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Old Paper Template Presentation

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Paper Plane template

Transcript: Paper Airplanes There are four forces that, when balanced, make a paper plane fly. Tips that make it fly better in terms of design: The wings are stiff. The wings are big- to minimize the drag. Launch it fast. You could use tape to strap the wings together (depends on the design). Curved edges give the plane a lot of lift. Horizontal wings-NOT vertical. Reduce gravity by making your plane light. The Cobra by Patricia Fajilan and The Classic Plane by Lena Drewes were the best. Why we think they flew well? Yumna and Hollie think The Cobra and The Classic Plane flew the best, because of their design. -Reasons why The Cobra flew well: We think this design flew well, because of its tip. The folds were also precise, and the wings were big. It was symmetrical. -Reasons why The Classic Plane flew well: We think this design flew well, because its tip was very light. Also, the weight was well balanced and the design was also symmetrical. We were trying to mix the design of The Cobra and The Classic Plane, since they both flew well. We were trying to pinpoint exactly what it was about them that made the two very different designs fly well. After test flying them, we found that The Cobra was more graceful in its landing and flew a decent distane, while The Classic Plane flew a very long distance but spiraled down instead. We guessed that The Cobra had a graceful landing, because of its flat tip, and that the The Classic Plane flew a long distane, because it was basically all wing, but because of its point tip had an ungraceful landing. According to our research, making the wings stiff with tape is supposed to make a classic plane fly well. We followed the advice, and found that it worked out nicely. Also, we decided to experiment and cut off the tip of The Classic Plane to give ita flat tip like The Cobra. Another thing we did was that we taped the tip to see if it would make it fly better, but it just made the tip too heavy, so we simply stuck with our previous design. Crease the folded end. Unfold the paper on a flat surface. The the top right corner to the middle line. Crease the diagnol fold. Fold the top left corner to the middle line Crease the diagnol fold Crease the foled end. Fold the new top right corner to the middle line. Repeat steps 8 and 9, this time of the new left top corner. Fold the sheet lengthwise, inward, along the center line. Crease the folded end. Fold the top flap down, so thatits front touches the bottom of the plane. Crease the folded end. Turn the paper over, and repeat steps 13 and 14. Then, lift the flaps the create the wings. Now, here's the twist. Take a pair of scissors and cut off the tip of the plane. Then, take a peice of tape and tape the center of the plane's wings. Step 7 What makes them fly? Step 8 Step 9 Step 4 Step 15 Step 2 Presentation by: Hollie Martin and Yumna Farooq Step 1 Fold a peice of paper, around the size of an A4 paper, half lengthwise. Step 3 Step 16 Step 5 What designs were good? Step 10 Step 11 Step 6 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 About our design

Old - Template

Transcript: 1) Team 2) The Problem Why Should I Care? WHY? We believe in the power of ideas. It is in unproven nonprofits that anwers to social problems are waiting to be uncovered. F: the private and public sectors are failing our kids; our nation is falling behind. American innovation; untapped potential of the kids. Time is now to encourage ideas and innovation within the third sector to impact low-income youth There is a clear need and market opportunity: Most of the nonprofits are small, but the smallest and newest ones get the least amount of funding. At the same time, almost a quarter of Bay Area youth are living in poverty. What's the solution? 3) The Solution HOW: We fund start-up Bay Area nonprofits to break the cycle of poverty for low-income youth. New: you have had your 501(c)(3) for 5 years or less, or you're regionally expanding Small: operating budget between $25k-$500K Youth Focused: you serve low-income children in the Bay Area 4) Model Find Impact & measurement intentional Cost effectiveness/conscious/SROI Invest Grants of $10k-$50k GenOps Multi-year (3 year average) Infrastructure/Team development Connect to our network Launch To foundation partner(s) focused on >$50K funding, scale and/or replicability 3b) Competitive Adv Small organization size allows us to be nimble internally Choosing to grant to start-up nonprofits; we believe where no one else will Board covers operating costs = 100% of each $ donated goes directly to programs Our unique access to athletes will raise the visibility of our grantees As the first believer we start a pipeline, with successful launch to larger funders as the goal Geography: SV = the heart and pulse of innovation History: We were born this way because of Ronnie Staff experience: over 15 years working in high-performing NPOs 5) The Future Key Milestones 2012: 1st cohort; unveiling event 2013: 2nd cohort; BOD covering operating costs; annual dinner 2014: 3rd cohort; increased ASHK staffing; 25th anniv dinner & launch 2015: 1st cohort "handed off"; Industry Problem: Class divide/OWS among nonprofits: 80% of dollars go to the same, bigger nonprofits every year 40% of nonprofits were created in the past 10 years but they only receive 15% of the funding Crowded field: over 10,000 nonprofits in Bay Area Yet 75% of nonprofits have a budget under $500K the number of foundations in the U.S. has doubled in the past 20 years, while grant dollars have grown 43 percent since 1999. But the number of registered public charities has tripled in the last decade, far outpacing the growth rate in giving. Competition for funding has never been so steep Poverty Problem: Poor outcomes: 1 in 4 (fabricated stat) youth nonprofits unsuccessful, without lasting impact on kids; 20% of Bay Area kids born poor; 20% don't graduate high school; x % in justice system; number of kids served by Bay Area nonprofits; concentration of nonprofits in affluent vs. impoverished areas WHAT Vision, Direction, Go to Market Plan (may be own slide) The promise ?Should add in Ad BOD names? ?Other key funders? ?Athletes? 7) Closing slide 6) The Ask What's the value add of our solution? WHAT? ASHK provides select organizations the network, skills and capital to be successful and get picked up by larger foundational funders. Target Bay Area 501(c)3 that focus on instilling behavior change (that can break the cycle of poverty) in low-income youth. We have a particular interest in supporting programs that use sports as the vehicle for intentional, lasting change. The grab and WHY 3a) The Target Market & Opp

Old Template

Transcript: Gang - An organized group of criminals Gang Prevention Police Services Community Assessment Action Networks Correctional Facilities People often join gangs because; They give a sense of friendship and family They have not developed the skills to constructively express feelings of anger and rage They have no hope and see no alternative For survival Gangs are a part of family tradition Canada has 434 youth gangs with roughly 7,000 members nationally Canadian youth gangs: Ontario has around 216 youth gangs with roughly 3,320 members, Saskatchewan has 28 gangs and 1,315 members, followed by British Columbia with 102 youth gangs and 1,027 members 94% of gang members are male 48% of youth gang members are under the age of 18 & 39% are between 16 and 18 years old Police & The Causes Of Gang Affiliation The Hells Angels are a world wide motorcycle gang, whom are often associated with riding Harley Davidson motorcycles. Motto: "Angels Forever, Forever Angels" Founded in Fontana, California, 1948. Members are known to participate in violent crimes such as drug dealing, trafficking stolen goods, extortion and are involved in prostitution. Known to organize social events such as group road trips, fundraisers, parties, and motorcycle rallies. Nearest Hells Angels chapter would be in Toronto. Need to learn to stop the problem before it occurs; focus on youth. class courses, public programs, etc. Come up with rehabilitation programs that are more accessible/available Make therapy groups (or even individual) therapy, so gang members have someone to talk too **Ensure that those willing to get help will be safe to join/attend these programs (have safe spots) On December 6 1969, Meredith Hunter was killed while attending the Altamont Free Festival by a member of the Hells Angels. It was during the Rolling Stones’ set, that a 21-year-old Hells Angel named Alan Passaro stabbed a gun-wielding 18-year-old named Meredith Hunter to death just 20 feet in front of the stage. The Rolling Stones had hired several Hells Angels to work as security during the event. Why Are Gangs An Issue Gang crimes; Drug smuggling and sales Arms trafficking Theft Human trafficking Illegal immigration Battery Extortion Kidnapping Murder Financial crimes Etc. Organizations & Services Thursday, July 2, 2016 The Rolling Stones Disaster At Altamont The Hells Angels The Death Of Meredith Hunter Who Are They Gang Statistics Areas Of Need Ad Campaign Cons & Solutions Addressing The Issue Facts cited The poster can be placed in any public area including; schools, bus stops, community centers, public message boards, etc. Correctional Facilities How do we solve the problem? Community Assessment Action Networks (C.A.A.N) GANGS: Hells Angels Areas Still In Need Barker, T. (2004, December). Exporting American Organized Crime-Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs. Peotone, IL: National Gang Crime Research Center Retrieved April, 2016, from Community Assessment Action Networks employees. (2016). About Us | Gang Prevention. British Columbia, Canada: Justice Education Society of BC. Retrieved 2016, from Dulaney, W. L. (2005, November). A Brief History of "Outlaw" Motorcycle Clubs. Fort Lauderdale, FL: International Journal Of Motorcycle Studies. Retrieved April, 2016, from Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2007). Hell's Angels: The FBI Files. Minneapolis, MN: Filiquarian Publishing, LLC. Retrieved April, 2016. Staff. (2009). The Altamont Festival brings the 1960s to a violent end. United States: A+E Networks. Retrieved April, 2016, from James, R. (2009, August 03). The Hells Angels. United States: Time Inc.. Retrieved April, 2016, from article/0,8599,1914201,00.html Maysles, A., Maysles, D., & Zwerin, C.(Directors). (1970, December 6). Gimme Shelter [Motion picture]. United States: Maysles Films Inc., Cinema V (UK), 20th Century Fox (USA). Retrieved April, 2016. Miller, A. (2016, January 22). Raids at Hells Angels clubhouse in Toronto and Oshawa townhouse net $30K in drugs, 8 charged. Toronto, ON: Global News. Retrieved April, 2016, from Parker, A. (2009, November 10). How The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club Works. United States: Retrieved April, 2016, from RCMP. (2006). Youth gangs in Canada: What do we know? Ottawa, ON: Government of Canada: Public Safety Canada. Retrieved 2016, from Thompson, H. S. (1999). Hell's Angels: A strange and terrible saga. New York, NY: Modern

Recycling old paper

Transcript: RECYCLING OLD PAPER Following these steps, the students produced recycled paper: 6. With the second part of the cloth, they covered the mixture and rolled it with the dough roller thinly. This paper was air-dried for several days. 1. They ripped the old paper into small pieces into a container. Sixth graders learned how to recycle paper at home in their Maths class as part of the Erasmus+ project. In this way, the students increased their environmental awareness and turned the old paper, that they would otherwise throw away, into useful and creative items. From recycled paper, Christmas cards were created, which the students decorated according to their own wishes. 2. They poured water into the container. The torn paper soaked for a few hours in the water. 5. Then they put the mixture on a piece of an old cloth and picked up excess water with a dishwashing sponge. From a similar mixture, to which we can add a little flour to make it thicker, we can also make various figurines. With such a mixture, an Advent arrangement and a little bowl were made. From the newspaper they made recycled papir that is grayish in color, and from the unused pages of notebooks (which would otherwise be thrown away) whiter recycled paper is formed. If desired, we can insert color, scent or glitter into the paper to further decorate it. Manuela Tržić, 6th grade student Proofreader: Ivana Biluš Graphics: Sunčica Vuljak 3. When the paper got well soaked, they crumbled it with their hands into a mixture resembling a porridge. 4. They strained the mixture through a sieve to drain excess water. The resulting papers were then decorated. This is what the resulting works look like:

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