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Building Planning Powerpoint Template

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Building planning

Transcript: Introduction halls stairs handrails/guardrails room dimentions cieling heights halls min 36" stairs width 36" rise (max)- 7-3/4" tread (min)- 10" handrails more than 4 risers rooms min 120 sq ft 7' 0" ceilings min ceiling 7' 0" overcounter pluming 6' 8" lighting/heating sloping ceilings must have min in half of room 5' min Stairs Jefferis, Alan, and David A. Madsen. "Guidelines and Required Codes That Affect Building Design." <i>Architectural Drafting and Design</i>. Albany: Delmar, 2001. N. pag. Print. Handrails/Gaurdrails What is the min of a hallway or stair? When must you need a handrail? How much space in front of a water closet is needed? How much of the room needs to have the min height for a sloped ceiling? Questions all stairways with 4 or more risers need a handrail must go the entire way of the stair open side of the stair must have the rail 34"-38" above front edge of stairs transitions 1 -1/2" from the wall no more than 4-1/2" Room Dimensions 120 sq ft min one room habitable rooms 70 sq ft less than 7' horizontal water closet 30" wide 21" in front sink obstructions 24" shower Citiations Stairs Cont. Summary dictate the entire structure of the house considerd early in the design stage IRC Guidelines width (min)- 36" rise (max)- 7-3/4" tread (min)- 10" typical measurements 36"-42" for ease of movement tread 10"-10 1/2" rise 7 1/2" min of 36" wide rare because hallways are often 42" wider than main entrences Cieling Hieghts Lilian Torres Building Planning Halls largest VS. smallest step by 3/8" headroom 6'-8" min 6'-6" for spiral stairs winding stairs min width 10" no more than 12" from side of treads

Planning Template

Transcript: 3 most important moments in my life wishes and dreams 1.) I want to live on an island in the Pacific with a tribe and study there culture. 2.) I want to have children and get married when I'm older. 3.) I'm a junior in High school but I really want to graduate from College 1.)My mom is one of the greatest influences on my life. Shes taught me so many things that have helped me so far in life. 2.) Snoop dogg taught me to keep it 3hunna all the time . foshizzle 3.) Alexander Supertramp taught me to do what ever makes me happy no matter what people think I should do. Also that you need to get off the grid and live in the most primitive environments to truly find yourself at least once. 3 core beliefs and values 1.) one of my greatest wishes is to travel the whole worldd before I die. I don't want to regret not going somewhere when im laying on my deathbed. 2.) I wish to go bungee jumping in New Zealand with my mom when I get older. 3.) And i dream of one day going to Cochella and see a tupac hologram 1.) I always tell the truth 2.) I try to be kind to everyone no matter how awful a person is. 3.) You just gotta kill'em with kindness 1.) when I was 3 I almost drowned in the Bahamas, but on that same trip i learned how to swim. This is important in my life because I learned a life long skill very early. 2.) When I was 4 I learned how to read and it's helped me tremendously ever since. 3.) The first time i got a job by myself, was very important to me. Planning Template -Jack Hawley My three most important influences 3 Goals for the future

Planning Powerpoint

Transcript: Bullying/Cyber-bullying Bullying is the act of abuse, discrimination and/or intimidation from one or more persons, to another group or individual. Cyber-bullying is the act of verbal abuse, discrimination and/or intimidation from one party to another, using the internet. Depression Depression is a state of deep sadness and despair. Warning signs include insomnia, decreased energy, frequent sadness, fatigue, social withdrawal, increased irritability, aggression, talk of death, lethargy, crying, loss of interest in pleasureable activites and inability to concentrate. Need 2 Website a website that supports and educates viewers on suicide and depression It takes donations to help prevent future suicides. The website helps people get informed about warning signs, clues, danger signs and what you can do to help. Brandon Teena After being raped as a young female child, Brandon went into a slight depression and started to dress, act and introduce himself as a male. He became interested in a sex change. Many years later, his two friends, Tom Nissen and John L. Lotter, found this out, then raped and murdered him. It shows that being harassed can lead to depression and that people discriminate against all kinds of people. Megan Meier Megan Meier killed herself on October 16, 2006 after being harassed on the internet. A middle-aged woman, Lori Drew and her employee created a fake Myspace account of a boy named Josh, who started a relationship online with Megan. They created the account to find out what Megan was saying about Lori's daughter, who had nothing to do with the account. When "Josh" broke up with Megan, she hung herself. Perfect example of cyber-bullying. It shows how much bullying through the internet can affect someone, and can lead to suicide. Facebook Facebook has a wide variety of security features that make it less likely for bullying to occur. New features include things like a "social reporting" tool and a "family safety centre." They can certainly help those in need of it, but it can't stop cyber-bullying 100%. Guidelines If you're using the internet, use it for your own pleasure, not anyone else's pain. Treat everyone on the internet how you would want to be treated on the internet or in person. If someone is cyber-bullying you, make it stop by reporting them. Preventing To prevent bullying and depression we could do things like: Stand up for others being put-down. Stop doing it ourselves. Talk it out. Report it. Seek help.

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