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Creative Powerpoint Templates Business

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Creative Templates For Edmund

Transcript: Secrets of harder working ads Simple Hidden Properties That Make Them Effective They work on more levels for the audience. They deliver added value. They get a result. They're actually good for you. They're not necessarily award winners. They're not "sexy" ads. One key difference... *HARDER WORKING RADIO ADS DON'T STINK HARDER WORKING RADIO ADS USE THE RIGHT APPROACH THAT MATCHES CONSUMER RISK HELLA Secret Reassure Facts&Logic What to say Ad needs to connect EMOTIONALLY HUMOUR & MUSIC "People don't search by features & benefits. They look for solutions to issues or problems." List of features Expert Staff Experience Advice Great service Quality Been in Business for 10 years How Will You Impact Customers Lives? Make it Easier, Happier Or Better MAKE YOUR AD INTERESTING Say 1 Thing To Somebody. "Behind every consumer purchase is an event." Meaningless Does your product or service - shrink a fear, help them overcome a frustration or achieve a desire Everybody Not Everything Grant LeBoff to Figure out what you're selling - tool or toy What risk is involved for consumer high or low financial or emotional Checkout Casual Catch-Ups Business Meetings What problems beyond the obvious do you solve Meet before a movie Job Interviews Figure Out Dates How do you make your customers lives easier, better or happier? Issue They Solve Thirst - hunger - where to catch up Need somewhere where to meet that's close to you and easy for them? Product Integration We'll keep the coffee's coming for as long as your conversation is flowing Do I Need An Offer? Some Radio Ad Templates The Fundamental Templates Of Quality Ads Study 1999 Really old person Perth Zoo Different Offers Harder working radio ads don't have the best voice in town. Lisp Amateur 89% of award-winning Print ads could be classified into 6 basic templates. message events issue or the problem offer or piece of content what kind of risk script with 7sec hooks template but different. They have the best voice for your message. Harder working ads usually follow a creative template but are different to the other ads around them Go for uncommon voices. Different Offers Make sure your ad doesn't look like every other ad out there. See if you can figure which creative template your ad fits. Ask for some different executions. Different Offers KL Style Before and after Comparison Demonstration Testimonial. Problem and Solution Consequence Exaggerated Benefit Slice of life (conversational) Client Reading the Ad Play on the word. Straight announcer read. The idiot. Topical Analogy What if Jingle.. 200 non-award winning ads classified, only 2% of them met this criteria.. Foreigner Singer Alienware young child a professional sounding voice Create Content that Adds Value & Use Radio to Drive Engagement Extreme Consequences Pictorial Analogy Adecco back of a stop sign between a small space of two buildings over exaggerating the size benefit of the car 4,500 visitors 1,081 guys probed 12 guys got their game back Harder Working Radio Ads Make An Irresistible Offer Points out unexpected consequences of a product attribute. Gym work out Extreme analogies. (smart car so small you can park it anywhere) Interactive Experiments Extreme Situations A product is seen performing under an extreme or unusual set of circumstances They let the audience know early it’s their ad and who the client or product is. Viewers interact with the product directly. See for yourself! Dimensional Alteration Competition Look for a headline that lets the audience identify themselves as the intended target of the ad. Look for your product or service being embedded early in the message. Listener controls the ads success. Make it for them A product is seen winning in a competition with another product, often in an unusual circumstance A peek into the future, showing the long-term implications of the product. My Worst Ad Create an offer that is different or new. Create content that engages a broader customer base by adding value. Use radio ad to drive engagement. ndrew Q n A Q N A The Session Content & Construction. Framework to approve & improve Drive effectiveness, results & return

CREATIVE: Collage Powerpoint

Transcript: This is important to the story because Jeremiah was shot by police. Police brutality is the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. When they shot Jeremiah it was unnecessary and uncalled for. The police that shot him acted on impulse. He ruined the lives of many and we see, in the story and in real life, how police brutality effects society. CREATIVE: Collage PowerPoint This is significant to the story because it shows that AA, unarmed people are killed by police. Jeremiah was murdered by police. They shot him without asking any questions or even seeing his face. The police officers thought he was a suspect in an ongoing investigation. They assumed and made the wrong decision, ultimately leading to Jeremiah's death. This is important to the text because it's saying is a white person's life more valuable than a black person's. Jeremiah was killed and he was black, but would the same thing have happened if he was white? Prejudice in our society is unjust and unfair. The police man that killed Jeremiah got to go home to his family. Jeremiah will never be able to see his family again. This picture deals with stereotypes that happen in everyday life. Jeremiah was a black kid, with dreads and a tall build. The police shot him because they stereotyped him as "dangerous". In society, we blindly stereotype others. In this case, the policeman's stereotype caused someone to die. This picture represents Jeremiah. In the story his point of view comes from him being a spirit watching over. Throughout the story he's described as a ghost-like presence that his family and friends feel. He feels light, airy, and sometimes forgotten. He looks back and knows that he will never be able to do the things he always wanted to do in life. Towards the end of the story, Jeremiah feels at peace and knows that he can move on, but not forget what could've been.

Business Powerpoint

Transcript: By: Mikayla Robinson "Kay's Kakes" is a boisterous bakery full of life and color. We enjoy satisfying everyone’s sweet tooth with a variety of treats. Product Market _____________________ We are seeking $50 thousand dollars to start the production of our grocery store line by using half of the profit to pay commission to grocery stores that agree to start selling our products in stores. Then the last $25 thousand to heighten our production values to have extra product to ship out. We expect to provide an exit within 2 years by a dividend of excess profits. “Kay’s Kakes” makes a variety of sweets from full sized birthday cakes to mini rainbow macaroons. The company produces the following products: • Cakes • Cookies • Cupcakes • Pies • Bread • Pastries Presently, our “Rainbow Cheesecake” is in the maturity stage. It competes primarily on its appealing color scheme and its unique taste. Our future plans include developing a cheesecake for the freezer section for customers to purchase from their local stores and enjoy at home any time within the next year. Management We have competitive advantage because of our low cost producer status. 50lb bags of flour only cost about 45 dollars, which can make about 3 dozen cakes or 6 dozen pastries. Customers Product Pricing The greatest risks associated with our business today are fluctuating food prices and slow days of business. We feel like we can overcome these risks because of our outstanding training in our customer service skills. Our biggest recognized opportunities include serving our various customers including our celebrity guest. _____________________________________ "Kay's Kakes" identifies our business market as a manufacturer. Our market is growing: Our total market size was approximately $250 thousand over the last 4 months and is expected to grow by 20% in the next 5 years. Competitors Business Risks _____________________ The vision of "Kay's Kakes" is to be the #1 selling bakery in all the east coast. After that we plan on expanding some properties to the mid west and the west coast so everyone in the US can enjoy our treats. Kay's Kakes Overall Goal The management team is led by Chief Executive Officer Mikayla Robinson who founded “Kay’s Kakes” in the year 2015. She previously worked in Starbucks and in her Church’s One Family Café. ________________________________ _________________________________________ We appeal to everyone who wants to liven up a party, show their appreciation, or just craves a good cupcake. With our signature style of colorful flare we draw in people of every age. Find more information about us on our web page at file:///media/removable/TRAILMIXTAP/Mikayla's%20Stuff/Headings_Mikayla%20Robinson/Business%20Webpage/Homepage.html ___________________________ Mission Statement Capital Requirements We compete directly with Carlo’s Bakery in New Jersey and Georgetown Cupcake in our Nation’s Capital and alternatives to our product include smoothies, frozen yogurt and fruit popsicles to satisfy a customer’s sweet tooth while remaining healthy.

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