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Timeline template

Transcript: Inertial Media Un equipo de experiencia y juventud INERTIAL MEDIA CARLOS GARAFULIC Esta presentación persigue dos objetivos: Carlos Garafulic Ilustrar la cronología de hechos que condujeron a la creación de Inertial Media LLC. Proporcionar valiosa información para evitar que ejecutivos de empresas no sean presa fácil de típicos charlatanes que abundan en el área de diseño y elaboración de Sitios Web. 1 2 Nuestro objetivo no es convertirnos en proveedores de la solución, sino en referencia confiable de consulta en un área técnica estratégica. INFO Algunos enlaces con información relevante acerca de la presente presentación, se encuentran a continuación: Más información: UNIVERSIDAD RIT NY Before we dig into the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we are going to explore what we know about him already, as well as what we’d like to know about him and his legacy. WHAT DO WE KNOW? You will need sticky notes and something to write with as you work in groups of 4-5. EXERCISE EXERCISE In groups of 4-5, list everything you know about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. You have 5 minutes. One fact per sticky note. Don’t repeat your facts. Place your sticky notes on the board. Hold onto your top three facts: present your facts when your teacher calls on your group. QUESTIONS Now in the same groups of 4-5, list all the questions you have about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Put your top three questions on pink sticky notes and present them when called on. QUESTIONS EXPLORATION We will hang onto our questions as we move into an in-depth exploration of Dr. King’s life via the timeline. EXPLORATION POR QUE UN WEBSITE TAKE A LOOK We are now about to look closely at Dr. King’s life. As you review the timeline, consider the following questions. QUESTIONS QUESTIONS What are major themes that we see throughout his life that characterize Dr. King? What particular evidence supports these themes? Based on these themes, what words best describe him? Think about: What events in the timeline answer the questions we have formulated? TECNOLOGIA TIMELINE Above is a timeline of Dr. King’s life. It is filled with links if you’d like to learn more about any particular event. EDUCACION EARLY YEARS 1961 Michael King, later known as Martin Luther King, Jr., is born at 501 Auburn Ave. in Atlanta, Georgia. Complete Biography: Nov 15 1980 King begins his freshman year at Morehouse College in Atlanta. SEP 20 1946 King’s pens a letter to the editor at The Atlanta Constitution, stating that black people "are entitled to the basic rights and opportunities of American citizens." AUG 06 1948 King enters Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania to become a reverend. SEP 14 1951 King begins his graduate studies in systematic theology at Boston University. SEP 13 LEARN MORE Morehouse College King’s Letter to the Editor Crozer Theological Seminary Learn More FORMACION MONTGOMERY 1954 King begins his career as a pastor at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. SEP 01 Rosa Parks is arrested for refusing to leave her seat for a white passenger and move to the rear of a city bus in Montgomery. Jo Ann Robinson makes thousands of leaflets calling for a one-day boycott of the city’s buses. DEC 01 1955 King becomes the president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA). DEC 05 1956 JAN 30 In the evening, while King is at a meeting, his home is bombed. His wife and daughter are not injured. Later, King insists on nonviolent solutions as he addresses an angry crowd outside his house. An integrated Montgomery City Lines resumes full service on all routes. King is among the first passengers to ride the integrated buses. The U.S. Supreme Court affirms the lower court opinion in Browder v. Gayle declaring Montgomery and Alabama bus segregation laws unconstitutional. DEC 21 NOV 13 LEARN MORE Rosa Parks Montgomery Improvement Association Browder v. Gayle Learn More GAINING ACCLAIM GAINING ACCLAIM 1957 Southern black ministers meet in Atlanta to share strategies in the fight against segregation. King is named chairman of the Southern Negro Leaders Conference on Transportation and Nonviolent Integration. JAN 10 At the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., King delivers his first national address, "Give Us The Ballot," at the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom. King appears on the cover of

Timeline Template

Transcript: Timeline Template Jazmyne Pecks, Anthony Acosta, Landon Parker, Zamarkeo Green, Alonzo Green, Bernard Mitchell, Yasmine Kaurim The Puritan & Colonial Period The puritan and the colonial period Major Events The Toleration Act(1649) allowed all Christians to have religious freeedom. This act was a important stepping stone for religious rights. The Conflict between the Puritans and the Quakers (1630) . The Quakers did not abide the religious rules of the Puritans. The Puritans whipped, imprisoned, banished, and hung the Quakers who refused to listen. Authors Anne Bradstreet was born March 20,1612 in Northhampton,England. Anne wrote the poem"To My Dear and Loving Husband". She was a mother of 8 kids and a house wife. Bradstreet's biggest was to influence women since in this time period women were only house wifes. Anne was the 1st women in American colonies. Characterists of the Literature During this timeline religion was very important to Puritans. The puritans believed "God's hand could be found in everyday occurrences".Puritan writing also focused on education. Revolutionary(1750-1800) Major Events Boston Massacre (1770)was a battle between Boston citizens and 9 England soldiers. American colonists rebelled against the taxes they found repressive, rallying around the cry, “no taxation without representation.” The England soldiers shot and killed five innocent Boston citizens. The soldiers were later sentenced to jail after the crime they commited. Boston Tea Party (1773)was when group of 70 men got on the British ships in Boston harbor and disgiused themselves as Native Americans. When they got amongst the boat 342 chests of tea overboard because they was frustrated and angry about the “taxation without representation.” Characteristics of the Literature. Most of the books and anything published during this time period was about things that happend in the world politically. Revolutionary Major Authors Thomas Paine was an American author was lived in England. Paine was a political writer who mostly wrote about poltical things that were happening in the world. In 1768 Paine moved to America. While in america Paine was fascinated with the need of Independence of America to England which led him to pushing his most famous work "common sense". This book talks about being justifying your independence as an American. Paine motivated American soldiers by writing The American Crisis. Paine died in New York in 1809. Romanticism (1800-1865) Characteristics Of Romanticism Glorification of Nature Acceptance and awarness of emotion Creativity and imagination Vivid Sensory Describtions Spiritual and supernatural Elements Major events The Industrial Revolution-The industrial revolution was the transition to manfacturimg prpcesses in great britain, continentual Europe,& United states the period from around 1760 to about 1820-1840. The French Revolution-The french revolution was a period of major social upheaven that began in 1787 & ended in 1799. It saught to completely change the relationship between the rulers & governed & to the naturenof politicalmpower. Romanticism Major Author Edgar Allen Poe- he was an American writer, poet, editor and literary critic. He was best known for his poetry & short stories stones particurlary his tales of mystery, his most valuable of this time period was "A Valentine" Transcendentalism( 1800-1865) Major Events 1832- Ralph Waldo Emerson gives his Unitarian ministry the Heave-ho. 1836- The Transcendental Club is made. 1845- Margaret Fuller gets to publish on with Woman in the 19th century. Characteristics of the Literature Individualism Idealism Self-Reliant Transcendentalism Major Authors Ralph Waldo Emerson was the leader of transcendentalism. One of his most famous pieces was"nature" published 1836.He published more than 1500 lecturers across the USA. Realism(1865-1914) Major Historical Events 1859: Charles Darwin publishes the origin of species Darwin drops a bomb on us we might actually be deserved from monkeys. 1867: Emile Zala publishes Therese Raquin in the preface to this book, zola announces that he's writing a new type of novel. The scientific novel, there is a methos to his madness: the scientific method. Characteristics of Naturalism Modern Society determinism pessimism plot twists objectivity Realism Major Authors Edith Wharton was born in January 24, 1862 in New York. Her writing style is called social realism and it became a style of late nineteen century’s literature. She was such an influential writer as many other authors have been inspired by her. Wharton has two signature works which are “The Bunner Sisters” and “The Age of Innocence”. Modernism(1890-1945) Major Historical Events The Great Depression(1929-1939) was one of the worst times in the US. Alot of schools were shut down because of the lack of money, and lots of crime were also brought up. the Harlem Renaisance((1918-1939)was when African-Americans migrated to the rural area. The Harlem Renaissance made the African

Timeline Template

Transcript: TIMELINE Tayvohn Cole The Vinyl Factory 02/04/2004 1857 1857 Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinsville’s invention of the Phonautograph was given a license by Léon Scott. The Phonautograph was a machine that could print out sound waves and record sound, it was unable to play music. 1877 1877 This man created the first device capable of recording and replaying sound. His preferred innovation was the phonograph. In 1877, a Menlo Park lab developed the first phonograph. The central cylinder was encircled by a strip of tin foil. 1887 1887 Emile Berliner, a German immigrant, received the first patent for a series of advancements that led to the creation of the phonograph, the first successful and popular record player. He also developed a method for producing several copies of a single recording in bulk. 1894 1894 The 7-inch record was invented. As a result, many sizes were tried out after record players became widely available. The standard was 7-inch records for an exceptionally lengthy period. 1901 1901 Although 10-inch records were produced in 1901, the first vinyl records of a standard size did not appear on the market until 1948. 1903 1902 Victor introduced 12-inch discs on their Deluxe label; these could play for up to four minutes, surpassing what were previously unachievable times for the length of a song or speech. All the Victor Grand Concert Band's initial 12-inch releases were conducted by Frederick W. 1925 1925 78s can store up to five minutes of music, whereas 33s can store up to 20 minutes. Records at 78 RPM spin at a quicker rate than those at 33 and 45 RPM. Because 78s have broader grooves than vinyl records, the stylus must likewise be wider. Records played at 78 RPM are mono and can only be heard through one channel. 1931 1931 The first vinyl long-playing record made commercially was released in 1930 by RCA Victor. This modern record had a playback speed of 33⅓ rpm as opposed to 78 rpm, and it had a 12-inch diameter. 1931 came after the lengthy era of 10-inch shellac records. the very first 12" LP vinyl record made by RCA Victor that was marketed for sale. 1948 1948 The first vinyl record was released with support from Columbia Records at the soon-to-be-standard 33 1/3 rpm speed. A 12-inch record's playtime was increased to 21 minutes using microgroove plastic. A replacement for the venerable 10-inch 78 RPM record, the traditional format for distributing music for almost 50 years, was launched by Columbia Records in June 1948, shocking the recorded music industry. 1959 1959 Vinyl records got more affordable because they carry more music per side as the record labels began to record increasingly popular music. Furthermore, a lack of shellac during World War II accelerated the end of the 78 RPM record period. In 1959, the final 78 records were created. 1962 1962 The Philips firm first created the cassette tape, also known as the compact cassette, in 1962 in Belgium. On August 30, 1963, Philips introduced the idea to Europe at the Berlin Radio Show; the following year, in November, it was introduced in the United States. 1982 1982 CDs were made accessible to the public, and they rapidly rose to the top spot for music storage. Music used to be saved and played on vinyl records and cassette tapes before CDs. Present day Present day Records themselves have not altered much, despite advances in sound reproduction technology, and for good reason—better sound. Vinyl provides an analogue sound that reverberates and produces a warm sound that is unique to vinyl.

Timeline Template Presentation

Transcript: Timeline Template Presentation Creating a Timeline for Your Project Adjusting Colors and Fonts Understanding the Significance of Timelines Customizing Timeline Templates Historical Representation Customizing colors and fonts in a timeline template can enhance visual appeal and align with the project's aesthetics and branding. Choose a cohesive color palette and readable font styles for a professional look. Designing an Impactful Timeline Template Types of Timelines Explore More Timelines Timelines provide a visual representation of events, aiding in tracking progress and deadlines effectively. Inserting Images or Icons Timelines offer a structured way to represent historical data, displaying the sequence of events and their significance, aiding in the analysis and interpretation of historical contexts. Template customization allows for personalization through adjustments in colors, fonts, images, icons, and additional information. Selection of Template Design The selection of the right template design is crucial for creating an engaging and visually appealing timeline. Various types of timelines such as Gantt charts, linear timelines, and interactive timelines offer diverse visual representations suited for different projects and purposes. Dive deeper into the world of timelines and discover innovative ways to utilize them for effective project management and visual storytelling. Educational Purposes Applying Timelines in Various Fields Importance of Timelines Choose a template that aligns with the purpose of your timeline, whether it's for a project, presentation, or educational use. Consider the layout, color scheme, and overall aesthetic to convey the information effectively. Educators utilize timelines to visually depict historical events, sequences of actions, or thematic developments to enhance students' understanding and retention of information. Images and icons can make a timeline visually engaging and illustrative. Select relevant visuals to represent key milestones or events. Use icons to symbolize actions, achievements, or categories within the timeline. Including Timeframes Adding Key Milestones Timelines play a crucial role in project management by outlining tasks, deadlines, and dependencies, ensuring efficient workflow and timely completion. Project Management Timelines serve as essential tools in project management, education, and historical contexts, enabling effective organization and communication of chronological events. Incorporating Additional Information Identify the significant milestones or events that define the timeline's narrative. Include key dates, achievements, and progress points to highlight the timeline's key elements and showcase the progression of the project or history. Incorporate clear timeframes or durations to provide context and a sense of chronology to the timeline. Specify start and end dates, deadlines, or intervals to give a structured timeline representation and aid in understanding the timeline progression. Benefits of Using Timelines In project management, timelines are crucial for setting milestones, allocating resources, and tracking progress to ensure timely completion of tasks and projects. Utilizing timelines enhances communication, improves task prioritization, and fosters team collaboration, resulting in increased productivity and project success. Enhancing a timeline with additional information such as descriptions, comments, or data points provides context and clarity. Consider including tooltips or pop-ups for detailed insights without cluttering the main visual. Getting it ready... Design at work... Adding final touches... Last checks... Thinking cap on... Summarize the final subject here. You can start setting up for a conclusion, too Give a brief overview of the subject here Introduce your subject in a short paragraph Describe the achievement Details Fine-tuning... Thinking cap on... Polishing up... Here's a place to close out the presentation and draw conclusions Adding final touches... Describe key achievements or events Details Details

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