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American Indian

Transcript: In A Different Country Pregnancy/ Childbirth The American Indian people are a quiet people. Silence is something that has always been a part in their culture. If they are angry or upset they do not express those emotions. They are simply silent. Some people take this as not caring, but it is a part of their culture and something they have been taught since birth. When Native Americans do communicate they put much more of an emphasis and value on listening rather than speaking. They very rarely talk just for the sake of talking. They don't make much small talk except between close friends or family. Native Americans do not find power in words that other cultures may. There is much more emphasis on affective communication, such as expressing their feelings about something, rather than just verbal communication. Men played a big role, they were responsible for all of the hunting, defense, and making weapons. They were accounted for a lot. Women stayed home and did all of the cooking and sewing, and taking care of the children. The Native Americans had to rely on natural remedies from the earth. Native American medicine combines herbs, spirituality, and magic. We may laugh at the Indians method of treating ailments. However, their medicine practices were beneficial and continue to work in modern times. Different national groups across the globe have their own unique healing rituals. Native American medicine is very similar to medicinal approaches used by the Chinese. Both value the treatment of the mind, body, and spirit, and uses the natural elements to cure illnesses. Native American medicine uses medicine men or women to perform healing. Before treating a patient, the medicine man or woman must fully understand their condition. Different herbs and rituals are used to treat different ailments. Once the medicine man knows the problem, the next step entails administering an herb medicine to cure the problem. In some instance, Native American doctors also recommend a ritual purification. Purification is intended to get rid of the harmful toxins that can cause many health problems. Cites Native Americans Book Indians of the Pacific Northwest Dry Sand Painting Calling a doctor was no simple matter for Native Americans. Often, visits and ceremonial treatments lasted for several days. They were organized by healers , known as shamans or medicine men and women, some had as much power as any chief. Shamans cured the sick with herbs, performed healing rituals, told the future or found missing property. They knew the dances, chants, prayers and ceremonies that would bring good fortune to their tribes and please the spirits. Young people had to take many difficult tests of physical strength before they could become shamans, and few succeeded. Native Americans were generally healthy until fatal diseases were introduced from Europe. During their pregnancies, women restricted their activities and took special care with their diet and behavior to protect the baby. The Cherokees, for example, believed that certain foods would affect the fetus. Pregnant women avoided foods that they believed would harm the baby or cause unwanted physical characteristics. For example, they believed that eating raccoon or pheasant would make the baby sick, or could cause death; consuming speckled trout could cause birthmarks; and eating black walnuts could give the baby a big nose. They thought that wearing neckerchiefs while pregnant caused umbilical problems, and lingering in doorways slowed delivery. Expectant mothers and fathers participated in rituals to guarantee a safe delivery, washing their hands and feet daily and employing medicine men to perform tasks hat would make deliveries easier. Men were rarely allowed in the birth room, and they were never allowed to see the birth. A woman in labor would stand, kneel, or sit, but she never gave birth lying down. Usually no one bothered to catch the baby, which fell onto leaves placed beneath the mother. They said that they do this because it gives the children strength. Folk Remedies Prayer Snake Communication/Family and Gender Issues Medicine Kit Video on healthcare issues Sweat Lodges The Medicine Man Indian Healthcare Healthcare American Indian

powerpoint template

Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.

Indian Powerpoint

Transcript: Navajo The Cherokee ate Corn, squash, beans and they hunted rabbits, deer, turkey and even bears. Clothing Tools Men wore Breechcloths and woman wore skirts. Tops were not needed in this culture. They wore Mocasins on their feet The Cheyenne"s were farming people, they ate squash , corn and beans, they hunted deer and buffalo. they ate fish and and fruits and berries they bought from other tribes. 20, 00 people speak the Cherokee language today and it is a very soft spoke language The Cheyennes wore Indian leaders originally wore tall feather headdresses. The woman wore long deerskin dresses. Religion Most Cheyenne's speak english the older ones speak their Cheyenne launguage which is musical language and has complicated verbs with many parts like "eh-peh-va,") which means "It is good!" Cherokee Language known to most speakers as dine'. Cheyenne Indians The Navajos were farming people, so they grew corn, beans, and squash. the men were hunters so they hunted deer, Antelope and small game. While woman gathered nuts, fruits and herbs. language NATIVE AMERICANS They were religious and believed in spirits. They performed in ceremonies to ask spirits to help them . When people were sick they would dress up and dance to music in the ceremony to help people. Location and culture Food Food The Cheyenne's used bow and arrows, war clubs, spears and hide shields as their weapons. ARTS Language Clothing famous for their woven rugs, Silver and turquoise jewlery. They also made Poetry, baskets, and sandpaintings. The 3 different types of indians and there background They live in the four corners region, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado. They are still living in their traditional territory today. They used pipe carving, Indian beading, rivercane baskets and Pottery for arts and crafts "Oh-see-yoh" "wado" mean thank you. -They lived on the great plains , Nebraska, Colorado, South Dakota, Wyoming and Kansas. -Oklahoma, and Montana currently Food Indian Powerpoint Tools they used were Hand axes. Stone adzes, wooden hoes for farming. Arts and crafts and weapons Language the Cherokee lived in the southern area of the United States Which today is North Carolina


Transcript: East Indian Americans Overview Space Nursing Implications Social Social Social Religion Nursing Implications Communication Nursing Implications Time Nursing Implications Environmental Control Nursing Implications Illness Nursing Implications Death Nursing Implications Biological Variations Nursing Article References By: Heidi Weisbach and Taylor Sepuha Patients may bring things into the hospital room Entire Family may gather at bedside Need to include family members- especially females- into care of the individual Translators with family help May start with English but will grow frustrated and switch to Hindi Considered taboo for a man extending his hand to a woman if he is NOT her husband Agriculture Rice, wheat, peanuts, corn Cultivation handicapped by lack of water Textile Industry Federal republic with parlaimentary system of government Executive power is prime minister 200 different languages 1,652 dialects Slums- malnutirion/ disease Bacterial diarrhea, hep, typhoid fever, malaria HIV LOW 8.9% Orthodox Hindu convert to different religion, become outcast Respect for Priest Illness biological as well as social Immigration to US and Canada arranged by parents or others union of families 18f/ 21m Financial and social arrangment Determine size of dowry Classified add- newspaper Divorce rate Oppression of women considered "normal" Unmarried women Role of Women as Wives Passage from one existance to another spiritual evolution Priest will pour water into the mouth of the body Priest will also tie a ribbon on the body to indicate blessings- DO NOT REMOVE!!! Cremation: bathing body remains in milk and yogurt solution- preserves the soul Married woman dies and is cremated in her wedding dress Men are cremated in off-white burial suite Religious prayers and chanting help passage of soul Outward displays of grief are acceptible Men are to be just as expressive as women Only oldest male may carry the body with other children prohibited from site Body cremated while priest says prayers and the oldest son takes ashes to family holy ground and scatters them Body interacts in harmony to produce wellness Earth= bones muscles Water= flem Fire= gal Wind= vayu Space= hallow organs Illness- excess or deficiency in one of the elements 7 essential constitutes for body: Bone, Flesh, Marrow, Fat, chyle, blood, sperm Treatment: treat symptoms and cause Prayer for health- lower form of prayer Stoic better than prayer Wear charms, make offereings to saints and ancestors and avoid areas where spirits are said to resign. Personal Hygiene extremely important Cold baths prevent blood injuries Bath is too hot injuries to the eyes Hot water may be added to cold, but not the other way around May refuse bath When the body is disceased, do not touch the body Allow the family to grieve by themselves Follow family's lead on death procedures Examples of expressions are wailing, crying, and even fainting marriage Will most likely be late to appointments Focus more on rewards from the future Not necessarily concerned with meeting deadlines or keeping schedules for the present Overcrowding Attempt to make their living environment unique to their culture... unsuccessfully Family Oriented- Entire family may gather at the bedside Prefer closed spaces to open Determine which family members will provide care Married sons lived with original family into parental house Patriarch controls finances and gives allowences Matriarch autocrat of the family- daughter in laws are subject to her rule Arranged marriage Father highest in power, closest with the next oldest male Voting Women are head of household Namaste/ Feet Education Crucial Mediteranean Broad headed Nordik Mongoloid Negritos Proto-australoids Prone to cleft lip, hydrocephalis, and mongoloian spots are common at birth Patients may have a higher core body temperature that is not concerning Patients may be on a variety of herbal mecidines that are custom to their family Patients and family will have their own ideas about their illness Patients will attempt to tell you wrongdoings that they have done or wrongdoings that their family members who have already passed have done to "deserve" illness Cast System Past, present, future oriented past- traditions rituals present- beings becoming future- emphasis in hereafter One reality Cremation of dead union of their spirit with an verbatem one Doctrine of Rebirth Form= beings deeds High importance to religious things of future... not appointments Culture devided by Cast, Language, Religion Brahmin- Priestly (considered pure) Kshatriya- Warrior Vaisyas- Trading/Farming Aasadra- Artesian Harijans- Untouchables (poluted/ defiled) Become member of the cast at birth and are out of the cast at death Marry inside the cast Subcasts- Jatis- closely united by family village and religion Do not seek relationships outside group Offically abolished in 1950 Rao, T., & Indla, V. (2010). Work, family or personal life: why not all three?. Indian Journal of Psychiatry,

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