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Robotics Presentation Background

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robotics presentation

Transcript: By: Martha Perez The history of Robots Created by Jacques de Vaucanson's, was the most known, famous creation of his was the duck. Created In 1709, tested to eat, flap its wings and digest grain. The real reason for making the duck isn't fully known, but was thought of a glory of France and wanted to be a replica of what the french thought they're country reflected which was beauty and elegance The duck 1709 For this invention there wasn't very much significance, given the fact that it was made in the early 1700's, there was no initial purpose except for trying to prove the elegance of France even though the invention might have not been able to work. The s i gn i f i cance Significance the reason why i chose this invention was because i thought it would be interesting to research a digesting duck that worked. The year was 1903 when Albert Hanson, from Berlin, created his "printed wire" patent in England. His invention was aimed at solving the telephone exchange need. The Hanson process, although not a true "printed circuit" method, did produce conductive metal patterns on dielectric substrate. Metal foil was first cut or stamped out into conductor patterns. The copper or brass traces were then bonded like adhesive to paraffin-ed paper and the like. This was the first documented circuit invention. The printed wire 1903 The significance of this is to allow any customers willing to communicate telepathically to others and this printed wire allowed there to be more of a communication in ways and means of not having to travel. The significance significance The reason why we chose this was because it had a relation with starting the foundation of telephonic communication that has gravely increased in production Significance reasoning Created in 1988 first featured in the first movie, " Child's Play", created by Don Macini, Chucky 1988 The chucky dolls purpose was to entertain and use as a prop for horror films involving chucky in it. This invention is probably one of the most popular, out of horror films in the 80s What was its purpose ? more information Child's play 1,2, and 3 Bride of Chucky Seed of Chucky Curse of Chucky Cult of Chucky Chucky's movies Evolution The reason why we chose chucky as a piece of our timeline was because i've always wondered how the doll moving by itself worked. The significance Significance

Robotics presentation

Transcript: Robots in Education S M O By: Jasmine Branham, Shayla O'Donnell, Berk Tural and Diego Rojas Robots in Early Education Interventions We Love Robots! Introduction Robots have many different uses in the classroom Example: Aiding children who cannot physically attend class Aiding children with mental disabilities Sparking interest in engineering, and computer science The Nao Robot Using Robots to help Autistic Students Using Robots to help Autistic Students Who? - Softbanks Robotics (Originally Aldebaran robotics) When?- 2006 Where?-Paris, France Why?- To assist teachers with Autistic students Creator How the Nao Robot Works Controlled by a specialized operating system Uses Centered Teaching Styles ABA PECS TEACCH ESDM SCERTS Main Design features : Nao Robot Design Two cameras Four directional microphones Multiple sensors Inertial unit Effectiveness Usefulness of Nao in Classroom Tested in a New Jersey Classroom, where great success was reported Studies show that having a robot in the classroom increases social interaction of autistic children by 30 percent! Additional Facts about robotics in education! Interest in Robotics in Education is Increasing! R O B O T S! DREAM Development of Robot Enhanced Therapy for Children with Autism RAT Buddy and Milo Reluctance to rely on technology by teachers Groundbreaking Robot Assisted Therapies “About NAO Robot.” Brainary Interactive, Accessed 10 Oct. 2017. Aldebaran. ASK NAO Interface - V2 - User Guide — Aldebaran Documentation. Accessed 10 Oct. 2017. Alpha School. “A Humanoid Robot Working with Special Education Students Alpha School NJ.” Alpha School, 21 Sept. 2017, Autism Speaks Inc. “Treatments & Therapies.” Autism Speaks, 4 Sept. 2014, Crowe, Steve. 5 Promising Robots for Kids with Autism - Robotics Trends. Accessed 10 Oct. 2017. Citations Citations Hicks, Kristen. Robots in Education: What’s Here and What’s Coming | Edudemic. 9 Feb. 2016, “How NAO Works.” Pepper Developer Portal, 27 Apr. 2016, Inbar, Elad. ASK NAO Autism Solution for Kids. Accessed 10 Oct. 2017. Softbank Robotics. “First Steps with NAO.” Pepper Developer Portal, 15 Apr. 2016, Accessed 10 Oct. 2017. “Who Is NAO?” SoftBank Robotics, https:/ Accessed 10 Oct. 2017. More Citations! More Citations! Definition of ROBOTICS. Accessed 10 Oct. 2017. Falconer, Jason. “Nao Robot Goes to School to Help Kids With Autism.” IEEE Spectrum: Technology, Engineering, and Science News, 1 May 2013, “Find out More about NAO.” SoftBank Robotics, Accessed 10 Oct. 2017. Final citations slide! Final citations slide!

Robotics Presentation

Transcript: What is Robotic Assignment Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with design, construction, operation and application ... What is robotics Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with design, construction, operation and application of ROBOTICS. where in the real world do we find robotics? where in the real world do we find robotics? Roboticts can be found almost everywhere. We sometimes use then in everyday life. They can be useful for lifting hevey loads in factories. They can be moslty found in China and Japan. What are the laws of robotics? What are the laws of robotics? -A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. -robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. -A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. What are the common fetures that all robots ha... What are the common fetures that all robots have? How do these interact with each other? Some common features all robots have are.... - Personallites - To obey their master or controller - Durabile Body - Rechargeable Batteries - Fully Mobile - Sensers. What are intersting facts about robots? ( 10 amazing Facts) What are intersting facts about robots? ( 10 amazing Facts) The word 'Robots' come from the Czech 'robota' which means durdgery, It was first used in 1921 play R.U.R (Rossum's Universal Robots). The word 'Robots' come from the Czech 'robota' which means durdgery, It was first used in 1921 play R.U... The first 'robot homicide' occurred in 1981 in a Japanese factory. A robotic arm accidentally crushed a worker... or so they say. The first 'robot homicide' occurred in 1981 in a Japanese factory. A robotic arm accidentally crushed... The first humanoid robot was debuter in 1939. Elektro, built by Westinghouse, was seven feet tall and could 'speak' 700 words. The first humanoid robot was debuter in 1939. Elektro, built by Westinghouse, was seven feet tall and cou... Robots will emerge on their own (astheir own species) by 2040 according to Hans Moravec, founder of Carnegie Mellon's Roboticslnstitute. Robots will emerge on their own (astheir own species) by 2040 according to Hans Moravec, founder of Carneg... Taliban Fighters disable robots used by the U.S military by flipping labbers onto them. Thus defeating something high-tech with something low-tech Taliban Fighters disable robots used by the U.S military by flipping labbers onto them. Thus defeati... The number in use is more than a million. And over half of these robots are based in Japan, the epicenre of technology. The number in use is more than a million. And over half of these robots are based in Japan, the epicenre ... The world's first cyborg is professor Kevin Warwick, who uses a chip in his arm to remotely operate doors, an artificial hand, and an electric wheelchair. The world's first cyborg is professor Kevin Warwick, who uses a chip in his arm to remotely operate doors, ... The first time robots were mentioned was when Leanardo da Vinci referenced and sketched 'mechanical knights' in 1945. NASA has since created his robot. The first time robots were mentioned was when Leanardo da Vinci referenced and sketched 'mechanic... The First working robot made cars as part of the production line at car giant, Ford, back in 1961. The First working robot made cars as part of the production line at car giant, Ford, back in 1961. The smallest robot is called a nanobot. It measures 10 nanometres in size or less than one thousandth of a milimetre. The smallest robot is called a nanobot. It measures 10 nanometres in size or less than one thousandth of... Service robots assist human beings, typically by performing a job that is dirty, dull, distant, dangerous or repetitve, including household chores. They canbe helpful by lifting heavy loads in factories. How are robots being used today? How are robots being used today? Robots will get mre advance in the near 2030's and beyond. Robots can be use for interactive learning. Be used for public transportation such as train drivers and Hospital and office porter. How will robots be used in the future? How will robots be used in the future? Thanks For Watching :D Thanks For Watching :D

Robotics Presentation

Transcript: The children wont be able to really communicate with people. NAO Altered? 2 cameras, 4 mics, solar range finder, 2 IR emitters and receivers, 1 inertial board, 9 tactile sensors, 8 pressure sensors. Bigger. More memory. Blind guide. speak for you. Mars Advantages and Disadvantages Good or Bad? Sensors Academic purposes and helping autistic kids learn in a class room environment. Robotics Presentation Disadvantages. Created by Aldebaran Robotics to customize NAO in order to support teachers and parents of autistic kids. Makes it easier for children to learn and be creative in a class room space. It would also have an impact on parents lives. and the kids teachers because it makes teaching the children easier. 20 institutions to help educate children with autism. Universities around the globe. Tasks It Performs Advantages. nao/ Video from NAO Bibliography What are the uses of NAO NAO's Impact Where is NAO Used? NAO ASK NAO. NAO can see, hear, speak, feel, and communicate Children seem attracted to technology making it easier to learn. NAO helps memory and imitation by interacting through card games, dancing and asking questions. The children don't think of NAO as a threat because he does not have emotions. Stands For: Autism Solution For Kids.

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