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Family Tree Presentation

Transcript: Brother Healthy Disease 1: Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Healthy • More than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's • Lymphatic system is considered to be the disease-fighting network spread throughout the body Uncle (Mother's Brother) • Issues with planning or solving problems • Treatments cannot halt the progression but can slow down the process Mother Celiac Disease Disease 2: Alzheimers Disease • One of the most common cancers in the US • 6th leading cause of death in America Knowledge Gained from Research • In normal human body, lymphocytes go through regular life cycle with old white blood cells dying and the creation of new ones within the body • Cancer that starts in white blood cells called lymphocytes, which are found in the lymph nodes and other lymphoid tissues Early Symptoms How Does it Occur? Melanoma What is it? • Progression of disease leads to the destruction and death of nerve cells in the brain, leading to memory failure, personality changes, and issues with carrying out daily activities ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) Aunt (Father's Sister) Uncle (Father's Brother) • Caused by the destruction and death of brain cells Grandmother (Father's Mother) High Cholesterol Dementia • Women have higher risk of getting Alzheimer's • More than 95% of cases occur in adults Me Healthy Works Cited • Current treatments include cognition-enhancing medication and physical exercise to help maintain physical function • Symptoms include: Painless, swollen lymph nodes in neck, armpits, stomach, or groin, coughing, trouble breathing, fatigue, fever, night sweats, and weight loss Prevention or Delay of Onset • Greatest risk factor is increasing age Knowledge Gained After Research • Memory loss • Has no current cure, but treatments for symptoms of the disease are available • Changes in mood or personality How Does it Occur? Family Tree Presentation • Intravenous chemotherapy - chemotherapy medicines given through vein What is it? • Radiotherapy - kills/stops cancer cells from multiplying • Most common early symptom is difficulty remembering newly learned information Treatments • Surgery • There are four stages to NHL • Most commonly known as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, NHL, or just lymphoma Grandfather (Mother's Father) Melanoma Grandfather (Father's Father) Alzheimers Disease Sister Healthy • Cause is unknown • You are more at risk at developing NHL if you have a weak immune system • Not an inherited condition and does not run in families • Most cases occur in individuals over 60 Grandmother (Mother's Mother) Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Asthma Prevention or Delay of Onset • Difficulty completing familiar tasks • Confusion with time or place • Symptoms become worse over time and develop slowly Father • In NHL, the lymphocytes do not die and instead, continue to grow and divide which results in overcrowding of white blood cells in the lymph nodes Healthy • A type of dementia that causes issues with memory, thinking, and behavior • Stem cell transplant (bone marrow transplant) Stages of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma By: Mallory Krzysciak

Tree Template

Transcript: The Dark Tetrad Regression analysis showed that direct sadism uniquely predicted cyber-trolling on YouTube and other forum sites. Direct Sadism β = .44 Direct Sadism r = .40* Permanence Target mass audience Anonymity Time Convenience What about Cyber-Trolls? What is “trolling”? Study 2: Does Sadism Map Onto Core Characteristics of Cyber-Trolls? Psychopathy They are impulsive thrill seekers Narcissism They are egotistical and self-centered Machiavellianism They are strategic manipulators Sadism Seek opportunities to hurt people Direct vs. vicarious sadism A Psychological Study Direct Sadism β = .56*** Trolling Thanks for listening! Conclusion Cyber-Trolls: Just harmless pranksters? Cyber-Activities and the Law Study 1 Just Harmless Pranksters? Multiple regression analysis showed a strong, unique relationship between direct sadism and trolling. Machiavel -lianism Study 1 Someone who intentionally posts inflammatory material on the internet Someone who posts inappropriate remarks for their own amusement The elicited reactions reinforce cyber-trolling and nefarious amusement Dark tetrad personalities reported greater enjoyment of cyber-stalking on Facebook than others Narcissism r = .46** What are the personality and internet activities of cyber-trolls? No previous studies There are 4 suspects: Dark Tetrad (psychopathy, narcissism, Machiavellianism, sadism) Future Research Narcissism β = -.11* β = .44, SE = 0.68, t(100) = 2.05, p = .05 Cyber-Trolls β = .03 Cyber-bullying is defined as: “… a type of harassment using new technology. Whether it is criminal harassment depends on the facts of a case. Cyberbullies use social media (such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube), blogs, texting, instant messaging, and other internet avenues to engage in deliberate, repeated, and hostile behaviour intended to harm, embarrass, or slander someone. Although their work is public, cyberbullies are often anonymous and it is often harder to identify and stop them.” Cyber-bullying may also be defamation The Criminal Code (section 300) outlaws publishing a defamatory libel – material published, without lawful justification or excuse, likely to injure the reputation of any person by exposing them to hatred, contempt or ridicule, or designed to insult the person. Study 2: Are Cyber-Trolls Sadists? Cyber-Trolls: Who are they? Cyber-Trolls: Also Cyber-Bullies? Vicarious Sadism r = .33* Cyber-Activities and the Law Cyber-Trolls: Characteristics There is no specific legislation for cyber-bullying or cyber-trolling Civil Law Defamation: slander or libel Unsafe environment Responsibility for any consequences that perpetrator might reasonably have guessed would happen Criminal Law Harassment Defamatory libel Anywhere on the internet! Internet forums Imageboard, social news or entertainment sites (e.g., 4Chan, Reddit, 9Gag) Comment sections of various websites (e.g., news outlets) Social media websites (e.g., Facebook, Youtube) There is no specific legislation for cyber-bullying or cyber-trolling Civil Law Defamation: slander or libel Unsafe environment Responsibility for any consequences that perpetrator might reasonably have guessed would happen Criminal Law Harassment Defamatory libel Cyber-Trolls: A Psychology Study Cyber-Trolling and Bullying Facilitated by Technology Legal Implications: The Debate Cyber-Trolls: Also Cyber-Bullies? Results Study 1: Dark Personalities and Social Media Usage Trolling scale items: “I have sent people to shock websites for the lulz.” “I like to troll people in forums or the comments section of websites.” “The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it.” The End Gaming Griefers Grief tourists Cyber-Trolls: Also Cyber-Bullies? Judith Donald (1996) Someone who engages in identity deception and manipulation Whitney Phillip’s (2012) Four Pillar Theory of Trolls Self-identify as trolls Vernacular language (e.g., plox, sauce, lulz) Trolling for the “lulz” (troll reward, troll food) Anonymity Vicarious Sadism Big Issues β = .19** Criminalize cyber-bullying or Educational Campaigns against Bullying Trolling is motivated by sadistic pleasure-seeking This may have important legal implications, especially in cases of extreme harassment with tragic outcomes Trolling indicates broader anti-sociality Technology has facilitated the damage that Dark Personalities can do Permanent damage Narcissists, direct sadists and vicarious sadists expressed greater enjoyment of cyber-trolling on YouTube than others. Cyber-Trolls: Where are they? Psychopathy β = .06 But there are other types of cyber-trolls… The case of Amanda Todd

Tree Template

Transcript: (Alamy), (VectorStock), (VectorStock), (Freepik), (Freepik), (Gstudio) Implications Low Carbon Emissions Lower Future Cost Sustainable (axel2001) (Rowling) Limitations Location Manufacturing Cost Competes for Space (Lim) Implications Low Carbon Emissions Less Overall Cost Sustainable Efficient Limitations Location Dependent Production Costs Cause of Noise Pollution (Freepik) (Rehman) Limitations River Flow Maintenance & Implementation Location Implications Low Carbon Emissions Flood Control Sustainable Consistent Reliable (Tommaso.sansone91) Industrial Revolution Invention of Coal Generator Coal Mining Boom (Sutka) Limitations Finite Resource Public Opinion Waste Disposal Options Implications Emissions Location Efficiency (Zuozuozuozuo) (Newman) Implications Renewable Provides Jobs Consistent Reduces Waste Limitations Inefficient Large Deforestation Emissions (Freepik) (Ívarsson) Implications Renewable Small Low-Carbon Sustainable Heating Limitations Seismicity Initial Costs Location (Wanicon) (Merrick) 04: Energy Sources (Perini) 01: History The Delicate Balance Between Fossil Fuels and Renewable Energy By Lincoln Boswell, Beniel Eugene, Randy Nguyen, and Caleb Cherinet (Photo_smart) Dark Money Fossil Fuels Usage 90%+ of Carbon Dioxide Emissions 60% of the US's energy Hybrid Renewable Solution (Getty) Reasoning (Wilde) High Energy Production Environmental Impact What's The Issue? (Pleul) (Krapf) Low Carbon Emissions (Axpo Services) Meets Demand Geothermal and Bioenergy Location-Dependent Environmental Impact Cost 2023 Statistical Review of World Energy Limitations Space Money (Guccione) (Davis) Fossil Fuels Dominate Energy Production Fossil Fuels Dominate Energy Production Fossil Fuels Dominate Energy Production Environmental Impacts Carbon Emissions Harm the Environment Carbon Emissions Harm the Environment Carbon Emissions Harm the Environment (Dohm) Climate Change is Hurting the Economy Climate Change is Hurting the Economy Climate Change is Hurting the Economy Wildlife Agriculture Natural Disasters Climate Change 02: Exigency (Generated by Img2Go) $500,000,000 How can the Usage of Fossil Fuels in the United States Effectively be Reduced while Minimizing Undesirable Consequences? Fossil Fuels are the Primary Contributor to Climate Change Climate Change's Consequences are Catastrophic (Abbot) 03: Question Changing to Alternative Energy Sources is Imperative 06: Conclusion (By robokoboto)

Tree Template.

Transcript: - Consumers of the inpatient mental health services available through Alfred Health. - Residents of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne and surrounding areas. - Family members: Parents, siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles. - Workers; employers and employees - Students. - Friends. Interior Design Sensory Box Occupational Enablement Sonya Vargas (La Trobe Unversity supevisor) Kate Dunne, Jonathan Smith, Anton Horvat, Freya Coker (Alfred Health project sponsors) Health workers from external agencies Consumers Office of the cheif psychiatrist , (2002) References Population (Masters Home Improvement, 2014) What did we learn from health workers from Alfred Psychiatry and external agencies? Patient rooms High Dependency Unit (HDU) Key Items: - Patients in an acute stage of mental illness which makes it difficult for health workers to engage. - Limited resources available for participation in meaningful activities. - Security and safety concerns in a restrictive environment. Implementation Incorporate sensory approach into policy documents Evaluate outcomes Share manual with other agencies Additional Research (Masters Home Improvement, 2014) Law, M., Cooper, B,. Strong, S., Stewart, D., Rigby, P. & Letts, L. 1996. The Person-Environment-Occupation Model: A transactive approach to occupational performance. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 63(1): 9-23. Masters Home Improvement, 2014 [image]. Retrieved 19 November from: Masters Home Improvement, 2014 [image]. Retrieved 19 November from: Masters Home Improvement, 2014 [image]. Retrieved 19 November from: Inter-Ikea Systems B. V., 2014 [image]. Retrieved 19 November from: 1) Mental health research - Physical environment. 2) Time management - Project planning. 3) Stakeholder conflict - Ethical considerations. 4) Resources - Technology and transport. 1) General maintenance. 2) Increase available space. 3) Introduction of natural elements. 4) Decorate the space. 5) Decrease the institutionalised feel. Pavi Karthikeyan, Izabella Mambort & Hannah More What is a sensory room? What evidence is there? Warm blue tones or earthy colours Soothing or personal artwork for display Carpet floor Vs Lino Indoor plants These environmental recommendations are currently guiding modifications of the Alfred HDU Future project recommendations Limitations Outdoor area has a positive effect on the well-being of patients in the HDU. Current outdoor area under-utilised and minimally supportive of occupational engagement. Modifications to the Physical Environment of the Alfred Acute Inpatient Psychiatry Service (High Dependency Unit) to Improve Consumer Occupational Enablement and Well-being Are there any questions? HDU Common Area Sensory Room Findings: Lack of structured OT input Boredom Lack of sensory and occupational opportunities Agression and use of restrictive interventions Comprehensive or increased levels of individual care High staff to patient ratio Low stimulus environment Safety and security is a priority Minimal OT input - lack of resources Therapeutic environment Decreased supervision Occupational therapy input Recommendations Processes Homely design Vs Institutionalized feel Promote emotional wellbeing and provide feeling of comfort Interviews Health workers at the Alfred and at external agencies Low Dependency unit Short term: Short-term Recommendation: Recommendations Interior design/Decoration Phase 1: Initiation Phase 2: Scoping and planning Phase 3: Implementation of information gathering Literature review Person Leading upto Project..... Alfred Psychiatry Long-term Recommendations: Environment Environment Design: Time spent in the room Supervision Assess each consumer's sensory preferences Training for staff Interior design (Masters Home Improvement, 2014) (Law, Cooper, Strong, Stewart, Rigby & Letts, L. 1996) (Inter-IKEA Systems B.V, 2014) Growing body of evidence Recovery oriented approach Feedback from Alfred Consumers Acknowledgements Ambient Features Interior Design Decoration Sensory Room Seclusion Room Exercise Equipment Outdoor areas Social Features Architectural Features Evidence-based and appropriate interventions for use in a HDU environment, including sensory interventions Prior ethical approval for students to interact with consumers Adaptable Findings PHYSICAL: Inpatient High-Dependency Unit (HDU) of The Alfred Hospital. SOCIAL: Mental illness is a taboo subject, one that is not usually addressed openly in society. CULTURAL: Mental illness is a 'hidden disease', which can be masked by a variety of factors. SOCIOECONOMIC: Underfunded in

Family Tree template

Transcript: - He is still living, he is currently living in Euless Tx - Laura Pfeffer Father Maternal Great-grandparents - Miranda Blackburn -Born- October 10, 1997 - She is still living, She is living in Bedford Tx. - He is currently living in Caddo Mills Tx. (your name)'s Family Tree Justin Blackburn: - Elizabeth Shultz Born: 1926 Died: 1980 Maternal grandmother - She currently lives in Caddo Mills Tx. - Born: June 14, 2005 - Born: August 17, 2012 - Born: - October 18,1971 - Melissa Davis -Bill Allen Born: 1933 Died: 2005 - She was born in Louisiana - She is still living, she lives in Euless Tx. James Blackburn: - She was born in Ellis Tx. - He is still living, he lives in Canton Tx. - Born- August 2, 2002 Paternal grandfather - Reginald Blackburn Born: 1931 Died: 2002 - Jordan Blackburn -Tommy Marrs - Donald Blackburn Self/sibling Phillip Pfeffer: - Delaney Marrs - Born: July 29,2010 Carolyn Pounds: - Born: October 28, 2009 Paternal Grandmother - He was born in Bedford Tx. - Macey Blackburn -Born: November 8, 1996 Mother - Born: July 18, 1954 - Born: June 25, 1946 - William Pounds Born: 1919 Died: 1976 - She was born in Bedford Tx. - Born: December 17, 1976 - He was born in Bedford Tx. - Born: Feburary 3, 1978 Jennifer Pfeffer: sibling/self - Ann Shannon Born: 1934 Died: 2005 - Born: November 3, 1953 - Born: May 31, 2000 - Morgan Blackburn Uncle/Aunt - Born: May 31, 1985 - Born: - September 28, 1969 Paternal great grandparents - He was born in Blum Tx. - Dylan Blackburn - Rhett Blackburn counsins - Born: September 26, 1949 Pamela Allen: Maternal grandfather - Fleta Elliott Born: 1933 Died: 2006 - Born: May 7, 1984 - Phillip Pfeffer Sr. Born: 1909 Died: 1994 Aunt/uncle Counsins - Dorothy King Born: 1926 Died: 2012 - Hallie Marrs

Family Tree Presentation

Transcript: Way Lelei Second Generation: parents plus aunts, and uncles Sui female Sema References KEY Elaine Dominant a trait that will appear in the offspring if one of the parents contributes it. Recessive is a trait that must be contributed by both parents in order to apprear in te offspring. Gender s male f N T Seka N T Dominant trait: Tall Recessive trait: Short Dominant trait: Normal vision Recessive trait: Farsightedness s Ese FAMILY TREE N N f Toetu Lela Tye s Ronnie N Third Generation: My siblings and Me f T f f f Height f=farsightedness N=normal vision Family Tree Findings Meiosis I & II Conclusion References N FirstGeneration: grandparents Junior Lela Uluao BIO/101 November 17, 2011 Stacey Peralta T N Table Contents Conclusion s Tusi Bonnie Fua T=Tall s=Short Ponali T N T Findings Mom N • My first time ever doing a pedigree of my family • I enjoy it a lot because it shows the similarities and differences in my family • Learning the phases of Meiosis I and II was hard but I recognize it was important Taffy Names highlighted in Red are Deceased T Recessive Trait. (2011). In Retrieved from Dominant Trait. (2011). In Retrieved from Meiosis.Photograph]. (2011). Retrieved November 17, 2011 from T f N T T T Poor eyesight T Dad T f N T Heli Joe Meiosis I & II n Family Tree Presentation Lela s s

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