Transcript: 2. Take your zip lock bag and zip up the ingredients - once done mix and mash up your Oreo and cream cheese until mashed together Ingredients Gather all your ingredients, you will need: 1) 2 oreos 2) 1 spoon 3) butter knife 4) zip lock bag 5) cream cheese 6) powdered sugar 7) cookie masher Thank you my parents for helping me make my delicious treat and for buying the products that I needed. I would also like to thank Tysen's Grocery store for letting me buy the needed products to make the amazing food! Step 1 4) Once Oreo ball is formed into a circle shape, put the bag into the freezer for 2 to 3 hours until completely frozen. Then dip each oreo ball into a cup of powdered sugar Thank you! :) 3) After cream cheese and Oreo are mashed up, take your bag and form a circle shape Making Oreo Balls is Fun!! 1. Take your oreo, mash it up, and put it in a bag along with a spoonful of cream cheese Step 2 Step 4 Step 3 Oreo Balls