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Startup Success Competition

Transcript: Startup Success is unique: It is not a business plan competition, per se. It is about starting businesses, not writing business plans. ...and, it's about manufacturing, service businesses and retail. Custom tailored to meet your community's needs Creates buzz, excitement, and a focus on why your community is the place to start a business Focuses the community on entrepreneurship and new businesses A high visibility program that helps to achieve the vision while addressing the challenges Provides the status, recognition, and buzz of a big city business plan competition while helping entrepreneurs in your community get their businesses started, because when entrepreneurs startup companies, they create new jobs, new revenue, and community pride. Startup Success is unique: Business guidance provided to participants through workshops, Startup Success Guide, Essential Spreadsheet templates, and judging feedback. Entrepreneurship Challenges: Up to three Startup Success Seminars will be presented as part of the competition. Competition Judging 21 entrepreneurs entered the competition Five finalists Three winners All five finalists will have their businesses operational by this summer. Entrepreneurship & Community Development Competition Criteria - Financial/Operational Viability/Sustainability Highland Business Plan Competition Competition Criteria - The Pitch Startup Success is Unique: Created to effectively work in smaller communities. The Bottom Line: Venture Advisors will recruit and train a group of judges. Venture Advisors will then manage the scoring and judging process. Winners receive: Cash prizes Free rent Cash to go toward build out/improvements Free local print advertising Free local broadcast advertising City/Chamber traffic building campaign Online/social media package Grand opening, ribbon cutting Chamber after hours event In Kind support Competition finalists will present a two minute elevator pitch to a panel of (celebrity) judges. 80-85% actually launch Most are capital worthy Most exceed year 1 revenue targets Most exceed growth & hiring projections Competition Criteria - Business Model Startup Success is unique: Cash prizes - no equity. The awards are cash and/or in-kind services and the entrepreneur does not need to give up equity. Modest prizes are just as effective in generating interest/competition entries as the $50,000 prizes offered in major metro and university competitions. Competition Criteria - Concept Leakage - revenue and talent Identifying entrepreneurs Identifying viable, sustainable business models Providing support High failure rate • Completely customized • Operational and resource requirements • Train competition judges • Sponsorship program • Procedures, contracts, and program documentation • Custom competition website • Marketing plan for promoting the competition • Manage Competition entries Focuses the community on entrepreneurship and startup businesses Business Development Job/Population Growth Revenue Growth Vibrant, Exciting Business District Economic Diversity Prosperity Pitch Competition


Transcript: NET PROFITS Since when ? I AQUISITION COST ON ON LAPTOP iPHONE Batnae municipium in Anthemusia conditum Macedonum manu priscorum ab Euphrate flumine brevi spatio disparatur, refertum mercatoribus opulentis, ubi annua sollemnitate prope An investor will have to check your competitive environment before investing. Do not hide it from competitors. FINANCIAL WHO WE Lorem ipsum dolor Proinde die funestis interrogationibus Caesarem perferentes, cuius EXPLAIN YOUR STRATEGY MARKET I OUR 158 JOHANNA DOE COMPETITION Give details of your income and expenses for the next 3 years. Do something simple but detailed enough to check if your approach is realistic. I GROSS MARGIN Site / product is ready ? Already launched ? FORECASTS OUR ADDRESS ECONOMICS ARE I JEREMY GO PRODUCT MANAGER You already have customers? Batnae municipium in Anthemusia conditum Macedonum manu priscorum ab Euphrate flumine brevi spatio disparatur, refertum mercatoribus opulentis, ubi annua sollemnitate prope I 3$ EXPLAIN YOUR STRATEGY SALES INTERNATIONAL STATE PURCHASE / DAY I EXPLAIN YOUR STRATEGY OR DEVELOPER EXPANSION UNIT I CONTACT I Enter here the history of your fundraising, what you plan to lift today, and under what conditions. I I STARTUP I EXPLAIN YOUR STRATEGY PRODUCT Batnae municipium in Anthemusia conditum Macedonum manu priscorum ab Euphrate flumine brevi spatio disparatur, refertum mercatoribus opulentis, ubi annua sollemnitate prope SHOW YOUR SHOW SCREENCAST Lorem ipsum dolor Proinde die funestis interrogationibus Caesarem perferentes, cuius PROJECT SIZE MARKETING MANAGER NEEDS iPAD HELEN SMITH YOUR FINANCIAL HELEN SMITH 06 07 08 09 09 I Any investor looking to make at least X10 on each of its investments. It will allow you to demonstrate the size of your market and the size that your company can achieve. PRODUCT LET'S TALK ABOUT EXPLAIN YOUR PRODUCT IN A FEW WORDS " " KEY FIGURES TEMPLATE BY CONTENT BY JEREMIE BERREBI If your service is already running ... how many clients do you have? How much revenue have they generated the last 30 days? The last 12 months? Since the launch of the project? What is your customer / user acquisition cost so far? I 68 12% 13 Item n°3 Lorem ipsum dolor Item n°2 Lorem ipsum dolor Item n°1 Lorem ipsum dolor


Transcript: NET PROFITS Since when ? I AQUISITION COST ON ON LAPTOP iPHONE Batnae municipium in Anthemusia conditum Macedonum manu priscorum ab Euphrate flumine brevi spatio disparatur, refertum mercatoribus opulentis, ubi annua sollemnitate prope An investor will have to check your competitive environment before investing. Do not hide it from competitors. FINANCIAL WHO WE Lorem ipsum dolor Proinde die funestis interrogationibus Caesarem perferentes, cuius EXPLAIN YOUR STRATEGY MARKET I Give details of your income and expenses for the next 3 years. Do something simple but detailed enough to check if your approach is realistic. 158 OUR JOHANNA DOE COMPETITION I GROSS MARGIN Site / product is ready ? Already launched ? FORECASTS OUR ADDRESS ECONOMICS ARE I JEREMY GO PRODUCT MANAGER You already have customers? Batnae municipium in Anthemusia conditum Macedonum manu priscorum ab Euphrate flumine brevi spatio disparatur, refertum mercatoribus opulentis, ubi annua sollemnitate prope I 3$ EXPLAIN YOUR STRATEGY STATE SALES INTERNATIONAL YOUR PURCHASE / DAY I EXPLAIN YOUR STRATEGY OR DEVELOPER EXPANSION UNIT I CONTACT I Enter here the history of your fundraising, what you plan to lift today, and under what conditions. I I STARTUP I EXPLAIN YOUR STRATEGY PRODUCT Batnae municipium in Anthemusia conditum Macedonum manu priscorum ab Euphrate flumine brevi spatio disparatur, refertum mercatoribus opulentis, ubi annua sollemnitate prope SHOW YOUR SHOW SCREENCAST Lorem ipsum dolor Proinde die funestis interrogationibus Caesarem perferentes, cuius PROJECT SIZE MARKETING MANAGER NEEDS iPAD HELEN SMITH YOUR FINANCIAL LOGO HELEN SMITH 06 07 08 09 09 I Any investor looking to make at least X10 on each of its investments. It will allow you to demonstrate the size of your market and the size that your company can achieve. PRODUCT LET'S TALK ABOUT INSERT YOUR BASELINE + VISION EXPLAIN YOUR PRODUCT IN A FEW WORDS " " KEY FIGURES TEMPLATE BY CONTENT BY JEREMIE BERREBI If your service is already running ... how many clients do you have? How much revenue have they generated the last 30 days? The last 12 months? Since the launch of the project? What is your customer / user acquisition cost so far? I 68 12% 13 Item n°3 Lorem ipsum dolor Item n°2 Lorem ipsum dolor Item n°1 Lorem ipsum dolor

startup template

Transcript: NET PROFITS Since when ? I AQUISITION COST ON ON LAPTOP iPHONE Batnae municipium in Anthemusia conditum Macedonum manu priscorum ab Euphrate flumine brevi spatio disparatur, refertum mercatoribus opulentis, ubi annua sollemnitate prope An investor will have to check your competitive environment before investing. Do not hide it from competitors. FINANCIAL WHO WE Lorem ipsum dolor Proinde die funestis interrogationibus Caesarem perferentes, cuius EXPLAIN YOUR STRATEGY MARKET I Give details of your income and expenses for the next 3 years. Do something simple but detailed enough to check if your approach is realistic. 158 OUR JOHANNA DOE COMPETITION I GROSS MARGIN Site / product is ready ? Already launched ? FORECASTS OUR ADDRESS ECONOMICS ARE I JEREMY GO PRODUCT MANAGER You already have customers? Batnae municipium in Anthemusia conditum Macedonum manu priscorum ab Euphrate flumine brevi spatio disparatur, refertum mercatoribus opulentis, ubi annua sollemnitate prope I 3$ EXPLAIN YOUR STRATEGY STATE SALES INTERNATIONAL YOUR PURCHASE / DAY I EXPLAIN YOUR STRATEGY OR DEVELOPER EXPANSION UNIT I CONTACT I Enter here the history of your fundraising, what you plan to lift today, and under what conditions. I I STARTUP I EXPLAIN YOUR STRATEGY PRODUCT Batnae municipium in Anthemusia conditum Macedonum manu priscorum ab Euphrate flumine brevi spatio disparatur, refertum mercatoribus opulentis, ubi annua sollemnitate prope SHOW YOUR SHOW SCREENCAST Lorem ipsum dolor Proinde die funestis interrogationibus Caesarem perferentes, cuius PROJECT SIZE MARKETING MANAGER NEEDS iPAD HELEN SMITH YOUR FINANCIAL LOGO HELEN SMITH 06 07 08 09 09 I Any investor looking to make at least X10 on each of its investments. It will allow you to demonstrate the size of your market and the size that your company can achieve. PRODUCT LET'S TALK ABOUT INSERT YOUR BASELINE + VISION EXPLAIN YOUR PRODUCT IN A FEW WORDS " " KEY FIGURES TEMPLATE BY CONTENT BY JEREMIE BERREBI If your service is already running ... how many clients do you have? How much revenue have they generated the last 30 days? The last 12 months? Since the launch of the project? What is your customer / user acquisition cost so far? I 68 12% 13 Item n°3 Lorem ipsum dolor Item n°2 Lorem ipsum dolor Item n°1 Lorem ipsum dolor


Transcript: MedSpeak Mixture of on shore and off shore teams to utilise time difference and control costs I Business Management EU average of 3.4 doctors per 1000 people Usability Differentiated & Discriminated Advantage. Main competitor: Philips voice recorder ( lets consumers dictate documents and notes on the move. On a PC which is then transferred and the software then turns all of the information into text ) Similar products :created by Sony and Olympus. Dragon Dictator, Voice Assistant and Evernote are all smart phone applications that turns text into words. No wearable devices which records and types up the information for the consumer. FINANCIAL WHO WE Information can easily be reviewed and edited on the software. Device comes with software which is easy to download as part of the NHS intranet. Files are compatible with Microsoft Office, Adobe etc. 98% Accuracy. Exit Strategy 1,004,635 Doctors in America MARKET Sell to interested parties with the economies of scale to further develop the idea. Merge with similar firms for financial support. Assumptions This project will develop and deliver a smart medical earpiece. Medical staff spend on average 10 hours a week collecting or checking data - more than a quarter of their average week. Therefore, we have created a device which will aide doctors and anyone in the medical field to record and document medical noted and necessary information which would otherwise take hours of manual input. The earpiece will intelligently pick up speech between doctor and patient and interpret it into the appropriate fields within the required documents. It will be compatible and accessible from designate hospital devices. Large organisations such as the NHS can buy in bulk and host the programme on their own servers for security purposes. The earpiece will be easy to use. I OUR Economics and international business Issues Fatma Rumash COMPETITION Summary Saves NHS and other healthcare providers millions. Inexpensive simple technology. Easy to use across all platforms. Large Start-up costs quickly redeemed. Room for developments. Worldwide market A convenient earpiece with a microphone embedded within, picking up audio during doctor examinations. This information is smartly interpreted, effortlessly transferring it into medical notes on our software allowing doctors more time with their patients Risks I Gantt chart Agile Method: Scrum NHS Approval: Funding as part of £100m Technology Budget Private Investors (Doctors Associations) Pre-order ability to strengthen cash flow Government Startup Scheme Bank Loan "transforming doctor’s busy schedules" FORECASTS A 2013 government report highlighted that more than £1 billion a year is spent by the health service collecting and checking data, with 70 per cent of staff saying the burden of paperwork has risen in the past five years. ECONOMICS ARE Project Planning I Olivia Sibthorp RAID Log I STATE AGILE Future Vision: INTERNATIONAL I Compatibility Large shortage of Doctors Criminology EXPANSION Raid Log I I Must sell 11,600 Units to break even in year 1 I I Dependencies "Evolve" PRODUCT Why Agile Scrum? -Reliable Model -Constantly tested throughout development -Feedback implemented instantaneously All information is transferred to a database which can be accessed for proof-reading or reviewing files. Database accessible through Hospital Network. NHS will host it on their own servers for security purposes. -Antibacterial PROJECT SIZE -NHS Deals with over 1m patients every 36 hours NEEDS Weronika Popiolek OUR FINANCIAL Total Development Cost for first 3 months: £292,000 BAU Cost: £90,000 pa Agile: Scrum I 147,000 NHS Doctors In the UK 154,109 Qualified scientific and thereunder and technical staff 371,777 Nursing Staff Scope Statement: LET'S TALK ABOUT INSERT YOUR BASELINE + VISION A smart headset transforming doctor’s busy schedules. It will pick up audio while doctors treat their patients and intelligently interpreted that data, transforming into informative doctors notes saving hours of their working week! " " KEY FIGURES TEMPLATE BY CONTENT BY JEREMIE BERREBI -Strong Interest from private sector and abroad. -This will only cost the NHS a fraction of total £100M spend on investment. -Potential to save between £100-£300 per week per member of staff. I

ROV Competition Template

Transcript: Project Time Line ROS2 Advantages ROV Budget Design. Pretesting. Fabrication. Testing. Future Plan. Budget Estimation. Sponsorship. Partnership. Total Budget. Forms communication 'nodes' between different parts of the ROV. Transforms the ROV into a Plug-and-play system. Image Processing Communication and Motion R&D The Box R&D Team Job Assigment Fulk's Hardware Buck Converter ESC Hardware: . FULLK ROV GUI. Nodes' Communication. Arduino Nano RP2040 microcontroller and RaspberryPi4 microprocessor. Both implement ROS2 1) Power Distribution Technical. Non-Technical. 2) System's Board Competition Tasks Communication and Motion Software System System's Board 3D The Console Who are we? Autonomous Segmentation Software system consists of Communication and Motion of the ROV, and the Image Processing part. The Communication and Motion system: the Box and the Console. Laptops that run the system's 'nodes' and via the RaspberryPi4. An NVR also helps display the Kinect V2's stream for the pilot to maneuver the ROV. R&D Torpedo Team Buck Converter ESC Frame Design Thruster Configuration Mechanical Part Polaris Fullk Polaris Fullk Polaris Fullk Mechanical Part Power Distribution Fullk Converters Box Success Strategies in the ROV Competition Mechanical Part Importance of Including References Fullk Thruster Force Mechanism Box Design Citing reliable sources and referencing previous works validates the research and design choices made in the ROV project. References enhance credibility, demonstrate knowledge, and acknowledge contributions from existing literature. Fullk Polaris Effective presentation techniques, team collaboration, and efficient resource utilization are key to achieving success in the ROV competition. Thanks Creating Technical Drawings Writing a Design Report Technical drawings are visual representations of the ROV components, aiding in fabrication and assembly processes. Accurate and detailed drawings ensure precision in construction and alignment with design specifications. The design report is a comprehensive document detailing the conceptualization, development, and testing phases of the ROV. It serves as a roadmap for understanding the evolution and functionality of the vehicle. Utilizing Resources Efficiently Team Collaboration and Communication Optimizing time, budget, and available resources is essential for maximizing the impact of the project. Implementing efficient planning, prioritization, and allocation strategies can lead to cost-effective solutions and innovative outcomes in the competition. Smooth and efficient communication among team members is crucial for coordinating tasks, sharing ideas, and addressing challenges effectively. Establishing clear roles, fostering open dialogue, and utilizing communication tools can enhance team synergy and productivity. System's Board 2D RUV Competition 2024 - Professional & Ranger Class

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