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Template Presentation For Big Medical Conferences

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Transcript: British Medical Journal Annals of Rheumatoid Disease Synovial membrane inflamed and thickened. Bones and cartilage gradually begin to erode Stratification Change in MRI Erosion Score from baseline to week 24 with the use of Rituximab! Progression of osseous tissue formation, causing fusion of the bones, this reducing mobility and in resulting in pain Other Signs and Symptoms of RA Baseline MRI scan 14 days before 1st infusion. Images scored by 2 independent radiologists In fact, data presents joint improvement! All secondary outcomes lead to development of primary outcome (Joint erosion) van Elteren test Used to determine primary endpoint Percent change from baseline Study did not have true 'normal' Each patient's baseline was their individual 'normal' ANOVA cannot be used Test is considered inferior to others with a true 'normal' What if they're biologically naive? Randomized 1:1:1 Loss of energy Loss of appetite Low fever Dry eyes/mouth (sjorgren's syndrome) Rheumatoid nodules (elbows/hands) To evaluate the effect of Rituximab + MTX in reducing structural damage and joint inflammation vs. MTX alone in patients with active RA. Progression of RA 3. Fibrous Ankylosis MRI assessment of suppression of structural damage in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving rituximab: results from the randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind RA-SCORE study Impact Factor: 10.38 Authors Professor Charles Peterfy MD, PhD 1. DiCarlo J. Julie Camille DiCarlo - Publications. Researchgatenet. 2015. Available at: Accessed December 1, 2015. 2. A Study of Rituximab (MabThera®/Rituxan®) in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis and Inadequate Response to Methotrexate - Full Text View - 2015. Available at: Accessed December 1, 2015. 3. Peterfy C, Emery P, Tak P et al. MRI assessment of suppression of structural damage in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving rituximab: results from the randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind RA-SCORE study. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2014. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2014-206015. 4. Vimeo. MabThera (Rituximab) – Mode of action and the role of B cells in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (1). 2014. Available at: Accessed December 1, 2015. 5. Netter F, Iannotti J, Parker R. Musculoskeletal System. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders; 2013. Significant finding: Rituximab 1000 mg exhibited slower progression of joint erosion. Inclusion Criteria Study Objective American Rheumatology Criteria for ≥3 months and ≤10 years Erosion/signs/symptoms of synovitis in a single joint (MRI) IR to MTX at dose 12.5-25mg/wk ≥ 12wks More Analysis Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) RA RA! Rituximab Against Rheumatoid Arthritis Discussion History of rheumatic autoimmune disease other than RA or significant systemic involvement secondary to RA Previously on another biologic agent that depletes B-cells. Progression of RA 2. Pannus Formation Founder and CEO of Spire Sciences. Attending radiologist at UCSF for 7 years Director of Arthritis Research for the Osteoporosis and Arthritis Research Group. Developed the WOMRS system and co-developed the RAMRIS (Rheumatoid Arthritis MRI Score) and PsAMRIS (Psoriatic Arthritis MRI Score) methods. - Spire Sciences’ mission is to improve world health by helping bring new and better therapies into clinical use faster. They are focused exclusively on central image analysis. <6 months MTX therapy ≥ 6 months MTX therapy +Bone erosion No bone erosion Primary Outcome Article Post-Hoc Analysis CARLOS TDS TIS week 12, 24, and 52 Health Assessment Questionaire Disability Index (HAQ-DI) Antibody to CD-20, which is found on the surface of B-cells Progression of RA 4. Bony Ankylosis Non-Biologic Hydroxychloroquine Sulfasalazine Leflunomide Methotrexate - Drug of Choice for non-biologic DMARDs Folate antimetabolite (anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive) Most common type of autoimmune arthritis Progression of RA 1. Synovitis Statistical Analysis for Secondary Outcomes Efficacy Assessment Sponsors & Collaborators: Hoffmann-La Roche Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms Clinical significance: Rituximab+MTX prevents joint damage in MTX-IR patients with active RA Reductions in synovitis and osteitis --> reduction in erosion and cartilage loss. Will Rituximab slow the progression of joint erosion in patients with active RA, biologically naive, and failed MTX treatment? 75% of those affected are women Preparation Randomization Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Genant-Modified Sharp radiographic scoring Range is too narrow (0-4) Study only used biologically naive patients Possible author bias. He co-developed RAMRIS score Research facility focuses on Central Image Analysis Discrepancies between text, tables, and charts. Insignificant p-value in table, while chart and text indicate statistical significance.

HYP Presentation for Conferences

Transcript: To accomplish the Mission, Habitat must engage the Next Generation... But, how? Beyond the work site, volunteers have served as key advocates alongside affiliate staff and board members. Habitat Young Professionals Network Spotlight: Charleston, SC Affiliate Service Core Objectives: educate activate donate Millennials: Habitat’s chance to engage Generations X & Y Others Habitat is uniquely positioned Youth Programs Every day in the United States, hundreds of people volunteer at local Habitat for Humanity affiliates. Goal 1: The Volunteer Pipeline We’re at the edge of a generational cliff: If we do not fully engage the next generation in our cause we will become irrelevant Never in the Rain Goal 5: Foster the next generation of advocates Emotional connection was key: the Circle of Innovators translated the experience to a mass Generations X&Y marketing campaign to connect Habitat with the millennials HYP Already a Success Young professionals continue their dedication to service through local builds. Habitat Has Served 3 Million People Circle of innovators Elements: Millennials: Habitat's future leaders At risk to become irrelevant to the next generation but they are graying out. Now more than ever, Habitat is seeking resources to sustain and support the organization’s mission and vision. Young Professionals - through their commitment and service – have a major impact by using their social networking skills and passion to achieve fund raising results. The latent potential of Young Professionals for Habitat has been estimated at an annual $9 million. Volunteer advocates have attended meetings with elected officials, testified at hearings, written letters to the editor and more. Habitat Young Profesisonals HYP Habitat Our burning platform: "While walking through the Global Village at Habitat headquarters, we couldn’t help but notice a palette bed on the dirt floor pooling with a puddle of water from a recent rain. " The Idea These are today’s emerging innovators and entrepreneurs that leverage new media to quickly scale up ideas that would have taken years to fully realize for earlier generations Spotlight: Trenton, NJ The Core Program Lacks Targeted Branding For Generations XYZ Lacks Relationships That Span the Middle Years Lacks Lifetime Engagement With Habitat's Future Leaders, Starting Today Foster the next generation into volunteers that are the voices, educated voters, and community leaders for Habitat. Leaders who understand the connection between advocacy and Habitat's mission will increase our impact through their commitment and service. Habitat’s HYP programs will enroll, retain, and mobilize a larger and more diverse volunteer body engaged in skilled volunteerism, fund raising, advocacy and technology-enhanced opportunities that meet volunteers' interests and skills. But, 1.6 Billion Are Still In Need The chapter's guest bartender night raised over $5,000 dollars 28 HYP Groups Spotlight: Flower City Event, Partner Engagement, Wearable, Social Media, Web, Guerrilla Marketing Leverage Targeted Branding For Generations XYZ Build Relationships That Span the Middle Years Create Lifetime Engagement With Habitat's Future Leaders, Starting Today Goal 4: Fund raise with the next generation "Next to it, a tattered doll. That’s where hundreds of thousands of men, women and children sleep every night. No leak proof roof overhead, no floor underfoot – no one should ever have to sleep in the rain." HYP Trenton volunteers not only give back through Habitat, but also engage other community organizations through service But will only succeed in partnership BIG CONTINUUM GAP Goal 2: Chapter Development MISSION IMPACT The Campaign Habitat is a proven success to the baby boomer generation, Goal 3: Mobilization Habitat Young Professionals Designed to cultivate individuals into life-changing volunteers starting with youth, continuing through young adulthood, and throughout the rest of their lives.

Medical Conferences Overview

Transcript: Medical Conferences Overview India Health Exhibition - Medicall Delhi Overview Exploring the significance and impact of the India Health Exhibition in Medicall Delhi, a hub for healthcare professionals and industry experts. Conference Overview The India Health Exhibition in Medicall, Delhi, is a premier event gathering healthcare professionals and industry experts to showcase the latest innovations and trends in the medical field. A Detailed Analysis of Upcoming Medical Conferences Post-show Report Insights Significance of the Event Participant Details Association of Surgeons of India Conference (ASICON) The post-show report of Medicall Delhi provides valuable insights into key outcomes, participant feedback, and the impact of the event on the healthcare industry, offering a comprehensive analysis of the conference's success and areas for improvement. The Medicall Delhi conference serves as a crucial platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and business opportunities, driving advancements in the healthcare industry and fostering collaborations among industry stakeholders. The event attracts a diverse range of healthcare professionals and industry experts, including physicians, hospital administrators, medical equipment suppliers, and technology providers, creating a dynamic platform for engagement and professional growth. ASICON 2024 - A Gathering of Surgical Experts Conference Location and Theme Offerings and Attendee Breakdown Exploring the World Dental Show in Mumbai The ASICON 2024 conference will be held in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, focusing on the advancements and challenges in the field of surgery. The conference offers a platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and showcasing innovative surgical practices. With an estimated 12,000 attendees, including 6,000 surgeons and 250 exhibitors, ASICON promises to be a leading event in the surgical domain. Discover the latest innovations in dental care and education at the renowned World Dental Show in Mumbai. Previous Show Report Overview Event Details and Highlights A glance at the 2019 post-show report reveals impressive numbers with 9,345 visitors, 6,074 doctors, and 185 exhibitors attending the event. The World Dental Show in Mumbai is a premier expo for dentists and dental students, featuring cutting-edge technologies and educational seminars. Conference Agenda and Features The IDA Conference offers a comprehensive agenda covering the latest trends and innovations in the dental field. From educational sessions to networking opportunities, attendees can engage with industry experts and cutting-edge technologies. Indian Dental Association (IDA) Conference FICCI HEAL Event Insights The FICCI HEAL event serves as a platform for healthcare professionals and policymakers to gather, exchange knowledge, and discuss the latest trends and innovations in the industry. Exploring the Agenda and Future Prospects of IDA Conference Key Participants and Impact Analysis FICCI HEAL: Insights and Impact Key stakeholders such as healthcare professionals and policymakers actively engage in panel discussions, workshops, and networking sessions to drive impactful outcomes and initiatives in the healthcare sector. Attendee Statistics and Future Prospects Exploring the significant insights and impact of the FICCI HEAL event in the healthcare domain. With an impressive turnout of 15,000 visitors, including 8,000 dentists and 300 exhibitors, the IDA Conference sets a high standard for networking and collaboration within the dental community. The positive response indicates promising future prospects for continued growth and success. Fine-tuning... Expand on the bold statement above. Provide statistics, go into detail, or more — whatever works best for your presentation. Last checks... Add details here Hang on... Getting it ready... Add details here Design at work... Polishing up... Add details here Use this space for details that you haven’t talked about yet. Relate what you’re saying to the nearby image so your audience has a visual, too. Add details here Almost there... Expand on the bold statement above. Provide statistics, go into detail, or more — whatever works best for your presentation. Adding final touches... Thinking cap on... Keep your words short and punchy so your audience stays focused. You can add imagery and frames to keep their attention where you want it. Remember to break up your words so your audience can follow. Add details here Fine-tuning... Adding final touches... Leave space for questions. Keep your words short and punchy so your audience stays focused. You can add imagery to keep their attention where you want it. Thinking cap on... A final point, a quote, more context — adapt the template to fit your needs. Remember that your presentation is almost done, so keep it simple.

Conferences Presentation

Transcript: As of February 8, I have been present at school 109 days out of 113 days. The percentage for when I have been absent is 4%. I have been tardy a total of 2 days. The percentage of tardies is 2%. Social Studies High School Here is the link to my World War 2 essay: English Attendance Science In science we have learned about particles in solids, liquids, and gases. We learned about how the particles move in a gas, liquid, and a solid. Particles in liquid are in between the water molecules. When they are heated the molecules begin to move faster and the temperature of the water will increase. We also talked about kinetic energy. Going back to the water particles, when the water particles increase, it's because the kinetic energy of the particles increased. After talking about kinetic energy we wrote our science DBQ. I want to improve on my organizing my notebook better because I want to know where everything is in my notebook. I chose cambridge biology because I want to do cool labs. My grade in science is a B. Here is the link to my science DBQ: In English we discussed Martin Luther King Jr's speech. Then we wrote business letters to a college of our choosing. I chose to write a letter to the University of Hawaii.They were nice enough to send stuff back to me. They gave me a pamphlet on some of their sports programs. They also sent a book about their academics. After writing our business letters, we started to go over our prompt for our DBQ. The prompt was about the US' decision to develop and use the atomic bomb in World War 2. I want to improve on participating more in class. I chose cambridge english because I feel like I can handle the content of the work. My grade in English is an A. I want to improve on my justifications when I write an essay, whether it's an argumentative or info/explanatory essay. In Science I want to improve on organizing my notebook to prepare for any advanced science classes that I might be taking in high school. My biggest strengths in class are in math and history. One of my strengths in math is understanding the Pythagorean Theorem. In history, one strength that I have is summarizing the content we had just learned about. Six Pillars of Character Matthew Carter Please sign in: Behavior Ratings Listens attentively 10/10 Follows directions 10/10 Works cooperatively 10/10 Exhibits self control 10/10 Accepts responsibility for own behavior 10/10 Respects people and property 10/10 Completes assignments on time 9/10 Produces neat work/penmanship 10/10 Uses time effectively 10/10 Organizes materials and assignments 10/10 Observes classroom rules 10/10 Observes school rules 10/10 In Math we learned about relations and functions. We learned how to represent functions. For example, you can represent a function in graphs and tables. We learned about the two different types of functions, linear and nonlinear. On a graph, you can identify if a line is a function by looking at a line and seeing if it passes a test called the vertical line test. You can tell if a table represents a function if the inputs and outputs that are given all have a constant rate of change. After learning about relations and functions, we did a relations project. I want to improve on helping people more than I do now. I chose to take cambridge math because I feel like I can handle the content that will be given. My grade in math is a B. I am looking forward to high school and I am a little bit nervous. I am looking forward to the electives and classes that I have never taken before. I am nervous about high school because of the schedule that I will have and that I won't know my way around the school for the first few days. Thank you for attending my spring parent teacher conference. If you have any questions feel free to ask me or ask a teacher. Here is the link to my World War 2 DBQ: Here is my relations project: Math In Social Studies we have learned about World War 2. After learning abut the war we began to write our Social Studies DBQ on WW2. We learned about the Korean War after writing our DBQ. We learned about how the North Koreans invaded South Korea and why they invaded South Korea. The North Koreans were allies with the Soviet Union(USSR). The Soviets had helped the North Koreans with holding their ground in South Korea. We are now learning about the 1950s. As part of learning about the 1950s we created a little skit of a movie that we created. I want to improve on raising my hand to answer a question instead of just blurting out. I chose

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