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Strategic Acquisition Rationale Presentation Template

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Template: Strategic Plan

Transcript: Reading assistance and teaching Rent reimbursement Training parents to teach and read Reading WORKS April 2010 Elementary schools: Coit, Mulich, Sibley, Covell Grand Rapids Property Owners Association Mission Organizational Mandates Expand program to additional schools Obtain ACSET funding/support Obtain GRPS funding/support Seek additional grants for funding Expand marketing, create website and/or brochure O The Other Way Weaknesses Recommendation #3 Questions ReadingWORKS: Strategic Plan Funders Campfire USA Keystone Church Devos Foundation Currently serving four elementary schools, and the surrounding communities. They hope to Strategies to manage issues •Diversify funding base •Develop and maintain outcome evaluation measure •Apply for 501(c) 3 status and pursue grants independently from ASCET •Develop better marketing tools. (e.g. website, pamphlet) •Avoid 501(c) 3 status and become a program funded and sustained by ASCET •Partner with ASCET and work collaboratively, neither becoming an independent 501(c) 3 nor a program of ASCET •Identify key community partners with whom to team up Strong and committed leadership History of success and growth Positive community relationship Adequate funding to meet needs Diverse funding stream provided to program Provides networking for parents Kent Schools Services Network We recommend that Reading WORKS establishes a unified mission and vision statement Opportunities Sustain funding by diversifying funder base through website design, resource management, and donor aquisition Introductions: Internal Stakeholders What they're about SWOC ACSET Issue #3 How can Reading WORKS sustain funding over the next five years? Adults play an important role in the lives of children It is the day to day experiences that count most within families Issue #2 Should Reading WORKS formalize their organization? Recommendation #2 That Reading WORKS formalizes the organization by: Clearly identified roles, contracts, structure Students Todd Workman Strengths Lack of concrete structure to the program No sustainable leadership Struggle between ACSET/Mary Lack of specific goals and direction Lack of volunteer board or advisors Decentralized training for teachers No website or brochure Lack of communication •Become a part of ASCET •Independently apply for 501(c) 3 status •Hire a Director to oversee programming, funding and community partnering •Develop a clearly identified organizational structure •Recruit a volunteer Board of Directors Strategic Issues Mission:(tentative) A collaborative community effort to educate families thereby promoting the love of literacy that is transferred from one generation to another producing stronger families and communities "I have learned to be more understanding and patient with my son." "This program has helped me a lot because I am learning with him" •Identify a singular mission statement that guides their acting, thinking, and decision making •Identify a vision for the future of Reading WORKS and take appropriate actions to achieve that vision External Stakeholders G Shane Schamper Challenges Teachers Recommendation #1 W Mary Engelsman: Creator GRPS ! Strategy Change Cycle Recommendations Services Mary Englesman Organization Description Issue #1 What are Reading WORKS' mission and vision for the future? Gathering data and reporting Sustainability Communication Need for financial reporting and day-to-day direction Ability to measure changes in GRPS Communities R Scope Stakeholders

2031 Strategic Template

Transcript: Combined 2016 & 17 revenues by market 2016 | at a glance 2031 | dream big Weekly BD reporting at Monday am meeting aligning strategic plan to opportunities being chased Monthly financial reporting to partners communicating financial state of HGC to owners based on strategic plan Monthly reporting at meetings communicating status of strategic plan to all employees Monthly team lead reporting tracking team lead involvement in strategic plan Quarterly Exec reporting - communicate & redefine strategy of strategic plan with execs and dept. leads Build Our People Recruiting strategy: Columbus full time hires Diversity in co-ops HGC & SSRG field re-organization Leadership Academy classes Continue & evolve mentor / apprenticeship program 2017 | forecast 2017 | forecast Built Our People HGC Timeline - thru the years Preparing people for path for growth Built Our People Built Our Culture Built Our Processes Built Financial Performance 2016 | at a glance Build Financial Performance Build Our People Build Our Processes Build Every Day Staying on Track Enhance Office Operations: PM process improvement Accounting efficiencies CRM process evolution Go/NoGo process refinement Enhance Field Quality Control: Mentor / apprenticeship program evolution Safety training & implementation Built Our Processes graph showing people vs revenue and graph showing revenue by role type (PM, SPM, etc) 2016 | revenues by market Build Our Culture Build Our People Path to $1B | revenue goals by office 2031 | dream big Target growth areas for existing HGC markets : Entertainment Healthcare Target growth areas for new HGC markets: Industrial Mixed use Target growth area for secondary HGC markets: Windows Increase National footprint: Columbus office 2016 | at a glance Strategic Template to Strategic Plan 2017 | Forecast 2017 | revenues by market Build Our Processes Recruiting strategy: 3,000 FTE diverse, international candidates Be the "go to" company for co-ops Create an environment that provides meaning, career growth, empowerment for current and future employees Evolve apprenticeship program into professional series Questions, comments, next steps... Up Next... graph showing projected people vs revenue in 2017 Office re-organization (Market Leaders, Definition of markets & services) Began apprenticeship program - masonry Paid skills training - carpentry Professional Development series with Tommie Lewis Focused recruitment (industrial expertise (Brickett), national account expertise (Hothem), traveling supers) New PTO plan Additional members to Executive Team Build Cool Sh*t across state lines and country borders Maintain reputation as respected contractor National / Global community outreach involvement HGC expansion: Increase footprint (national & international presence Self-perform in new locations - strong field presence Acquisitions / mergers Growth into new service markets Growth of niche / specialized markets 2017 revenues by market (forecasted) Our Path to 2031 100 Years Build Our People Build Every Day Enhance Operations: Innovation Lab (3D printing/scanning, robotics, automation, modularization) Increase service offerings (Design/Engineering services, expand Project Delivery offerings, etc) Enhance Field Quality Control: Incorporate latest IT advancements (ie. self-healing building materials) Build upon reputation as a leader in safety Build Financial Performance Grow existing markets: entertainment, healthcare, industrial/manufacturing, multi-family Grow into new markets: data centers/IT advances, power, international TBD Secondary market growth: additional niche market segments Increase footprint: multiple offices (national and international presence) Built Our Culture HGC Construction Revenue $84.5M Annual Growth 2010-2016 18% SSRG Revenue $20.5M Annual Growth 2010-2016 26% Stanton Revenue $3.5M Annual Growth 2010-2016 26% Blueprint for consistent Operations: Playbook refinement Preconstruction Department created Software integration: Procore, Cosential, On-Screen, Enterface Technology integration: iPad roll out New Websites Build Our Processes 2031 | dream big Consistency in how we do things, wherever we are 2016 | at a glance Who? Obtain input from all departments to finalize the strategic plan for future growth & success Why? Preparing for long-term growth that fits the vision of HGC How? Focus on growing in a smart & sustainable way so we preserve our culture and maintain our reputation for quality, integrity, and innovation What? Define metrics of what we measure to ensure we're on the right path to meet our vision Blueprint for our Culture booklet Formed the Culture Committee Sports, internal outings, significant events, education Health & wellness, community engagement Improvements to HGC Campus - accounting area & SSRG space - courtyard - HR suite - fitness room - property acquisition Built Financial Performance Build Our People 2016 | at a glance Build Financial Performance Build culture & communication across field /

Strategic Talent Acquisition

Transcript: Job Description Optimization Optimize job descriptions by incorporating key skills, qualifications, and company culture insights. Effective job postings attract relevant candidates and improve the quality of applicants, leading to successful recruitment outcomes. Sourcing Channels and Techniques Explore diverse sourcing channels such as online job boards, social media platforms, and professional networks. Leveraging a mix of traditional and innovative tactics broadens the candidate pool, increasing the chances of discovering the ideal match for your organization. Candidate Persona Development Key Components of Talent Sourcing Develop detailed candidate personas by analyzing demographics, behaviors, and motivations. Understanding your target audience enhances the recruitment process and ensures alignment between job requirements and candidate expectations. Unlocking the potential of talent sourcing involves crafting precise candidate personas, optimizing job descriptions, and diversifying sourcing channels for success in recruitment. Definition and Importance Talent sourcing involves identifying, attracting, and engaging potential candidates to fill job positions. It plays a pivotal role in ensuring a company has the right people in the right roles to achieve strategic objectives. Introduction to Talent Sourcing Strategic Talent Acquisition is crucial for organizations to secure top talent and drive business success. Benefits of Effective Sourcing Strategies Trends in Talent Acquisition Collaboration with Hiring Managers Aligning with hiring managers streamlines the recruitment process, improves candidate fit, and increases hiring success rates. Effective sourcing strategies lead to reduced time-to-hire and cost-per-hire, as well as improved quality of hires resulting in enhanced productivity and organizational performance. Recent trends in talent acquisition include the adoption of digital recruitment tools like AI and social media, as well as a shift towards skill-based hiring to meet evolving job market demands. Strategic Talent Acquisition Continuous Talent Pipeline Development Measuring Sourcing Performance Building and nurturing relationships with passive candidates ensures a steady flow of qualified talent when positions become available. Tracking key recruitment metrics allows for the evaluation and enhancement of sourcing strategies to optimize talent acquisition processes. Best Practices for Effective Talent Sourcing Unlock the power of continuous talent pipeline development to drive a successful recruitment strategy. Optimizing Sourcing Strategies Recap of Key Points Enhancing Recruitment Strategies Successful sourcing involves candidate persona development and leveraging diverse channels. Employer branding and technology play integral roles in enhancing recruitment efficiency. Benefits of AI in Sourcing Employee Referral Programs Importance of Social Media Addressing Bias in Recruitment Inclusive Recruiting Practices AI and machine learning technologies reduce bias, enhance decision-making, and lead to more accurate hiring outcomes. Exploring the impact of Strategic Talent Sourcing on recruitment efficiency and success. Employee referral programs are an effective way to source quality candidates and improve employee retention. Incentivizing referrals can lead to higher-quality hires and a stronger company culture. Social media plays a crucial role in employer branding, allowing companies to showcase their culture, values, and job openings to a wider audience. It can help engage with passive candidates and build a strong online presence. Inclusive recruiting involves creating a welcoming and equitable hiring process for candidates of all backgrounds. This includes using inclusive language in job descriptions, having diverse interview panels, and providing accommodations for candidates with disabilities. Bias in recruitment can lead to unfair treatment and exclusion of qualified candidates. Implementing blind recruitment practices, diversity training for hiring managers, and regular audits of recruitment processes can help mitigate bias and promote a more inclusive workplace. AI and Machine Learning in Sourcing Data Analytics for Recruitment AI tools analyze data to predict candidate suitability, customize job recommendations, and conduct initial screenings autonomously. Data analytics provides insights to refine sourcing strategies, improve decision-making, and achieve better hiring outcomes. Employer Value Proposition Importance of Diverse Hiring Diversity and Inclusion in Talent Sourcing Future Trends in Talent Acquisition Building a Strong Employer Brand Crafting a unique Employer Value Proposition is crucial to attract and retain top talent. It should communicate the benefits and values of working for your company. Diverse teams bring different perspectives, leading to more creative problem-solving and better decision-making. Companies with diverse workforces are better positioned to


Transcript: In the next ____ years, our company will be recognized for _______________________ _________________________________, in addition, our costumers will have or receive ____________________________________ ______, finally, our product will impact because ______________________________________ __________. Your name(s) here Your position(s) here (Chief Executive Officer, Designer, Engineer, among others). Our Goal: SEO Mission Example: To create a powerful tool that help people to understand the basic principles of global warming. Company positions SOCIAL Continuous Improvement City, State Insert a support image here CMS Your name(s) here OUR MISSION Your company name Objectives OUR OBJECTIVES PLATFORMS Your position(s) here (Chief Executive Officer, Designer, Engineer, among others). . Social Example: To create a powerful tool that help people to understand the basic principles of global warming. Email Address We are a ___________________ ______ that wants to __________ ________________________, by providing an unique service with the highest quality standards like _____ ___________________, finally, we aim to exceed customers expectations like _______________ _____________________________ always in a better way. Your name(s) here OUR STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROPOSAL Your position(s) here (Chief Executive Officer, Designer, Engineer, among others). Strategic management components of Example: To create a powerful tool that help people to understand the basic principles of global warming. . Goal

Acquisition Presentation

Transcript: Build Facility Threats: Financial Ratios Whole Earth Naturals Financial Ratios 500 Mill=> Build manufacturing faciltiy 522 Mill=> Buy Whole Earth Naturals $75 Million - Solid reputation - Renovated Facilities Strengths: Opportunities: Buy Whole Earth Naturals Present Value Working Capital: -27 Mill. Gross Profit Margin: 52% - Cash flow - Increasing cost of sales -Cyclone in India Weaknesses: No earnings during construction Dan is Sexy and he knows it. Acquisition Price $522 Million 5 Years Threats: Conclusion - Immediate entry into Latin American market -High demand for all natural products SWOT Build $0 Weaknesses: Opportunities: Time Disadvantage Questionable Growth (Invested at 2.3502% APR) Forgone Interest Why buy? Latin American Market Profit generating ability Established reputation Personel in cost reduction SWOT Buy Cecilia Fernandes, Audrey Metzger Bailey, David Schuler, Sahajanand Dave, Mary Reilley $64.3 Million Unexpected Setbacks Delayed Profit Estimated Earnings $15 Million / Year Whole Earths profits offset the forgone interest SWOT Build Expansion of Company Entering New Markets Time Value of Money Strengths: No Prior Problems "Your Company" - Newly acquired debt Team: Accumulated Appreciation 3 - 5 Years Whole Earth Naturals SWOT Buy (cc) image by anemoneprojectors on Flickr Future Value $500 Million Build Vs Buy 3 - 5 Years BUY Why not build? Lack of income Risk of failure Debt Ratio: 68.9% Quick Ratio: .6 to 1 Current Ratio: .94

Strategic Talent Acquisition

Transcript: Strategic Talent Acquisition 24/08/2020 Introduction What does it exactly mean? What is it? What is it for companies? Globe Telecom? ABSCBN? Talent Acquisition Recruitment is used to fill a specific role/s with a qualified candidate, making it a short-term strategy. TA is aimed at fulfilling organizational needs by finding top talent and convincing them to bring their expertise/skills to your company. It is a long term HR Strategy. It is the process of developing a full fledged strategy to attract and recruit top talent. Recruitment is just but a part of true talent acquisition. Talent acquisition includes Employer Branding Recruitment Marketing Employee On-boarding Succession Planning Talent Development TA should be a key component of the overall business/company strategy. Better positioned to have a strong talent pipeline (recruit) Consideration on how your company is primed for growth, Have happy and engaged employees (Re-recuit) or expand in the long-term, Strengthened Employee Brand and finding talent who can help take you there. What makes a good Talent Acquisition Strategy? Strategies Business Goal Alignment Revenue per employee ratio On-the-job performance of new hires (Q of H) Recruiting metrics should demonstrate a direct business impact on revenue or other strategic goals. The total estimated PhP impact of recruiting on the business Percentage of key jobs not filled Percentage of projects delayed due to lack of talent Excess position vacancy days in prioritized/revenue jobs Data Driven GET MEASURE ANALYZE INNOVATE Recruitment Marketing Personas Understanding your Audience Talent Pools Online/Social Media Social Listening/Analytics Content Creation strategies and tactics an organization uses to find, attract, engage and nurture talent Talent Analytics Assessments Going Digital: Adoption of AI and Emergent Technologies Outreach Strategies To find better talent, you'll need to expand your sourcing strategies. Different skillsets require different ways/methods of outreach Build "talent communities" to cultivate pools of passive candidates engage talent through compelling content tap these pipelines for future roles Look at new models of employment New types of relationships for accessing skills and ideas Internal Mobility Go Global, across industries and functions Employer Branding “Why our/your company, over all the others?” Best values? Work-life balance? Culture? Opportunities? Candidate Experience Social Media Footprint ("more than a careers website/portal") Timeliness/Responsiveness Accuracy / Fluidity of Job Descriptions Interview cycles Candidate Relationship Management A customer is a potential hire! TAM MODEL “Candidates are evaluated for work ethic, values, and potential as much as skills and past experiences.” “…use AI and predictive data analytics.” “… build the workforce through integration with the business. Build partnerships, collaborative hiring.” “Construct a personalized candidate journey.” “Existing employees are recognized as a strategic resource, and internal mobility is a part of company culture.” “…continuously regenerate because of dedication to upskilling, informal learning, and professional growth.” 3 Cs 1. COVID-19 has changed the hiring needs In a world full of digital distractions Would a mature TA team be able to succeed in a post pandemic world? 2. A further rise of remote work / WFH Culture Talent acquisition strategies are not generic and there is no rulebook that dictates how best to strategize. Its about building/understanding your audience (talents) 3. Remote recruiting will become a new normal. Innovation, modernization and automation of processes. A good talent acquisition strategy is always in flux What's going to make your company/brand stand out 4. The job market will become truly globalized. Innovate and be agile Think ahead to get ahead Thank you!

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