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Transcript: FB Posts Focusing On Consumers -social care and RD community involvment was evident -consistent posting and relevance to current events -posts that were lighthearted and entertaining stood out the most at first glance i.e., 10 Ways to Avoid Car Sickness, Breast Cancer Awareness photos -expected to see more posts involving cars but it was not neccasarily a negative observation Content Time of Posts -generate more consumer interaction by simply asking someone who bought a new car to post a status and tag RD can help generate more activity within the fb website -Incentives could be offered to help motivate consumers to post on their personal accounts -Twitter polls that will allow RD to engage directly with the consumer -Can be informative such as asking polls about their preferences or light-hearted and entertaining material Wrapping Up First Impression of Social Media Platforms Out of the most recent 10 posts on RD FB 7/10 were not in that time zone SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIT Strategies to Add -stay up to date on trends -advertise in a way that will not deviate away from the main goal of the social media platform -manage a positive and respected online reputation -build a stronger fan base and keep a strong realtionship with them -create a geofilter at the time of a popular community event i.e., FFA, concerts, or a geofilter that is within the perameters of any of the dealerships -the more entertaining and creative the filter is the more people will post the filter onto their story Snapchat Geofilter -a "citizen of the month" feature that could highlight certain people in the community that have been recognized for a certain achievement or award or an employee as well -Strong tie to community -Branding logo identifiable -Current events posted and tied with RD -Social care is present within every social media account What I will to do on my part Facebook: Highest traffic occurs mid-week between 1 to 3 pm. Polishing

Social Media Audit

Transcript: Work Cited Vine- account does not exist, create account to allow fans to post videos of their experiences Instagram - post more fan photos, not just their own. Allow for further fan engagement Results - Founded in 2000 as an expansion team of the National Hockey League - The name “Blue Jackets” was selected to celebrate “patriotism, pride and the rich Civil War history in the state of Ohio and the city of Columbus. - Current logo is made up of the state of Ohio flag wrapped around a star. - Twitter - over 41,000 tweets and have over 105,000 followers. - Facebook - focused on sharing photos, videos, and upcoming events. - YouTube - frequently updated, primarily post game interviews, with players and coaches - Instagram - Over 25,000 followers and 1600 posts "#DefendNWA." YouTube. YouTube, 3 Sept. 2013. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. < Blue Jackets NHL." Twitter. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <>. Blue Jackets NHL." Instagram. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <>. BlueJackets." "Join The Battle!". N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <>. "Columbus Blue Jackets." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. < "Columbus Blue Jackets." N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <>. "Columbus Blue Jackets." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <>. "Columbus Blue Jackets - Columbus, Ohio - Professional Sports Team | Facebook." Facebook. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <>. "SCHEDULE." John P. McConnell. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <>. - All Accounts - Always updated, never left inactive. Appears that they are trying to really grow their following and fan base through social media - Twitter - Great job retweeting fan tweets, and constant in-game updates - also use their own hashtags to promote their team and create conversations - Overall layout of all of their pages Methodology - Pinterest - Over 650 followers, gives insight of what goes on behind the scenes with the team - Reddit - Close to 1,100 readers to their page, very up to date keeping fans engaged - Wikipedia - Extensive information on the history of the Blue Jackets What We Like Hold contests throughout games to encourage fans to post their game-experiences on Instagram/Vine Have to scroll to find Youtube page. Need to increase listing priority to draw more fans to their page Introduction - Most of the research was conducted by monitoring their Twitter and Facebook pages. - The reason being that they have a large presence on both platforms - Also used to promote their other pages (instagram, youtube) Recommendations Social Media Audit Vine/Instagram Recommendations Columbus Blue Jackets Results

Social Media Audit:

Transcript: One easy way to find information about Kaycan Ltd. is to Google search 'Kaycan'. The first website to pop up is On this website you will find links to their facebook, twitter, youtube, and blogsite. I visited them all. Each of them are used for different purposes. Kaycan Limited Kaycan Ltd. became a registered business in 1974 by Reuben Dubrofsky. Today Reuben's Son and Daughter, Lionel and Tami are currently President and Partner. Kaycan is one of the world's leading vinyl and aluminum siding producers. The business has expanded to over 1,500,000, square feet of manufacturing facilities in ten plants and 2,500,000 square feet of distribution facilites in 60 locations across North American. Kaycan has expaned it's business by aquiring other smaller maufacturing facilites with the most recent being the purchase of Farley Windows in 2014. Purposes of Social Media Research Industry Canada. (n.d) Retrieved 11/7/15 from Kaycan. (n.d.) Retrieved 11/7/15 from Kaycan blog. (n.d) Retreived 11/7/15 from Kaycan Facebook. (n.d) Retreived 11/7/15 from Kaycan Twitter. (n.d.) Retrieved 11/7/15 from Example Finished product References The product write-ups are impecable. Kaycan is clearly concernd with production quality. If I were customer I would to like to see larger images of the products themselves not just the finished product. I would also like to know where I can get the product. Facebook could have links to other companies that sell Kaycan products. Kaycan's Twitter account is only used for Wednesday's wall of fame. It could have a stronger presence and give an opportuntity for customer feedback with an open dicsussion forum. Kaycan product - Consists of Product guide, contact info, resource guide, home design, photo gallery and material calculator. Facebook - Main purpose is to continue the corporate image, and advertising. Twitter - Wedensday's Wall of fame. Images of finished homes. Youtube - Videos of product information and demonstrations. Blog - Written product information and photos. DaVince in Castlemore Recomendations Social Media Audit: Kaycan Building Supplies LTD.


Transcript: In order for us to know how effectively Tutto Market Cafe is using social media, we must search the social media platforms. Considering I have never seen an advertisement or anything related to Tutto Market Cafe before this assignment, I was curious to find out how active the restaurant really was. To conduct our research we went and searched Tutto Market Cafe on all of the most popular social media sites including the likes of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Originally everyone in our group looked at one or more of these sites to get an understanding of the restaurant and their interest in social media. After a short time looking, we were all able to tell that Tutto was not very active when it comes to online advertising. This didn’t stop us conducting our research. The first site I visited to find out whether or not Tutto Market Cafe has a presence on social media sites was Twitter. I chose to look at Twitter because over the last few years Twitter has become one of the most popular sites on the internet. Millions of people know and actively use Twitter on a daily basis which makes for a great platform for advertising. I wanted to know if Tutto was taking advantage of this platform. I first searched just the word ‘Tuttos’ and although I got many hits none of them were the correct account which led me to believe they do not have a Twitter hold. I then searched ‘Tutto Market Cafe’ and that is when I saw that they in fact had an account. I immediately checked it out and saw that @TuttoMarketCafe had a total of 8 tweets. The first tweet was on October 3rd, 2013 and the last tweet was on October 23rd, 2013. This shows us that although Tutto Market Café has a Twitter account they are not actively using it. Twitter is a free way to get awareness out about your restaurant and I feel that it is a waste to not use it. The second platform I used to conduct my research was Instagram. Again, Instagram is a social media site that has, and is increasing in popularity. I found this site because pretty much any picture that gets taken these days gets put up on Instagram. This is a great place to post pictures to try and attract customers to your restaurant. This time to start I searched ‘Tutto Market Café’ and right away I saw that they do have an Instagram account. The first time I searched them they had a 23 posts. I didn’t think that was very many and didn’t really believe they were very active. That was until last week. Within the last week @TuttoMarketCafe has posted 5 pictures. This is a step in the right direction. The last social media platform I used for our research was Facebook. I used Facebook for our research because not only is it the most popular site on the internet but it is very easy to use. If anyone is going to have any type of social media platform, it would more than likely be Facebook. Facebook was the first of its kind and it is no shock that if you are researching anyone or anything you will go on Facebook. It was no shock when I saw Tutto Market Place on Facebook. Surprisingly, because of Facebooks popularity, I wasn’t that shocked to see that they actually use it. As mentioned, if anyone is going to use social media sites the first one they will use is Facebook. I was happy to see that Tuttos’ took advantage of a great advertising platform in Facebook. They post pictures, post meals of the day and they even answer questions. Finally a site they are using very effectively. SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIT by group three : I found this information by looking on google for Tutto. It showed me all the pages they have created as well as a few that have been made by other organizations such as yellow pages. I chose the pages that were created by Tutto, and searched them for reviews and what they offer on each specific page. Tutu Market Café does indeed have a presence within the social media platforms. Although not all outlets are used to their full potential, it is still good to see them being used. Twitter is a great tool to use and after the research conducted it is obvious that Tutto Market Café uses Twitter the least. It’s not really a surprise to see this because it would be the hardest platform to use for advertising compared to the other two. Instagram is more of a fun social media outlet that allows you to post pictures of anything. Tutto Market Café went some time without using it but has turned it around and have become very active. For a restaurant, Instagram is a great tool to use as you can post all the best looking dishes you can. To no surprise Facebook was the most used social media tool. Facebook allows you to do anything from posting pictures and comments to live chats through the message board. I am very glad that Tutto Market Café is taking full advantage of this tool and I hope they continue to do so. With the growing popularity of these sites all restaurants and businesses need to use these tools to promote their products. Hundreds of millions of people use these sites every day and to be

social media audit

Transcript: claude von stroke aka barclay crenshaw RAMA DIMASWHARA MAHENDRA Intro Intro Barclay Macbride Crenshaw, also known as Claude VonStroke, DJ,Producer & record label owner Began his DJ career in 2003 owner of Dirtybird Records, a record label & Mothersip records both based on San-francisco. He has made multiple appearances on Pete Tong's Essential Mix Radio show in 2007, 2013, and 2020. awarded the title of America's Best DJ in Pioneer DJ and DJ Times' annual poll in 2016. received nominations at the Electronic Music Awards in 2017 for DJ of the Year and Radio Show of the Year for his show "The Birdhouse." why him? why him -created a brand which is his record label "Dirtybird records&mothership records" -Created a new scene and build a place for artists to collab and perform. - one if the underground artist that manages to tap in to mainstream market -The label has gained global recognition and a dedicated fan base. official websites digital media social media own 3 official websites spotify twitter tiktok youtube instagram soundcloud spotify instagram youtube&soundcloud twitter tiktok interactive website easy to use photos with detailed bio good production on videos promo merch linked to another owned websites for the festivals and music streaming memberships upcoming tour dates public playlist of his curations. currently he has 546 followers and 27 playlists. upcoming tour dates twitter account 112,9k followers upload stuffs quite regularly from 2-8 more uploads than his other social media video content & photo content gig posters and venue new releases updates from his label short movies snippets of the talents performing engagement with venues links to his own website which is linked to all new music releases every month podcast with major and uprising underground artist festival after movies music production masterclass video tips for indie producers informal tone followers; 177k posting since start of 2023:81 posts engaged to followers random & weird is his aesthetic throughout the artworks &posts brand identity Dirtybird's brand identity embraces the story of underground indie producers. The brand connects with fans by creating a fun and interactive experience, promoting an open-minded atmosphere. conclusions conclusion iconic brand identity high engagement informative creative consistent of new releases and updates list of ref ref list Electronic empathy: House Music icon Claude Vonstroke remains restless on new EP with Justin Jay (2022) NBHAP. Available at: (Accessed: 21 June 2023). Artists (no date) Dirtybird Store. Available at: (Accessed: 21 June 2023). Dirtybird campinn was the hotel party we’ve always wanted (2023) Premier EDM. Available at: (Accessed: 21 June 2023).

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