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Brown Sun Powerpoint Template

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sun yixian powerpoint

Transcript: sun yixian's powerpoint: By Alejandro munoz name sun yixian powerpoint created by: Alejandro munoz sun yixians early life sun yixians early life sun yat-sen was born on 12th of november ,1886.His birthplace was the village of cuiheng,xiangshan county, guandong province.He had a cultural backround of hakka and cantonese.after finishing primary education,he moved to honolulu,where he lived comfortable life of modest wealth supported by his elder brother sun mei. political ideology political ideology sun yi xian/ sun yat sen's chief legacy resides in his devoloping a political philosophy known as the three principles of the people: nationalism democracy, and the peoples livelihood. these principles include the principle of democracy, nationalism and welfare. The principles retained a place in the rhetoric of both the kuomintang and the chinese communist party with completely different interpretations. key events in his career key events in his career one of the most important key event, or legacy he left behind was that of his political philosophy, wich was known as the three principles of the people. those principles included democracy peoples livelihood, and nationilism. the first most major event in his career was that being reffered to as the founding father of the republic of china, and their first president. this occured in 1912. his legacy sun yixian's legacy sun yixian's legacy is that he was instrumental in getting chinese support for the uprisings and revolutions from sources outside of the country.

Troy Brown Exhibition Template 2016

Transcript: MATH on Track!! NEW Academic Fit: NYU 3.04 Average Cost (includes, federal state and institutional aid) Comment 3: 89 GOOD SCHOOL GOOD LOCATION AND AMAZING LIVING ARANGMENTS SALES MANAGERS Predicted ACT: Academic Review Self-control ALL IN ALL I BELIEVE THAT I AM ON TRACK TO A GOOD POST SECONDARY JOURNEY!!!!!! 11 BABYSITTING What Does a Sales Manager do? Overview Sophomore Year well rounded, Stylish, Unique A Natural Born Leader, But Not Always Positively. GPA= MOM She has helped me work on my teamwork and interpersonal skills. And Receive My Maters Degree Behavior Review A sales manager is someone who is responsible for leading and guiding a team of sales people in an organization. Financial Fit: (NYU) 30 RESPONSIBILITY, LEADERSHIP N Y U JOSEPH LIETNER MAKING PROGRESS Teamwork, Grit ,Leadership 10th Grade Am I a Fit?? 83 3.7 Skill: Freshman Year 5 25 HISTORY % begin repaying debt within 3 years FRIENDS TROY BROWN COOK Tardies Glimpse of My Life (Insert Name of school) 4 Graduate High School 79 3 Analysis Off Track My Biggest Cheerleaders Are... Questions Outside of the Classroom Career Cluster : Marketing , Sales Service LITERATURE INCREASE MY GPA BY 3 POINTS Directions: In each box explain how you are going to continue to explore your career further in high school. Make sure to delete these directions when you finish. Career Pathway Exploration Post Secondary Institution Deep Dive 81 10th Grade Summer PRACTICE AND MASTER DIFFICULT MATH SKILLS AND SEEK HELP WHEN NEEDED Am I a Fit? Thank You GET A SUMMER JOB WORKING IN RETAIL TO IMPROVE MY INTERPERSONAL SKILL Career Pathway Exploration Develop Computer Skills How am I Going to Get There? 12th Grade Career Exploration responsibility Average ACT Skills That I Have Learned Would Be Grit, Hard Work And Determination OFF Track!! Career Options Average GPA: Sales Manager My Network on track!! Almost Always Cooperates w/ What is Asked. Making Progress $15,420 DANIELLE CROCKER Comment 1: 91% Comment 2: 1 ON track!! Road to My Career My Mentor! 3.0 Go To A College That Has My Major In Business Current GPA: Comment 4: 8 Grit FOCUS MORE DURING LITERATURE CLASSES AND SEEK HELP WHEN NEEDED Comment 5: Receive A Bachelors Degree Skills Skill: Responsibility Current High School Records Level 2 Mindset Skill MONEY Off Track Absences 22 Does Well Working w/ Others And Occasionally Gets Caught in Drama. 78 Preparedness Evaluation: FASHION As Of Now I Am Making Progress An I Am On Track To My Goals. Take SAT and ACT Prep Programs To Prepare Myself For The Actual Test. Skill: Teacher Feedback Preparedness Evaluation: Continuing to Explore 11th Grade My Academic Profile Student Lets Others Influence Choices Track 85 UNIVERSITY CLASS OF 2018 Conclusion 11th Grade Summer Internship YORK Demerit Cards She has taught me how to working an office setting with other co-workers. N/A Sales Manager 9th Grade Analysis Career Pathway: Marketing Communications Personal Fit: FRIENDS Family Generally works through challenges How am I Going to Get There? Self-control Continue My Job And Focus On Saving Money Towards Tuition

Raisin in the Sun Template

Transcript: Zoom out for more assets Asset library B George In the play, George demonstrates his own insecurity of his identity by assimilating to identities of other cultures. This is demonstrated when he states, "All African culture is is grass huts!" (Hansbury 67). While George is African American, he rejects African culture C Add another thought here A Insecurity Walter: Walter shows his insecurity in ways that exacerbate his toxic masculinity. When he feels insecure, he tends to yell or blame the others around him. In the text, Walter shouts at Ruth,"Do you know what it's like to feel inferior?" Though he shouldn't blame Ruth for this, he does out of insecurity. C B Add another thought here Walter: When Walter gets stressed, he uses alcohol and agression as a coping mechanism. "He came back to the house smelling strongly of alcohol and in a better mood" (Hansbury 92). In order for Walter to feel happy, he relies on substances to numb his feelings. His inability to process his feelings leads to his substance abuse. Insecurity can create adverse reactions, depending on the circumstance and thier upbrigning. Oftentimes, insecurity can seep into the individual's life, as they begin to project onto others. Specifically, as mentioned in the article, men in the 1950s tended to project onto women in their life. The article states, "In times of high stress and questioning of one's identity, men tend to rely on others to soothe their insecurity which can even result in lashing out on others" (Clyde 8). This shows the reaction men in the 1950s had to such feelings of insecurity. Unfold your main topic here A Coping Mechanisms: A Go into detail here B Ruth: Ruth's coping mechanisms in the novel reflects hysteria, as she often breaks down. "She cried hysterically and slammed the door" (Hansbury 75). This quote shows how Ruth often gets emotional, revealing that she may not know how to manage her emotions, especially if she feels lonely. Coping Mechanisms can determine how one manages the stress in their life. An article from states "coping mechanisms determine the state of mind of a person's mental health Add your topic here Add another thought here C Mental Health Put your big concept here

Basic and Formal PowerPoint Template

Transcript: Basic and Formal PowerPoint Template A professional guide to creating effective presentations Recap of Presentation Essentials Elements of a Formal Template Effective Data Presentation Techniques Choosing Appropriate Colors Effective presentations rely on clear content, formal design, and engaging visuals. Consistent layout and concise messaging are key to success. A formal template includes consistent use of color schemes, proper alignment, sophisticated fonts, and professional graphics to maintain a professional appearance. Conclusion and Key Takeaways Graphs and Charts in Presentations Characteristics of Formal Design Understanding Formal Design Graphs and charts play a crucial role in presenting complex data in a visually engaging manner. Discover how to effectively use data visualization techniques to convey information clearly and concisely. Selecting the right color scheme is crucial for creating a visually appealing presentation that aligns with the formal design principles. Formal design focuses on clean lines, minimalistic elements, and a structured layout to create a professional and polished look. Graphs and charts are powerful tools for visually representing data trends, comparisons, and relationships. They help in making complex information easily understandable and impactful for the audience. Recap and final tips for creating professional presentations Effective Data Visualization Techniques Color Harmony and Contrast Significance of Colors in Design Final Tips for Professional Presentations Formal design in presentations emphasizes professionalism and clarity to convey information effectively. Data visualization techniques like interactive graphs, infographics, and heat maps enhance audience comprehension and retention. These techniques transform complex data sets into compelling visual stories, aiding in better decision-making and analysis. Harmonious color combinations create a sense of unity, while contrasting colors highlight important information. Understanding color theory is essential for effective design. Ensure a cohesive color scheme, legible typography, and impactful data visualization. Use animations sparingly for emphasis and transitions to maintain flow. Colors evoke emotions and convey messages. In formal presentations, colors should be chosen strategically to enhance readability and professionalism. Consistency in Design Smooth Transition Flow Selecting High-Quality Images Slide Layout Best Practices Using consistent fonts, colors, and alignment across slides improves visual flow and helps audience focus on the content. Use seamless transitions between slides to maintain a cohesive narrative and enhance the overall flow of the presentation. Introduction to Professional Presentations Importance of Visuals Subtle Animation Techniques Enhancing Presentations with Animation and Transitions Choosing the right images can significantly enhance the visual appeal and effectiveness of your presentation. Quality matters more than quantity when it comes to imagery. Effective slide layout is crucial for maintaining audience engagement and clarity of information. Consistency and simplicity are key elements in creating visually appealing slides. High-quality images capture attention and communicate ideas effectively. They elevate the overall professionalism and engagement of your presentation. Subtle animations like fade-ins and motion paths can draw attention to key points without distracting the audience. Importance of Professional Presentations Understanding the impact of professional presentations in conveying credibility and engaging audiences effectively. Selection Criteria Whitespace and Balance Professional presentations play a crucial role in making a lasting impression, enhancing communication, and influencing audience perceptions. Incorporate subtle effects and smooth transitions to captivate your audience Consider relevance, resolution, and aesthetics when choosing images. Ensure they align with your message and enhance audience understanding without distractions. Strategic use of whitespace and balanced placement of elements enhance visual appeal and prevent overcrowding on slides, ensuring clarity.

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