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Fishbone Analysis Powerpoint Template

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Fishbone Analysis

Transcript: COVID-19; Uncontrolled spread Our problem Why has the UK suffered significantly from the Covid 19 pandemic? Problem: The number of cases of Covid-19 in the UK has significantly increased after border restrictions and isolation measures were lifted. Our problem Team contract Individual Skill Sets: Jacinta - Presentation skills Frida - Problem solving skills Hannah - IT design skills Alex - Organisation skills Allegra - Research skills Harry - Public speaking skills Team contract Shared Goals: 1. Achieve desired grades 2. Expand individual skill sets 3. Learn from peers Team Processes Strength & Direction of our team: Highly people orientated Strongly performance orientated Considerably learning orientated Individual Roles: Hannah and Alex linked up on the Fishbone Analysis, Jacinta completed the Project Plan, Frida and Harry collaborated on the How Might We deliverable and I (Allegra) completed the Team Contract. Team Processes Defining our problem How might we The Coronavirus pandemic, initially being discovered on the 1st of December 2019, has significantly impacted the entire world. Covid-19 is caused by exposure to an infectious viral agent, which is responsible for an acute respiratory illness which is highly contagious, and evidently in some infected people; its lethal. Understanding this cause is essential for our group, as this leads directly into the problems faced by nations today, revealing our problem we face. Our group undertook an examination of the problems arisen from the Covid-19 pandemic, and narrowed the major issue present to be the absence of effective quarantine and isolation methods. Other problems, such as; - supply chain complications -logistics issues, -economic stress, -poor vaccine rollouts, -travel restrictions, -trade bans These all stem back to the problem overseeing all of these issues, which is isolation and quarantine. Understanding, analysing --> give a definition to our problem. (narrow down our problem + how might we?) · Before solution diamond -- Make sure: vision / the goal of the problem. complex problem (covid) -- Decide which specific direction we are focusing on, In case - team members focus on different information · In the solution diamond -- political tension. go back to referencing the vision to have a positive creative abrasive process. Why define the problem Brainstorm Discussion Implementation of bio-security -- enables countries to remain economically sound. Reasons: · control the pandemic in a shorter period of time, · being able to resume trading at full capacity quickly. · Give large pharmaceutical businesses enough time -- manage their vaccine rollouts -- ensure their vaccines have passed efficacy targets. How important it is to implement the bio-security. How are we going to find the solution Our problem is a simple one to address. - Some nations have found the solution. - Some have not adopted the fundamental principles of biosecurity. <-- They have paid the price as a result. So how might we? Our group will; Given that the number of cases in the UK has significantly increased due to poor implementation of biosecurity, how might we analyse the successes of countries who have effectively managed the pandemic. How might we learn from this information, and develop a solution which can be applicable for the United kingdom which has poorly managed the spread of the disease. And how might we utilise this research to apply it to the wider world managing further pandemics. Lockdown precautions Lockdown effectiveness: Jan 4 2021 national lockdown: 81,000 cases daily (Dec 29) to 39,000 (Jan 19) 1. Lockdown Ineffectiveness: (overall) UK ranks 5th worldwide for COVID deaths (124,501) and number of cases (4,218,520) Inconsistent public health message Government's health measures - Unorganised strategy: Delayed implementation of social distancing - Boris Johnson's advisor travelled 500 miles during lockdown - December: Gov announced relaxing of lockdown laws for christmas (whilst new variant was spreading) "Government's public health messaging has been inconsistent" "It all comes down to failed leadership" - Time Resource scarcity Police patrol - Not enough officers to effectively patrol lockdown - Mass gatherings can't be broken up (not enough resources to ticket everyone) Eg. Nov 2020: Illegal rave with 700 people --> "incredibly challenging operation" --> 2 people arrested Government 2.Government Ineffective management - higher death rates Legislation awareness Implementation of legislation Lockdown laws: (eg) - 2 metre social distancing - Gatherings of more than 30 people face a £10,000 fine National chair of police federation: - Police found rapidly changing legislation difficult to follow Underfunding Scarce funding & resources -Inadequate funding in social care (discharging people without testing, inadequate protective equipment) --> deaths of thousands of elderly -Death rates higher among minority groups: “suffered disproportionately because of health Vaccine

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