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Digital Campaign Presentation Template

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Digital Template

Transcript: STRATEGY MARKETING Company Date DIGITAL STRATIGY SUMMERY "Customers have too many choices these days and they have to be constantly reminded that you exist. The best way to reach them is where they spend a good bit of time ... which is online." SUMMARY SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS Targeting WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS WHY EFFECTIVENESS THE TIMELINE TIME SPENT Numbers don't lie... MOBILE SEARCH How effective are Mobile Searches? 70% of mobile searches lead to action within 1 hour. DIGITAL THE PLAN AUDIENCE EXTENSION AUDIENCE EXTENSION Starting the Search SITE RETARGETING SITE RETARGETING Once users have visited your website, they will be followed with your ads where ever they go online- reminding them to come back and take action. CONTEXTUAL TARGETING When your potential customers are researching topics relevant to your business, we will show your ads based on the terms in that content. CONTEXTUAL TARGETING These ads will follow your customers onto other sites. MOBLIE & APP MOBLIE & APP Serves ads to mobile device browsers and also serve ads while potential clients are in apps. With this product you pick a region of how far you want to reach and it will appear on anyone’s phone in the region you chose. AUDIENCE TARGETING AUDIENCE TARGETING Your ads are shown online in your target geographic area based on the behavior of internet users. Users can be targeted based on many different characteristics such as age, interest, purchase history and online behavior. HYPER LOCAL MOBILE HYPERLOCAL MOBILE Hyperlocal Mobile also known as "Geo-Fencing" allows us to show your mobile ads to customers in very pin pointed areas using specific longitudes and latitudes. Example: If you target the BYU-I campus, your ad will be seen by people there who are on their mobile devices. PRICING FOCUS AREA 3 THE PROBLEM THE PROBLEM 75 % 35 % 10 % THE PLAN THE PLAN THE TIMELINE THE TIMELINE 2017 2008 2013 2005 2010

Digital Campaign Presentation

Transcript: when people like it they share it Thank you The one who don't give a shit about their shampoo Digital Campaign Presentation The message to break typical thinking of mindset • Sarcastically bring out the message -Help us to remember every single moment no matter happy or sad. -Remember happy thoughts. -Contains everything you have learn. The one who making purchase decisions -Able to bring out the important info within 30 seconds. -Spend time to watch creative video. wider target audience Funny And so, it create short product display TARGET AUDIENCE curiosity How does the ad works? to - create a Facebook page. - insert QR code into the related poster in LRT station/ shopping mall. CONTENT HOW CAMPAIGN WORK? Product unimpact - Would not understand the color of Alzheimer's brain scan. -Green color represents of normal brain and red color represents of Alzheimer's brain. - Insert a website link in the video to gain more details and information. It breaks traditional way WHAT IS ALZHEIMER DISEASE? • Aiming for wider target audience • It's men shampoo, but women style The cons might not like it Real man for listening - To raise awareness . - For donation purpose. -To maximize recognition. • Create powerful impression OBJECTIVE Men's product EXPAND TO DIGITAL MEN ALWAYS USE THE WRONG SHAMPOO Serious audience BRAIN SCAN - Objective - About Alzheimer Disease - Target Audience - How Campaign Work - Pros and Cons - Expand to Digital Pantene Shampoo Facebook • Pinterest Dove Men Women not all shampoo is ok additional Principle man Digital Strategy • no vitamins intro Dove men shampoo The Aim • no hard sell of product - Is the most common form of dimentia. - Caused by brain cell death. - Confused and frequently forget current moment. - Able to enlighten everyone especially young generation. - To cherish every moment. Interchanging storyline Targeting who? keeping audience attention possibility to create Memories are important Women's shampoo effect Careless man The one who only use men shampoo

Digital template

Transcript: Open: adoption of original digital date by other CAD software and CAM devices Working principle Light source The necessity of powder coat spraying Operative process Output file format Company: Sirona Working principle: Active triangulation and optical microscopy Light source: visible blue light Imaging type: multiple images Necessity of coating In office milling Output format: proprietary closed Intraoral Digital Systems E4D CEREC Trios planscan Lava C.O.S iTero E4D True definition scanner cs3500 Impression Optical technology Single image camera CEREC Omnicam Preparation Hard to get to the undercuts with this technology DIGITAL IMPRESSION Planmeca Plan Scan Intra-oral Scanner Trios Widen the offering for your customers Produce in the material the dentist wants Open your options – internal or external manufacturing Open data* Dentists face problem in daily life Messy materials Tedious and time taking Tongue and saliva Discomfort to patient Make more units per day Get fast digital workflows Reduce labor-intense processes Integrates directly with their software with cone beam and digital x-rays Total integration with planmeca software Scanner is manufactured by E4D Laptop or PC compatible Blue laser Elastomers Agar-Agar (Reversible Hydrocolloid) Tooth Coating with Triangulation/Sampling 3M ESPE Active wavefront sampling Pulsating visible blue light Video Necessity of coating No in-office proprietary IOS Fast Scan Lava C.O.S Alginate (Irreversible Hydrocolloid) iTero System Compete with low-cost labs and chairside milling Increase profit per unit Expand your offerings and services Finishing Create high quality prosthetics Polyvinyl Siloxane (Addition Silicone) Polysulfide (Rubber Base, Thiokol) Triangulation/Sampling scanners require the teeth to be coated with titanium oxide to avoid light scattering These optical impression are superior in technology and know for its accuracy, saves the patients and dentists time with a few laboratory procedures and patients comfort. But it has limitations like high cast , and specialised equipment requirement. Lava COS Waxing Extra-oral Scanners Cadent company Parallel confocal microscopy Red laser ( Photographing) Multiple images Non coating No in office milling Proprietary or selective STL open . The Main Intraoral Digital Systems Silicone (Conventional, Condensation) Classification System Based on Properties of Set Materials Planmeca PlanScan classification of CAD/CAM systems Closed: All the steps are integrated in the unique system Movable - one single cable to the laptop Open .stl files Different tip sizes - all cases can be scanned, even trauma patients with difficulties to open the jaw Powder free scanning Live video capturing - ultra fast pattern triangulation Very fast surface recognition - easy to let patient rest and continue the scanning anywhere Computerized milling device iTero Water-Based Gel Communication with patients True Definition Scanner( 3M) CAM IOS Fastscan CEREC Omnicam – Scanning Simplicity E4D (D$D Technologies) iTero(cadent) 3D progress(MHT) Planmeca planscan Conclusion rapid prototyping computer-aided manufacturing. (CAD-CAM) STL files describe only the surface geometry of a three dimensional object without any representation of color, texture or other common CAD model attributes. (Wikipedia) Increase productivity Problems faced with conventional impression making CAM Classification of Intraoral Scanners Data acquisition unit: digital impression Software for designing virtual restorations Open Blue LED Powder required No color image Imaging type: filming ( video) Image acquisition unit Increase profits and stay competitive Potential benefits for Dentists, Patients and Labs CAD Laser technology Eliminating Steps at the Office Intuitive orientation in the patient’s mouth Good differentiation between tooth structure and gingival Differentiation from amalgam, gold or composite CAD/CAM Systems Advantages of chair side oral scanner Impression data can be processed with the aid of the inLab software (via Sirona Connect) or third-party software (export inLab design data via the Open inLab interface When you scan with Itero or a dental cast scanner , you get an STL file STL means stereoiithographic file. STL are wideiy used for: Why go digital? Stone Model STL are wideiy used for: 3D Progress Type of file obtained Provide more indications and materials The challenge of PVS Impressions Thank you CAM Powder-free scanning 3D impressions in natural color Casting Traditional L.Nasiry Khanlar Scanner Up to 1000 3D pictures for true geometries Polyether CAD Rigid Impression Compound (optical impression) Video camera It captures a thousands of 3D data sets in few seconds It captures a motion picture This scanner quickly captures 3D and renders a 3D model instantaneously CAD Impression Plaster DDS,MS( Operative Dentistry) ASSISTANT PROFESSOR & RESEACHER D4D Technologies company Optical coherence tomography and confocal microscopy Laser Multiple images Occasionally


Transcript: PRIYANKA B The venue of Excitement Digital marketing campaign with a creative communication idea and where it would be run MISSION MISSION already launched in the market and positioned as a SUV with cool entertainment features as a key differentiator PRODUCT : HYUNDAI VENUE PRODUCT PICTURE PICTURE To popularise the product Create buyer awareness UP the sales CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVE CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVE ‘CONNECTED TO EXCITEMENT’ – BLUE LINK TECHNOLOGY BRAND POSITIONING BRAND POSITIONING MY Campaign 'THE VENUE OF EXCITEMENT' We will be positioning this campaign along with the cricket world cup 2019 Duration- June 1st to July 31st Theme CAMPAIGN THEME Real-time point of Interest Search Push Maps by Call Centre Real Time Traffic Information Share and track Vehicle location by family Share My Car Share the Destination Real-Time vehicle tracking Remote engine start/stop Remote climate control Remote Door lock BLUE-LINK BLUE LINK Technology An outstanding Bowler – 165 kmph approximate top speed A classy Batsman -Diesel engine millage is 23.7 Wicket Keeper - Safety features (Use of AHSS and HSS to create body structure) Captain as a great leader - Engine Agile Fielding team - Fluidic Design ad 120 BHP in 1 L engine An emerging PRODIGY, all rounder that world has never seen - BLUE LINK TECHNOLOGY What is a good World Cup team? WORLD CUP Social media World cup 2019 adds Wallboard in airports, malls & technopark hubs Live facebook/ Instagram story campaign Virtual Reality PLATFORM PLATFORM

Tesla - Digital Campaign Presentation

Transcript: INTERNAL NEWSLETTER Krista Mayanja CURRENT POLICIES Current Policies PRIVACY POLICY PRIVACY NOTICE Separates the driving vehicle data from the user identity or account Infotainment data is kept private from personal identity or account Data sharing consent is necessary for autopilot data Only collects the necessary personal data for energy products Limit to how and who Tesla shares your personal data with User has the right to gain access and control to the data collected, used, and shared INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY All text, images, graphics, sound files, animation files, video files is subject to copy and IP protection All marks displayed on Tesla are subject to trademark No Tesla license will be granted to any person No warranties or representations Open sources available online HUMAN RIGHTS POLICY HUMAN RIGHTS POLICY Tesla believes the ethical treatment of all people and regard for human rights to build a sustainable future Rights and values are upheld throughout the value chain Employees and contractors are provided with a safe and healthy work environment Entire value chain is free of any form of slave or forced labor, debt bondage or human trafficking Tesla does not discriminate for a respectful workplace and equal opportunity Strives to reduce the impact to the environment by using renewable energy Follows local and national laws restricting the employment of underage workers Being responsible members of the communities in which they live and operate Engage with legitimate representatives of indigenous communities UNSUPPORTED OR SALVAGED VEHICLE POLICY UNSUPPORTED OR SALVAGED VEHICLE POLICY Salvage registration/titling typically can never be removed from the vehicle No warrant the safety or operability of salvaged vehicles Vehicle owners are responsible for the failures, damages, or injuries occurring as a result of such repairs or continued operation of an unsupported vehicle Does not perform or support repairs involving the HV (high-voltage) battery systems Classifications for salvaged vehicles POLICY UPDATES UPDATES Privacy policy Intellectual property policy Human rights policy Unsupported or Salvaged Vehicle Policy 01 Updates to Privacy Policy 01 The privacy policy should be updated and reviewed to include the protection of potential users of Tesla products and services. Purpose of the data collection Option to opt out of futher contact 02 Updates to IP The intellectual property should be updated and reviewed to include the use of Telsa products and services for commercial use and non commercial use. Written approval and consent required Tesla products and services can be not used in a negative way 02 03 Updates to Human Rights Policy The Human Rights Policy should be updated and reviewed to include the disposal and recycling of Tesla vehicles and parts that are damaged or not in use. Tesla vehicles and parts are reused or recycled when possible to reduce waste and pollution 03 04 Updates to Unsupported and Salvaged Vehicle Policy The unsupported and salvaged vehicle policy should be updated and reviewed to remove the liability of Tesla from products not sold directly through a Tesla dealership. No liability for the safety or condition of third party vehicle or parts purchases Assessment and service of third party vehicles 04 DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION 1) Available on Tesla staff internet 2) Stakeholders company email address 3) Discussed during video conference call INFORMING STAKEHOLDERS STAKEHOLDERS PRIVACY Privacy Informing stakeholders to ensure confidentiality of stakeholder rights based on privacy includes: Asking for consent before recording or transcribing any company meetings Allow stakeholders access to any data that has been stored and recorded from stakeholder meetings. IP Intellectual property Informing stakeholders to ensure confidentiality of stakeholder rights based on intellectual property includes: All stakeholders sign a non-disclosure agreement to ensure that sensitive and personal company information and date isn’t shared or sold to third parties. FEEDBACK Feedback How to deal with feedback from stakeholders and how you can use this feedback to review Recording all the concerns and questions then having a meeting to discuss the most important aspect that should be re-reviewed again. All feedback from stakeholders is taken into consideration and followed up on to ensure that there is clear understanding of all the policies and procedures SECURITY ISSUES Security issues Informing stakeholders to ensure confidentiality of stakeholder rights based on security issues includes: Monitoring potential security issues by locking all sensitive company information documents behind a password that must be entered before viewing. Company documents can only be accessed through a company computer or laptop. ETHICS Ethics Informing stakeholders to ensure confidentiality of stakeholder rights based on ethics includes: Having a communication plan to ensure that all parties have

Campaign Reporting Template

Transcript: E.g. Create eqity in women's health services access and outcomes in disadvantaged groups Actions E.g. We engaged with more than 50 intersectorial stakeholders such as a,b,c... which aligns to our core goal of: Engagement - Create strong engagement with our key stakeholders, including members, partners, the community and government What's the Campaign? What's the problem? In order to solve this problem, we... e.g. NWHS...A one day event with top 100 influencers that opens the conversation about this issues Outcomes vs. Objectives Building partnerships allows us to be seen as a figure of authority, which brings us closer to our vision: To be the leading authority in women’s health in Australia and New Zealand. If we are the leading authority in women's health, we can now solve the initial problem. E.g. If we want to increase awareness, we need more people to hear our message, so we'll track that with reach, followers, media presence.... Campaign Objectives Social media campaign Social media cross-promotion with partners Press room Press release Journo co-chairs What's the solution? Outcomes How does this relate to the College's goals? Insert tickbox table: Reach 1000 Followers +200 Media presence 5000 reach = Tick Raise Awareness goals. We reached 1000 people with our NWHS thanks to partnering re-tweets that augmented our reach. This is 500 more than our average, which means we doubled the reach of our message E.g. To increase awareness on women's health pressing challenges in different specialist streams How does this relate to our Mission and Vision? E.g. Inequity in women's health services access and outcomes in disadvantaged groups Marketing Metrics

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