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Good Planning for Good Food

Transcript: To ‘create and protect’ spaces which food can be grown in localities. To use public growing spaces, such as, allotments to promote sustainable and healthy food. To enhance the quality of ‘productive green spaces in neighbourhoods’, to promote ‘biodiversity’. To promote ‘community cohesion’ Case Study 2 Localities which include food growing in their local plans To increase financial viability, farmers can diversify their businesses by upgrading or building new structures. Planners should assess planning permission requests based on the need for a sustainable food and farming system, in accordance with Planning Policy Statement 7. PPS7: “local planning authorities should be aware of the circumstances, needs and priorities of rural communities and businesses in their area.” Breckland Core Strategy (2009): “The diversification of existing rural enterprises and the development of new enterprises where a rural location is either environmentally or operationally justified will be supported, provided there are no significant detrimental...impacts.” What is access to food? How food shops are distributed. Whether food is available to everyone Accessibility Where might you find policy related to this? In retail sections of local plans In infrastructure related planning documents Large downturn of number of neighbourhood shops Sought a way of protecting the small “cornered” shops from larger retailers in London Recommended a further use class divide inside “A1-Shops” Stops switch away from food shops towards other types of shop. Natelson, S., White, S., (2011) 'Good Planning for Good Food', Sustain (Online) Available: [Accessed: 03/12/14] Activity Cost of waste The built environment: improving diversity of available food Case Study Watts Farms, Kent Out of town retail centres and supermarkets often have a detrimental effect on smaller local businesses, by contributing to the closure of independent food shops, loss of jobs and decline in economic development within villages and town centres. Planning Policy Statement 4: “Local planning authorities should proactively plan to promote competitive town centre environments and provide consumer choice.” Creating and protecting local centres What it means? “That is what a zero waste Scotland means – not a country where we never throw anything away, but a new approach to making the most effective use of all resources, and avoiding wasting resources or making them unusable wherever we can.” – Lochhead, MSP. Main key points: Land use planning Waste regulation framework and infrastructure Sets education and awareness about waste management Targets: 70% recycling and maximum 5% to landfill for all waste in Scotland Role of planning: Identifying appropriate locations for all waste management facilities, along with providing policy framework Producing plans and layout of sites Any questions? Change in use class: Protection of "sole" shops as a need Good planning for good food promotes sustainable, bio-diverse communities, by encouraging the protection of land for growing food and the support of local produce. The government is in support of good planning for good food but at a local level, it is yet to be well established. The Sustain Alliance for Better Food and Farming produced a report on good planning for good food in 2011. Managing food waste in a planner's way Greenbelts: Watts Farms, Kent Food Waste Agriculture in the UK Richard Cantwell, Lucy Isham, Amirah Ahmad, Melissa Kenny Bristol City Council (2011) A Good Food Plan for Bristol (Online) Available: [Accessed 03/12/14] References Broomhill, Sheffield NPPF Promoting Healthy Communities Promote mixed used developments and to integrate spaces for food production into this. The protection of spaces for growing food e.g. allotments Small Holdings and Allotment Act, Section 23, 1908 Local authorities must protect, maintain and provide allotments. Allotment Act, Section 8 , 1925 ‘Allotments regarded as surplus to requirements may only be sold with the consent of the Secretary of State’ Land Settlement (Facilities) Act 1919 ‘Consent of the Secretary of State is required for the erection of any dwelling (excluding sheds or greenhouses) on allotment land’ Over 75% of the UK’s land is managed by farmers. Agriculture provides the majority of food in the UK as well as other services. Farming in the UK is continuing to decline. Planning can play a role in protecting the economic viability of farming and food distribution within the UK. Bristol’s Good Food Plan - Objective #5: “To minimise food waste by encouraging composting and the redistribution of good food that would otherwise be wasted.” Sheffield on a PLATE: Sheffield’s Universities and colleges working together, involving more than 10,000 students and 400 students. Recycling bins are provided in university accommodations to

Food for Good

Transcript: When systems reach a ‘critical point’ – when they are ‘at the edge of chaos’, this may be the juncture for substantive system change (Alvaro, Jackson, and Kirk et al., 2010) Public health efforts must address determinants of health and disease at the societal level not merely at the individual behavioural change level. North American diet—high in refined sugar, animal fat, and animal protein—have been linked to greater prevalence of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer disease, and the development of some cancers (Campbell, 2006; Esselstyn 2007; Grant, 2012). Food for Good More health and sustainability and less undesirable harm and ailments Love Heals Are not Climate Change and GHG the most pressing justice, health, environmental and political issues of our time? 5,000,000 Canadians smoke half have tried to quit 79% would participate in cessation programs if the support were free Smokers don’t want to be addicted to harmful substances and systems (CTV News, 2015) Food for Good movement may engage with unexamined understandings by opening up ways that previously were inaccessible and to think about something from a new perspective. Engage intellectually and emotionally – and perhaps shift identity and open up discourse of what is acceptable in society (Meyer & Land, 2005). How much illness before prevention becomes a priority? Quitting A Habit The Anthropocene Era Food for Good is a story of family, love, community, avoiding pain and unnecessary harm Four Problems 1. people ailing earlier and living with compounding issues 2. more than 50% of budget spent on illnesses 3. climate change at critical point with warming seas and air 4. population is growing and healthy food needed What is Food for Good? Large body of research reveals that plant-based diets could prevent 20-50% of all cases of cancer” (Cash et al., 2004) Whole foods are 'nutrients' working together to prevent disease, treat illness, restore health. Nutrition is greater than the sum of its parts, it’s a biological symphony (Campbell et al., 2014). What if people were more healthy and energized? Do you know the secret to perpetual youth? Judge Sarokin, “All too often in the choice between the physical health of consumers and the financial well-being of business, concealment is chosen over disclosure, sales over safety, and money over morality” (as cited Brownell 2009, 286).

Food for Good

Transcript: High levels of un/under employment and change in job market. In 2013-14 food banks fed 913,138 people in the UK. 1% of people have 48% global wealth. Growing inequality - The UK is the only G7 country to record rising wealth inequality in 2000-14 Supermarkets hold 97% of the grocery market in the UK. Eurobarometer, 2011 Urban sustainable food hub. Nano market-gardens Pigs & bees More plans this year. Only 5% of money spent in a supermarket stays local. The rest is siphoned off to shareholders & big business. 50% spent at an independent stays local. Supermarkets create less jobs. Big four have 1 employee per £119k - £216k/pa, we have 1 per 17-45k... Supermarkets don't work with small local growers/producers, reducing opportunities for self employment and SME. Supermarkets squeeze farmers and damage local retailers and with them the local economy. LM3 Locavore Veg Bags This year: Develop our market garden Crowd fund for repairs, orchard and eggs. Do more at The Croft More community growing space and volunteering. Nano-Growers More opportunities to grow-for-profit. Online Sales Develop our subscription scheme Further ahead: More retail - A Sustainable Social-enteprise Supermarket? Take on more land to produce more local food. Aims and Objectives The foundations of the corporate food system are set up in a way which is inherently against any idea of sustainability or building a food system which serves all of society. Do supermarkets provide meaningful employment? Do supermarket encourage people to learn, develop and self determine? Do supermarkets create the sort of cities, towns and villages we want to live in? Do supermarkets and multinationals promote healthy, creative lifestyles? Is this the best way to feed the world? Is there actually a better way forward? Locavore Community Interest Company 66 Nithsdale Road, G41 2AN 0141 328 3303 What can you do to help build a more sustainable local food system? It's probably not lack of access to super blitzed organic raw kale smoothie or fad food filled flan, free from most things except socks and sandals. Weekly delivery of local organic produce and groceries. 150+ subscribers Deliver 6 routes across greater-Glasgow & surrounds. Local deliveries by bike Gives us a guaranteed customer base to plan for. Climate change and environmental degradation. Honest Box Canteen Catering for events and meetings The Oatcake Picking apples Making Jam What is Locavore? Community Projects Locavore Drinking Game Rules: 1) A large gulp every time we say local or sustainable. 2) Try and choose your next drink with sustainability in mind. Neilston Market Garden Corporations Supermarkets have long complex supply chains, meaning more transportation & refrigeration. Supermarkets operate at scale and demand specilisation, uniformity and industrialisation of food. Supermarkets waste 300,000 t of food at POS. (50kg p/p) Future Plans That's cute. We're a Social Enterprise and Community Interest Company. We want to help build sustainable local food systems which are better for communities, the environment and the local economy. We want to create viable, sustainable and replicable models for up-scaling local food growing, production and distribution. It's about using food as a vehicle for delivering 'social value'. Delivery of cookery & gardening workshops for other orgonisations. Consultancy projects. 2.5 acre site 8 miles from our shop. Established 2014, currently using 20% of site. Built the business case through trading history, secured funding. Primarily to grow produce with a shortage of supply - big problem. Overall aim of creating a replicable model to upscale local production. The economic situation. Poverty, hunger, obesity and dietary related disease. Creating strong local economies: Food production is responsible for 30%+ of GHG emissions. (burpy cows, artificial inputs, land use change) It takes 8 calories to produce 1 calorie of food in the UK. (NEF,2014) UK households throw away 7.2 million tonnes of food p/a. Food miles & long food chains. Manchester Veg People Cultivate London Greensgrow Farms Reuben Chesters Rachelle Cloutier Dorothea Warlich Nourishing a healthy society: That's not cute. 875m chronically undernourished & 1.9b overweight... Fresh produce is less nutritious than in the past. Food deserts, empty calories & affordability. Food banks. Exporting good food and importing junk. Protecting and enhancing the environment: 'Food from our land, local growers and ethical producers'. Based in the south-side of Glasgow. First shop on Skirving Street May 2012 Nithsdale Road since May 2013 Aim: To help build sustainable local food systems which are better for the environment, economy and local communities. Objectives: Raise awareness of sustainable food issues. Establish enterprises and projects which tackle the barriers to local food. Market and promote consumption and production of good food. To build skills for a local food economy. Work with others

Shopping for Good Food

Transcript: Books Spotlight on: the true cost of food [source:] Define what's important to you & others you shop/cook for Research Identify better choices 'Do what you will do' Vote with your wallet Make your decisions cheerfully Reassess regularly what are you really eating? * Make small changes often * Stick to each change for at least 3 weeks > 6 months makes for a lifelong habit * Eating well is just one part of wellness - and happiness * There is no 'one' right way Above all > be kind to yourself! What influences your buying & eating habits? [source:] many others! Example: cheeses Example: chips Consider Websites Ingredients: Whole milk, Salt, cultures, rennet. [source:] Shopping for Good Food What would help you to eat better? What are the foods you regularly buy & eat? Principles of eating ethically Snacks of choice: * Fruit * Nuts * Chips * Chocolate * Trail mixes * Snack bars * Candy bars * Sodas * Energy drinks * Biscuits * Crackers * Cheese * Lollies Breakfast Snacks Lunch Dinner * health * sustainability * environment * seasonality * animal rights * fair trade * cost * sources + production (eg. local, organic, free range, whole vs processed) * fuel * time * social values/pressures * culture * senses * mood ...and the list goes on! Food labels anything by Michael Pollan "The China Study", Dr T. Colin & Dr Thomas M. Campbell "Conscious Eating", Dr Gabriel Cousens "Nourishing Wisdom", Marc David "Additive Alert", Julie Eady Sue Dengate's books Books by Victoria Boutenko/The Raw Family "Changing Lives, Changing Habits", Cyndi O'Meara "Constant Craving", Doreen Virtue "I Quit Sugar", Sarah Wilson "Love Thy Food", Hannah van Didden (Sforcina) Ingredients: Milk, Cream, Salt, Vegetable Gum (410), Starter Culture, 45% Milk Solids. [source:] Typical breakfast foods: * Cereals * Milk * Coffee/tea * Eggs * Bacon * Bread * Spreads * Fruits * Vegetables * Juices * Smoothies * Breakfast bars * Yoghurt * Pancakes with Hannah van Didden How chickens are raised in Australian factory farms * content warning * Want more? You can buy/harvest your food from: * Your garden * Farmers & markets * Supermarkets * Co-ops * Convenience stores * Delis * Bulk suppliers * Online What does this mean? Your food could be local, from within the state, from other states, or from overseas Your food could be close to nature or highly processed food-like products Your food could include hidden ingredients or processing methods Where does your food come from? Include basic nutritional, ingredient & certification information Mention marketing terms > eg. 'natural', 'eco', 'bio', 'raw', '0% fat', 'no added ...', 'reduced/lite/increased' Do not necessarily list all ingredients > eg. composite ingredients, anticaking agents Give limited information on country of origin & ownership Are not definitive re GMO status Warn about known allergens iPhone apps Michael Pollan: No Free Lunch Chemical Maze Additives Additive Alert Safe Food Mum What's on my food? ShopNoGMO SeafoodGuide Gluten Free Eating Directory Green Smoothies Green Smoothie Game Spotlight on: factory-farmed chicks Typical lunch/dinner foods: * red meat * poultry * fish * cheese * soup * grains * bread * spreads * noodles/pasta * fruits * vegetables * legumes * seasoning * condiments * sauces * spices * fast food Ingredients: Milk, Salt, Starter Culture, Enzyme (Non–Animal Rennet), 35% Milk Fat. [source:] Ethical shopping guide > Food intolerance network > The Clean Fifteen & the Dirty Dozen > AMCS Sustainable fishing guide > Institute for the Psychology of Eating > RSPCA > Hen Welfare Advisory Group > Make It Possible > FSANZ > A Very Foodly Diary > What's so good about....? Organic Biodynamic Free range Wholefoods Natural Raw

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