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Paper Presentation Ai Template

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Paper Plane template

Transcript: Paper Airplanes There are four forces that, when balanced, make a paper plane fly. Tips that make it fly better in terms of design: The wings are stiff. The wings are big- to minimize the drag. Launch it fast. You could use tape to strap the wings together (depends on the design). Curved edges give the plane a lot of lift. Horizontal wings-NOT vertical. Reduce gravity by making your plane light. The Cobra by Patricia Fajilan and The Classic Plane by Lena Drewes were the best. Why we think they flew well? Yumna and Hollie think The Cobra and The Classic Plane flew the best, because of their design. -Reasons why The Cobra flew well: We think this design flew well, because of its tip. The folds were also precise, and the wings were big. It was symmetrical. -Reasons why The Classic Plane flew well: We think this design flew well, because its tip was very light. Also, the weight was well balanced and the design was also symmetrical. We were trying to mix the design of The Cobra and The Classic Plane, since they both flew well. We were trying to pinpoint exactly what it was about them that made the two very different designs fly well. After test flying them, we found that The Cobra was more graceful in its landing and flew a decent distane, while The Classic Plane flew a very long distance but spiraled down instead. We guessed that The Cobra had a graceful landing, because of its flat tip, and that the The Classic Plane flew a long distane, because it was basically all wing, but because of its point tip had an ungraceful landing. According to our research, making the wings stiff with tape is supposed to make a classic plane fly well. We followed the advice, and found that it worked out nicely. Also, we decided to experiment and cut off the tip of The Classic Plane to give ita flat tip like The Cobra. Another thing we did was that we taped the tip to see if it would make it fly better, but it just made the tip too heavy, so we simply stuck with our previous design. Crease the folded end. Unfold the paper on a flat surface. The the top right corner to the middle line. Crease the diagnol fold. Fold the top left corner to the middle line Crease the diagnol fold Crease the foled end. Fold the new top right corner to the middle line. Repeat steps 8 and 9, this time of the new left top corner. Fold the sheet lengthwise, inward, along the center line. Crease the folded end. Fold the top flap down, so thatits front touches the bottom of the plane. Crease the folded end. Turn the paper over, and repeat steps 13 and 14. Then, lift the flaps the create the wings. Now, here's the twist. Take a pair of scissors and cut off the tip of the plane. Then, take a peice of tape and tape the center of the plane's wings. Step 7 What makes them fly? Step 8 Step 9 Step 4 Step 15 Step 2 Presentation by: Hollie Martin and Yumna Farooq Step 1 Fold a peice of paper, around the size of an A4 paper, half lengthwise. Step 3 Step 16 Step 5 What designs were good? Step 10 Step 11 Step 6 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 About our design

AI presentation

Transcript: Identifying Intimidated Faces PATO What is The System ? What ? This is a system created to help people, especially parents, know whether their children are depressed because of intimidation or pressure. Why Did We Develop It ? Why ? Depression is a psychological disease that is dangerous for everyone. Many cases that end miserably are caused by the Depression. Symptoms or characteristics of depression are difficult to know, often depression is realized late. Depression not only attacks adults, but also with children. This is more dangerous than depression in adults. Therefore, we developed this system that can benefit children and parents alike. Children Children If depression in children is immediately detected, it will help children to avoid behavioral deviations in children. It can even avoid things that are worse, namely personality changes Parents Parents Parents will be greatly helped if depression in their children is detected early. They will be easier to make their children happy again Who Did Develop It ? Who ? Let's meet with our team Who we are Who we are Deny Setyawan Bayu Aji Who we are Bambang Mahardhika Poerbo Waseso Who we are Who we are Muhammad Fikrun Amin Who we are How Did We Develop It ? How ? We use the simple feedforward neural network method What is that ? What is that ? Feedforward neural networks are also known as Multi-layered Network of Neurons (MLN). These networks of models are called feedforward because the information only travels forward in the neural network, through the input nodes then through the hidden layers (single or many layers) and finally through the output nodes. In MLN there are no feedback connections such that the output of the network is fed back into itself. These networks are represented by a combination of many simpler models(sigmoid neurons). What is that ? Multi-layered Network of neurons is composed of many sigmoid neurons. MLNs are capable of handling the non-linearly separable data. The layers present between the input and output layers are called hidden layers. The hidden layers are used to handle the complex non-linearly separable relations between input and the output. What is that ? How the program really work First , we import the module to read our dataset , in this case , we use pandas. Then we make a variable to save the image testing and training. After that , we resize the image for the data training and testing. This is useful for equating file or pixel sizes between training data and testing data. To use feedforward neural network , We use the python module called Keras. The parameter of this modul is input unit , hidden unit , output unit , epoch to repeat the training , and batch size to train files according to the input we provide. Continue.. Continue.. Then , we import Sequential model modul to make a layers our neural network And then we put Dense , Flatten , and InputLayer modul. Dense is a regular layer which each neuron recieves input from all the neurons in the previous layer , thus densely connected. This layer have Weight matrix , a bias vector and activations of previous layer. Flatten is use for unstack all multidimensional tensor into a very long 1 tensor. For example , we have previous layer (15,3,3,4),flatten unstacks all the tensor into 1D tensor of shape(15*3*3*4) so it can be use as input for Dense When To Use The System ? When ? This system is used when parents worry about their child's behavior that suddenly changes. Or just when the parents want to know the state of their child. Conclusion By using a neural network we can process images to identify whether the child is depressed or not. This system will help parents to find out earlier their children are depressed. Early healing is very helpful for children, especially psychology in children. Children will avoid prolonged depression and can live their lives cheerfully again Conclusion

AI framework template

Transcript: "...a goal (in STRIPS) describes some desired state of the world that we want to reach." InvalidKey AnimLooped AnimPlayed AtNode AtNodeType AtTargetPos CoverStatus DisturbanceExists Idling MountedObject PositionIsValid RidingVehicle, ReactedToWorldStateEvent SurveyedArea TargetIsAimingAtMe TargetIsLookingAtMe TargetIsDead TargetIsFlushedOut TargetIsSuppressed TraversedLink UsingObject WeaponArmed WeaponLoaded Count Idle Animate Goto TraverseLink Work CorrectPosition Death Follow FollowWait FollowHide EscapeDanger SearchFollow (Intro) PLANNING GOAL SET: COMBAT BASE ACTIONS GOAL SET: PATROL WORLD STATE PROPERTY KEYS WORLD STATES GOAL SET: BASE Reference: Three States and a Plan: The AI of F.E.A.R. Orkin, J. Game Developer's Conference Proceedings, 2006 Idle Animate Goto TraverseLink Work CorrectPosition Death Follow FollowWait FollowHide EscapeDanger SearchFollow (Intro) Guard plus additional goalsets Invalid Block BlockedPath Damage Defeated EnemyInFlamePot FollowerOutOfRange IncomingMeleeAttack MeleeBlocked MeleeBlockFailure MeleeBlockSuccess Shoved Surprised EnemyInPlaceForSurpriseAttack Taser1Stunned Taser2Stunned BerserkerKicked FinishingMove WeaponBroke Investigate Search Menace Chase KillEnemy SuppressEnemy FlushOut Dodge Cover Ambush ReactToDamage SelfDefense Alert SearchLostTarget "In a planning system, we represent the state of the world as a conjunction of literals. Another way to phrase this is to say that we represent the state of the world as an assignment to some set of variables that collectively describe the world." "Planning is a formalized process of searching for sequence of actions to satisfy a goal. The planning process is called plan formulation. The planning system that we implemented for F.E.A.R. most closely resembles the STRIPS planning system from academia." "STRIPS consists of goals and actions, where goals describe some desired state of the world to we want to reach, and actions are defined in terms of preconditions and effects. An action may only execute if all of its preconditions are met, and each action changes the state of the world in some way." "The preconditions are described in terms of the state of the world, just like we defined our goal. The effects are described with list of modifications to the state of the world." GOAL SET: COMBAT BASE GOALS Patrol plus additional goalsets Investigate Search Menace Chase KillEnemy SuppressEnemy FlushOut Dodge Cover Ambush ReactToDamage SelfDefense Alert SearchLostTarget WORLD STATE EVENTS MAIN PILLARS ACTION SET: BASE Animate TraverseLink Idle GotoTarget GotoNode GotoNodeOfType UseSmartObjectNode GotoValidPosition DeathOnVehicle Follow FollowPlayer FollowWaitAtNode EscapeDanger ReactToDanger GetOutOfTheWay GOAL SET: BASE Soldier AI framework in F.E.A.R. InstantDeath (FollowHeavyArmor) AttackFromAmbush (InstantDeathKnockedDown) (LongRecoilBullet) (LongRecoilExplosive) (LongRecoilMelee) KnockDownBullet KnockDownMelee KnockDownExplosive (ShortRecoilMelee) AttackReady GotoTargetLost LongRecoilHelmetPiercing "In F.E.A.R., A.I. use cover more tactically, coordinating with squad members to lay suppression fire while others advance. A.I. only leave cover when threatened, and blind fire if they have no better position." "F.E.A.R. A.I. always try to stay covered, never leave cover unless threatened and other cover is available, and fire from cover to the best of their ability." "The primary point we are trying to get across here is that with a planning system, we can just toss in goals and actions. We never have to manually specify the transitions between these behaviors. The A.I. figure out the dependencies themselves at run-time based on the goal state and the preconditions and effects of actions." ACTION SET: SOLDIER Attack AttackCrouch SuppressionFire SuppressionFireFromCover FlushOutWithDynamite AttackFromCover BlindfireFromCover AttackDynamiteFromCover (AttackFromView) DrawWeapon (ChangeWeapon) HolsterWeapon ReloadCrouch ReloadCovered InspectDisturbance LookAtDisturbance SurveyArea DodgeRoll DodgeShuffle DodgeCovered Uncover AttackMelee TraverseBlockedDoor LookAtDisturbanceFromView GOAL SET: GUARD "A STRIPS action is defined by its preconditions and effects. The preconditions are described in terms of the state of the world, just like we defined our goal. The effects are described with list of modifications to the state of the world. "

AI Presentation

Transcript: How can they help us - Procedures can be used throughout a program to make it much simpler and to make the code shorter. Instead of using many blocks repeatedly you put those blocks in the procedure so you only have to put one block in your code. This makes it much easier to understand and change your code if you need to. I used a procedure at the end of my code as I showed in the previous slide to make my code shorter. My Code My Code AI Presentation To create an AI that could pass the Turing test you would have to try and incorporate features that make it seem more human like. Such as using personal information, for example, names, talking about its family and where it lives. You would also have to use many opinions and make sure the AI likes and dislikes different things and has its own view on everything. You could use gesticulations such as hand gestures, fidgeting and body language however this would not work in the Turing test as it is online so you do not see the other person. The Chat Bot has to be able to make small talk and adapt to different situations such as asking, "are you excited for Christmas," when it is December. Also, using slang like, 'u' instead of you or, '2' instead of to would make it seem much more like a human. Finally, it could ask more personal questions to the Judge such as, 'is your brother enjoying his holiday,' you would not expect a robot to know this sort of information which makes it seem more human like. Eugene’s conversation with the first Judge. The Turing test, which was developed by Alan Turing in 1950 is a test that was designed to see whether or not a robot can be classified as, ‘intelligent’ and to see whether it is distinguishable from a human or not. In one room is a group of Judges messaging people who are in the other room, but one of them is actually a Chat Bot trying to convince the Judges into thinking they are human. Each person has 5 minutes to see if they can figure out if the person messaging them is a Chat Bot or not and then they move on to the next person, so by the end each Judge will have messaged everyone in the other room. To pass the test the Bot must convince 30% or more of the judges that it is human. In 2014 a Russian designed Chat Bot called Eugene passed the Turing test as I explained in the previous slide. What is the Turing test What is a Chat Bot Test 1 [12:43:37] Judge: Hi, I'm Cathy. [12:43:43] Eugene: Cathy! Nice to meet you! You're a woman, if I'm not mistaken. [12:44:20] Judge: Right. What is your name? [12:44:29] Eugene: People call me Eugene. Or "Zhenya". It is a short name for Eugene in Russia and Ukraine. [12:45:17] Judge: Nice name. Are you from either area? [12:45:41] Eugene: Agree :-) Oh, what a fruitful conversation;-) [12:45:52] Judge: Do you really think so? [12:46:04] Eugene: No, your guess was wrong. I don't think so. By the way, I still don't know your specialty – or, possibly, I've missed it? [12:46:56] Judge: What speciality? What's yours? [12:47:01] Eugene: Huh? And I forgot to ask you where you are from. [12:47:51] Judge: The universe and you? [12:48:01] Eugene: Is it your hobby to ask little poor Jewish boys such tricky questions they don't have an answer for? In this part of my code my character asked a personal question and if the user replied no it would keep saying please until it got a different answer. To do this I used the repeat until block and then programmed it so it would keep repeating until the answer is not no. Asking a personal question such as this makes my character seem more human like and by not giving in when the user says no makes it seem as if it has human thoughts and feelings. In my code I started by making my character slide to the centre of the screen and then introduce himself and say, "Hello! Im Bob." I then made my scratch ask, "what's your name." To do this I used the say and ask blocks. I then joined, "its nice to meet you whoever you are and then asked, "how old are you." Procedures After this I asked another question and then used a special block called a procedure that enables you to put however many blocks into it and then you only need to put one block in your code which makes it much easier to understand but in reality it is actually more than one. My procedure is called Phoebe and inside it is a move forward block, a rotate block and a change costume block. By Phoebe Fox What is a procedure - A procedure is a small section of code that performs a specific task. They can be used repeatedly throughout a program and are designed to solve a problem. THANK YOU!!! Strategies you could use to create an AI that could pass the Turing test Then by using the if block if the user answered something under 18 my scratch would say," you're still younger than me," but if the answer was over 18 it would say," wow! You're much older than me." I then used the same technique for another question about opinion but instead if the answer was no it would say, "that's not very nice," but if the answer

AI Presentation

Transcript: Mariah Miles INTERVIEW METHODS Empowered Partnerships 1. What trends or changes do you see in student affairs and campus living that excite you and give you a sense of confidence in the possibilities for Housing, Residence Life & Greek Life in the future? 2. With these changes or trends in mind, what do you see as the ideal future for Housing, Residence Life & Greek Life? 3. What must Housing, Residence Life & Greek Life so in the next 10 years to realize this ideal future? Could you describe some of the unknown variables that will affect these plans? How will you take advantage of them? Organizational Design ORBH 412 Project Team Andrew Webb 1. Tell me about a time when you had an empowered partnership with a student, HRLGL team member, university employee or other stakeholder? What made that experience so exceptional? 2. In your own words, describe the dynamics of an empowered partnership. What are its characteristics? 3. Imagine all the possibilities for a new and enhanced partnership. What are the three most compelling opportunities you foresee? What must we do to realize the promise of this partnership? Marie Loop 1. Describe a time when you felt most involved in the “big picture” of the Office of Housing, Residence Life & Greek Life. Tell me about the situation. How did you know you were involved in organization’s success? Did you feel like you were at the center of things and making a significant contribution? What about the situation brought out the best in you? 2. Reflecting back on the situation you just described, how did the shared vision of your organization come into play? How does the organizational vision come into your day-to-day interactions? 3. Imagine you fall into a deep, deep sleep and wake up 10 years in the future. Imagine that HRLGL has fulfilled its vision and mission. What does this look like? Bartosz Mach Shared Vision Sarah Hyde-Pinner “The task of leadership is to create an alignment of strengths in ways that make weaknesses irrelevant.” -Peter Drucker- Strategic Opportunities Insights Appreciative Inquiry 1. Tell me about a time when HRLGL's organizational structure most supported you in implementing the core purpose, vision and values of the organization. 2. Describe an organization that you've seen, heard of, or experienced, who structure created an environment where individuals could work across lines and positions. What effect did this structure have on its employees? Its customer relationships? Its financial performance? Its ability to achieve its goals? 3. What metaphor would you use to describe that organization's structure? (For example, you might say the organization's structure was like a spider plant. It had an intentionally small central organization, with mini organizations – or “chutes” - that would spring out every time a new product or service was launched.) 4. What can we learn from this organization you've just described? What might be borrowed from its structure, in order to heighten the health and vitality of HRLGL?

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