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Investors Presentation

Transcript: As a first of it’s kind business specifically designed to meet current consumer demands, along with improving industry standards which will increase the economic vitality for quality contractors, we project YTB will quickly become a major player in Lancaster County. By requiring our Certified Contractors to meet an annual obligation of $300.00 currently, and increasing to $500.00 as demand for our services grow, we anticipate providing an investor with a very lucrative return. Currently in Lancaster County there are over 2000 registered contractors. Even if only 50% of the 2000 meet our certification standards, that is an annual income of $300,000 at the current rate of $300 per year in membership dues. This figure will grow to $500,000 income per year as we increase the annual certification cost to $500. Jackie is Vice-President of Human Relations with You're The Boss, has served as an administrative assistant at a non-profit organization, worked several years in education for Lincoln Public Schools, and was formerly acting as assistant manager at a local electronics store. How Your Investment Dollars are used David is Vice-President of Sales at You're The Boss, holds a full-time position as a Therapist at a local rehabilitation hospital, owns a company dealing with sales and customer service, has experience in management, and volunteers on the Board of Directors for a local non-profit organization. Certified Certification Income Contractors Rate 2013 200 $300 $60,000 2014 400 $350 $140,000 2015 800 $400 $320,000 2016 960 $450 $432,000 2017 1,000 $500 $500,000 24 months for cell phone and toll-free number $9,600. Incorporate or llc You're The Boss $1,500. Attorney retainer for document review $20,000. Advertising campaign designed by Turbine Interactive $120,000. Larger office space along with conference room $85,000. Office furniture and equipment $30,000 Memberships to all appropriate associations including the Better Business Bureau, Nebraska Home Builders Association, Lincoln Independent Business Association, Lincoln Chamber Of Commerce, etc $6,000. Training materials for sales and in-home customer service agents, designed by Turbine Interactive (including tablets and smart phones for better communication up to 20 agents) $25,000. Appropriate signage for office, event kiosks and convention booths $30,000. FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS With 6 years of planning and research illustrating the demands by customers and contractors to overcome common faults in the construction industry, You're The Boss was launched in March of 2012 By introducing third party customer service and consultation to consumers, we have developed an atmosphere of total customer satisfaction and peace of mind. Additionally, we provide customer generated ratings which demonstrate quality, integrity, expertise and standards, creating an improved image and value for our Certified Contractors Bottom line, we ensure our clients the very best construction experience, while enabling our contractors to perform at their greatest potential 24 months for cell phone and toll-free number $9,600. Incorporate or llc You're The Boss $1,500. Attorney retainer for document review $14,000. Advertising campaign designed by Turbine Interactive $80,000. Larger office space along with conference room $70,000. Office furniture and equipment $20,000 Memberships to all appropriate associations including the Better Business Bureau, Nebraska Home Builders Association, Lincoln Independent Business Association, Lincoln Chamber Of Commerce, etc $4,000. Training materials for sales and in-home customer service agents, designed by Turbine Interactive (including tablets and smart phones for better communication up to 10 agents) $15,000. Appropriate signage for office, event kiosks and convention booths $20,000. Products and promotional items for trade shows and related events $20,000. 1.5 years cost of living for Darren, Jackie and David, enabling full-time commitments for development of YTB $115,000. Account manager salary 1 year $30,000. Admin assistant/receptionist/bookkeeper 1 year $40,000 Complimentary gifts for newly listed contractors $3,000. 24 month lease of a full size pickup plus insurance and registration $15,000 24 month lease of a 2nd full size pickup plus insurance and registration $15,000. Branding on vehicles for exposure $14,000. Life insurance policies for 2 years for Darren, Jackie, and David $3,000. Accountant $17,000 General Liability insurance for entire company $5000. You're The Boss is designed to acquire either an active or passive investor. Passive Investor: Simply provides the investment monies agreed upon and receives the agreed upon ROI. Active Investor: As an active investor, we would invite you to learn the intricacies of You’re The Boss and be offered a seat on our Board Of Advisors. ROLE OF INVESTORS OWNER PROFILES 2 years cost of living for Darren, Jackie and David, enabling full-time commitments for development of YTB $160,000. Account

Investors' Presentation

Transcript: AGENDA Origin of the Book The Process Editing Process Outcome of the essays. Logo Options: A company; why? Common Core Stay Calm Minutes Invested Organizational Chart Finance, Media & Marketing Title: Table of Contents: Book Cover THE BOOK What have we learned through this process? Career Values! Career Values such as: -> Initiative: -> Collaboration: -> Task Management: Creativity But above all, we all learned an useful skill: Be a TEAM PLAYER I'm not done yet... Is not a secret we all want to aim higher, to become famous someday MAY 10 2013 Technology and Design Right Felipe? Facebook Page 1. Two in one-Melissa Flores 2. Only A Game- Felipe Luna 3. Snowflake-Laura Dilone 4. The Living Torch- Pedro Castro 5. Ready or Not -Ismael Santos Introduction We all expect that this book will give us our 15 minutes of fame [ Some of us dream of being famous for life and rich... - Mrs. Medina 3) Origin of the Book - Why a book? Franco (department head): $150/ hr Overtime: $150/ hr + $75/ hr Overtime worked: 10 hrs After overtime: $2,250 College Panel Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources. Stay Calm Press -Q. Control: Jonathan Mercedes - Organization of College Panel . Salary -Investors Relations: Melissa Flores CEO Quality Control Revisions Media Manuel Rodriguez Overtime -Marketing: Franlys Vasquez T-Shirt Stay Calm Press Mission Statement: - How the college panel helped us. Joel Polanco 5) Organizational Chart Use technology, including the internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact with others Heads of Departments: -Project Manager Pedro Castro Marketing Business in Real Life through the common core curriculum. 1. 72 Hours Left- Jesus Hidalgo 2. A 360 Degree Change-Jean Pierre Riquelme 3. Move on-Manuel Rodriguez 4. I have to Get Up -Joel Polanco 5. Homeless -Brian Thompson 6. An Act of Creation -Franco Olguin 7. Straight Edge Guy-Celestino Ramirez 8. Out of Line-Emely Espinal 9. P.O.V.- Bladimir Rodriguez 10. Pay Day -Franlys Vasquez Melissa Flores Save the Date Card "What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from." T.S. Elliot Liaison Research and Present Knowledge: Layout and Design Pedro Castro, Felipe Luna, Franco Olguin, Franlys Vasquez, Melissa Flores, Joel Polanco, Manuel Rodriguez. - Felipe Luna Jean Pierre Riquelme Conduct short as well as more sustained research project based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. - Mr. Brown's daughter's idea Manhattan Bridges High School Principal Franlys Vasquez, JP Riquelme, Jesus Hidalgo But we all know for sure that something big will happen besides inspiring our bridges family... - Simulation of a College Admission Committee. Life Experiences: Book Inspiration Jonathan Mercedes Felipe Luna Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. - Finding our voices. -Layout and Design: Franco Olguin Argenis Ovalles, Emely Espinal, MElissa Flores, Wilson Nunez, Franlys Vasquez. Investors Relations Yeimy Zuniga, Brian Thompson and Ismael Santos 1) Welcome -Ismael Santos & Argenis Ovalles. 7) The book -Mr. Brown College Essays: Invitations We obtained Social and Intellectual Capital Almost Productions Procrastination Press Stay Calm Press - Pedro being the first one in finding his voice 4) The Process "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." Abraham Lincoln -Tech. and Design: Manuel Rodriguez. Supply Elasticity - 1st Paragraphs assignments. Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly through the effective selection, organization and analysis of content. Coming to America Project Manager WELCOME FOR THE LEADERS & TAXPAYERS SUPPORTING OUR SCHOOL Writing: - Brian Thompson & Argenis O. "Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accesible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers." Charles W. Elliot CEO Expenses SKills that will help us to develop ourselves in the future of our career Mrs. Medina Breakthroughs: Pedro Castro 20- 30 Drafts!! Franco Olguin Hours worked during class: 40 Department Head: $150/ hr CEO: $300/ hr Rest of employees: $75/ hr Department Heads: 7*150= $1,050/ hr Rest of employees: 12*75= $900/ hr Stay Calm Press: $2,250/ hr After 40 hrs: $90,000 Mr. Brown Mr. Brown 21 Roads 9 Countries 1 Bridge 1. Imagine -Wilson Nuñez 2. The Multi-Task Life -Yeimy Zuniga 3. Finding My Legend- Jheimi Pichardo 4. A Pearl of Great Value-Maria Calderas 5. My Nook Niche- Jonathan Mercedes 6. Early Vision-Argenis Ovalles - Attitude of students towards the college essay. Contracts and Finance Possible Company Name -Finance: Joel Polanco INVESTORs' PRESENTATION To model the outstanding college essay for current and future students. To help remove the prejudice students have about writing the college essay. To have a

Investors Presentation

Transcript: Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Market Statistics Units Sold for Snow Cones French Fries One 8 oz Snow Cone (1 unit) Solution Snow Cone Qualifications Business Model Start Up Funds At first we only needed to spend $60.00 because we already had the tools to make each treat. The smallest amount needed could be as low as $100 or as high as $1,000. Any money invested would go towards enlarging our business in the most logical way possible. Breakeven Units: 17 Snow cones and 17 Fries Industry: Fast food Annual industry sales: $191 billion Target Market Size Selling Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 COGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.25 Contribution Margin. . . . . . . $0.75 Based on the two day sale we had, we are expected to make approx. $540.00 in gross revenue. Profits would generally rise. We sold likely around 120 snow cones and four bags worth of french fries. Our net profit so far has been $216 and should keep at a steady rate. Bowl of French Fries (1 unit) Problem Population of Target Market: 300 Students Estimated Money Needed: Our business has already proven to be successful. In just two days, we earned $216.36 profit. When we have ample time to prep, we can make both fries and snow cones at a steady rate. We also feature bundles that acts as an intensive to our customers. Market Analysis Snow Cone maker Snow Cone cups Snow Cone flavor syrup Ice French Fries Cooking oil Deep Fryer Condiments Baskets or bowls Market Size: 200 Students Our business is a very solid and popular idea that appeals to kids of all ages. It has potential to grow into something much larger than itself. Sales Projections Colorful, eye-catching posters attract both kids and adults. Conclusion Heat oil in fryer Add french fries Remove fries into bowls Salt & Serve The problem that needs to be addressed is dissatisfaction in the school lunch's fries. Kids complain they are undercooked and have no salt. Plus, with it getting hotter now that it's summer, kids want a nice cold treat to cool them down. As far as management stands, Makayla and Hannah handle the money and aspects involved "behind the scenes" Jake serves as a promoter, going around and trying to bring customers in. Tessa, Jack, and Eli handle the food part of our business. Qualifications Cont. Eat a Cone with a Bro! Promotion and Sales French Fries Always polite and friendly with customers, kept them coming back. units sold Production Process Add ice to the machine and shave it into snow Scoop snow into cup Add syrup of choice & serve Demographics: Boys and Girls, elementary through high school students & faculty Geographics: Madison Central School Cafeteria, Madison, New York Psychographics: People like a cold treat on a summer day, and fries are a popular side with any lunch. Buying Patterns: Younger kids love snow cones, while more of the older students & adults enjoy french fries. Supplies Needed: Our fries our served fresh, hot, and crispy. They come with any combination of salt, pepper, or ketchup. Our snow cones are a cold, refreshing treat in six different flavors: Cherry, Fruit Punch, Blue Raspberry, Berry, Grape, and Mountain Dew! The solution is to make fries that have options such as salt, pepper and ketchup. We also sell snow cones featuring six different flavors. Commercial appealed more to the older students and adults. Target Consumers Investor Presentation Free leis and candy as a promotional deal. Population of Targeted Area: Approx. 500 Students Selling Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 COGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.50 Contribution Margin. . . . . . . $1.50 Our Product Have some Fries with the Guys! 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Snow cones


Transcript: The ideal food ... Those who are needing it Those who are looking for it - It has all the essential amino acids. - No. 1 natural food for brain and physical development of the human being. - Properties: Analgesic Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidant Cardio protective Healing Cerebral Stimulant Hepatoprotective Hypoallergenic Immunostimulant Restorative Factoría Quinoa Colombia Net Present Value (NPV): conservative USD 10 million - full USD 16 million Discount Rate (Year 1): 52% Project's profitability (IRR): 40% to 62.9% Investment Required: conservative USD 1.1 million - full USD 4 million Join the Quinoa's Colombian Fair Trade, which means sustainability, equity and peace Vegetarians: 2% (Holding Company) Allergies: 12.7% Europe (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr Helps to control weight and provide energy for long periods (cc) photo by jimmyharris on Flickr factoriaquinoa 1000 peasants. Agroecology. Economic equity. Social program for child nutrition. Job creation. Products Factoría Quinoa represents an innovative strategy to promote responsible consumption (healthy, ethical, environmentally friendly and fair) in Colombia and worldwide. RISKS & STRATEGIES China Korea Japan Subsidiary #2 Business Plan Impact Analysis Financial Model TEAM Malnutrition: 19% Lactose intolerance: 60% Organic Consumption: USD$30 billions Factoría Quinoa is seen as one of the best sustainable (social-environmental-economic) option to national and international donors (public and private), individuals and universities, interested in contributing with the development of productive projects in rural communities. Factoria Quinoa Colombia Factoría Quinoa represents a great opportunity to physicians, dietitians, chefs, restaurants, organizations and other distribution partners, who are aware of their social and environmental responsibility, by promoting good nutrition, health and responsible consumption of Colombian Fair Trade. (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr Human Nutrition Factoría Quinoa represents an outstanding job opportunity for technicians and professionals, who are interested to build equity and sustainability through their work. Our team work is integrated by technicians and professionals, with a high-level of human quality, in the areas of: research and development, agricultural production, agro processing, management, marketing, sales, administration, communication, international trade, finance and accounting and graphic design. (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr gluten lactose cholesterol soy additives Subsidiary #1 Factoría Quinoa ... Colombia “Quinoa has the balance of protein and nutrients closer to what would be the ideal food for a human being,” according to the FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture). "Quinoa: an authentic super food" Discovery DSalud Magazine n. 108, september of 2008 Subsidiary #1 Factoria Quinoa Colombia Factoría Quinoa China factoria quinoa India QUINOA Transgenics food rejection: 70% Ethical Consumption: USD$500 billions SALES Celiac: 1% @factoriaquinoa (cc) photo by jimmyharris on Flickr Factoría Quinoa is the main commercial partner of smallholder farmer (peasants and indigenous people), located between 2.400 and 2.800 meters above sea level in the Colombian Andes. Technical support through an agroecological packages, aiming to transform their practices with traditional products and quinoa, saving their most important assets: soil and water. Semi-annual return between 40% and 100%. Arabic Countries Animal Nutrition High Cholesterol: 12.7% (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr FIRST AND ONLY 100% natural and hypoallergenic nutritional complement (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr Factoria Quinoa Beauty & Health Subsidiary #2 Products & Subsidiaries Obesity: 46.1% Distribution Community Financial Model Transgenics food rejection: 70% High quality selected grains of quinoa, which are rinsed to remove their bitter resin-like coating, called saponin. FREE OF Colombian Fair Trade chain: # 1 in nutrition and sustainability Vitamins Consumption: 40% Producer Community Products President General Manager Director R & D in agro production and processing Scientific Director Administrative Manager Major Accounts Manager Direct Sales Manager Export Manager Communications Manager Cooperation Manager Plant Machinery Manager Agricultural Coordinator in field - Nariño Social Coordinator in field - Nariño Technical support for crops and agro-industrial plant Accounting and Administrative assistant Financial and Accountant auditor and Advisor Nutrition, Design and Legal Support Sponsor Community Gerente Producción Gerente Cooperación Gerente Nutrición Gerente Diseño Gerente Web 2.0 (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr Consumer Community Factoría Quinoa´s mission is to maximize equity and social-environmental-economic value creation between the communities articulated in the Colombian fair trade chain: Producer, Transforming, Distribution, Consumer and

Investors presentation

Transcript: Travel Mate or Date Around Me The Internet The Market - More users than ever before online - 2020= 5 billion -Largest growth= undeveloped countries = Untapped market Growth Growth -More accessible and less expensive -No longer a "premium product" Market Shift Market shift Opportunity Opportunity Culture shift Culture Shift: - Increase in online dating - No longer a taboo subject - Younger generation is open - Online friends - Online relationships -Long distance -No longer so serious - 43% for friends - Only 24 % for sexual purposes Travel Travel "Young travelers today want, more than ever, to enrich themselves with cultural experiences, to meet local people and to improve their employability when they return home," said David Chapman, director general for the WYSE Travel Confederation.hic Younger generation: - Traveling more - Long distance - Meeting new people - International travel up by 7% - 4-5% increase per year Currently on the market - No good dating/ relationship websites or applications for traveling individuals Problem Problem - Fake Profiles - Scams - Across every social media website/ dating profile - Photo editing - Filters Who is Real Anymore? Current - Too many messages - No incentive - No real time conversation - Ratio disparity - Loss of Value in a "Like" Current Conversations Conversations To introduce a relationship based application for those interested in traveling and/ or obtaining an international relationship. Solution The Divide of Customers = Two approaches TMoD Travel Mate or Date Achieved by: - Fraud check team - "Gif" creation - Marketing - Ability to earn money - Side job Real People Main Focus Online drinks "Share a drink" -50 cents for drink - 75/ 25 split Video and Phone chat price set by receiver. "Gifts" -90/ 10 split Virtual bar Business Model Becomes available after a certain "level" is met. - Messages exchanged -Price point Suggesting to meet Meet function If agreed to by both parties: - app will then be used as a medium to meet and receiver will act as a tour guild Around Me Demonstration Video Basic: -Every 3rd person you have to view a 30 second advertisement Premium: -Subscription/ monthly -No adds -Ability to adjust preference -Male vs Female -Change location Basic and Premium Business Model -Real people -Able to generate repeat customers -True/ visual transparency -Safe and casual place to quickly meet people around your area -Different sections within: -Speed date -Friends -Party -Sports -ect. Main Focus - Investors who believe in the potential of these platforms and us as the ones to build, release and succeed. - Branch of specialist within OMPro - Build platforms (Alphas) -Serves -Employees -Marketing -Initial customer insensitive -Release and test in Thailand: - Locally and organically grow the market with a hands-on approach. Collecting data and forecasting for an updated Beta Version and release (Bangkok). Your investment/ Partnership Launch Plan Aggressive market attack strategy: - Heavy investment and ambitious goals to propel growth -Strategic position advantage Phuket= high travel area Offers ideal customer Easy for us to use Phuket as a test market and hire/ pay marketed girls to begin our endeavor and serve as a base customer group. Past history: Dirk will need to take over at this point to further convince investors as to why Ompro is a safe bet for their investment Why OMPro

Investors Presentation

Transcript: Investment of full £450,000 You will receive: Dinner and Drinks with the Cast and Crew for you plus four guests 10 complimentary tickets to every performance with a backstage tour and meet and greet for yourself and your guests (or you can save these up for certain performances to take more people along if you wish) Signed Merchandise Goody-bag for all of your guests (which includes a tote bag, mug, poster, CD, Tshirt, programme) 20 tickets to the opening night party in Richmond, Surrey. Executive Producer credit in the programme (if wanted). An invitation to rehearsals to help out the director and give your views. One page of advertising in the programme An invitation for you and as many of your guests as you wish to attend a singing workshop with the cast and learn all of the songs from the production Regular email updates with official rehearsal and show photographs Return on your investment by July 2015 Plus 20% of profits after break-even point Richmond Theatre 4th - 18th February 2015 Oxford New Theatre 25th February - 4th March 2015 Theatre Royal Bath 11th - 25th March 2015 Weymouth Pavilion 1st - 8th April 2015 King's Theatre Portsmouth 15th - 22nd April 2015 Theatre Royal Brighton 29th April - 13th May 2015 Marlowe Theatre Canterbury 20th May - 3rd June 2015 Investment of £112,500 You will receive: Dinner and Drinks with the cast and crew for you plus one guest 3 complimentary tickets to every performance with a backstage tour and meet and greet for yourself and your guests (or you can save these up for certain performances to take more people along if you wish) Signed Merchandise Goody-bag for all of your guests (which includes a tote bag, mug, poster, CD, tshirt, programme) 5 tickets to the opening night party in Richmond, Surrey. Associate Producer credit in the programme (if wanted). An invitation to rehearsals Quarter page of advertising in the programme Regular email updates with official rehearsal and show photographs Return on your investment by July 2015 Plus 5% of profits after break-even point A New musical Investment of £225,000 You will receive: Dinner and Drinks with the cast and crew for you plus two guests 5 complimentary tickets to every performance with a backstage tour and meet and greet for yourself and your guests (or you can save these up for certain performances to take more people along if you wish) Signed Merchandise Goody-bag for all of your guests (which includes a tote bag, mug, poster, CD, tshirt, programme) 10 tickets to the opening night party in Richmond, Surrey. Associate Producer credit in the programme (if wanted). An invitation to rehearsals Half a page of advertising in the programme Regular email updates with official rehearsal and show photographs Return on your investment by July 2015 Plus 10% of profits after break-even point Total investment: £452,513* Males and Females aged 50+ Around in 1960s Live in London, South East or South West Regularly attend their regional theatres to see similar productions Gold Investment Pre-production plus running costs Tour Dates Financial Return Target Audiences Thank you for your attention... I now welcome any questions Promote high quality productions at regional theatres "A brilliant series with great actors and an excellent storyline!" "It's a rock n roll soap opera but it's smartly written and engagingly acted." Be part of something fantastic! Fees: £95,796.68 Physical Production: £69,575.79 Salaries: £574,770.56 Theatre costs: £2120.16 rehearsal costs: £22,523.40 Advertising and PR: £135,593.60 General admin: £46,660.79 Misc Costs: £2000 Touring costs: £67,570 Make it yours Silver Investment Investment of £56,250 You will receive: Dinner and Drinks with the cast and crew 2 complimentary tickets to every performance with a backstage tour and meet and greet for yourself and your guests (or you can save these up for certain performances to take more people along if you wish) Signed Merchandise Goody-bag for all of your guests (which includes a tote bag, mug, poster, CD, tshirt, programme) 2 tickets to the opening night party in Richmond, Surrey. Special thanks in the programme (if wanted). Quarter page of advertising in the programme Regular email updates with official rehearsal and show photographs Return on your investment by July 2015 Plus 2.5% of profits after break-even point Females aged 14-24 Live in London, South East or South West Do not regularly attend their regional theatres Are interested in Pop Culture and especially The X Factor, Soap Operas and our celebrity Lead Artist Platinum Investment I Want Doesn't Get Guaranteed a return on your investment at: 60% capacity weekdays 75% capacity weekends 25% merchandise sales Full Price Tickets: £25 Concession Tickets: £22 Average ticket yield: £22.56 Bronze Investment Passion Scope for extension Vintage and 1960s Pop Culture Share a wonderful story Professionalism Investors Presentation *£2513 will be raised through

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