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Business Model Canvas Presentation Template

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Business Model Canvas - Prezi Template

Transcript: CUSTOMER SEGMENTS CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS //how you interact //how you help others //what you do //what do you have //how they know you and how you deliver it? CUSTOMIZE THE SIZE, LAYOUT AND COLORS ZOOM ANYWHERE AND INSERT YOUR CONTENT ALL SEPARATED DESIGN ELEMENTS: REVENUE STREAMS //who you help KEY RESOURCES CHANNELS Don't forget to zoom in and impress your audience with the details COST STRUCTURE VALUE PROPOSITIONS KEY PARTNERS KEY ACTIVITIES //what you get? canvas,business plan,business model canvas,marketing plan,business plan sample,business strategy,sample business plan,business plan format,business canvas,business plan example,canvas business model,business planning,canvas model,business models,business model canvas template,business canvas model,business plan software,canvas online,bussiness plan,business model canvas pdf,business concept,canavas,business model innovation,business model template,business model example,business plan model,business modelling,business modeling,osterwalder business model canvas,business model canvas online,business model generation canvas,new business models,model business plan,canvas wikipedia,business strategy model,business model design,innovative business models,business model canvas book,business model canvas wiki,startup canvas,business model canvas generator,business model canvas tool,startup business model,business plan models,internet business model,canvas tool,canvas startup,business model canvas video,software business models,make canvas,strategyzer business model canvas,editable business model canvas,le business model,business modelling tools, business canvas prezi, prezi business model canvas, canvas model for prezi, prezi business model, business model canvas prezi free, free business canvas, prezi //who helps you //what you give? Get this Prezi Template from: text images videos symbols


Transcript: A business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and capture value OUR MAIN TARGET SEGMENTS ARE REPRESENTED BY: - Families; - Middle-aged people; - Students; - People having advantages from the device; -Organization indirectly involved in epilepsy issue; THE VALUE PROPOSITION OF THE PROJECT IS REPRESENTED BY THE WILLINGNESS TO GET: - MONEY for developing a collaborative competition between Universities; - AWARENESS about the project and the illness; Our site THE CHANNELS WE WILL USE ARE: - Website, Facebook page, Twitter; - Posters, flyers; - Events; - Lottery; - Radio (CBS); - Free newspapers / magazines; WE AIM TO CREATE SOME LONG-TERM CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS BASED ON: - Donations; - Volunteering; - Creation and updating of website, Facebook, Twitter; THE MAIN STREAMS OF REVENUE WILL BE GENERATED BY: -Funds; -Advertisement and Bike competition fees; -Reputation; -Auctions; THE KEY RESOURCES WILL BE: Physical: Buildings (university and other places for the events.) Human: Team, Network contacts; Financial: Donations, lottery, auction costs; Intellectual: Creative Bar code, patent (device); TM, logo, partnerships; THE KEY ACTIVITIES ARE: Raise funds through: - Creation and promotion of events and website; - Team recruitment and management THE KEY PARTNERSHIPS WE WILL WORK ON ARE: - Associations, NGOs and other organizations; - University (CBS); - Newspaper publication companies; - Ads agencies; - Hospitals; - Other key partners: artists, big companies,... OUR COST STRUCTURE IS BASED ON: -Fixed costs, variable costs; - Unexpected costs; -Economies of scope; BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS

abcdexperts business model canvas template

Transcript: ? examples 1. Internet & Tech infrastructure 2. System 3. Admin. personnel 4. Support personnel 5. Marketing personnel and providers (PR, Agency) 6. Referrers *Funding* Payment of Finders Fees and zoomable! Relationships bases: Trust, Empowering Kind of relations: Automated Self-service for everyday operations. Members become ambassadors who help increase business 1. Annual Membership fee. Temporary Freemium (paying for exclusivity, more spots, larger commission scheme). Small contribution 2. Automatic connection fee. Med. contribution 3. Success fee (%), that includes a contribution to shared marketing. Largest contribution 4. Usage fee on Added value services. TBD pin 1. Initial/ongoing marketing 2. Support 3. UX, Search engine improvement 4. Branding 5. Content generation 1. Country/Category Managers 2. Investors 3. Organizations committed to development 4. Referrers 5. Social capital Primary: Find the reliable experts they need, no matter the kind or location. Secondary: an easy of use, direct, free and confidential tool Primary: Monetize the value of the business network Secondary: A tool to solve others needs and also their own ones Primary: None Secondary: value added services to be developed Experts 1. Marketing tools and resources development 2. Marketing to stimulate use 1. Awareness: network marketing, WOM, advertising, content marketing, social networks 2. Evaluation: network marketing, self service, online support 3. Purchase: self service, with online support available 4. Delivery: automated (temporary: assisted searchs and orientation) 5. After-Sales: automated and personalized evaluations Marketing & Adv. Support System development tape Social capital Primary: System Streamlined system/search UX Large and qualified expert network Primary: System A large/qualified experts network Andrés Chiodi Maite Ibarra Patricia Casanova Prosumers, early adopters, ambassadors, influential people/media Value Driven but with a Cost Driven operation (automation, lean cost structure) Marketing Large Variable Costs (marketing and commissions) due only after collecting royaties Large expenditure: Launching Low fixed costs (thanks to cloud, open source, automation) play them Primary Target: Managers, Businessmen at SMB Wide: SMB, Large corporations, Entrepreneurs Annual Membership fee. Temporarly Freemium (paying for larger commission scheme). Small contribution Relationships bases: Trust, Free, Ease of use, Confidentiality Kind of relations: Automated Self-service for everyday operations. Personal assistance for value-added services and satisfaction evaluations Referrers Relationships bases: Trust, Exclusivity, Peers Community, Smart cooperation Kind of relations: Automated Self-service for everyday operations. Personal assistance for value-added services and special situations. Members become ambassadors who help increase business 1. Continuous system/UX development 2. Marketing tools and resource development 3. Support 4. Added value services offering development Primary Target: businessmen with large b. networks, willing to monetize its value Wide: businessmen, agencies, business communities tape 2 pin 1. Awareness: network marketing, direct marketing (secondary: ads, social media) 2. Evaluation: network marketing, self service, online support 3. Purchase: self service, with prior invitation and online support available 4. Delivery: automated 5. After-Sales: automated, online support Clients copy them 02 05 2013 Primary Target: independent pros + SMB that are consolidated businesses, tech-friendly Wide: business services providers, any specialty, any place Primary: a powerful business generation channel, additional, free from constraints, costs tied to success, exclusivity Secondary: a shared resources center with added-value services. an automated way to monetize the value of social capital

Business Model Canvas

Transcript: -Google play store, Apple app store -Website to view personal profile in the game -No initial fee -Additional fee to unlock new features on game ... - Everyone I asked showed interest - Kids wanted it to be free initally - But wanted the battling to be broken down into turns... - Add a virtual map where you can see anyone you know that is close by Key Activities Channels -Age of (7 - about to die) with access to an android or iphone device -The majority of customers will be in middle school -Game will be free to begin with, but to advance to higher levels or obtain special items or reach new areas of the map will be charged a small fee Any Questions! Revenue Stream -Google play store allows for easy access to the game -Designer for new characters and new items for the game -Developers to implement new features into the game 2nd Value Proposition Problems: -No multilayer character battling game for smart phones -DS system is too expensive($200), not interactive enough as possible Solution: New multiplier "pokemon" like app in google play store and iphone app store Benefits: -Cheap on google play store -Accessible by 99% of android phones and iphones -Solution for enjoying free time with friends or alone by battling and training with friends over wifi. -Maintain their profiles -Provide a fair randomized journey throughout the duration of the game -Is mostly an opportunity to provide friendly fun, but can also become competitive with regional tournaments Product: -This game will derive a couple concepts from the game Pokémon with entirely new characters I design. -Instead of words with friends it will be battling your own character with friends. -By walking to different places in the real world you can receive new items. For example, you can make places like your home's wifi the healing center and another wifi location a gym. Journey to my BMC Key Resources Cost Structure -App and website maintenance -Good reviews on Google play store, apple app store -Easy methods for secure payment online from website and from smart phone -Hosting service -Database for personalized profile storage -Website and mobile device developers -Copyright on all elements of the game by Quinn Liu 1st Value Proposition Interviews BMS: Customer Relation Continued... BMC: Customer Segments Key Partners -Website development -hosting service cost -App development -Design of game(initially time intensive) Problem: Thousands of dollars are lost to overproduction of energy Solution: Predict how much energy you are going to use in the future (with machine learning algorithms) Benefits: Saving energy by predicting how much energy you are going to use in the future based on how much you have used in the past.

Canvas Business Model

Transcript: We can help you to find the right way creating a strong bond between students and universities by helping them to find appropriate company in Mexico to extend their stay How did we come up with this idea? Cost Structure Exchange Students Universities and firms Our network Our personnel (HR) that makes agreements with the firms. Our channels of communication create a rich data base create and care of the Facebook site and the Homepage communication with the students meeting with the companies connection and conveying documents care students face difficulties job hunting paid and secure jobs paper work issues unable to reach companies For students: Free service Help with difficulties of finding appropriate company (time, effort) gain international working experience can extend stay in Mexico For companies: language skills diversity & new perspective foster international relations student´s personality difficult to implement (trust issues, long processes) awareness of database is important PROMOTION & MARKETING! one-to-one contact with companies and students is important emphasizing gains and benefits for companies and students to make the idea attractive Why is our idea innovative? WE ARE BUILDING THE ... Franchise Licensing the business model Obtaining partnerships with local Universities and firms Partnerships with governmental local organizations (i.e. In Guadalajara, Instituto Jalisciense de la Juventud) after we have established our company in Guadalajara and have a good base and well known brand, we can expand to other cities in Mexico maybe even look into other countries... The Business Model Canvas Group: Irene, Alan, Olga Revenue Streams Key Partners International undergraduate and graduates in Mexico who are interested in extending their stay companies face difficulties paper work issues unable to reach students Customer Relationships How can we expand our business nationally and internationally Conclusion & Recommendation The Business Idea Mexican international and national companies that could benefit from international students Online Promotion (e.g. Facebook (BOLSA DE TRABAJO- Extend your stay in Mexico) Exchange Groups, Student Org. Flyers, Posters around the cities and universities Exchange student parties or meeting places Promotion at Universities Introduction days, e-mails, announcements, company presentations, fairs Free Internship Database Value Proposition Canvas Business Model companies have to pay procurement cost most important costs are to create personal contact to students and companies (Facebook, Homepage, Private interviews) database requires constant updates costs related to telephone, transportation, paper work, etc) Key Activities Our Advantages: constantly updated database company variety for now the focus is on Mexico one-to-one service with companies and exchange students help with Visa issues, housing, CV & Cover letter increasing number of exchange students in Mexico 2008 --> 2880 2011 --> 7689 Top 5: France, U.S., Spain, Germany, Columbia (Source: World Education News, 2013) international companies are expanding to Mexico Top 3 emerging market stable economic growth largest trading nation in Latin America, world´s top 15 ¨best places to work¨firms (2013 Rankings) best universities in the country and local zones Government & student organizations foreign students who want gaining international working experience and improve Spanish level Key Resources Irene searching for a job in Mexico difficulties with job hunting language barriers $$$ paper work (Visa, etc.) free database with international and Mexican companies that are looking to hire international students/alumni many competitors worldwide (e.g. the difference: secure jobs/internships as we work closely with Universities and companies (agreement) So why are there not more students extending their stay at the moment? ¨We guarantee you a secured paid job or internship in Mexico¨ Fees for special jobs or research for special candidates Annual fee for the firms that are working with us. advertising on website There is interest from the demand & supply side Facebook poll showed: majority of students would like to extend their stay companies show interest as well... benefits of international employees: a) Language proficiency b) Adaptation to life in another culture c) Responsible risk takers and decision makers d) Networking e) Dedication f) Academic Excellence What is the growth potential of this business concept? Customer Segments Channels

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