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Salesforce Presentation

Transcript: Ice Breaker!!!! what is salesforce? The future of NCOA. Salesforce will revolutionize the way we share data with each other creating accountability, fast acting responses from headquarters, and detailed reports that will help Program Directors manage projects more efficiently How does this affect you as a project director? Faster troubleshooting from headquarters Ability to track changes in participant files Greater reporting capabilities Quicker response times to program issues Lets see what Salesforce Looks Like!!! What can Salesforce do? Real Time Data Data Submission Accountablility Quality Control Quality Assurance Question & Answer Real Life Scenarios Salesforce Solves Scenario 1: A project site has just absorbed 50 state slots from another sub-grant and in the move, half of the participants paper files are lost. DOL sends auditors the following week to verify that the transition went smoothly and check that participants who are verified for an DL extension have the proper attestation. What do you do? Salesforce Solution for Scenario 1:Salesforce provides the capability to electronically store participant files, allowing for the user to not only archive participant forms but to quickly query participant data by specific elements or in other words, whatever the auditor would request. (E.g. Recert Form, CSA data etc.) SCENARIO 2: A major employer has recently had a class action lawsuit filed against them for failing to pay Older African American workers comparable wages as their younger (30-45 years of age), Caucasian counter parts. A news anchor contacts your office requesting numbers and stories on participants who have been affected by this story. Would do you do? Salesforce Solution for Scenario 2: Salesforce reporting suties provide in depth analysis that not only benefit program operations but allow for reports to be build on anything; providing statiscal comparisons as well. Here the national office could pull reports not only for this respective area, but could show comparable data sets for African American women who work for the same employer but in different regions What is the Big Picture of Salesforce? Introducing NCOA's Data Center In order to utilize staff and fiscal resources efficiently, NCOA will centralize all SPARQ activities to one location in the NCOA Arlington Resource Center. Within, data entry clerks will be responsible for all input into SPARQ including updating and correcting participant data . Each data entry clerk will be assigned a set amount of territories. The Data Center will be managed by the Data Coordinator, who will serve as the main liaison between project sites to ensure that timely action is taken and will manage quality control/assurance methods, and perform document control as necessary Direct data entry into SPARQ providing for faster assessment of program operations Greater consultation for SPARQ responses Greater compliance with the system resulting in less errors and system rejects What is the Data Center? What can you expect from the Data Center being implemented? How does the Data Center affect you? Monthly reports in SPARQ are more accurate Less effort at the project level to get data in SPARQ (no more monthly submissions) Direct contact that can resolve SPARQ issues immediately Less digging during data validation So what are the next Steps? Important Dates: 8/22-Interviews for Data Center Clerks Begin 9/1- Data Center Begins Testing 9/1-Salesforce Begins Testing 10/1-Implementation with concurrent training ( via Webinar) System Additions Paperless System Integration of NCOA Services ESI Benefits Check up Funding Opportunities FIN! Living in the Cloud Electronic Forms (cc) image by anemoneprojectors on Flickr

Salesforce ESMB Presentation

Transcript: Presented by: Allyn Mueller Account Executive 404-989-4806 What were the Impact results? The Aricent team was able to engage with top talent rather than recruiting abroad - ultimately saving them 1 million dollars in H1B Visa sponsorships every year Aricent was now able to reduce their time to hire by decreasing the obstacles in their approval and offer process using automated workflow for communications & documents The Aricent team added an average of 18 hours back to each individual users day - meaning he/she could now on their real initiative - growth in the United States Based on my presentation and our discussions so far: Do you have any questions? Is there anything preventing us from moving forward? May I have this position? Sales Objections: Timing Fear of Change Cost Engineering Development Firm Background: 10,000 consultants, designers, and engineers at over 30 locations worldwide ( ranked top branded Indian IT companies in the Fortune India 500 List. Business Challenge: Decentralized decision making and systems were making it almost impossible to track, communicate, measure, and make key business decisions on important initiatives. Absense of uniformity and resources used made accessing real-time data and information very manual if not virtually unfeasible. Agenda Culture & People Products & Market Approach & Action Manager & Metrics Continuity Plan & Repeatable Success ESMB Account Executive How I solved It: Transitioned them to a single platform giving access to key personnel throughout the divisions Aricent now had real-time data to make decisions on where it was best for them to invest their time, money, and personnel growth 1 unified system to advertise, track, communication, and measure made it possible to focus on their real initiative - growth in the United States Brief Biography Deal Win Review CRM & ME Fast Start Plan Why I am a Great Hire Brief Biography Deal Win Review CRM & ME Fast Start Plan Why I am a Great Hire Why I am a Great Hire G-rit & Guts R-esilience E-mpathy A-loyal commitment T-eam Player

SalesForce Final Presentation

Transcript: By: Giovonni DePierro Intro Agenda What is Salesforce? Costs associated with Salesforce How Salesforce will benefit your SMB Is there any training needed? Why did I choose Salesforce? Why should you care? Project Intro About Salesforce Originating in 1999 Salesforce became a "CRM" tool aka customer relationship management software. It is a cloud-based software, that has CRM applications for sales, service, commerce, marketing, etc. allowing for an organized and easy means of managing relations with current and future customers. Salesforces' main mission is to provide a network medium that creates an easy means to strengthen customer relations. Salesforce allows SMB to understand customers' needs and solve problems by better managing customer information and interactions — all on a single platform that’s always accessible from any desktop or device. What does Salesforce do? Costs Bundles Salesforce Offers Product & Services $75 $150 $25 Salesforce essentials 25$ per month per user Lightning Professional 75$ per month per user Lightning Enterprise 150$ per month per user Double click to edit Differences in Packages Target Audience Salesforce targets 3 different Business Types Target Audience Small to medium sized businesses Non-profits Startups Sample Salesforce Walkthrough Salesforce can be used by any SMB that is looking to get a leg up on their competion by engaging more with current and potential clientel. However, I believe that the main businesses that would benefit from Salesforces' software are those businesses that have a heavy focus on B2B and B2C. Using the software to track leads, communicate with customers, and look at sales figures is extremely crucial to these businesses. Focus Audience Training Just purchased Salesforce...Need Training? Salesforces takes pride in how organized and easy it is to access their information. Therefore, there is NO training neccessary to use this software. However, if you do happen to need additional assistance there is a toll-free number to call, as well as a live agent willing to chat and assist 24 hours a day. Conclusion Why Salesforce? A highly-awarded CRM software company, Salesforce ranks at the top of the industry. Providing the ability to communicate with current and future customers, visualize sales figures, market a product/business, etc. Salesforce is the choice for you when it comes to CRM softwares. My recommendation For your SMB I would suggest Salesforces' Basic Essentials package. This package is 25$ per user per month (up to 10 users). With no training needed and low costs, this bundle is crucial to expanding your SMB sales. References Lets CONNECT

Salesforce Presentation

Transcript: Pitch Deck 06/27/2018 Keenan Farms Inc. Salesforce The Opportunity Opportunity Keenan Farms has grown significantly in the past 20 years From 8 to 30 million+ pounds Increased demand will allow us to grow even more New technology gives us a chance to keep up with growth We can leverage new technology to provide better customer service The Problem The Problem People have problem The (Bad) solution Our solution Sad People Happy People 80 domestic customers 30 million pounds per year Contacts, Projections, Film, Inventory, etc. Inefficient, mistake prone system. Survey When asked what would help make your job more productive and efficient Customer info organization Current, past, future orders notes on orders SKU's used etc. Order timeline Accurate forecasting Task management Production scheduling/packaging Survey Soloman Soloman Good for data entry/storage Not good for analysis Data manually entered into excel Prone to human error Time consuming Data cannot be manipulated to create your own reports No live-time tracking Order due dates, Film shipments, etc. Salesforce Saleforce: Sales Cloud CRM Tool designed to increase productivity and accuracy Task Management Forecasting (Product/Film) Contact Management Sales Pipeline Contract Management ERP Integration Microsoft Outlook Integration Live Reports Less prone to human error Sample Dashboard Sample Dashboard Cost Breakdown Cost Breakdown Implementation: $28,675 (155 hours @ $185/hr 5 Licenses at $1,440/yr Tech Support 2,160/yr Total cost this year: $38,035 Yearly Costs: $9,360

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