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problem/solution presentation

Transcript: Social Media Negatively Affects Teens By: Kaitlyn Nease Problem Many teens are affected by the negative impacts of social media Some issues are mental health related while others have impacts on their personal relationships Problem Proper self-control and time management should be taught to teens to reduce the increase of the issues resulting from social media. Effects Some may include: Addiction Negative Self-esteem Anxiety Cyber-bullying Poor reputation Effects from social media Addiction Addiction Teens fall behind in school 50% of teens say they feel addicted to their mobile device, as well as 59% of parents feel their teen is addicted to their mobile device. (Monroe) Withdrawal from in person conversation Self-esteem Self-esteem Tends to decrease with the increase of social media loss of self-esteem, especially in teenage girls, when they compare themselves negatively with artfully curated images of those who appear to be prettier, thinner, more popular and richer. (Miller) Anxiety Anxiety People may experience anxiety and withdrawals when unable to check social media Social media’s constant updates leads many individuals to frequently compare themselves to others, which makes them feel inadequate. (Groundwork) A UK government study found that 41% of children who spend over three hours on social media on a normal school day reportedly suffer from mental health difficulties compared with 21% who spend no time on the sites.("Office") Cyber-bullying Cyber-bullying 65% of 8–14-year-old's have been involved in a cyber-bullying incident (“Internet") Children and teens are mostly affected by this, they are often unsure of how to handle it. This eventually can cause teens distress and even depression. Reputation Reputation Things you post on social media can last with you forever Small misunderstandings may cause major harm A 2018 Kaplan Test Prep survey found that 25% of college admissions officers checked an applicant's social media to learn more about them. 42% of these admissions officers discovered information that had a negative impact on prospective students' admission chances. Heather Bullock, Ed.S, LPC Lead Mental Health Counselor Focused questions around how she has seen students impacted by social media Torn between social media being positive and negative Interview Counter-arguments Counter-arguments Social media spreads information faster than any other media. Social media makes it very easy to connect with friends and family as well as making new friends Solution Solution Create a purpose for using the social media app Set limitations Create a positive social media environment Parents should inform their children of the negative impacts of social media Create a purpose Create a purpose for using social media such as checking a page newsletter, searching for an item on Facebook Marketplace, or checking to see if your friend has made a new post. Avoid using social media due to being bored Purpose Set limitations on social media use Limitations • View screen time and set a reasonable goal • If you go over goal, delete the app for the day Create a positive social media environment Positive environment Follow accounts that motivate you Follow positive influencer's Avoid following accounts that you feel yourself comparing your life to Parental Supervision Parental supervision set limits on screen time inform children on dangers monitor what sites are being accessed Works Cited Farid, Sahir. “Teen's Social Media Use Is Drastically Increasing.” Digital Information World, 12 Oct. 2018, Groundwork Counseling. “Is Social Media Increasing Your Anxiety? Orlando Anxiety Counselor Shares.” GroundWork Counseling, 23 Mar. 2017,,themselves%20to%20others%2C%20which%20makes%20them%20feel%20inadequate. Hill, Lexi. “Do You Think That Following an Influencer Has Affected Your Self-Image? .” How Does Social Media Affect Users’ Self Esteem?, 21 Nov. 2017, “Internet Statistics.” GuardChild, GuardChild, 2021, Works Cited Cont. Works Cited Cont. Joann Pan, “Tweets at the Tables? More of Us Mix Social Media and Food,”, Feb. 29, 2012, Kaplan Test Prep, “College Admissions: The Complete Guide to Social Media,”, July 31, 2018 Miller, Caroline. “Does Social Media Cause Depression?” Common Sense Media: Ratings, Reviews, and Advice,,to%20be%20prettier%2C%20thinner%2C%20more%20popular%2C%20and%20richer Missouri


Transcript: ABOUT US Problem/Solution Report A Case of the Primary Health Care Clinic Joran Straub Professor Durkin Brandman University October 16th, 2017 Problem/Solution Report A Case of the Primary Health Care Clinic Joran Straub Professor Durkin Brandman University October 16th, 2017 Problem/Solution Report A Case of t... PROBLEM SOLUTIONS Joran Straub Professor Durkin Brandman University October 16th, 2017 Problem/Solution Report A Case of the Primary Health Care Clinic The primary objective of any healthcare facility is to enhance patient safety as well as improve the quality of healthcare service delivery to patients. Healthcare organizations, including the Primary Health Care Clinic, has a legal, ethical, and social responsibility of ensuring that patients receive the suitable and appropriate healthcare services that they require. For the clinic to achieve its set goals and objectives, it has to design and implement appropriate measures that align with the goals and expectations of patients, healthcare providers, and the public in general. Even though walk-in clinics are a gradually common aspect of today’s health care framework, the quality of service they offer to patients is the subject of frequent debate. This paper will address the problems facing the Primary Health Care Clinic and suggest recommendations that can be taken to address the problem. Introduction The following are the current problems experienced and witnessed at the Primary Health Care Clinic; Disorganization One of the major challenges facing the clinic is the overall disorganization inside and outside the premise. Typically, the healthcare providers such as physicians, nurses, and doctors as well as the clinic’s subordinates engage in disorderly activities that result in disorganization in the healthcare facility. Amid the whirl of activities in the Primary Health Care Clinic, patients wait for test results, appointments, and direct communication from healthcare providers that sometimes never come. Furthermore, doctors and nurses cannot effectively communicate to each other and therefore do not provide coherent and consistent information to patients. Current Problems Lack of structure and professionalism In addition to disorganization, the Primary Health Care Clinic also faces the challenge of lack of structure and professionalism. This challenge has resulted in negative reviews from patients and decrease in employee morale and productivity. In the current healthcare framework, service delivery entails various edges and patient handoffs among numerous healthcare professionals with differing degrees of occupational and educational training. Lack of structure and professionalism led to ineffective communication amongst healthcare providers. As a result, ineffective communication establishes instances where medical errors can arise. These errors have the latent of causing detrimental damage or unforeseen patient death. Current Problems Cont.. Walk-in and first-come, first-serve approach The walk-in and first-come, the first-serve approach also poses a challenge to both the patients and the healthcare providers. One unpremeditated effect of this approach is that rather than all patients equally accessing the health care services, only those who can wait in the queues will access the service. Another effect is that the whole framework becomes compromised when patients start to bribe healthcare providers to be seen early. Rather than serving patients on a first-come, first serve basis, the healthcare framework is abused, and those patients who need immediate attention may not be served in time. Current Problems Cont.. Appointment-based structure Utilizing the appointment-based structure is critical because it will prevent the unorganized and chaotic mess that is experienced currently at the healthcare facility. With scheduling appointments, challenges caused by the first-come, first serve strategy will be prevented. The appointment-based structure will mean that patients will have to book appointments with the physician, nurse, or doctor in advance. When the appointment date is due, the patient can access full and uninterrupted session with the physician. Suggested Solutions Patients to be seen by doctors that have seen them before In addition to adopting the appointment-based structure, the Primary Health Care Clinic should also ensure that patients are seen by doctors that have seen them before. When the patient is seen by a physician who he/she had previously consulted, it means that the physician knows the patient’s medical history and thus a significant amount of time will be saved. In this case, the patient and the doctor can interact freely, and the healthcare issue of the patient can be easily addressed. Furthermore, due to the familiarity of the patient’s health condition and medical history, the physician can serve a lot of patients in a day. Suggested Solutions Cont... Imposing set working hours To maximize the number of patients served

problem/solution presentation

Transcript: it is harmful to students because they are at risk of being harmed or peer presured into doing drugs. Some students are afraid to go to certain places in the school because that is where the kids that use drugs hang out. It can be a distraction for students when the student on drugs is being loud or annoying or trying to pressure them to do something for them. It affects the rest of the school by giving it a bad reputation . It also makes our school envirenment not as safe as it should be. Drugs make the chances of not graduating higher. our school would have a better reputation, our school envirnment would be safer, and graduating percentages would increase Baldwin High Schools rules for Illict Drugs; possession, use, or sale of leads to 25-90 days of suspension, police arrest, or treatment progession. In 2003 more than 7.5 million individuals aged 12 to 17 reported having used an illicit drug at least once in their lifetime. In the same year students in grades nine through twelve indicated that 40.2 percent of respondents had used marijuana, 12.1 percent had used inhalants, 11.1 percent had used ecstasy, 8.7 percent had used cocaine, 7.6 percent had used methamphetamine, 6.1 percent had illegally used steroids, 3.3 percent had used heroin, and 3.2 percent had injected an illegal drug one or more times during their lifetime. Furthermore, 9.9 percent of student respondents nationwide tried marijuana for the first time before the age of 13, 28.7 percent had been offered, sold, given, or used an illegal drug on school property during the year preceding the survey, and 5.8 percent had used marijuana on school property one or more times during the 30 days preceding the survey. short-term memory hard time learning psychomotor skills. L ack of Motivation psychosexual/emotional development also may be affected. The Problem increases the risk in late adolescence of not graduating from high school delinquency having multiple sexual partners not always using condoms having long-term problems Statistics Why is it harmful to students? Rules/ Laws Effects of drug abuse(educationally) How would Baldwin be better without the problem? Why is it harmful to students (cont.) More statistics BY: Victor Roman & Ryan Torino Why is it a real problem? the problem is that kids that are in highschool that use drugs do not do as good in school and their education and are also a harmful risk to themselves and others Teens. Drugs. Education. Effects of drug abuse(Personally) How does it affect the rest of the school? This problem is harmful to teachers in such ways as they cannot control thiers students that are drug addicts because sometimes they come into class "high" It makes the teachers job harder when they have to settle down the student or send them to the principal or call security. Solutions Why harmful to teachers? this is an issue at baldwin because it affects the students, teachers, and faculty here at our school in various ways.

Problem- Solution Presentation

Transcript: Problem- Solution Presentation Athletic Injury Picture this It is a summer day. A kids are at the park with their grandparents. The grandparents are at the grill and the cousins are talking about ways to win the soccer championship and running through drills. The try a new move. Anna is running toward the goal. Quick move right then left. She scores. The kids cheer, but suddenly she falls to the ground. She attempts to stand up and walk, but she fails to do so. She gets rushed to the hospital leaving the fresh made food. Ana is experiencing something many athletes go through. A sports injury. - Did you know it is estimated that 2 million high school athletes go through sports injuries each year? - It is also estimated that 3.5 million ids under the age of 14 are treated with sports injuries each year. Sports injury Injury The problem Problems Many students have played these sports for years. They would never expect to be injured. Even the parents would of never thought about injuries. The first step to get this number reduced is to recognize there is a problem. Different types Types There are many different types of injury Sprains Strains Knee injury Torn ACL Torn MCL Shin splints Swollen muscles Fractures Dislocations What causes it Causes Many things cause sports injuries, includes but not limited to ... Muscle imbalances Weaken muscles/ tendons Fatigue Previous injury Increase activity Dehydration Heat-related Poor equipment Over-training Lack of nutrients Answers Answers There is not a solid answer to stop these injuries. There is however a way to avoid them. The first solution is for parents to have open communication with their athletes. Many parents do note even know their athlete is injured. Pre-season physical. This is required in many places. Even if its not its recommended Cross-training. Many injuries are due to muscles being tired. Cross training makes muscles stronger. Stress the importance of warming up. While warming up is is important to have a variety of static and dynamic stretches. It is important to have a well balanced diet, and sleep. Hydration Work with proper equipment. Recognize injury and get help early. Do not put injury off. This makes it worse Resources and implementation Ending Training right, getting sleep, Using proper equipment. Depending on the sport cost can range from approximately 100-500 a year. Not including fees. Most injuries cost way more. ACL surgery cost about 20,000, MCL surgery 13,000, UCL 6,000. (Averages without insurance. Prices will differ with insurance. Most 5-8 thousand.) Not including any minor injuries that do not require surgery Stay Safe!

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