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Irish Pride Presentation Template

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PRIDE presentation!

Transcript: PRIDE was started in 2003 at HMS, and has been teaching kids about bullying, and its harmful effects for 15 years. This is the sixth year of PRIDE in the High School, and today, we are going to talk to you about cyber-bullying. False. Anything posted on the internet will ALWAYS be there, no matter who tries to delete it. Although you may not be able to see it, it is still there. So be smart before you post. Raise your hand if you use... These are places where people can hide who they are, and feel that they can't be blamed for what they say. This does not mean that people get hurt any less than physical or verbal bullying. Why do you think that people cyberbully? 1) Because they think it’s funny 2) Self-protection or revenge 4) To promote their status 5) Because they want to have control over others 6) They don't want to feel left out/excluded from the popular gossip/trends. Here are some real-life examples on what bullying and upstanding looks like: In order to stay safe, and deal with cyberbullying effectively, here is how you should deal with the situation: DON'T reply to mean or threatening messages DON'T forward texts or messages to anyone; doing that could cause more harm DON'T give out personal information online, because it can easily be read by anyone else DO make sure you tell a trusted adult if you see any bullying is going on Remember, just because someone 'friends' you on any social media site, does not mean they are your actual friends. Real friends don't bully others. So the numbers on your Facebook, or Instagram, or Twitter screen are not actual indications of how cool you are; it doesn't matter! We hope that you realize the effects of bullying, and that you think before you say or post something. Remember, there are no take-backs when it comes to putting stuff on the internet! True. About 55% of people who were bullied, didn't know who bullied them! True. Pictures can harm someone's reputation, or their self esteem. Putting pictures online without consent is rude, and is considered bullying. The police can get involved if necessary. True or False: Sometimes, people don't know who is bullying them online. Instagram and Instagram Live? Does anyone know what an upstander is? P.R.I.D.E True or False: Pictures are also a method of Cyber-bullying True and False. It is easier for the bully, because they are hiding, and feel like they can't get hurt back if they are sitting in front of a screen. How to be an Upstander: 1. If the bully contacts you, do not engage in the fight. 2. Call out the bully by saying, "What are you doing?" or "Stop that!" even if you're not their friend. 3. Support the person being bullied 4. Stop untrue or harmful messages from spreading. 5. Tell a teacher or adult Game Time!!! :) We are now going to play a true or false game! When we ask you a question, think about whether you think it's true or false! False. Over 50% of kids have said something online, that could hurt someone's feelings/self-esteem Does anyone know the difference between conflict and bullying? Peers Respecting Individual Differences Everyday! True or False: About 10% of kids who have a social networking site, have said something mean or hurtful online Does anyone recall the definition of bullying? Snapchat? What it can take: - courage - assertiveness (stand your ground) - compassion - leadership - action (do not stand by) Let's see how much you learned...Now we are going to do a quick little activity! False. 46% of people were cyberbullied by a "friend" True or False: People don't get bullied by their friends Bullying is unfair and one-sided. It occurs when someone keeps hurting, frightening, or leaving someone out intentionally. However, online bullying can be even more harmful than verbal bullying, because those words, and pictures, can stay on the internet FOREVER! 3) Boredom True or False: Cyber-bullying is easier, and less harmful than verbal or physical bullying. True or False: As long as you delete something from the internet, it is immediately gone, and will never hurt anyone again. Bullying is unfair, and one-sided. It occurs when someone keeps hurting, frightening, or leaving someone out intentionally.

Pride Presentation

Transcript: Elementary Education The Inspiration Teaching Opportunities VBS Sunday School Dance Camps Babysitting Why are teachers important? Individualized In-School Tutoring Visual: Learn best when visualizing the content of literature. Writing down names and terms helps them memorization. Understand concepts better when the teachers uses visual aids. They also struggle to focus when surrounded by motion and confusion. Often times visual learners cannot maintain long conversation. When reading, if they do not recognize a word they will look at it or write it out to try and determine if it is correct. Examples: "Picture Walks", whiteboards, writing exercises Auditory: Place greater attention on what they hear rather than what they see. To aid memorization, they will repeat material aloud. When having difficulty solving a problem, auditory learners will talk through it with others and themselves. However, they become anxious to input their own opinion when others are talking. They explain stories in great detail. In a noisy and chaotic environment auditory learners will have trouble concentrating. Examples: Phonics phone, reading aloud Kinesthetic Gain knowledge best through interactive assignments. Struggle to pay attention if they remain motionless for too long. When reading kinesthetic learners will squirm and fidget to try and understand the characters motions. They prefer hands on learning and best understand when they can try and do it themselves. By rearranging and re-positioning their bodies, kinesthetic learners find it easier to solve problems. They try to feel the flow of their writing by applying increased pressure to their writing utensil. Examples: Crafts, Dances and Movements. The Process I worked with 4 different students one-on-one for my project. In the classroom: I shadowed Mrs. Huffstetler and helped teach the class Spent 25+ hours The Product DIBELS Testing Dynamic Indicator of Basic Early Literacy Skills Progress Monitoring Tests Nonsense Word Fluency Oral Reading Fluency Scores 1st and 2nd Semester Graph Results Final Reflections Bibliography Alessio, Faith. "About using Music to Teach English." ConnectEd. Walden University, 21 Feb. 2011. Web. 21 Feb 2011. <>. Beatrice, Jonelle A. "Learning Styles Inventory." Union University, 21 Feb. 2011. Web. 21 Feb 2011. <>. Cook, Cathy. "Critical Issue: Providing Hands-On, Minds-On and Authentic Learning Experiences in Mathematics." North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. North Central Educational Laboratory, 1995. Web. 21 Feb 2011. < >. "Education Needed to Become and Elementary Teacher." ConnectEd. Walden University, 02-21-2011. Web. 21 Feb 2011. <>. Kalsi, Anoop. "Math Education of Elementary Teachers: A Challenging Issue." University of Maryland, n.d. Web. 21 Feb 2011. <>. Kendall, Diana. Socialogy in Our Times. 7th. 1. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth, 2008. 539. eBook. Kirk, Karin. "Student Motivations and Attitudes: The Role of the Affective Domain in Geoscience Learning." SERC. On the Cutting Edge-Professional Development for Geoscience Faculty, 16 Feb. 2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2011. <>. Lewit, Eugene, and Linda Baker. "Child Indicators: Class Size." The Future of Children, 1997. Web. 21 Feb 2011. <>. Perie, Marianne, and David P. Baker. Time Spent Teaching Core Acedemic Subjects in Elementary Schools. Washington, DC: Nationl Center for Education Statistics, 1997. 1. eBook. Sims, Ronald R. The Importance of Learning Styles: Understanding the Implications for Learning, Course Design and Education. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995. 2. eBook. United States. Occupational Employment and Wages. , 2009. Web. 21 Feb 2011. <>. United States. Occupational Outlook Handbook: Counselors. , 2011. Web. 21 Feb 2011. <>. United States. Occupational Outlook Handbook: Education Administrators. , 2011. Web. 21 Feb 2011. <>. United States. Occupation Outlook Handbook: Teacher-Special Education. , 2011. Web. 21 Feb 2011. <>. United States. Public Elementary and Secondary School Student Enrollment and Staff Count From the Common Core of Data: School Year 2008-09. Nationl Center for Education Statistics, 2010. Web. 21 Feb 2011. <>. Wolfe, Michael. "Effective Teaching

irish presentation

Transcript: The DOLAN family heritage my coat of arms mo theaghlach a bhi sna blianta fada o shin mileata Dolan surname first found in leinster, where they believe they descended from the king of leinster and became one of the seven septs of leix The middle ages saw a lot of spelling variations they are Dolan, Doland, Dooley, Dowling and much more The Great Migration I rith na 19ú haois, tháinig mo mhuintir go Meiriceá chun obair a fháie My dad My dad almost became a very succesful racing driver. he drove formula fords and got up to formula 3 but he couldnt get a good sponsoreship to go any further so he had to quit. The Irish name Dolan is derived from the native Gaelic O'Dobhailen Sept who were located in Counties Roscommon and Galway. The name is now quite widespread, especially in the Province of Connaught with variants including O'Doelan and even Devlin. The TAYLOR family heritage coat of arms Taylor surname The name of the father and mother respectively are most common from scotland. many people such as the Taylor family adopted the name of their occupation as their surname. The surname Taylor was an occupational name for a tailor, which my granny was. First found in Kent, Engaland, where they were rewarded for helping in the battle of hastings in 1066 The name Taylor in Ireland was introduced into the country by setlers from England and Scotland as early as the fourteenth century. The majority of descendants bearing this name can still be found in the initial settlement area of the Province of Ulster. Tom Hughes Thomas was my great uncle he was executed by the Free State Forces, January, 20th, 1923 My Coat Of Arms The Dolan coat of arms came into existence centuries ago. The process of creating coats of arms (also often called family crests) began in the eight and ninth centuries. The new art of Heraldry made it possible for families and even individual family members to have their very own coat of arms. Blue means truth and loyalty White means peace and sincerity Taylor coat of arms The Taylor coat of arms came into existence centuries ago. The process of creating coats of arms (also often called family crests) began in the eight and ninth centuries. The new art of Heraldry made it possible for families and even individual family members to have their very own coat of arms. Red means military, strength and a warrior

Irish presentation

Transcript: Life as an Irish in Ireland around 1913-1922 Background and Irish history- Different attempts to “ruin” Ireland - King Henry VIII -Surrender and regrant Plantations in Ireland - Mary II - The Munster Plantation - James 1- King of England and Scotland The Penal Laws The Penal Laws How did it affected the Irish people and identity. The penal laws were a serie of laws to in some way provent Irish from being Irish. It was a shot at ruining Irish identity. England(protestants) invaded Ireland so it wouldn’t be invaded by catholic countries like france and spain. English soldiers were sent to Ireland, and the catholic churches was made protestant - A serie of laws to provent Irish from being Irish - Strict laws against Catholics The Penal Laws Penal Laws - Lllegal to send catholics to school- forced to go to an protestant- had to learn the English language. - No use of the Irish language, no irish songs etc. - No wearing of the green and use of irish symbolics. Catholics could not vote Catholics were excluded from all professions and public offices Catholics were not allowed a university education Catholics could not teach children Catholics could not be the guardian of a child Catholic men could not marry Protestant women. Catholic women could marry Protestant men because children were brought up in the faith of their father: any children from this sort of mixed marriage would be brought up as Protestants Catholics could not buy land Examples Examples - The Laws- attempts to ruin irish identity - Many emigrated from Ireland - Hard to live a normal life - Low class, because of their belief. Results Results The Easter Risning The irish were very mad at Britain's lack of wanting to complete the home rule and the fact that the irish had to be involved in the war, lead to rebellion. April 24 1916: IRB ceased places around Dublin and demanded a free state, but some of the british army came to Ireland and ended the rebellion. The british killed the leaders of the rebellion, and arrested a lot of Irish people and sent them to prison without trial, and a lot of them weren’t even a part of it. - Home Rule - World War I - IRB, the irish volunteers and the irish citizen army - Civilians didn't want it - April 24 1916 in Dublin - Excecuted and arrested The Easter Rising - Eamon DeValera - Hunger strikes and boycotts - Violence - Killing civilians The Irish War of Independence After the leaders of the rebellion was executed, the irish citizens turned against the british. Therefore groups were made against britain; James connolly - Irish Citizen Army, Irish Republican Army. Eamon De Valera and the new irish party declared Ireland a republic and the war begun. The first years of the war was mostly hunger strikes and boycotts. The irish war of independence Civil war During the Civil War Ireland's was splitted in two; some people were pro-treaty and others were anti-treaty Families and friends were not always on the same side. They fought against each other. Eamon DeValera vs. Michael Collins Splitted in Two Family and Friends 1923 Short but Extreme Civil War 1922-1923 Sinéad O'Connor & The Chieftains - The Foggy Dew - Plot - Setting - Characterization - Music and lyrics Song Analysis

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