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Civil War Presentation Background

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Civil War Presentation

Transcript: May 1864, Ulysses S. Grant raided Virginia, William T. Sherman was demanded to post his 100,000 troops in Chattanooga, Tennessee to book and annihilate the Confederate army that was stationed westward. Confederates were demanded to depart to Atlanta, Georgia, though Sherman had already apprehended in September and settled until November, then he commanded the city to be retreated and demolished. William's plan to divide the South a second time was to strike into enemeies territory and live off of their land. Sherman's men marched southeast for a month and deconstructed about sixty miles through one of the wealthiest parts of the South. Overall, they destroyed about $120,000,000 worth of damage. When he reached Savannah on Dec. 20th, he found out that around Nashville, Tenn. General George Thomas has annihilated the western Confederate army. Now, the war in the west was done. Around Feb. 1865, Sherman and his men left Savannah and they marched north up to North and South Carolina and demolished everything in his way. Later, he planned to meet Ulysses S. Grant in Richmond, Virginia. Overall, there were about 31,000 casualties. Grant had a daring plan, his plan was to march his men down the west bank of Mississippi (below Vicksburg), he started inland. The Union had reached Jackson, Mississippi. Then, the battle of Vicksburg began. After the battle, Vicksburg finished on July 4th. The Union caught Vicksburg. The Confederates gave in because they were starving, the main food producers cut them off. In the beginning of 1864, Lincoln commanded William T. Sherman and Ulysses S. Grant to kill Robert E. Lee. The Union suffered 10,000 casualties. The South suffered 9,091 casualties and had 29,495 men surrender. In Sept. 1862, Robert E. Lee was planning on attacking Washington D.C., from the north and demolish Northern morale. 45,000 of his men fell into Maryland, then Lee made two groups from his army. McClellan was supposed to protect Washington by staying in between Robert E. Lee and the capital, although they were being pursued. Lee was attacked on Sept. 17th, 1862 by McClellan because McClellan found out Lee's plan. Lee was attacked in Antietam Creek. McClellan made Lee retreat back to Virginia. The confederates had more than 11,000 deaths, McClellan had more, his army was suffering too much to fight Lee and finish him. 23,000 soldiers were killed, wounded or missing after twelve hours of savage combat on September 17, 1862. Union forces were beaten by the Confederates in Chancellorsville. Lee was encouraged to go north to Pennsylvania. The Union commanded by George G. Meade followed Lee's army. Small units of armies accidentally collided turning into a gory clash which caused the climax of the war. Confederates tried to dislodge the Union from the high ground. Confederates charged the Union with everything they had. The results were left with 23,000 Union soldiers dead, and more than 28,000 soldiers from the Confederates were left dead or wounded. Lee left for Virginia on July 4th. Gettysburg Antietam Sherman's March Vicksburg

Civil War Presentation

Transcript: Advances in Naval Warfare Throughout the Civil War -the Hunley rotating gun turrets iron plating for armor shallow draft wide deck Ciara's Thesis: -improving to compete with ironclads Ironclads: This is a wooden warship before the Civil War. Erin's Conclusion: A picture of the spar torpedo with the different parts named. The rotating gun turret. *casement of 4 inches of iron plating above the deck -in 1776, the Turtle, a one man submersible, was developed *39' 9" long *widest part was 3' 6" *hatches were 1' 3" Submarines That Damaged Enemy Ships: July 1863: the Hunley was made Different Submarines That Sank: May 9, 1865: end of the Civil War -Civil War submarines didn't help which side won because: -the war ship technology advanced because: sink any ships either 1776-1832: first early submarines being developed *sank three times 4 months after the end of the Civil War: the last official act of the CSA was when the CSS Shenandoah lowered its flag Early Submarines: -the David(s) *circular housing carrying two guns *flat main deck The USS Merrimac/CSS Virginia in dry dock. Ironclads: -submarines sink or float when ballast tanks(pockets) fill with water or air Erin's Thesis: *this was ineffective but the first of its kind used in a war Examples: March 1862: battle of the Monitor and Merrimac -USS Merrimac/CSS Virginia War ship technology advanced in the Civil War because the Union and Confederacy were trying to outdo each other with new technology. *the pilot used a joystick to steer *the crew used cranks to turn the propellers *first rotating gun turret *grapple on the torpedo catches onto the enemy ship *the torpedo has a time fuse so the submarine can get away before the explosion -the Alligator(for the Union) Wooden Ships: February 1862: USS Monitor and CSS Virginia were made *the other Davids were improved but didn't *only sank once but was lost *sail plans were reduced so there was a smaller crew *each side was faced with new obstacles they had to overcome by developing new technology 1862: the CSS Alabama was created April 1862: New Orleans is captured by the Union navy they usually sunk themselves couldn't effectively sink other ships *it only sank one before it sank and was lost -in 1832 an early submarine was created and another submarine was used for salvage work in the 1850's Designs/Weapons of Civil War Submarines: Ciara's Conclusion: *the first blew a hole in the enemy ship An artist's representation of the Hunley sinking the Housitanic. By Ciara Craig and Erin Clancy *shallow draft and wide deck The CSS Alabama: the Confederacy's most famous ship. December 1862: the Monitor was lost at sea February 1864: the Hunley sank its first war ship and sank itself Examples: -spar torpedo Side view of USS Monitor. *the ships' holds were bigger so they could carry more cargo A sketch of the Turtle in action with the different parts named. June 1864: the CSS Alabama was finally sunk *bought from the French Submarines didn't effect which side won in the American Civil War because they were not very effective on either side; they often sunk themselves and rarely sank enemy ships. The USS Merrimac/CSS Virginia in the water. *above waterline so it didn't sink 1862: the David(s) were created A picture of the Hunley being restored after sinking. *they weren't very effective against their enemies *the deck was below the waterline *each time killing its own crew -USS Monitor April 12, 1861: start of Civil War -the Hunley(for the Confederacy) *was the first to sink a ship A sketch of the Alligator. -dimensions

Civil War Background

Transcript: Civil War Literature Background The war began as the result of a dispute between certain southern states and certain northern slates regarding slavery and the taxation of cotton exports. The Civil War made a tremendous impact. Numerous authors have written about the events and background both from a literary and historical perspective. One of the most famous works of literature related to the Civil War is The Red Badge of Courage, by Stephen Crane (which we do not read) What, if anything, did the Civil War accomplish? First of all, America's slaves were immediately set free. Secondly, the cotton farmers of New England were required to pay a twelve percent duty on all exported cotton balls, swabs, and dungarees. Family Life during the Civil War The Civil War split families and friends. Brothers fought brothers on the battlefield. Three brothers of Mrs. Abraham Lincoln died fighting for the South. As men left for war, women had to step in to fill their place. Women took up roles as factory workers, clerks and school teachers. As the number of sick and wounded increased, women also took on the role as nurses. WHAT ARE WE READING? An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Set during the American Civil War, "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" is the story of Peyton Farquhar, a Confederate sympathizer condemned to death by hanging upon the Owl Creek Bridge of the title Author: Ambrose Bierce Type of Work: Short Story Published: 1890 Pay attention to the elements of a short story: -plot -characterization -foreshadowing -irony -literary devices (imagery, etc...) Author's life Bierce separated from his wife in 1888 after discovering compromising letters to her from an admirer, and the couple finally divorced in 1904 Bierce disappeared in Mexico at the age of 71... while completing a tour of Civil War areas. He decided to go to Mexico to get a perspective on their revolution (He was a journalist) and he was never heard from again. He was wounded during the Civil War... How do you think the Civil War influenced his writing? The United States Civil War was the bloodiest conflict in American History, claiming more lives than The American Revolutionary War, World War I, World War II, The War against Switzerland, The War of 1812, and the Vietnam War combined.

Civil War Presentation

Transcript: The Civil War: A Series of Medical Innovations 1. Physical Medicine 2. On Paper, On Field 3. Fun Facts •Because of the small window of time to save a soldier’s life, an organization of transportation specifically for the wounded was created. •Ambulance units, a concept created by Medical Director of the Army of the Potomac Jonathan Letterman, were dispatched into battlefields to retrieve potential survivors. •A standard ambulance would consist of one driver and two men to carry a stretcher to pack in wounded into established stations and hospitals. •Supplies were also carried but locked away for immediate use of critical patients on certain carriages. They were locked away to prevent soldiers from stealing the goods meant for the wounded and sick. In Today's Practices... Keeping Tabs By Kevin Flores American Sanitary Commission How it's used today... •Major General Daniel E. Sickles was one of the first cases of Amputation. Losing his right leg in the Battle of Gettysburg, he donated the amputated bottom half of his leg to the Army Medical Museum. He’d visit the remains of his leg annually on the day it was forever parted from him. •During the Civil War, some nurses and field doctors would use maggots and rats to eat away at the rotting tissue of the wounded. An effective practice still used today. •Although a lot of medical innovations happened during the war, due to the lack of knowledge of sanitation and hygiene, a very large percentage of deaths were due to what is considered malpractice in today’s standards. Amputations Ambulance Units •The standards of Amputations from the Civil war, cutting furthest from the heart and never cutting through joints, still are practiced in today’s procedures around the world. •Although the device is outdated, the concept of a vaporizing apparatus has evolved to make its appliance more for different procedures (i.e. dentistry) with different chemicals to ease pain or knocking out patients. •Plastic Surgery is no doubtingly one of the most sought after procedures for both serious and ‘casual’ uses. Not only repairing damaged appearances, but also changing previous ones for more appealing look. •Although few to 32 operations, reconstructive surgeries during the war by Union Surgeons sparked what would help save the lives of people in another sense. •Gurdon Buck, the father of modern plastic surgery, was the first to make gradual surgical changes in disfigured faces and photograph the progress. •Although replacing bones in the face saved people’s social lives, Benjamin Howard’s experimental procedure saved actual lives of chest wounded soldiers. •Chest wounds were dangerous in which the change in pressure of the ribcage would cause lungs to collapse and suffocate the injured. A certain death for almost all with the injury. •By using metal stitches to hold tissue, collodion to create adhesive film, and layers of bandages, he was able to make an airtight seal of the wound. Fun Facts! •Yet another innovation in medicine being practiced in modern times, ambulances and the standard three-person team is found in almost all developed societies. With the exception of today’s ragtag team consisting of qualified individuals instead of those who are deemed unable to fight. •The six volume set of books created as a result of collected data of the massively bloody war had a large impact on sharing new ideas and practices throughout the medical world to speed up the evolution of medicine. •After the Sanitary Commission was disbanded in 1866, it gave way to the creation of today’s American Red Cross, found by Clara Barton in 1881, that provides emergency assistance within the country today. •With the amount of injured soldiers out numbering surgeons. A quicker and more effective way to prevent death was required to save thousands of lives. •The old technique of cleaning out wounds was too time consuming and very unreliable. •Instead of saving the area, War Surgeons began to emancipate limbs. Turning complex injuries into simple ones. •Before the use of Amputation, the mortality rate of these injured was a large 75%...this would take a steep decline down to 25% •Anesthesia was already being used in order to put the injured under with Chloroform. Yet the Confederate Army had limited supply of the stuff. •Until Dr. Julian John Chisolm invented the first inhaler, it would require 2 oz. of Chloroform. The new method required only 1/8 an ounce for each man •The device was developed into a pocket sized form. Making it easier to apply and transport. •The Civil War marked the first time the US recorded adequate, detailed surgical cases and disease that occurred during a time of war. •The material collected was then summarized, categorized and used to create statistics relating to deaths, diseases, and wounds that occurred on both sides of the Civil War. •Under the direction of Surgeon General, Jospeh K. Barnes, this information was publicized under the US Government Printing Office in a six volume

Civil War presentation

Transcript: Made by: Johan Ulander Hjalmar Ekström Self-educated Read everything he could get over. Proper language Which Impressed the listeners Swore the oath as president on march 4, 1861 First republican president The Confederate states of America = CSA or Confedracy Quote: "sic semper tyrannis" (which means "So may it always go the tyrants") Information Sources: 2011-09-18 2011-09-19 O’Callaghan, Bryn, An Illustrated History of the USA, Longman Group UK Ltd 1990 Abraham Lincoln February 12, 1809- April 14, 1865 Abraham Lincoln Trying to split the confedracy in two Sarah Lincoln Ford sumter- Beginning of the Civil war William Wallace Lincoln December 21, 1850–Februari 20, 1862 deadliest conflict in American history Welcome to a presentation of the Civil war and Abraham Lincoln 28 million inhabitants VS the 9 million people in the south Pushed back in Virginia John Wilkes Booth Results of the war Thomas Lincoln January 6, 1778 – January 17, 1851 Able to manufacture more weapons April 12, 1869 The Union vs The Confedracy Ford theater, washington D.C New picture Abraham Lincoln was elected president North were against the slavery system The southern states needed the slaves for the cotton production The war took almost 650000 soldier’s lives Abraham Lincoln was murdered by a southern fanatic John Wilkes Booth Abolishment of slavery in the states Ulysses Simpson Grant The big question is: Why? Edward Baker Lincoln March 10, 1846–Februari 1, 1850 At the age of 23 Educated lawyer Started his political track Thanks for listening to our presentation General for the union Several battles in Mississippi Became president for a few years after the war Robert Todd Lincoln August 16, 1843– July 26, 1926 12th February 1809 Thomas ”Tad” Lincoln April 4, 1853– July 16, 1871 "Fake" picture of the assassin of Abraham Lincoln The union had an advantages More developed industry Robert Edward Lee More thoughtful things Sarah Bush Lincoln December 13, 1788 - General for the confedracy Led the confedracy's army to several victories Very skilled general Thanks to him they held back the north so long Led the army in Virginia and Maryland Lost against George Meade at the battles of Gettyburg In April 1865 Lee had to retreat, after this the confederate capital, Richmond, was evacuated Any questions? The end! Nancy Hanks Lincoln February 5, 1784 – October 5, 1818 Mary Todd Lincoln 13 december, 1818- July 16, 1882

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