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Power To Women Presentation Background

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Women Power :)

Transcript: Novel - Jane Eyre Movie - Joan of Arc Early Life From the beginning women were expected to..... 1847 Bronte published "Jane Eyre" 1854 Bronte married Reverend A. B. Nicholls Husband took her to a waterfall and she caught a chill Died on 31 March 1855 In the 1960s and 1970s women's traditional role in the family changed feminists don't have to go out and make a HUGE change there are feminists in your life So...what do you think? Feminism SOME PEOPLE THINK ABORTION SHOULD BE LEGAL, OTHERS OPPOSE IT. WHAT DO YOU THINK? S0 HOW DID FEMINISM COME ABOUT? "Feminism is not about men versus women but about men and women working together." "Feminism in India has existed from times immemorial and our history has always been about empowerment. There are differences between men and women and we should recognize that but this should not be discriminatory in any form." "Lack of awareness can lead to a lot of problems. It is important for women to know their rights so they don't get cheated," Bhatara said. Women have been fighting for equal rights since centuries ago Groups like the suffragettes fought hard for the rights for women to vote Charlotte Bronte Born in 1816 3rd of the 6 children Spent most of her childhood writing stories and poems WHAT IS JANE EYRE ABOUT? More about Bronte But now...... So....who are feminists exactly? The mass entry of women entering the employment market Many entered colleges The Pill changed women's traditional role within the family Revolutionized the way women lived Women began entering the employment market in large numbers during the war Some of the family burden needed to be shifted to the state Trade unions AND the women's movement fought hard for a welfare state system Many may think that women have been given complete equal rights.....think again... The 1940s and 1950s Joan of Arc WHO ARE THE FEMINISTS IN YOUR LIFE? The Women's Liberation Movement - popular in the 1960s and '70s More women began entering colleges and the workforce after World War II Wanted to revolutionize the way women lived

Women Access to Power

Transcript: Ten Worst Countries for Women 5-Yemen Main Topics For generations the US has viewed the worlds women as victims and at the same time women's issues were segregated from the other issues of the world. Theda Skocpol-has called for ''paradigmatic reorientation" to address the fundamental problems existing in the state system, as modern scholars investigate the social, political and economic facets of the global state. 10- Iran 4-Niger Feminist Theories of the State and Women In General - 2 Women Access to Power 7-Saudi Arabia National Cabinet 8-Syria 2-Pakistan Woman and Politics 3-Democratic Republic of Congo Woman's Access to Power (Chapter 8) Women and Politics Ten Worst Countries for Women Feminist Theories of the State and Women In General - 1 By: Alycea, Josue, Keenan, Kristina 1-Sudan Woman's Access to Power cont. Importance of Family Nancy Frazer's interpretation of the welfare state sheds more light on the inadequacies of the dominant theories of the state. She argues that power, as elucidated by power and class theorists, is deeply rooted in the citizens who are part of the diverse state institutions. 9-Afghanistan The worlds most pressing economic and political problems cannot be solved without the participation of women. is the develop an alternative interpretation of how women in the global system have managed to emerge and fare as political leaders. Women were left out of many important events that ultimately weakend the chances of countries having stable development programs. 6-Egypt Democracy & Monarchy Woman's Access to Power Theorizing Women's Access to Power in Global State

Background/Rise to Power

Transcript: Background of Francisco Nguema -Equatorial Guinea falls into disarray as Nguema spends government funds on personal things -Nguema decides to execute all people of the Bubi tribe -He uses soldiers to slaughter entire families and villages -Nguema also targets "intelligent" people (those who wear glasses/attend schools) -By the end of Nguema's tyranny, 1/3 of the population has either been killed or exiled -Nguema is overthrown by his nephew and executed for murder, treason, and genocide Lasting Effects on Citizens and Country -Bubi people are the minority -Bubi people still are descriminated against -Still prosecuted more than other tribes/clans in Equatorial Guinea -All citizens have hardly any rights -EG is very poor because of all the money Nguema wasted -Nguema starts off regime by taking all power from legislative and judicial branches of government and controlling everything directly -Names himself "President for Life" and becomes a dictator Beginning Similarities to The Crucible Estimated 50k deaths The Tyranny The Genocide of Equatorial Guinea -In both The Crucible and EG innocent people were killed -In EG, the "President" ordered his soldiers to kill, in The Crucible, the church leader had his henchmen do the killing -Both situations caused fear and strife -Francisco Macias Nguema born 1968 -Orphaned at 9 after witnessing father beaten to death and his mother committing suicide soon after -Nguema and siblings become "laborers" or low-class workers without parents -Nguema survives and takes the Civil Service test, failing thrice before passing -Becomes mayor of small town -Grows from mayor to member of parliament, then runs for president in only free election to date and wins

women & power

Transcript: Women & power women in the past Women ? A woman is a female human being. The term woman is usually reserved for an adult, with girl being the usual term for a female child or adolescent. The term woman is also sometimes used to identify a female human, regardless of age, as in phrases such as "women's rights". Women in the past In the past, definitely, women were not expected or encouraged to continue their education after high school; therefore, their opportunities were limited. Nonetheless, the chance to go to school was still available as far back as the ‘20’s. Career-wise, even if a women did go to university, for example, she was expected to take the jobs for women, like a teacher. There were hardly any female doctors, scientists, lawyers…In that sense, those opportunities were limited. Obviously more educational and career opportunities have risen over the decades women today Today, women are usually expected to have a job. "What do you do?", is a question that is often asked in today's world. In Colonial New England, that question would have only been applicable to men. If women worked at all then, it was as a woman of the street, a servant, or in very rare now women look for things like pay equality under the slogan "WE CAN DO IT" Women in present In morocco Women in Morocco have long been active agents in the political sphere and have been instrumental to the production of knowledge and culture, particularly since Morocco’s independence from French rule in 1956. Moroccan women have been publicly visible in shaping contemporary politics, starting in 1961 with the establishment of the Union Progresist of maroccan women , the first exclusively female civil society organization in Morocco, and continuing towards the formation of multiple women’s rights organisations throughout the country in the present. All domains are now available to women There are a lot of women who have achieved a lot of things; Some successful women : some succesful women Mariam Chadid she is a famous Moroccan astronomer ,and she achieve a lot of things like : set foot on Antarctica She is the first presedent of Republic of Irland and one of the commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson She is a chancellor of Germany ,and she is a president of the christian Democratic Union Angela Merkel She is a Moroccan author and the first writer of literature Leila Abouzaid The role of women in society has been greatly overseen in the last few decades but now are coming to a more perspective to people. In the early days women were seen as wives who were intended to cook, clean, and take care of the kids. They were not allowed to vote while men took care of having jobs and paying any bills that had to be paid. Soon enough it caught on that women should have a bigger role than what other people thought women should have. Women would have strikes and go on marches to prove that they should have rights just like everyone else. They faced discrimination like and other race that faced it. Women would voice their opinion in any way possible so that they could reach their goal and they did. Role of women in society Role of women in society To conclude ,Women is the foundation of society , despite its marginalized status in the past ,it has achieved many successes now Conclusion Conclusion

Women and Power Presentation

Transcript: Female Leaders and How They Were Remembered The Women of Power in the Near East: Due to the competitive nature of the Near East, dynasties often did not last long as a military force was employed to overthrow the current ruler. As a result, it was nearly impossible for women to find a place in power. Typically, women were seen as an extension of man’s power and were often only granted this right when the king required assistance or was on leave in battle. Consequently, women had little authority and relied on ideological power to gain any control in government. In the case of both the Sumerian civilization and the Byzantine Empire, women were expected to act indirectly. Often in these civilizations, women were granted some level of leniency when it came to representing their children or another male in their family. Still, ultimately they were never allowed to exert their power officially. By looking into these civilizations, we hope to examine how feminine power found its way to the surface and what marks were left behind by these women after their reigns ended About the Region Regional Information Sumeria Sumeria Due to the geographic location of Mesopotamia, the region was largely decentralized and nearly impossible to unite because of the two rivers that divided it. It was extremely difficult to reach different areas of the region on foot and the lack of unification drove competition to extreme heights. Additionally, since Sumeria was separated into many individual city-states, kingships were often overthrown by invasions from neighboring areas. It was very typical for kings to be selected as a result of this force and the resulting ideological power they managed to acquire. Ultimately, this political system left very little room for female rule or influence. Queen Pu’abi takes us to the city-state of Ur in circa 2450 BCE, one of the first examples of a society that we are able to analyze. Though very little is known of her rule, the large burial sites that were uncovered by archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley in 1922 offer us many insights. Also referred to as the “great death pits,” her and the accompanying male king’s tombs reveal much about Pu’abi’s status in Ur and the ideological power she had likely acquired due to the material wealth and lives that were sacrificed to be buried with her in her tomb. However, comparing her burial site to the King’s reminds us that women were never able to exceed a man’s power. Pu'abi Pu'abi Uncovered by archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley in 1922, the Great Death Pit consists of two ancient tombs dating back to circa 2450 BCE.4 In the excavation, Woolley discovered the remains of these tombs that he determined to be the burial sites for a woman, Pu’abi and a man, likely to be her accompanying ruler and potential husband. From the remains, he resolved that Pu’abi was the queen of the city state of Ur, and the man likely the king.3 The king’s burial tomb was guarded by six soldiers and accompanied by seventy other bodies in addition to an “immense wealth of goods”.2 In the other tomb, five soldiers appear to have been guards, but only fifty two attendants were buried with her body. This difference is an evident display of how women were not valued as equal when compared to a man, regardless of their individual influence.1 In addition to these attendants, Puabi was found buried with and wearing a large amount of jewels and other determinants of wealth, suggesting her status in society. However, the sheer amount of attendants that were murdered to be buried with Puabi reveal key insights into her rise to power. During this time, sacrificial burials were typically seen during the origins of a kingship. The fact that these attendants were willing to sacrifice their lives to be buried with their king and queen show their reverence for their rulers and their devotion to their reign. Furthermore, egyptologist Kara Cooney explains that the practice of sacrificial burials typically ends when a kingship is firmly established, and so this must have been early on in the dynasty.1 Additionally, the fact that Puabi was buried with less than the king implies that she was largely an extension of his power, a common symptom of the times. Royal Cemetery Artifact 1 Vidale, M. (2011). PG 1237, Royal Cemetery of Ur: Patterns in Death. Cambridge Archaeological Journal,21(3), 427-451. Since very little textual evidence exists into the life and reign of Puabi, it is difficult to determine what she accomplished during her rule. However, focusing on the society she came to power in, the fact that she came into power at all is a great feat. At the time, and with respect to the competitive nature of the Mesopotamian region, women were granted little to no power and had almost no chance of attaining it. Puabi reveals one of society’s earliest power dynamics and her tomb signifies the wealth and status she had accumulated throughout her life.1 We can assume that she was considered a queen of Ur upon

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