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Red Curtain Trilogy

Transcript: MUSIC What kind of ending does it allude to? Represents their love PLOT/STORYLINES Romeo Montague Secret reminder of their love for the show, also reminds the audience of the same thing STRICTLY BALLROOM A TRILOGY IS A GROUP OF THREE RELATED NOVELS, PLAYS, FILMS, OR OTHER. RELATED = CONNECTED/ASSOCIATED OR PART OF SAME GROUP OR FAMILY. Ballroom dancing 3. One of the pair dies :'( Luhrmann combines different eras and styles of music to help him tell the story. The audience know it will have a happy ending from this opening music Musical Movies Romeo + Juliet - colour used to show emotions and to show the divide of the Montagues and Capulets throughout the film, which enforces our knowledge of the divide between Romeo and Juliet Moulin Rouge 2. Both lovers die :( 1. Happy Ever After :) R-E-A -L Sets the scene for the rest of the film > Music to help tell story Baz Luhrmann - Satine who is a courtesan mistakes penniless writer Christian for the rich Duke who is going to fund the show for the Moulin Rouge and they fall in love. Music sets the tone. It is another tool used to tell the story R-E-E-L 3 ALTERNATE ENDINGS FOR THE STAR-CROSSED LOVERS Happy, song, fast-pace Seem destined to be apart Overview Draws his audience in by playing music that emulates the emotions of characters COLOUR -Madonna Musical Movies Three seperate stories and films and yet they are connected in multiple ways to create the triology. Scott just wants to dance his own moves but the rules prevent him from winning if he does - They can't be together but sneak around anyway - Satine has consumption = tuberculosis and gets sicker throughout the film -Marilyn Munroe Luhrmann uses songs to connect his audience in all three films Luhrmann uses colour as a way to show characters, highlight their setting and emphasise in the story. To get an idea of how Luhrmann used colour in the Red Curtain Trilogy. They fall madly in love Strictly Ballroom - vibrant colours used throughout especially obvious at the dance competitions and also practises Young hearts run free > Colour to create mood Juliet Capulet Neither can bear life without the other and they both end up dying. Ballroom Dancing Scott is a great professional dancer. Star-crossed lovers Two households, both alike in dignity... The use of blue creates a cold feeling and lack of warmth which helps create the sadness that we also get from the content of the shots themselves and the music played. Diamonds are a girls best friend Material Girl Fran is an amateur dancer and 'ugly duckling Strictly Ballroom is the most comedic and cheerful of the three films and the most colourful as you can see here in shots from openign (above) and ending (below). The colours are vibrant and help enforce the idea of the happy ending. They end up dancing together and fall in love "My only love sprung from my only hate" Romeo + Juliet Shakepearean Language > One simple plot: 3 alternate endings 'Kissing You' + Moulin Rouge - colour is everywhere all the time apart from the 'present day where Christian is depressed in his apartment grieving his loss where blue is the most obvious colur present. Colour helps reflect the craziness of the Mouln Rouge throughout the film. - Satine dies in Christian's arms at the end of the show Helps the audience understand and connect to the film He often uses songs that are familiar to his audience which captures their attention drawing them in. He often reworks these songs to fit in the context. Use of blue creates sadness, same as Romeo + Juliet. Emphasizes Christian's emptiness because of his loss of Satine and show his intense grief. Red Curtain Trilogy Simple storylines What kind of mood does this song create? Shakespearean Language Helps reflect the craziness of the party through Romeo's drug-affected brain

Iron Curtain history powerpoint

Transcript: NATO Stalin wanted to retain political and economic control over Eastern Europe. The Soviets managed to install Communist governments throughout Eastern Europe. Stalin outlawed political parties or newspapers that opposed the communism. The Soviets jailed or killed some political opponents. The Soviets rigged elections to ensure the success of Communists. The Soviet Union relocated Germans living in Poland and other countries of Eastern Europe. Iron Curtain The military, political, and ideological barrier established between the Soviet bloc and western Europe from 1945 to 1990. Iron Curtain By Anne Applebaum Time Period of the book Ethnic cleansing was a form of getting rid of people from Germany and Poland after WWII. The Soviet army was moving these people from their homes and neighborhoods and putting them into work camps. This was because the spread of communism required getting rid of anybody who was opposed to this idea. As you will see any form of opposition you were removed from society. Brendan Conry Life under communist rule is nothing that anybody wants to go through. The government, is the name of the people, owned the factories, farms, mines, and other means of production. People could no longer own their own profit-making businesses and farms. Government economic planners decided what and how much should be produced each year, what the prices should be, and what wages should be paid to the workers. Everyday people would work hours and hours for barely any money which would give them nothing more than food scraps if they were lucky. If you even hinted at conspiring against the government you will be sent off to a camp or killed. United States Belgium Canada Denmark France United Kingdom Italy Luxembourg Norway Portugal Netherlands Iceland Berlin Blockade The Main Idea At the end of World War II, tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States deepened, leading to an era known as the Cold War. The United States and their allies controlled most of western Europe after the war. While U.S.S.R controlled all of Eastern Europe. Joesph Stalin "From behind the Iron Curtain, there are signs that tyranny is in trouble and reminders that its structure is as brittle as its surface is hard". - Dwight D. Eisenhower International military alliance created to defend western Europe against a possible Soviet invasion. A 1948 collective-defense alliance between Britain, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg was recognized as inadequate to deter Soviet aggression, and in 1949 the U.S. and Canada agreed to join their European allies in an enlarged alliance U.S.S.R Poland Bulgaria Hungary Romania Albania Everything from elections to the radio was rigged with propaganda. Stalin wanted to make sure that everybody under his power knew only about communism and socialism. He was able to persuade everybody through the newspapers and radio stations to believe that the United States views were that of an attack on the U.S.S.R. This is how he created this so called iron curtain over his kingdom. Propaganda By Life under the Iron Curtain Major Players/ Characters Eastern Bloc This was a very informative and extremely helpful to realizing how much effect communism had over all of Europe. I would strongly recommend this book to anybody who wants to read about real events that occurred during the cold war. What happened to the people under the socialist rule should never happen to anybody else. International crises that arose from an attempt by the Soviet Union to force the Allied powers (U.S., Britain, and France) to abandon their postwar authority in West Berlin. The Soviets, regarding the economic stature of the three Allied occupation zones in Germany in 1948 as a threat to the East German economy, blockaded all transportation routes between Berlin and West Germany. The U.S. and Britain responded by supplying the city with food and other supplies by military air transport and airlifting out West Berlin exports. An Allied embargo on exports from the Eastern bloc forced the Soviets to lift the blockade after 11 months. This was an event that almost resulted in war. Personal Recommendation 1945 to 1956

Red Curtain Techniques

Transcript: Costume Angles Red Curtain Techniques Music Colours Marla Nairi Red Curtain Red curtain films are a series of narrative structures and aesthetic devices that are especially noticeable on a visual level. Despite the fact that this is a musical in the form of a film, spectators are encouraged to participate in and react to the dancing and singing. This is exactly the kind of emotional reaction Luhrmann wants to elicit from his audience by both attracting and alienating them Red curtain films are Definition a series of narrative structures and aesthetic devices that are especially noticeable on a visual level. By using... MUSIC COLOURS COSTUMES and more Music Music is used in movies to set the scene or tone, to foreshadow, and to clue the audience into part of the story. Whether a composed score or an existing song, music plays a vital part in the storytelling aspect of a movie. Music in strictly ballroom was used to make the audience feel involved in the scenes and let them believe that they are in a theatre watching a play not a film the view of a scene is impacted by the angles Camera Angles Angle of the camera An eye-level angle puts the audience on an equal footing with the character/s. This is the most commonly used angle in most films as it allows the viewers to feel comfortable with the characters. Example the shot when they were dancing Color can set the overall tone of the film. the film is full of colours which were used to show the different emotions of the characters and to point the audience attention to recognise the challenges,eager ,love ,anger and compassion Red is associated with anger, rage, lust, passion, high energy, stimulation, and fear. Costume contributes to the creation of the characters' personality and attitude.the design of the spanish dress represented her nationality Costume is at the core of a film or TV drama. As well as contributing to the look, it helps actors feel emotionally connected to the character they are playing through wearing the character's clothes. Costume designers design, create and hire the costumes for the cast. Costume

Red Curtain

Transcript: Baz Luhrmann’s use of cinematography and film techniques Thesis statement Topic sentence Baz Luhrman’s creative use of cinematography and that variety of different film techniques that he uses, has shaped my idea of the film to uncover how living a life in fear has had an impact on many characters in the film and that each have had different experiences when overcoming this fear and how this impacts a character's identity. What does this mean in terms of the worlds represented in “Strictly Ballroom”? Explain The film ‘Strictly Ballroom’ by Baz Lurhman is a vivid representation of how a life lived in fear is a life that is half lived. This idea is being portrayed through many characters such as dough and scott. Both of these characters experience hardship throughout the movies of expressing who they truly are as they are afraid of the thoughts that people may have towards them both. This idea is continuously trying to be overcome by characters as they subconsciously know that if they are going to continue to live their life afraid they know it will only hold them back and not benefit them. Charater profile Doug immensly symbolises the idea of living a life in fear as he is holding onto an old dream as it is the only thing he has left and he is too afraid let anyone see. Due to this Doug seems to ot live in the present which leaves him behind and stops him from expressing himself and showing his true passion for dancing Doug Character profile Scott hastings is a vivid representation of how living a life in fear is a life half lived. Throughout the film we are able to see the barriers and struggles that scott needs to overcome to ensure that he can express himself and dance in his own way. This little bit of fear that he has is stopping him from exceeding his goals which correlates with the idea of how a life lived in fear is a life half lived, as if he lets the fear overtake then it will stop him from getting to where he belongs Scott Evidence Analysing scenes Dough, symbolism of back room Evidence 1 This scene represents what the cost of living of life in fear is because you have to give up on your dreams and let go of what makes you happy. The camera cuts highlight how Dough is so engrossed in the dancing that scott does. The low angle shots show the audience how dough is reminiscing on the past, what happened and what could've been different. Dough holding onto these memories highlight how dough doesn't want to let go of his past because he loves it so much. The pictures highlight every last bit of dancing that he can hold onto. Latin Finals, Disqualification and Love is in the Air Evidence 2 The voiceover signifies the confidence that scott is being given to perform this dance from the support provided from fran and her family, and the importance of expressing it without being held back from the rules. The heart beats it depicting the the suspense that is building up to whether scott will continue dancing. This scene is important in depicting to the audience how overcoming fear is the best way to be free to be yourself. This part of the movie is one of the most significant as we see fran and scott break down this wall of fear and dance their own dance. Link Summary Baz Luhrman continuously uses a variety of cinematography to help thicken the audiences understanding on the theme of identity and depicts the differences of how these characters are able to overcome this fear to build their own identities so that they can conform to themself instead of laying low in the shadows and hiding their true self.

Free Read PowerPoint

Transcript: Free Read PowerPoint Project Judith Rumelt, better known by her pen name Cassandra Clare, is an American author of young adult fiction. Main Characters Summary Prominent literary item Will Herondale-Will has dark hair and ocean blue eyes. Will is rude and cruel because he believes everyone that loves him will die. He believes this because a demon put a 'curse' on him. Tessa Gray- Tessa has blonde hair and grey eyes. She is very witty and enjoys literature. Recommendation of book Setting Jem Carstairs-Jem has silver hair and eyes, due to the drug he was tortured with before his family was killed. He plays the violin and is very kind, caring, and lovable. The most unique thing in Clockwork Angel is that there are supernatural occurrences such as demons, shape shifters, witches, vampires, and werewolves, etc. I definitely recommend Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare. I recommend this book because it uses great figurative language, such as "The machine walked like a man." Also, "There was a boy standing in front of her. He couldn´t have been much older than she was-seventeen or possibly eighteen. He was dressed in what looked like workman´s clothes-a frayed black jacket, trousers, and tough-looking boots. He wore no waistcoat, and thick leather straps crisscrossed his waist and chest. Attached to the straps were weapons-daggers and folding knives and things that looked like blades of ice. In His left hand-slim and long fingered-was bleeding where she had gashed the back of it with her pitcher. But that wasn´t what made her stare. He had the most beautiful face she had ever seen. Tangled black hair and eyes like blue glass. Elegant cheekbones,and long, thick lashes. He looked like every fictional hero she´d ever conjured up in her head. Tessa Gray goes to London to live with her brother. When she arrives Tessa is captured by twin sisters dubbed 'the Dark Sisters'. She was tortured and forced to use her gift of shape shifting for evil until Will Herondale rescues her. He then takes her to the institute, a place for shadowhunters to be cared for. Tessa meets the residents of the institute, Charlotte Branwell, the head of the institute, Henry Branwell, Charlotte's husband and inventor of a many great inventions, Jessamine Lovelace, girly and against all things shadowhunter, Jem Carstairs, a kind but very ill shadowhunter. Presentation Themes Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare Most unique thing in the book Presentation by Canaan Hall Clockwork Angel takes place in the institute, and the Dark Sister's home. The institute is an old church with very many rooms for passing visitors. The Dark Sister's house is large but sparsly furnished, in Tessa's room there is a bed with restraints, a mirror, and a nightstand with a few books. The themes for Clockwork angel are; you always need friends that you can trust, don't judge someone by their looks you don't know what they are going through, and even someone you wouldn't expect could be the hero. Cassandra Clare One prominent literary item in the book is personification. Personification is used throughout Clockwork Angel, such as "The machine walked like a man." Another example is, "The door creaked with a noise that sounded like a scream."

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