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Brown Map Presentation Template

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Empathy Map template

Transcript: The student doesn't come out of college with the ability to work in many fields of advertising. They graduate with an overview knowledge, that isn't enought to set they on the labor market. The student doesn't feel capable to practice the profession only with what they have learned in class. Depending of the University the teachers have an academic background and not a market approach needs a way to get more prepared for future in her career Mariana, 22 years old, who has just finished graduation in Advertisement and have been working as copywriter in the last 2 years. If you were able to make any direct observations of the person you interviewed in action, here is where you describe what you observed (feel free to delete this once you copy the template) • Having experience is more important than a degree. • She is letting the flow conducts her, at least, at this moment. • As she has just finished graduation she is going to change her behavior, trying to be more professional. because the college didn't provided deep knowledge The problem statement encapsulates the need for the stakeholder you will continue working on for next week During the graduation I have developed a critical thinking which is fundamental for my function. I have developed my skills more from the market labor, than from the university. Despite the course has a practical approach in the last two years, its doesn’t work in the same way. I would be lost now, if I hadn’t been working during my college. The experience is very important in our field, mainly in creative area. I looked for attending a course outside the college to improve my knowledge in the creative area and learn more about the career in Advertising, but all this could have been teached at the college. The university doesn’t help the student to think about their career. It only keeps up the internship, not worrying about the future of the student. I can’t imagine what I will be doing in 5 years time, and it scares me. I’m a very organized person and not having a plan for the future is very worrying. The college doesn't prepare you to be a "Professional advertiser" and to performing all duties that are related to the course. What makes you professional is the labor market. I would like to have left the college more capable to work in another field of Advertising, but I only feel confident to work as a copywriter and in marketing, maybe. The changes that I feel after graduating are that I can’t justify my actions based on the fact that I’m just student. My responsibilities increased, as well as the perceived value of my work. Here is where you add what your interviewee said (feel free to delete this once you copy the template) Makes notes here about all the things that surprised you from the interview, and those that challenged the assumptions you had. Make inferences here about the person's feelings, deriving from the SAY and DO quadrants • She is happy at the moment, but she becomes apprehensive when asked about the future. • She feels that the future can be very different. There isn't a goal defined. • Mariana is a very outgoing person, always in a good mood with their colleagues. • During the day, she often visits their colleagues, to see what they are doing. • She seems to be very focused during the working time. • When she has too much work, she gets more quiet than she used to be. • I didn't see her exchanging information with her supervisor in person. The same doesn't happen with their colleagues copywriters. Make inferences here about the person's thoughts, deriving from the SAY and DO sections Mariana, 22 years old, who has just finished graduation in Advertisement and have been working as copywriter in the last 2 years.

Tissue Template Map

Transcript: Tissue Template Map Epithelial Tissue Epithelial -Covers all body parts inside and outside -Main Glandular tissue -Attached to underlying connective tissue at the membrane Simple Squamous Simple Squamous All Epithelial tissue have a layer at the bottom called Basement Layer Form-Single layer, thin and flat Function- Diffusion and Filtration. Air sacs in lungs, capillaries Simple Cuboidal Function- Secretion and absorption Found in kidneys tubules, ducts and covering the ovaries Simple Cuboidal Simple Columnar Simple Columnar Function- Secretion and Absorption Found in Digestive tract and Uterus -Contains scattered Goblet cells to secrete mucus -Can have microvilli to increase surface area Stratified Squamous Multi layer squamous, functions in protection Found lining body cavities, skin and mouth Stratified Squamous Pseudostratified Columnar Pseudo- stratified Columnar Appears stratified but it is just a single layer of cells, nuclei at different levels Can have Cilia( Hair-like projections) and goblet cells, which secrete mucus Functions- Secretion and Cilia-aided movement Location- Lining air passages and tubes of the reproductive system Transitional Epithelium Transitional Epithelium -Stretchable -Blocks diffusion(No Leaking) -Found in the urinary bladder Glandular Epithelium Glandular Epithelium -Cells are specialized to secrete substances -They make up glands -exocrine-outside, saliva, sweat -endocrine glands- inside, hormones Connective Tissue Connective -Most abundant tissue in your body, binds structures together -Provides support, protection, framework , fills in space, stores fat, produces blood cells, fights infection -Composed of scatter Cells in a Matrix -Made of ground substance and Fibers -Most have good blood supply Loose Connective Tissue Loose connective tissue -Binds underlying organs to skin and to each other -Forms delicate thin membranes throughout the body Adipose Tissue(Fat) Adipose Tissue (Fat) -Protective cushion -insulation to preserve heat -stores energy Fibrous Connective Tissue Tendons -Muscles to Bones Ligaments -Bones to bones Fibrous Connective tissue Cartilage Cartilage -Cartilage cells called Chondrocytes -type of dense connective tissue -Hyaline Cartilage- covers the ends of joint, serves as a padding found in nose and respiratory passages -Elastic Cartilage-external ear and Larynx -Fibrocartilage- Though, Shock absorbing between vertebrae Bone Tissue(Osseous) More on Skeletal System Unit Bone Tissue Blood Tissue More on Circulatory System Unit Blood Tissue Muscle Tissue Muscle -Smooth Muscle Tissue- involuntary control -Cardiac Muscle Tissue- Involuntary control, need to contract at the same time -Skeletal Muscle Tissue- Voluntary Control, involuntary control(Cramp) Nervous Tissue Neurons- transmits signals Neuroglia- supports cells Nervous

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