement, market analysis) Mentor assigned for guidance Assessment: Based on performance, attitude, and project completion Bank Al Habib ASSESSMENT CHART Opportunities: Interaction with banking experts Learning through case studies, project assignments, and evaluations Perks and Benefits: Competitive monthly remuneration Health and life insurance Provident and gratuity fund Ex Gratia Staff financing facilities (house, personal, motorcycle) Coca Cola-Icecek MT programs’ structures Duration: 12 months Orientation: 1 week (Strategy games, obstacle courses) Training: No specific training period; all 12 months are training Projects assigned after orientation No structured rotations; rotations occur during projects LMS for periodic training sessions (e.g., new joiner FSC training) Evaluations: Mid-year and final evaluations (6-month progress presentations) Permanent position after final evaluation Benefits: Dental care OPDs Eye checkups Emergency insurance card

User Experience Design

Transcript: What is User Experience Design? • Considers branding 10 principles of good design • Directs the user and makes complex tasks more manageable • Directs the user and makes complex tasks more manageable Good and Bad Design is Everywhere •Good design is innovative • Good design makes a product useful • Good design is aesthetic • Good design makes a product understandable • Good design is unobtrusive • Good design is honest • Good design is long-lasting • Good design is thorough down to the last detail • Good design is environmentally friendly • Good design is as little design as possible • Consider the goals and avoid distractions How does design relate to the User Experience? • Construct Information to be easily accessible • Create simple, easily understandable interactions • Create large, understandable, user friendly controls • Provide feedback on controls • It doesn't have to be pretty to work well... but it can help. • Consider the goals and avoid distractions • Consider the goals and avoid distractions How does design relate to the User Experience? Dieter Rams • Consider the goals and avoid distractions 1963—T 1000 world receiver, by Dieter Rams for Braun Keep in mind, people have to interact with it? • It doesn't have to be pretty to work well... but it can help. How does design relate to the User Experience? • It doesn't have to be pretty to work well... but it can help. • Directs the user and makes complex tasks more manageable • Consider the goals and avoid distractions "Interaction Design is the creation of a dialogue between a person and a product, service, or system. This dialogue is usually nearly invisible and found in the minutiae of daily life—the way someone may hold his knife and fork while cutting into a steak or the way another person may automatically switch windows to check her Facebook every few minutes or so." Jon Kolko, Thoughts on Interaction Design, 2nd Edition, 2011 • Introduces fun and delightfulness 1959—by Dieter Rams for Braun How does design relate to the User Experience? • It doesn't have to be pretty to work well... but it can help. How does design relate to the User Experience? • Introduces fun and delightfulness

User Experience Design

Transcript: In Other Words... Some Examples... The Jamaica Information Service Website (January 2010) The Jamaica Information Service Website (January 2012) What's the major difference? DESIGN Why is a focus on design in tech products so important? What are others doing? I thought Facebook was a tech company, not a "design organization"!? What About the Open Source World? Do they care about design? "As the consumer tech market becomes more crowded, differentiated brand & experience design is becoming critical to both short & long term success." - Enrique Allen (Venture Capitalist) Business is about profitability, engineering is about feasibility, and design is about desirability -- and all three specialties need to overlap in a successful startup. "I'm talking particularly about consumer tech, where the user experience and the brand is so important for differentiating from all the other crap, and that's what designers should be good at." Enrique Allen (Venture Capitalist) In other words... Thank You. Another quote from the ICT guy... We work locally, but compete globally... Soul Behaviour Personality Delightful Useful Usable More aesthetically appealing Better visual hierarchy Better information architecture etc... One is technology. "As with any design organization, there are certain beliefs we hold at Facebook, certain qualities that we strive for in our work. It's what enables us to debate whether something "Is Facebook" or "Isn't Facebook," it's what allows us to evaluate whether anything we're designing could be improved. It's our Design Principles, and today we're excited to share them with you." Design + Engineering + Business = Universal Human Clean Consistent Useful Fast Transparent If we're going to compete globally we have to follow a similar approach of collaboration between designers and developers from the begining stages of the development cycle. This is the competitive advantage that influences user adoption. "What we're hoping to do is shift the paradigm of what design is. Design encompasses systems now, not just 'making things look pretty,'" - Enrique Allen (Venture Capitalist) "Facebook has been running its design team in the same way for years. Unlike most software companies where day-to-day and detailed product decisions are made by product managers with business backgrounds, Mark Zuckerberg's design team is his imperial guard. They work closer to him than any other discipline in the company." Which would you prefer to drive? “You have got to start with the technology and then work backwards to the costomer experience. You can’t start with the customer experience, and figure out where you are going to sell it.” – Not Steve Jobs The Point? “In most people’s vocabularies, design means veneer. It’s interior decorating. It’s the fabric of the curtains of the sofa. But to me, nothing could be further from the meaning of design. Design is the fundamental soul of a human-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service.” – Steve Jobs More Focused on tech/engineering of the product. Celebrates the novelty of technology. AWESOMENESS Soul Behaviour Personality Delightful Cant live without it! "The powerful fusion of great design, great engineering, and real authority in the hands of those people, results in magical user experiences. As we have seen over and over again, this simple dynamic creates truly great products." Source: By: Roger Davis (@layerphase) More Focused on tech/engineering of the product. Celebrates the novelty of technology. 1 Now that was more like an example of a... The other is Obviously that was an example of a... Both can take you from point A to point B Both have 4 wheels Both have headlights Both have horns Both are technologically innovative Both manufactured by the same company User experience design is NOT Soul Behaviour Personality Delightful Cant live without it! What do two cars have to do with Jamaica's Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Industry? The Competitive Advantage in Influencing User Adoption Source: Remember... Enchant Me Delight me in surprising ways Real objects are more fun than buttons and menus Let me make it mine Get to know me Simplify My Life Keep it brief Focused equally on design and tech/engineering. Provides a more pleasurable experience. @layerphase User interface design. Photo Credits: Instead, we should be less tech/engineering focused and be more user focused or human-centered so we can make more stuff like this... Got to the footer much sooner with this version! ;-) Facebook even has a list of design principles... Finally, we've reached to the footer of the website! ;-) Here's a quote from an ICT guy... Like this *Customer = User The Difference? We sometimes do the opposite...

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