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Madison Presentation Background

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Madison Child Presentation

Transcript: Conclusion Cognitive Development Physical Development Madison is a four year old little girl who what seems to have a high intelligence and comprehension level. With low exceptions the observer ended with high results! Fun and loving personality. Madison has high comprehension and understanding levels. Since the beginning of observations Madison has showed her intelligence in all positive ways. When new ideas and concepts are explained to Madison she can easily understand them and how they work. Madison is a very bright child, and has strong communication skills. During Madison's early observations Language seemed to be a strong suit for her, but in later secessions Madison had more areas for growth than at first perceived. Introduction Madison is a fun and intelligent little girl. Madison has taught her observer many tings over the past semester, but most importantly has shown how much she has grown in the main four domains. Social/ Emotional Most observations were made outside, where the observer could really see Madison's physical strengths and areas of growth. Madison loves to run and play she never sits still when she is outside playing. Madison really enjoys playing games and being imaginative. Madison has come a far way in the social emotional domain. She started off shy and unaware, but then as her observer continued to make visits, not only did Madison start to communicate more with her observer but her class mates as well. Madison: Child Presentation Language Development

Madison Presentation

Transcript: Social Inequality in schools and the importance of time Engage Elementary Engage Elementary Small town NC with poverty rate of 15.2% 32.3% on free and reduced lunch 18% have limited English proficiency Dual Language Afterschool Program Afterschool Program 2:30 - 5:30 Pre-K (3-5) Monday/Wednesday 9 students 1/3 White 1/3 Black 1/3 Hispanic or Indian Teachers Teachers 1 White 2 Black All female Themes Themes Schools, as institutions, are the means by which our society reproduces existing social inequality. Obedience Being quiet "Social being" Hidden curriculum Hidden curriculum Little guidance or encouragement No academic instruction Poor Use of Unstrcutured Time Poor Use of Unstrcutured Time Attempt to level the playing field amongst the children by providing more attention and affection towards African American students. Preferential attention Preferential attention Poor use of unstructured time Poor use of unstructured time Seasonal Learning The Nature of Schooling (Entwisle, Alexander, and Olson) View afterschool as a similar avenue ♣ “When schools were open, poor children gained just about as much as better-off children did” (Entwisle, Alexander, and Olson) ♣ “When schools were open, poor children gained just about as much as better-o... “Children’s differential growth in summer is the major source of the differences in achievement between children of different socioeconomic levels” (Entwisle, Alexander, and Olson) “Children’s differential growth in summer is the major source of t... Afterschools could mediate this relationship. By not utilizing this time, there is a missed opporuinty Afterschools could mediate this relationship. By not utilizing this ti... Examples Examples 2/28 “Mrs. Mel (teaching assistant, white) has snack outside on the playground whenever she can, it gives them more time outside the classroom where she doesn’t have to provide them with instruction” 2/28 “Mrs. Mel (teaching assistant, white) has snack outside on t... 2/23 “When I arrived, the children were playing in the gym. They were doing free play and all of the teaching assistants were sitting in chairs against the wall.” 2/23 “When I arrived, the children were playing in the gym. They were doing fr... There is a missed opportunity for these teachers to level the achievement gap between students. There is a missed opportunity for these teachers to level the achievement g... Schools, as institutions, are reproducing social inequality by not utilizing unstructured time in afterschool as an opportunity to level the playing field between the disadvantaged and advantaged. Conclusion Conclusion

Madison Presentation

Transcript: egypt Egypt-- colonized by Britan, 1882-1956 Resource Egypt - Natural Resources. In addition to the agricultural capacity of the Nile Valley and Delta, Egypt's natural resources include petroleum, natural gas, phosphates, and iron ore. Crude oil is found primarily in the Gulf of Suez and in the Western Desert. resource-- Britan didn't have natural resources like Egypt did. Events The history of Egypt under the British lasts from 1882, when it was occupied by British forces ... Britain went to war against Egypt over the Suez Canal in late 1956, but with ... In turn, European and foreign finances took control of the treasury of Egypt, ... and deported to the island of Malta, a huge uprising occurred in Egypt. events-- When british forces took over. south Africa- colonized by Britain, 1652-1910 south africa Resource resorces-- Gold The British wanted to control South Africa because it was one of the trade routes to India. However, when gold and diamonds were discovered in the 1860s-1880s their interest in the region increased. This brought them into conflict with the Boers. The Boers disliked British rule. events-- dominion was created Following the defeat of the Boers in the Anglo-Boer or South African War (1899–1902), the Union of South Africa was created as a dominion of the British Empire in terms of the South Africa Act 1909, which amalgamated the four previously separate British colonies: Cape Colony, Natal Colony, Transvaal Colony, and Orange ... Events Congo-- ColOnized by Belgium, 1885-1960 congo resource-- Rubber Belgium realized Congo had a lot of rubber for automobiles, So they thought they could export it to other countries. Resources Events-- King going overboard The King, not the Belgian government, effectively owned and controlled the Congo. Leopold administered the Congo in a notoriously brutal manner, using it to augment his own personal wealth. events India- was colonized by britain in 1858-1947 india resources resources- spices, jewels, and textiles As well as spices, jewels and textiles, India had a huge population. Soldiering was an honourable tradition in India and the British capitalised on this. They regimented India’s manpower as the backbone of their military power. events-- The queen ueen Victoria's Proclamation – November 1, 1858. On November 1, 1858, a grand Darbar was held at Allahabad. Here Lord Canning sent forth the royal proclamation which announced that the queen had assumed the government of India. This proclamation declared the future policy of the British Rule in India. events china- was colonized by britain in 1841-1997 CHina resources resources- tea, silk, and porcelain. There was a high demand for Chinese tea, silk and porcelain in the British market. However, Britain did not possess sufficient silver to trade with the Qing Empire. Thus, a system of barter based on Indian opium was created to bridge this problem of payment. The subsequent exponential increase of opium in China between 1790 and 1832 brought about a generation of addicts and social instability. events- The arrow Chinese seizure of British Vessel “The Arrow” in suspect of piracy. he Anglo-Chinese Opium Wars were the direct result of China's ... By the late 1830s, foreign merchant vessels, notably those of Britain and the United ... to negotiate a compromise, in June Lin ordered the seizure another 20,00 ... Arrow, which they suspected of involvement in both smuggling and piracy. events

Madison Dreyer - background

Transcript: Navigating new software SalesForce, Tiger Pistol, Sharepoint Think outside of the box septic tanks, hydraulic press, toy trains Tailoring posts to clients specific needs Strict attention to detail Grammar Organizational Evaluation: Program, Environment, Training, Employees Most Valuable Internship Responsibilities Graduate in May! Peace Corps or job in Sports Marketing Live in South Africa Work for NHL or MLB Social media focus for specific teams Madison Dreyer Personal Background Penn State University - marketing/IB France, Italy, Thailand The Daily Collegian - promotions State College, PA Focus Pointe Global - social media Philadelphia, PA Pi Beta Phi - leadership roles Greek Sing Chair, Social Chair Working with other interns Having open chat with department if anyone needs help Monday meetings Shadowing different team members Consolidate training 1 on 1s to get some form of feedback Give us project to work on in down time Work on job description accuracy: Assist with in-bound emails or work on social ad campaigns Work with escalations teams to resolve complaints Have to investigate & resolve issues in QA process QA work done by offshore team Interact with clients Effect of Internship: How it helped me Challenges Social Coordinator Internship: Gaining experience in professional setting Quantity vs. Quality based evaluation Forced me to be creative Outlook/Salesforce proficiency Non-verticals: difficult accounts for which articles are scarce (toy trains, bulk soap, game processing) solution: get creative Social Classics and Pluses Not having access to Photo Library - solution: asking Emily for assistance Tiger Pistol crash - solution: writing posts in Word doc and copying/pasting them once it worked again Not being sent a list of accounts - solution: asking various department members if they had extra to give to me Skills Learned How Hibu Can Improve Internship My Future Plans Curated Posts Non-vertical (2/hour) article search following requirements content writing Vertical (2.5/hour) content writing relate articles in Sharepoint Training - Could be shortened to 1 day 30 sheets of paper/person Learned information we did not use Program - Could be given long list in morning to reduce downtime Environment - Organized when all systems are running efficiently Employees - Everybody is professional Enjoyed Monday meetings Not aligned to same standards

Madison Coulter - Presentation

Transcript: By Madison Coulter In middle ages the social hierarchy determined how much leisure happened for a person in their home and as well as other aspects of their life. The wealthier families were able to entertain themselves and considerably others better than those who were poor. Regardless of their status some well-known activities included fishing, hunting and other entertainment with animals in which dogs monkeys and bears were especially popular. Holidays were especially important in the middle ages and people often participated in religious festivals. Games were played by both the Upper class and the Lower class. By adults and by children. Different types of Games and entertainment fell into many different categories which included Card Games, Board Games, Dice Games, Sporting Games and Children's games. Indoor games included: Chess Knuckle bones - An early game of dice Tables - Backgammon Nine Men's Morris Alquerques - A strategy game, an ancestor of Checkers Fox & Geese - A game of strategy Outdoor games included: Archery Bowls Golf - the ancestor of Golf Game ball - a simple football game Fencing Stoolball - an ancestor of Cricket Wrestling There were other festivals related to seasons and the agricultural year. In Midsummer for instance the villagers would light bonfires and hold different games and sports. People thought that by lighting a fire when the sun was at it's strongest, it would be sure to return and ripen their crops the following year. On May day, young men and girls would get up early in the morning and play games in the bright spring sun, then gather green branches to decorate their houses. Entertainment for the poor Entertainment for the Royal Members of the lower class played games that the Upper Class people would not play. The lower class played lots of outdoor games, like hockey, soccer and golf. They also played games like skittles, horseshoes, gameball, archery, wrestling, Hurling and stool ball ( an ancestor of cricket). There were no shops to buy game supplies, so they made their own footballs, bows and arrows and different things needed to play games. The poor people enjoyed entertainment from travelling minstrels and troubadours, tournaments, dancing and trained animals, mummers, mystery plays, jugglers and strolling players. They enjoyed many Medieval holidays; like festivities at Christmas, Easter, and May Day and at the end of ploughing and the completion of harvest, relieved the repition of the daily round of labor. The May Day festival was when villagers danced around a may-pole and chose a may Queen. A common activity for children was spitting out the pits of cherries whenever they ate them. Children also played chess or backgammon and they were also involved in many athletic games that tested their physical abilities, and they often competed together in these games. Archery was s popular game that with which children learned to hunt for food. For toys, the girls learned their skills for becoming a woman by tending to their dolls, whereas boys played with blunted wooden swords to help prepare them for military. Girls were also taught to cook by their mothers. Women in medieval times often attended or hosted picnics at home with other women, some women hunted for fun although this was not the norm for most women at the time. The women would play chess and hold parties for guests who visited the home. Entertainment for women and children Entertainment for all The wealthy in the medieval era entertained themselves in various ways. Entertainment for rich people centered around the spectacles of jousting and feasts or banquets. Banquets were feasts well-known among the rich folk which lasted for most of the night into the early morning. The cooks or chefs cooked many delightful things at the banquets. They had all sorts of kinds of meats, cheeses and pastries for guests to enjoy. Wine, mead, and ale were also served to drink. During the feast musicians would play to provide musical entertainment. After eating, entertainment would be provided by: minstrels – who created ballads and poems to perform for people jesters - who were like clowns acrobats - who performed with their bodies mummers/mimes – who were masked or costumed men or woman jugglers – who used their hands and objects to entertain crowds Fun and games were often centered around particular times of the year. At Christmas, groups of the villagers would dress up as mummers and visit the lord's home. There they would sing and perform in return for Christmas food and maybe some money. For wealthy people, jesters often entertained them at royal gatherings and in their homes. Members of the Upper Class, including Kings and Queens, liked playing indoor games like checkers, backgammon and dice. All of these were played indoors as nobles rarely played outdoor games. Most games played by the upperclassmen, involved betting for money. Chess was a rather popular game for the upperclass. They played chess the same way we would

Background Presentation

Transcript: 14th Week Consulting interns can be expensive Time and Money Personal Experience Preliminary Design Stage NFPA 101 and NFPA 13 New and Existing Education, Business, and Mercantile Definition of Project This app would be used to provide interns and recent graduates with an outline of guidelines for how to design and review designs of specific occupancies. With the given time frame, I will be writing the information that will go into the app Begin parametric study: Speak with my mentor and Jason to understand more about what critical variables I could concentrate on for this app. Choose those parameters and begin my study Gather information from NFPA 101 and NFPA 13 for new and existing education, business, and mercantile occupancies. By: Breanne Thompson Next Steps (Continued) Finish preparing for Draft of Analysis Pull together and discuss results of project Draw my conclusions and state future work needed Turn in Final Paper! 10th and 11th Week Turn in my parametric study Begin draft of analysis Map out the process of the app for the key elements 15th Week References Next Steps 7th Week Prepare for Final Presentation Summarize my draft of analysis into presentation Work on how to incorporate a live demonstration for my presentation App Development Background Information 8th-9th Week Continuous Process Objective-C for Apple products Java for Android products 6 months of studying Places to Learn: Codecademy, iOS Dev Center, Android Developers Training Hire App Developer will cost thousands Prepare Final Paper Dive into Shark Tank! 1. 2. 6th Week Background Presentation 12th-13th Week

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