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Transcript: Inertial Media Un equipo de experiencia y juventud INERTIAL MEDIA CARLOS GARAFULIC Esta presentación persigue dos objetivos: Carlos Garafulic Ilustrar la cronología de hechos que condujeron a la creación de Inertial Media LLC. Proporcionar valiosa información para evitar que ejecutivos de empresas no sean presa fácil de típicos charlatanes que abundan en el área de diseño y elaboración de Sitios Web. 1 2 Nuestro objetivo no es convertirnos en proveedores de la solución, sino en referencia confiable de consulta en un área técnica estratégica. INFO Algunos enlaces con información relevante acerca de la presente presentación, se encuentran a continuación: Más información: UNIVERSIDAD RIT NY Before we dig into the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we are going to explore what we know about him already, as well as what we’d like to know about him and his legacy. WHAT DO WE KNOW? You will need sticky notes and something to write with as you work in groups of 4-5. EXERCISE EXERCISE In groups of 4-5, list everything you know about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. You have 5 minutes. One fact per sticky note. Don’t repeat your facts. Place your sticky notes on the board. Hold onto your top three facts: present your facts when your teacher calls on your group. QUESTIONS Now in the same groups of 4-5, list all the questions you have about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Put your top three questions on pink sticky notes and present them when called on. QUESTIONS EXPLORATION We will hang onto our questions as we move into an in-depth exploration of Dr. King’s life via the timeline. EXPLORATION POR QUE UN WEBSITE TAKE A LOOK We are now about to look closely at Dr. King’s life. As you review the timeline, consider the following questions. QUESTIONS QUESTIONS What are major themes that we see throughout his life that characterize Dr. King? What particular evidence supports these themes? Based on these themes, what words best describe him? Think about: What events in the timeline answer the questions we have formulated? TECNOLOGIA TIMELINE Above is a timeline of Dr. King’s life. It is filled with links if you’d like to learn more about any particular event. EDUCACION EARLY YEARS 1961 Michael King, later known as Martin Luther King, Jr., is born at 501 Auburn Ave. in Atlanta, Georgia. Complete Biography: Nov 15 1980 King begins his freshman year at Morehouse College in Atlanta. SEP 20 1946 King’s pens a letter to the editor at The Atlanta Constitution, stating that black people "are entitled to the basic rights and opportunities of American citizens." AUG 06 1948 King enters Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania to become a reverend. SEP 14 1951 King begins his graduate studies in systematic theology at Boston University. SEP 13 LEARN MORE Morehouse College King’s Letter to the Editor Crozer Theological Seminary Learn More FORMACION MONTGOMERY 1954 King begins his career as a pastor at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. SEP 01 Rosa Parks is arrested for refusing to leave her seat for a white passenger and move to the rear of a city bus in Montgomery. Jo Ann Robinson makes thousands of leaflets calling for a one-day boycott of the city’s buses. DEC 01 1955 King becomes the president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA). DEC 05 1956 JAN 30 In the evening, while King is at a meeting, his home is bombed. His wife and daughter are not injured. Later, King insists on nonviolent solutions as he addresses an angry crowd outside his house. An integrated Montgomery City Lines resumes full service on all routes. King is among the first passengers to ride the integrated buses. The U.S. Supreme Court affirms the lower court opinion in Browder v. Gayle declaring Montgomery and Alabama bus segregation laws unconstitutional. DEC 21 NOV 13 LEARN MORE Rosa Parks Montgomery Improvement Association Browder v. Gayle Learn More GAINING ACCLAIM GAINING ACCLAIM 1957 Southern black ministers meet in Atlanta to share strategies in the fight against segregation. King is named chairman of the Southern Negro Leaders Conference on Transportation and Nonviolent Integration. JAN 10 At the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., King delivers his first national address, "Give Us The Ballot," at the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom. King appears on the cover of

timeline powerpoint

Transcript: STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR COLLEGE(UNF) Place Your Logo Here Angelisia Guzman Dr. Walton 5b entrance or placement exams UNF requires an ALEKS Placement, Preparation, and Learning (ALEKS PPL) Assessment to determine readiness for College Algebra and higher level math courses. It is important to take this placement process seriously, as students will only be able to take the level of math the test score supports. All entering first-year students who do not have credit for College Algebra or higher and are pursuing a major that requires College Algebra or higher, must take the math placement test entrance or placement exams placement exam What went well The ALEKS math placement test is available to all first time in college students admitted to UNF who are signed up for New Student Orientation. Students must take the ALEKS test online before registering for any Algebra-based math courses. New first time in college students should take the ALEKS test before their scheduled orientation date so they are able to register for a math course while on campus for Orientation. The ALEKS math placement test is available through Canvas, which you can access through myWings. When in Canvas, select "All Courses", then "2019/2020 Freshman and Transfer Math Placement". Once in Canvas, please review the appropriate content and proceed with the exam when ready. other courses What didn’t go well To help you determine your first writing course at UNF, you should take the Writing Placement online through Canvas before attending your orientation. The UNF Writing Placement consist of 2 sections: (1) you'll watch a short video and then write a brief essay response and then (2) complete a short multiple-choice quiz on your writing and writing history. The quiz questions in Part 2 are in part based on your experience in Part 1, so where possible you should take both parts in one sitting. However, that is not a requirement. Once you've completed the placement in Canvas, your answers will generate a course recommendation. That information is what you'll want to bring with you to your orientation advising. Opportunities UNF provides a comprehensive student financial aid program. Aid eligibility is based on individual need, educational costs and availability of funds. Awards may consist of scholarships, loans, grants, waivers/exemptions and/or work study. Funds are limited; therefore, students are encouraged to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), found at, as soon as possible after it becomes available online on October 1 each year using UNF's FAFSA school code- 009841. The priority consideration date for financial aid is October 15. application for federal financial aid Opportunity 1 Opportunity 1 Inquiries concerning financial aid should be directed to One-Stop Student Services. Please be advised that: If selected for verification, students may be required to provide signed copies of relevant income tax information. Dependent students may also be asked to provide signed copies of parent tax information. Independent, married students may be asked to provide signed copies of spouse tax information. Other information may also be requested to meet federal verification regulation requirements. Student-specific information about financial aid requirements can be found in myWings. To be awarded financial aid, a student must be accepted as degree-seeking and be enrolled in a sufficient number of degree-applicable credit hours. Courses taken in an audit status are not eligible for financial aid, nor can they be considered when determining enrollment for financial aid. For financial aid purposes, full-time enrollment is defined as a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester for undergraduate and post baccalaureate students and a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester for graduate students. Students who enroll less than full-time may have their awards reduced or, in some cases, canceled. Please be advised that certain scholarships and institutional grants require enrollment in 15 credit hours for eligibility. Opportunity 2 factors to think about when choosing your college Here are some of the top factors to consider when choosing a college. -Academic Majors Available. -Affordable Cost of Attendance. -Location, Location, Location. On-Campus Facilities & Amenities. -Student Activities. -Career Services. -Do You Feel at Home on Campus? Goals The University of North Florida offers scholarships for freshman and transfer students at the undergraduate level. UNF is committed to helping students finance their college education. Whether you are seeking a scholarship based on academic achievements or financial need, we offer plenty of options. Read through our advice below or click a link to the left for quick scholarship listings. scholarships and application procedures GOAL 1 Goal 1 High school seniors If you are a high school senior, you should apply for scholarships at the same time as you apply for admission. For GOAL 2

Timeline template

Transcript: Greek History in a timeline By John and Abhay INERTIAL MEDIA 2000 BCE - First settlers were the Myceneans - 1650 B.C.E., the Minoans occupied the island of Crete, south of the Greek mainland. - The Mycenaeans were from India through the middle east and into Greece in 2000 B.C.E. 2000 BCE Mycenean Gate A.K.A Lion's gate. Opened 1250 BCE. Mycenean Gate Mycenean People Historians believe they were located in Crete. Historians believe Mycenaeans are Polytheistic and syncretistic. Religious syncretism exhibits the blending of two or more religious beliefs into a new system on which the Mycenaeans dwell. They would also add gods from cultures they traded with -- including the Egyptians and Phoenicians. Their belief included sacrifices of people to Gods. 1600 BCE Trojan War 1194 BCE- 1184 BCE 1194 BCE This was the war between the Greeks and the people of Troy The fight is due to Paris abducting Helen, the wife of Menelaus of Sparta. Menelaus then persuades Agamemnon to lead an army against the Trojans. Apollo, Artemis, Ares, and Aphrodite sided with the Trojans, while Hera, Athena, Poseidon, Hermes, and Hephaestus aided the Greeks. Battle of Troy Movie Clip Troy WOLD HERITAGE TURKEY. Trojan Horse TROJAN HORSE Greek Alphabet 850 BCE The early Greek alphabet was based on the Semitic alphabet of the Phoenicians. It was created approximately 850 BCE. Greek Alphabet Alphabet Golden Date 776 BCE 776 BCE The first Olympic games began in 776 BCE. The Olympic games were religious festivals to honour Zeus. The games were held in Olympia. Koroibos, a cook from the nearby city of Elis, won the stadion race, a foot race 600 feet long. Olympic stadion ground Ground Homer 800 BCE Homer is a renowned Greek author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. These two writings were hugely influential in Greek and Western mindsets. These stories are believed to be the first epics, and it is essential because it explains life in early Greece. The Odyssey The Odyssey was composed around the year 700 B.C.E. The power of telling our stories is what "The Odyssey" demonstrates. Knowing that our past suffering is behind us brings us joy, but it also helps us to see how we fit into the larger scheme of things. Other individuals being aware of our experiences helps us feel like we belong. Odyssey Iliad Iliad The Iliad explains the story of the Greek struggle to rescue Helen, a Greek queen, from the Trojans. It offers several moral lessons to its readers, including the importance of leaders treating their soldiers with respect, the importance of accepting apologies, and the need for respecting family bonds. The famous Iliad was assumably written in 762 B.C. Persian War 1st and 2nd 490 BCE-480 BCE The battle of Marathon started 499 BCE and lasted until 449 BCE. The Persian king Darius ordered the invasion to punish the city-states of Athens and Eretria because the Ionic greeks started rebelling against the Tyrants who Persia installed in Greece. Athens succesfully win the battle. Analysis The Persians had about 90,000 men compared to the Greeks having 20,000 Statistics Strategy By the Greeks The Greek and Athenian army had been assembled rapidly, but Miltiades, its general, was a wise and capable leader. By purposefully weakening the center of his battle line, Miltiades duped the Persians. The Persians were attacked from the sides causing confusion. The Persians were swiftly routed, losing just about 6400 soldiers as opposed to the Greeks' 192 men. Persian 2nd war- 480 BCE 2nd war This time the persians fought against the Greeks with Xerxes 1, king of Persia. The Persians lose their battle again fair and square against the Greek army. The tale of the messenger Pheidippides running 25 miles to Athens to deliver the news of the Persian defeat inspired the creation of the modern marathon. Impact on Greek art Impact The war with Persia had a great impact on the ancient Greeks. The Athenian Acropolis was destroyed by the Persians, but the Athenian response was to build a beautiful building. Its remains can still be seen today. Greek art has many depictions of Greeks fighting Persians, and Greek works also depict Persian enemies. The war also brought a show of unity among the Greeks that was essential to their success in defeating their enemies. Plato 380 BCE Plato was a Greek philosopher born in Athens during the Classical period in Ancient Greece. He founded the Platonist school of thought and the Academy, the first institution of higher learning on the European continent. Majority of Plato’s works are in the form of dialogues. He wrote Laches about courage, Lysis about friendship, and Charmides, which talks about common sense, these are but a few. Altogether, his dialogues basically formed what his philosophical teachings would be when he got to his Academy. Death Plato's View on death Plato introduced the idea of incarnation and immortal souls. Plato alleged that souls that were good and full of knowledge could gain

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Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.

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