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Sales Kick Off Presentation Template

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Sales Kick-Off

Transcript: Sales Kick-Off Training (Part 1) Welcome to Sales Kick-off! Sales? What's Sales? Is studying sales important? Who are the sales for? Where can sales take us to? CEOs who started their career in Sales It starts from SALES! Howard Schultz - Howard worked as a salesman at XEROX - appliance salesman at Hammarplast - he joined Starbucks as a Director of Marketing - He later acquired Starbucks in 1987 and became CEO “If people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand.” - Howard Schultz Howard Schultz Sales rep at 25, CEO by 35 Warren Buffett A paperboy to World’s richest man Warren Buffett - He worked as a paperboy - He used to sell securities at Buffett-Falk & Company - He bought shares and eventually acquired Berkshire Hathaway and became CEO in 1970 - He is in the top 10 richest people in the world for over 20 years “Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.” - Warren Buffett Mark Cuban - started his career by selling garbage bags - He worked in software sales job - What he believes is that the ability to sell comes from knowing what you sell in depth - He started a company MicroSolutions and sold it - Later he started an Internet Radio company, which was acquired by Yahoo - He owned Dallas Mavericks and currently acts as CEO for AXS TV “Treat your customers like they own you. Because they do. Don’t just sell your product but solve their problems.” - Mark Cuban Mark Cuban Billionaire by the the age of 41 William C. Weldon “The values expressed in our credo are the heart of our culture.” - William C. Weldon William C. Weldon Became the CEO of the company where he used to work as a Sales Rep - started his career as a Sales rep at Johnson - He became head of pharmaceutical operations by 1998 and in 2002 - he became the CEO. Despite many challenges - He retired as the chairman in 2012 John Paul DeJoria “If a business wants to stay in business, it cannot just think of today’s bottomline.” - John Paul deJoria John Paul DeJoria A self-made billionaire who is the co-founder of Paul Mitchell Systems - he worked as a sales rep selling hair products door-to-door - He was fired by many companies as he failed to adapt to the change - Finally, in 1980, he along with his friend, started their own company with just a couple of products - At present, their company has an estimated sales of more than 1 billion dollars. Samuel Palmisano A man who spent all his life working for the same Company from sales rep to CEO of IBM Samuel Palmisano - Palmisano started working as a Sales rep in IBM in 1973 - He served as CEO of IBM between 2002 and 2011 - IBM grew as the largest IT company in the world under his tenure - He always believed that the companies who are good at listening to its customers and understanding them, are the companies which will succeed. “Enterprise is hard work. You have to integrate the client with the optimized systems of all the servers and software.” - Samuel Palmisano Nick Woodman Young Entrepreneur Award winner in 2013, started his career in Sales Nick Woodman - he used to sell necklaces - He noticed that people are willing to pay for the lifestyle - he came up with GoPro “Sell the lifestyle associated with the product, rather than the product itself.” - Nick Woodman Robert Herjavec A Sales rep turned into Businessman, Investor, and a Television Personality in no time Robert Herjavec - started his career as a sales rep who used to sell IBM Mainframe emulation boards - He used to work for free for the first 6 months - He gained a lot of experience working there and eventually started his tech company - He sold it to AT&T and later came up with Herjavec Group, Canada’s largest IT security providerر “Business is a sprint until you find an opportunity, then it’s the patience of a marathon runner.” - Robert Herjavec Anne Mulcahy A sales rep at the age of 23 who became the CEO in the same company Anne Mulcahy - Anne worked as a sales rep at XEROX - She was known for her strategies and management techniques - She rose through the ranks and became Vice President for HR - She eventually became CEO in 2001 when the company was going down and with her bold decisions, she brought the company back on track “You have to live the mission… love what you do.” - Anne Mulcahy Gary Vaynerchuk A wine-critic who now owns 2 companies of his own Gary Vaynerchuk - He used to sell baseball cards and earned thousands of dollars out of it - He saw the potential in it and backed his thinking - He then turned into a wine critic and grew their family’s wine business to a whopping 60 million dollars by 2005 by using email marketing and e-commerce techniques - He currently leads two companies- VaynerMedia and VaynerX “Developing your personal brand is key to monetizing your passion online.” -Gary Vaynerchuk Relationship of Sales to the Economy Sales & Economics Relationship Economics & Sales (ESBI) - E(mployee) people who has a job - S(mall Joe

Sales kick off

Transcript: Environmental Fire resistance 3. Existing customers- Training course Marcom Sales Sharing info of new projects, events and travel reports Description Basic education kit intended to expose the audience to DIP Tech’s technology. (Architects/designers/engineers/owners etc. ) Demand creation a. Creating link between the architects and the glass processors, by locating the architects. d. Architect’s activities (conventions, seminar, forums) 1. Expose, train and educate DIP Tech’s technology 6. Develop new products Develop new products/applications which utilize DIP Tech’s technology and can be attractive for architects as well as contributing Dip-tech’s business enlargement. Waste disposal 7. Write the full architect specification document - Cross-referencing 4. Potential customers - Presentation Brazil b. Construction projects initiations 2. Drive and support DIP Tech’s customers Applications Graphic assistance Samples for architects Contribute for new product develop Promote sales by providing added value in the sales process 4.2.14 Educate the final decision makers, as architect, designers, engineers, entrepreneurs and curtain wall manufactures. e. Special projects (Olympic Games, expo) Architecture 3. Support and collaborate with the sales department Advertising Niv Raz Architect - More specifications 1. Mapping the world of architecture Thank you. 30.1.14 Storage and transportation - User friendly database Stage 1 – China • Learn the prospect mapping methodology • Learn market player, opinion leaders and key influences • Support and inspire Lidia on the architectural aspects • Collect information for the training kit Maintenance c. Demonstration of the climate effects of the product on a building, according to world standart (Leed 5281) 8. Management of the DIP Tech’s project’s database Competitions Expo Product development Computer Science Building Support and collaboration with dip Tech’s users in the objective of spreading the knowledge from “bottom to top” while giving the customers the architect perspective. b. Showing the costumer the day after the purchase of the machine Handling and machinery Study & research Technical data f. Key players and market influencers Social media Stainless still kimmel eshkolot architects Marketing Stage 3 – Brazil • Mapping the market • Introduction and training of key influencers • Training and marketing the market players a. Architects a. Number of furnace Action items China Territories c. Active DIP Tech’s customers Main targets b. Supporting the client in his process and implementation of projects. Conference USA 5. Sustainability a. Matching and setting the performance software to market needs b. Manage and train the architects and consultants with the performance software Influencers Harlem Hospital Center N.Y, HOK Architects Multilayer printing following indicators in the objective of prioritize DIP Tech’s demand creation activities: Cooperation with Building a sales speech which will present DIP Tech’s as a partner which support and invest in the effort of demand creation. 2. Training course for Architects and designers 9. Define and manage Demand creation budget Magazine Stage 2 – USA • Learn current demand creation activities • Exchange information and develop collaboration channels Prospect

Sales Kick-off

Transcript: The more complicated an idea, the less likely it is to survive and thrive. Keep it simple. Data Centre Hosting Government and Commercial IaaS What does business success look like to me Having a clear but flexible strategy to grow our local Cloud revenue. Living by a standard and code of ethics where your business becomes a culture that everyone wants to become a part of. TSM/CA/DAD/PITA... David Peake Enable access, low touch, high transaction rate Present and demo the solution Prepare PAA and pricing estimate Enable Customer Tenancy (includes new and existing data centre customers) Follow-up Close the deal Easy? Easier when you are prepared and carry out your plan Long term goal, short term success Health Sector Eco System Design thinking workshop Identify Health Sector ISV's (who they are, what service(s) they provide) Intial engagement requirements Key roles, what part they play (e.g. Sales Lead, Cloud Advisor, Customer exec etc) Identify collateral (presentation and demo environment) Sales support PAA development (e.g. Solution Manager) Customer tenancy creation (e.g. Cloud Delivery) Customer technical/pre-sales support Follow-up Key roles (e.g. Sales, Pre-sales, Cloud Delivery etc..) Further detail required. Transition assistance required? Sign contract Post sales Evaluation, win or lose, understand what we could have done better. Management Support: We need management support to enable us to be relentless about executing it Protect us from the business Incent the right people so its their mission to succeed BROAD PLAN WHAT CLIENTS ARE CRITICAL TO OUR SUCCESS Health Body Healthy Mind: Cycle 8000k this year Cross brand knowledge: Learn about other cross brand offerings within the business to help add value Personal Development Goals Collaboration: improve relationships with my peers. Understand their goals and needs, and learn to work together to help achieve each others goals. WHAT DO I NEED FROM THE TEAM BUSINESS SUCCESS SOLUTIONS

Sales Kick-off

Transcript: SALES KICKOFF Discovery Take aways Key takeaways 01 02 Key takeaways Understand what is a Challenger TEACH.TAILOR.TAKE CONTROL. How to structure a "winning" discovery call 03 Agenda Agenda Selling style self-diagnostic 1 The Challenger Sale "Deal closing" discovery calls Exercise 2 3 4 Considering each of the statements below, score each one according to your agreement with how well it describes how you sell to your customers. Instructions Instructions 1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly agree Adamson, Brent; Nixon, Matthew (2011). The Challenger Sale Scoring Guide Scoring Guide Add up to your score for questions 2 and 3. Write that number in the "Teaches for Differentiation" box. Add up to your score for questions 5 and 6. Write that number in the "Tailors for Resonance" box. Add up to your score for questions 8 and 9. Write that number in the "Takes Control" box. If you rated yourself highly on questions 1,4,7, or 10, this means that you have a natural sales tendencies in other sales profiles: 1 is Relationship Builder 4 is Lone Wolf 7 is Problem Solver 10 is Hard Worker Results In each box: 8 or above: Sounds like you are off to a great start; keep looking for ways to challenge your customers' thinking. 5 to 7: You have a good foundation to build on; target an area for developments and start pushing yourself to challenge more. 4 or below: This may be slighly new approach for you; think about the area where you feel most comfortable and start your personal development there. Results The Challenger Sale The Challenger Sale B2B sales reps fall into five different profiles that define the skills and behaviors they use when interacting with customers. Challenger approach Challenger approach 40% of high sales performers primarily used a Challenger style - as opposed to one of the other four sales styles. High performers were more than 2x likely to use a Challenger approach than any other approach. More than 50% of all star performers fit the challenger profile in complex sales. Only 7% of top performers took a relationship-building approach – the worst performing profile. 3 T's 3 T's CHALLENGERS: TEACH Focusing the sales conversation not on features and benefits but on insight, bringing a unique perspective on the customer’s business. TAILOR Use individual customer objectives and value drivers knowledges to effectively position their sales pitch to different types of stakeholders. TAKE CONTROL Build constructive tension, create momentum and are unlikely to acquiesce to every customer demand. Can push customers when needed. "Deal closing" discovery calls "Deal closing" discovery calls • How often should I ask questions in discovery calls? • How to ask questions differently? • How talk/listen ratios compare across performance levels? Topic questions Call Preparation FIRST STEPS Get rid of the corporate overview slide. Call Preparation Drop the customer logo slide. Ditch the thought leadership slides. Postpone the product pitch. 01 02 03 04 Buzz(kill)words BUZZWORD MENTIONS LEADER 161,000 LEADING 44,900 BEST 43,000 TOP 32,500 UNIQUE 30,400 GREAT 28,600 SOLUTION 22,600 LARGEST 21,900 INNOVATIVE 21,800 INNOVATOR 21,400 Ask yourself TEACH What business problems will you be focusing on with this customer? How do you know that this is of critical importance to them? How have you seen similar companies approach this problem? How new/intriguing will this insight be to the customer? Why hasn't the customer figured it out already? TAILOR What are some of the latests trends in this customer's industry? How would those trends affect the customers' company? What is unique about this company's position in the market-place? Where are they most vulnerable? TAKE CONTROL What are your next steps to ensure that the purchase process moves forward? What is your understanding of the customers' buying process? Areas of insight Goals and objectives Market characteristics and trends Digital anayltics data Content Audit Competitor audit Consumer behavior/Influencers Business Problems INDUSTRY COMPANY ROLE INDIVIDUAL NEXT STEPS Tailor the tittle slide to their specific problem. Call Preparation Additional slide to "REFRAME" - use visual depiction of the problem you want to highlight. Best slide to higlight the cost of the problem "Rational Drowing". 05 06 07 08 "WARM" with two-three slides to adress business problems. NEXT STEPS Introduce the “New Way” with a simple, visually compelling, quantified business benefit. Call Preparation Two or three customer case studies. 08 09 10 Overview of the solution not the product. WHY ARE WE THE BEST? What are our unique strenghts? What we do better than the competition? Innovative? Customer-focused? So is the rest. Connect insights to our unique capabilities Why should our customers buy from us? During the Call Talking about yourself doesn't work any better in a client meeting than it does on a first date. Show some interest and that you understand them, then they will

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