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Investor Presentation

Transcript: Team 5B TT Computers Investor Presentation At TT Computers our mission is to become a leader in the world's personal technology market. We aspire to achieve this objective by concentrating on reliability, affordability and accessibility. Our Mission TT Computers Lester Callanan Sam Murphy Jack Kingston Michael Dempsey Donal O Gorman The Team Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Quarter 3 Have a Brand Rating above 75 from both Costcutter and Workhorse Enter All Regions By Quarter 6 Have 25% market share in both Costcutter and Workhorse Lead in at least 5 Areas on the Balanced Scorecard Stratigic Goals Operational Review Brands Our Brands Price: 1550 Profitability: -391/unit Units sold: 77 Goal: To redesign and re-release TT1.0 Targets: Costcutter Traveler Ratings: 23 by Costcutter 59 by Traveler TT2.0 Targets: Workhorse Costcutter Ratings: 68 by Costcutter 64 by Workhorse Price: 2000 + Rebate 200 Profitability: 273/unit Units sold: 627 Goal: Cut costs of production and make small improvements Competitors Brands The Essential (Progress) Price: 1,760 Units sold: 195 Rating: 57 Target: Costcutter AgTop 165 (Agri-Tec) Price: 1,800+ Rebate 10 Units sold: 360 Rating: 62 Target: Costcutter Pear Office 1.0 (Pear Inc) Price: 2,600/2500 +Rebate 100 Units sold: 426 Rating: 67 Target: Workhorse Market Share Market Share Advertising Our Advertising Bargain Laptop Brand: TT1.0 Local: 4 Regional: 2 Rating: 50/39 TT Computers Local: 10 Regional: Rating: 2 72/68/54 Workhorse PC Brand: TT2.0 Local: 4 Regional: 2 Rating: 62/57 Competitors Advertiving (Progress) Affordable Brand: The Essential Local: 4 Regional: 2 Rating: 65 (Pear Inc) Pear Office 1.0 Brand: Pear Office 1.0 Local: 6 Regional: 0 Rating: 62 Extract Income Statement Financial Review Gross margin of 23.5% Design of Ad and Brand make up 16.9% of Expences Mismanagment of Operating Capacity and Inventory make up 7% Goal for next quarter: Increase Gross Margin over 25% Withdrew our Savings Increased Fixed Capacity in advance of opening sales offices next quarter Maintained a cash balance above the 300,000 recommended amount. Extract Cashflow Title Held a small amount of inventory Studied about the possibility of conventional Loans in the future Trying to keep Retained Earnings from hitting 1,500,000 Extract Balance Sheet Title Looking Forward Specific Achievable Time Measurable Realistic Increase Gross Profit Improve Brand Rating Improve Ad Rating Open more Sales Offices Gross profit to 33% Brand Rating to 70 Ad Rating to 70 At least 2 more offices Lower cost of production Redesign Brand Redesign Ad Have enough cash to open the offices All Goals to be reached by end of Quarter 5 Gross margin should increase as economy of scale comes into effect Need to target the wants of individual sectors rather than broad targets Many cities have no offices Strategic Implications and Revised Goals What Changed in Quarter 4 Quarter 4 Introduced 2 new brands Opened more sales offices Redesigned Advertising Increased Gross Profit to 33.3%

Investor Presentation

Transcript: Where We're Heading: Vertical Markets Plans for Growth 1,500 customers 47% Electronic Signature Capture How is the Problem? Direct Sales Smart AP RJS Software Systems ROI: Saves due to credit department efficiencies. Sources: AIIM, Aberdeen Group, The Paperless Project, Xerox Key Milestones in RJS History Your information management problem? Solved. Funding for Growth FormDocs BP Logix 1990: RJS founded 1993: Report Splitter and WinSpool/400 developed 2000: Windows-based products first developed 2000: WebDocs released 2009-2010: WebForms and SignHere developed 2011: Smart Security launched 2012: RJS acquires NowData and Epic Science 2013: Smart AP released Advertising Manufacturing Customer Problems 20+ years of experience Revenue Projections RJS Customers Revenue Mix Document management/business process automation Quality assurance automation Experienced integrating into many other business platforms Customer Profile: Atlantis Customer Profile: Arby's $250,000 Founded in 1990 Headquarters in Minneapolis, MN Software Developer Document management software SaaS and premise-based solutions Managed IT Services Security Consulting 65 stores operated across 5 states WebForms, WebDocs, Workflow and report generation solutions in place Elimination of courier, storage and pre-printed forms expenses Business efficiencies in AP/AR, HR and administration Offer customers a full solution by packaging a variety of leading products About RJS Software RJS Competitive Advantage ROI: Saved more than in strategic sourcing costs. Resellers Referrers National Distributors Automated invoice processing 52% of AP departments not automated Avg. reduction in costs in invoice processing is 33% with automated solution 61% of AP departments report a payback in 12 months or less; 77% in 18 months Unique differentiator: WebForms! Front-desk registration/signature capture Gaming line-of-credit applications Exception reporting process Account Managers Expansion Sales Representatives Electronic Forms Square 9 Laserfiche Hotel/casino located in Bahamas WebForms, SignHere solutions in use Technology used to verify markers quickly in casino cage Increases spending in gaming area Website Big Questions? Channel Cloud-based forms and document management Cloud computing projected to grow from $91B in 2011 to $207B by 2016 Gaming Marketing Strategy Windows- and iSeries-based solutions How RJS Solves Customer Problems Market Segments We Serve The average worker prints 1,000 pages per month. 45% of documents are thrown out within 24 hours. 20+% of worker's time is spent on document management tasks. The average document is copied 9-11 times at a cost of about $18. Documents cost $20 each to file. Retrieving a misfiled document costs $120. Volume of documents and unstructured data is growing 30% a year. 52% of AP departments are not automated. 1/3 of organizations receiving 25,000 invoices or more are still processing documents manually. Large variety of markets served Cloud Events Document Management How would RJS use Funds? Vertical marketing Product development Grow sales team Market-specific professional services DocuSign EchoSign $50,000 a year Tradeshows Lunch and Learns Webinars RJS User Group Conference How We Go To Market Cloud and On-Premise options Main marketing vehicle Promotes lead generation Promotional and educational Focus on SMB market Google AdWords Web banner ads Social media Industry-specific groups and associations Primary Competitors Accounts Payable Distribution Education Financial Services Government Healthcare Hospitality Manufacturing Retail And more ... Solution Web and electronic forms software Electronic signature capture software Digital document management software Business process automation software Problem Paper-based forms and data management Manual approval processes Paper-based document and data storage Manual document and data distribution

Investor Presentation

Transcript: 350 Million current users Business Model Web Application (HTML 5) Mobile devices (Windows phone, Blackberry, etc) Generates revenue from Ads File Patent Obtain funding from investors Design application May Obtained 3 Million users in its first 6 months Twitter offered to buy TwitPic Blackberry Messanger Chat with Twitter friends (followers/following) Picture/Video Messaging Automatic friend list Status updates Friend circles Privacy Options Emoticons/smileys QR code (share/scan) Win Undergraduate Georgia Tech Business Plan Competition Problems with DM's 1. Buyout within two years -Twitter, Inc. 2. Hold for buyout -Twitter, Inc. -Twitter competitors 3. Go Public– in 5 years if: -buyout offer doesn’t take place -TwitChat successfully positions itself as a major method of global/mobile communication iMessage Incomplete Features: Won the undergraduate portion of the 2011 Georgia Tech Business Plan Competition (GTBPC) = possible through TwitChat "To try to mend its relationship with developers and encourage them to keep building apps that improve Twitter, the company is inviting them to town hall-like sessions, and last Monday it unveiled a developer Web site with a blog and discussion forums. Twitter’s chief executive, Dick Costolo, has personally called some app developers to reassure them that Twitter does not intend to tread on their ground." -Claire Cain Miller NY Times Timeline Argentina Australia Barbados Chile Ecuador India Indonesia Mexico Netherlands Thailand United Kingdom WhatsApp Oct Kik North Carolina Oregon South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia Puerto Rico Nov The Solution Facebook chat was launched in 2008. Within 1 year, it was used by 67% of the Facebook population. Kik Feb Valued at $42 Million! Prototype Screenshots Obtain funding from friends & family Financial Summary TwitChat will be for Twitter, what Facebook chat was for Facebook. ...about 600,000 per day, for a grand total of.... AOL Instant Messenger Completed Features: "RT - If You Think Twitter Needs I.M Or Chat!" - Aug 2 Twitter is adding 20 million users per month... In the last six months, 3rd party apps have gotten: - $500 million in investments. - $1 billion from companies such as Wal-Mart and Website version: Jun Sep WhatsApp Mar Jan Funding (cc) image by jantik on Flickr DM's -Instant messaging application for Twitter -No sign-up required -Automatically imports Twitter friends -Web App (HTML 5) -Any device with Internet access -iPhone App -Android App "Competition" "twitter needs a twitter chat" Jul 17 Google Talk Our target market consists of Twitter users... Aug We have signups in these states: Budget -Quality product -High growth industries -Cool factor/celebrity appeal -Colleges -'Free’ social networks and websites -SEO -Blog coverage (ratings/comments) -App store ratings/comments -Assumptions that TwitChat “is” Twitter -Apple iOS5/New iPhone -Free and paid versions -Use our age, school, prior awards, etc. to generate positive press "Twitter needs instant chat like fb!!!!" - Aug 2 Alabama California DC Florida Georgia Iowa Kansas Michigan New Jersey Launch website & Release mobile apps 67% Develop Prototype -Continue Phase I Add Twitter promoted tweets -Search Engine Optimization (SEO) -YouTube -Facebook ads -Contests -Pursue reviews from numerous major blog sites -Miscellaneous positive coverage/press Marketing Strategies What about Twitter itself? Yahoo Messenger Competitive Advantages: Public chat (hashtag) Push To Talk Games Honesty box Email Service Video Chat Premium Business Accounts Currently, the only method of private communication on Twitter is through the ‘Direct Message’ (DM) Twitter integration Automatic Friend List Favorites List Add Friends Send Audio/Video/Photos Chat Ability to Tweet and DM Exit Strategy -Website -Mobile Applications iPhone Android HTML5 Mobile App iPad Video Chat HTML5 Design PTT (Push To Talk) Group Chat Friend Circles Phase II Marketing: Twitter has no way for users to privatey chat Surpass 1 million downloads! Development “Twitter should too have a twitchat” Jul 6 Facebook has had chat for 3 years "@TwitChatApp wow great!.. When is it gonna be available?" - Jul 20 iMessage -Not actively adding features -Encouraging 3rd party apps -Twitter & 3rd party apps fuel each other Operating Expenses Yahoo Messenger -3rd party Twitter app no sign-up automatic sign in Automatic friend list -Web version Any internet enabled device. -Allows users to maintain “Twitter Identity” -More features Version 1 Features: Kik Messenger is a real-time cross-platform instant messenger application iPhone version: -Function like a mailbox -Not always instant -No notification system -Deleted without user permission -No file attachments Investor Presentation Develop web aplication Apr The Problem Jul "Competition" (Essentially Free) Google Talk "twitter needs like a group chatroom... me an my girls would kill that" - Aug 2 Marcus Thomas- Founder, President and CEO

Investor Pitch Template

Transcript: TEAM get back to you yet? If they did, put their NO ELECTRICITY Profit Guaranteed Kiran Israr Design, Install & Commission Let everyone know your TRACTION & ENGAGEMENT Business Services your solution to the market? GO TO MARKET Education Drinking Water PEDO has more than 300 sites that can be potentially integrated with other Renewable Energy Sources. CUSTOMER SEGMENTATION PROVIDE ELECTRICITY USING REWABLES THE ASK AHMAD AMIN Did any of your customers MEET TARIQ GUJJAR ADD PICTURE HERE CUSTOMER FEEDBACK Write down all the reasons $ 34.02 k $ 68.04 k STUDENTS RANGING FROM GRADE 1 TO GRADE 10 $ 17.01 k MARKET SIZE SCHOOLS ARE OUR TARGET MARKET. THE DETAILS ARE GIVEN BELOW; 44% OF RURAL PAKISTAN IS DEPRIVED OF ELECTRICITY Hospitals Business Market Integration and Acquisition parts here in this box. SOLUTIONS USAID, ADB, and KFW are developing pilot projects. COMPETITIVE DIFFERENTIATORS YOUR Take all the information you WHAT IS THE POTENTIAL? Investment opportunities on selected sites positive feedback here Position similar solution? If so, put their details here. USPCASE nominated as Energy Think Tank of KPK HERE CUSTOMER SEGMENTATION EnSync COMPETITIVE DIFFERENTIATORS to make money from the same market with a Position $ 0.5 Million Are there other people trying KIRAN ISRAR Position COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE Add details, including pictures WE WANT TO PROMOTE RURAL EDUCATION $ 340.2 k ADD PICTURE HERE Health In these circles GOES Bankable Services Explain as visually as you can Integration Technology is Operational Worldwide. BUSINESS MODEL Technical Feasibility Services progress so far. CUSTOMER FEEDBACK Put the different kinds of customer put in so far and summarize the most important RURAL COMMUNITIES 44% UNELECTRIFIED that you are better than the competition COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE How ready are you to take SUMMARY ADD PICTURE HERE LOGO System Design Services Universities-Industry Partnerships under umbrella of HEC PAINS KHURAM SHAHZAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! LOGO YOUR HERE GOES To add more team members, just resize the existing cirlces and copy paste them. And don't forget to delete this tip!

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