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Background Presentation

Transcript: 14th Week Consulting interns can be expensive Time and Money Personal Experience Preliminary Design Stage NFPA 101 and NFPA 13 New and Existing Education, Business, and Mercantile Definition of Project This app would be used to provide interns and recent graduates with an outline of guidelines for how to design and review designs of specific occupancies. With the given time frame, I will be writing the information that will go into the app Begin parametric study: Speak with my mentor and Jason to understand more about what critical variables I could concentrate on for this app. Choose those parameters and begin my study Gather information from NFPA 101 and NFPA 13 for new and existing education, business, and mercantile occupancies. By: Breanne Thompson Next Steps (Continued) Finish preparing for Draft of Analysis Pull together and discuss results of project Draw my conclusions and state future work needed Turn in Final Paper! 10th and 11th Week Turn in my parametric study Begin draft of analysis Map out the process of the app for the key elements 15th Week References Next Steps 7th Week Prepare for Final Presentation Summarize my draft of analysis into presentation Work on how to incorporate a live demonstration for my presentation App Development Background Information 8th-9th Week Continuous Process Objective-C for Apple products Java for Android products 6 months of studying Places to Learn: Codecademy, iOS Dev Center, Android Developers Training Hire App Developer will cost thousands Prepare Final Paper Dive into Shark Tank! 1. 2. 6th Week Background Presentation 12th-13th Week

Background Presentation

Transcript: Real action and accountability Amnesty International Non-state actors/ Rebel Groups?? ...and what about men?? ignoring male rape victims? would rape exist without a man? Weapons of War: Rape UN as an Arena - NGO's - Discussion and dialogue Arena Instrument Actor Critical Thinking Weapons of War: Rape UN as an instrument UNSC Resolution 1820 (2008) UN as an Actor - UN Action Against Sexual Violence in Conflict Weapons of War: Rape Problems with 1820 "Roles and Functions of International Organizations" "Sexual violence, when used as a tactic of war in order to deliberately target civilians or as a part of a widespread or systematic attack against civilian populations, can significantly exacerbate situations of armed conflict and may impede the restoration of international peace and security… effective steps to prevent and respond to such acts of sexual violence can significantly contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security" (UNSC Resolution 1820, p. 2)" Background Presentation- Kristin Mann Weapons of War: Rape Brief Insight - used to manipulate social control - destabilize communities - weaken ethnic groups and identities Examples: - Sudanese Militia - Rwanda Genocide - DRC Critical Thinking Critical Thinking Increased Data Collection by international organizations - determine humanitarian responses - ensures justice and reparation - provides recognition and dignity

Material Presentation

Transcript: Photos Reusable assets Material Presentation Ante molestie mattis arcu gravida viverra adipiscing volutpat. Ultrices eget viverra eu lectus ullamcorper. Consequat dictum tristique lectus augue felis nascetur amet non. Velit sit placerat tincidunt integer amet massa justo risus netus. Ornare sagittis malesuada varius cursus ipsum erat libero metus eget. Colors Assets An Overview of the Key Points 04 01 02 03 Title Aa Aa Subtitle S M W T T S F Paragraph Aa Aa Durability in Materials Construction Materials Background Polymers 04 Durability refers to the ability of a material to withstand wear, pressure, or damage over an extended period. Factors such as chemical stability, mechanical strength, and environmental conditions impact the durability of materials. Materials like concrete, steel, and glass are extensively used in the construction industry due to their durability and strength, ensuring the stability and safety of structures. Understanding Materials Materials play a crucial role in various industries and applications. Get ready to explore the fundamental aspects of different materials and their significance in everyday life. Materials are substances used to make objects and fulfill various needs. They are classified based on their properties and applications in different fields, such as construction, electronics, and healthcare. Polymers are large molecules composed of repeating subunits, known for their versatility, lightweight nature, and wide range of applications in packaging, textiles, and healthcare industries. Conductivity of Materials Medical Material Uses Strength of Materials Electronics Applications 02 Objectives Ceramics Conductivity is a crucial property that determines how well a material can transmit heat, electricity, or sound. Metallic elements and materials with free electrons exhibit high conductivity, making them suitable for various applications in electronics and energy transmission. Biocompatible materials such as titanium alloys and polymers are vital in medical applications like implants and surgical instruments, ensuring patient safety and efficient healthcare practices. Semiconductors and conductive materials play a crucial role in the electronics sector, enabling the production of advanced devices like smartphones, computers, and circuit boards. The strength of a material determines its ability to withstand external forces without deformation or failure. Factors like bonding structure and molecular arrangement influence the overall strength. Applications of Different Materials Exploring the diverse applications of materials in various industries such as construction, electronics, and medicine. The objectives of studying materials include understanding their properties, exploring their applications in different industries, and enhancing product development and innovation through material science. Ceramics are inorganic, non-metallic materials known for their strength, heat resistance, and electrical insulation properties, commonly used in pottery, construction, and engineering applications. The Future of Material Applications 03 Endurance and Longevity Industrial Applications Exploring Properties of Materials Understanding the fundamental properties of materials is crucial for their applications and performance. Let's delve into the key aspects of strength, durability, and conductivity. Innovations in material science continue to revolutionize diverse fields, paving the way for sustainable materials, advanced technologies, and cutting-edge applications with a focus on efficiency and environmental impact. Combining image search keywords. The endurance and longevity of materials play a vital role in predicting their lifespan and performance under different conditions. Understanding the durability and strength of materials is essential for designing reliable structures and products. Materials are extensively utilized in various industries such as automotive, aerospace, and energy, contributing to technological advancements and innovations in manufacturing processes. Metals 04 Enhancing Material Conductivity Material Recycling Initiatives Material Application Trends Global Material Trends Understanding Different Types of Materials Materials can be categorized into various types such as metals, polymers, and ceramics, each possessing unique properties and applications. Click to add text Metals are elements known for their high conductivity, malleability, and strength, making them essential in various industries such as construction and electronics. Innovations in material science aim to enhance conductivity to meet the growing demands of modern technologies. Advanced materials and composites are developed to improve heat dissipation, electrical transmission, and signal propagation in various applications. Increasing focus on sustainability drives the development of material recycling initiatives, aiming to minimize waste, conserve resources, and promote a circular economy for a

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