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Venezuela Background Lecture

Transcript: FAST FACT GOLDWYN 2013 "ExxonoMobil and ENI refused to cooperate and were forcibly taken over. Both comopanies have pending complaints before the International Centre for the Settlement of Invesment Disputes (ICSID) at the World Bankthat are expected to be decided in late 2013." Venezuela withdrew from ICSID Special Disad Thingys to consider Location: Northern South America, bordering the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, between Colombia and Guyana Area: total: 912,050 sq km country comparison to the world: 33 land: 882,050 sq km water: 30,000 sq km total: 4,993 km border countries: Brazil 2,200 km, Colombia 2,050 km, Guyana 743 km tropical; hot, humid; more moderate in highlands Andes Mountains and Maracaibo Lowlands in northwest; central plains (llanos); Guiana Highlands in southeast Exports: $96.9 billion (2012 est.) country comparison to the world: 42 $92.6 billion (2011 est.) Exports - commodities: petroleum, bauxite and aluminum, minerals, chemicals, agricultural products, basic manufactures Exports - partners: US 40.2%, China 10.5%, India 5.5%, Cuba 4% (2011) Imports: $56.69 billion (2012 est.) country comparison to the world: 53 $46.44 billion (2011 est.) Imports - commodities: agricultural products, livestock, raw materials, machinery and equipment, transport equipment, construction materials, medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, iron and steel products Imports - partners: US 28.6%, China 15.1%, Brazil 10.6% (2011) Crude oil - production: 2.47 million bbl/day (2011 est.) country comparison to the world: 14 Crude oil - exports: 1.645 million bbl/day (2010 est.) country comparison to the world: 10 Crude oil - imports: 0 bbl/day (2009 est.) country comparison to the world: 137 Crude oil - proved reserves: 209.4 billion bbl (1 January 2012 es) country comparison to the world: 3 Geography Additional Video Resources--Watch on your own!!! Everything you always wanted to know about Venezuela, but were afraid to ask... Land use: arable land: 2.85% permanent crops: 0.71% other: 96.44% (2011) Ummmm Did somebody order a Pizza? Flag description: three equal horizontal bands of yellow (top), blue, and red with the coat of arms on the hoist side of the yellow band and an arc of eight white five-pointed stars centered in the blue band; the flag retains the three equal horizontal bands and three main colors of the banner of Gran Colombia, the South American republic that broke up in 1830; yellow is interpreted as standing for the riches of the land, blue for the courage of its people, and red for the blood shed in attaining independence; the seven stars on the original flag represented the seven provinces in Venezuela that united in the war of independence; in 2006, President Hugo CHAVEZ ordered an eighth star added to the star arc - a decision that sparked much controversy - to conform with the flag proclaimed by Simon Bolivar in 1827 and to represent the province of Guayana Environment - current issues: sewage pollution of Lago de Valencia; oil and urban pollution of Lago de Maracaibo; deforestation; soil degradation; urban and industrial pollution, especially along the Caribbean coast; threat to the rainforest ecosystem from irresponsible mining operations Remove Sanctions In 1499, an expedition led by Alonso de Ojeda visited the Venezuelan coast. The stilt houses in the area of Lake Maracaibo reminded the navigator Amerigo Vespucci of the city of Venice, so he named the region "Veneziola". Unicameral Legislature 165 Members, 5 year term United Socialist Party (PSUV--Chavez' Camp) v. minority Coalition for Democratic Unity (MUD) Trafficking in persons: current situation: Venezuela is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor; Venezuelan women and girls are trafficked within the country for sexual exploitation, lured from the nation's interior to urban and tourist areas; to a lesser extent, Brazilian women and Colombian women are subjected to forced prostitution; some Venezuelan women are transported to Caribbean islands, particularly Aruba, Curacao, and Trinidad & Tobago, where they are subjected to forced prostitution tier rating: Tier 3 - the government investigated potential cases of suspected human trafficking and arrested at least 12 people for trafficking crimes during the reporting period; however, there was no further publicly available information regarding those cases; Venezuela is not making significant efforts to comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking (2008) Illicit drugs: small-scale illicit producer of opium and coca for the processing of opiates and coca derivatives; however, large quantities of cocaine, heroin, and marijuana transit the country from Colombia bound for US and Europe; significant narcotics-related money-laundering activity,

Scientific Background

Transcript: So what causes a sonic boom? There are multiple dimensions: 0,1,2,3,4 The 4th one specifies on time Space and time cannot exist without one another Special Relativity and it's affect on human perception the sun was created 4.6 billion years ago it surface temperature can reach up to 10000 degrees in Fahrenheit the core of the sun can reach up to 27 million degrees in fahrenheit the sun was created by a giant cloud of gas and dust known as the solar nebula S.S. "Henceforth space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality". - Hermann Minkowski T.O. A plane moving at 885 km/hr north A car traveling at 55 miles per hour east. A human walking at 3 meters per second west. A.C J.S. Examples of velocity The Origins of the Scientific Method. The Scientific Method The Birth of the Sun and the Moon (continued) was discovered on October 14, 1947 became more in depth during the 1950s much curiosity of the sonic boom led to concerns in the military Special Relativity and it's effects Origin of the boom "Einstein's special theory of relativity (special relativity) is all about what's relative and what's absolute about time, space, and motion." ( In simple terms, when a person were to go forward in time and return back, it would seem like no time passed due to the speed of which the person traveled at. T.O. the moon was formed when a small rock called a planetoid collided with the earth the gravity from earth pulled the rubble of the impact to form the moon gravity spun the rock at high speeds to form its spherical shape S.S. The Relation of Velocity and Humans Technological Advancement Scientific Background .No one can really be credited for creating this theory. It just grew onto us. .In 1214-1284 a man named Roger Bacon discovered the Scientific Method and since then we have been accomplishing more with this method being fully known now. K.D How the method is used today. K.D What is a sonic boom? . .The Scientific Method is a method used for experiments and research. The birth of the sun and the moon K.D The Fourth Dimension shock waves are created from air removed by force mainly created by a huge release of pressure the set of changing pressure makes the sonic boom able to hear The scientific method has 5 steps to solve it. .Observations, hypothesis,prediction, research, and conclusion. These are the five steps needed to use the Scientific Method. a sonic boom is defined as loud sound similar to thunder when an object traveling through the air is moving at a supersonic speed contains aerodynamic effects types of booms: N-waves and U- waves T.O. Velocity and it's importance Velocity is the speed of something in a given direction. Velocity is different from speed since speed only records the distance the objects covers divided by the time it took the object to cover that distance. Velocity is the same concept but with a specific direction A.C .This method has been used to help evolve humanity and discover many new things about us, our planet, and the universe. J.S.

Scientific Revolution: Background

Transcript: Changes in Europe: Renaissance Changes in Europe: Ancient, Medieval and Modern Historians break down European time periods into three distinct eras: The Ancient Era, The Medieval Era and The Modern Era. The ancient Romans dominated most of Europe for around 1000 years. With the fall of Rome in 476AD came another thousand year period called the Medieval Era, also known as the Dark Ages or the Middle Ages. By about the 1400s however, huge changes began to occur in Europe. These changes rippled through all aspects of European life and culture. Everything from art, philosophy and religion to science, economics, and governments were forever changed. The Reformation (1500s) signaled even more monumental changes to Europeans and their beliefs. Most of Western Europe had connections to the Roman Catholic church, but reformers like Martin Luther and John Calvin exposed flaws and corruption within Catholicism, and started new, Bible-centered ‘protestant’ denominations that spread all over the continent and around the world. The End The Age of Exploration (1500s) brought about more changes to Europe. Not only did European powers compete for control of their territories around the globe, but explorers like Ferdinand Magellan traveled around the Earth, and new products began to flow back and forth between continents. This exchange of goods and ideas between the Old World (Europe) and the New World (Americas) is called the Columbian Exchange. The Scientific Revolution (1500s) led to new ideas in the realm of astronomers, physicists, and anatomists who challenged accepted beliefs about the nature of the universe. Galileo proved the heliocentric theory of Copernicus, and Andrea's Vesalius had produced the most accurate illustrations to date of what was inside the human body. Isaac Newton discovered gravity, the nature of rainbows, light, and sound. Changes in Europe: Age of Exploration Changes in Europe: Reformation Changes in Europe: Scientific Revolution The Renaissance (1400s), for example, brought a rebirth of ancient Greek and Roman culture that seemed to have been lost for centuries. Just as the Greeks and Romans once did, Renaissance figures explored new forms of art, architecture, literature, and philosophies. This was a huge change from the dark ages, when most people were preoccupied with simply surviving, having enough food, or risking life in battle.

Scientific Research Lecture

Transcript: Scientific Research Lecture Exploring Cutting-Edge Research Contributions to Society Influence on Industries Research outcomes have translated into practical benefits for society, like the introduction of mRNA vaccines that have revolutionized the fight against infectious diseases, demonstrating the transformative power of scientific research in addressing global health challenges. Research findings have had a profound impact on industries, with innovations like artificial intelligence algorithms enhancing productivity and efficiency across sectors, heralding a new era of technological integration and automation. Importance of Scientific Inquiry Scientific inquiry is crucial for progress in various fields, driving innovation, solving complex issues, and improving the quality of life for society. Future Outlook Scientific Breakthroughs Research Methodologies Research has led to significant advancements, such as the development of CRISPR technology for gene editing and the detection of gravitational waves, expanding our knowledge and capabilities in unprecedented ways. Impact of Research Research methodologies encompass the systematic approaches and techniques used to conduct investigations, collect data, analyze results, and draw valid conclusions. The future of research is characterized by immense potential and opportunities for transformative growth, with emerging fields such as quantum computing and biotechnology poised to reshape industries and address complex global challenges, laying the foundation for a more sustainable and innovative future. Overview of Research Seminar Scientific research involves rigorous methodologies and data analysis to uncover new findings and push the boundaries of human understanding. Scientific research has led to groundbreaking discoveries, addressing critical challenges in healthcare, technology, and the environment. These innovations have positively impacted society through improved quality of life and advanced technological capabilities. Discoveries and Innovations Scientific research has led to countless discoveries and innovations across diverse disciplines, revolutionizing technology, medicine, and our understanding of the world. Introduction to Scientific Research Scientific research is a systematic investigation that seeks to answer questions and solve problems to advance knowledge and understanding. Key Points Summary Biomedical Research The lecture highlighted crucial aspects of scientific research, emphasizing the impact of discoveries, methodologies employed, and the importance of continuous innovation in research. Key Research Areas Biomedical research focuses on developing new treatments, diagnostic tools, and understanding disease mechanisms to improve overall health outcomes and quality of life globally. Future Research Areas Innovative Research Strategies Biomedical Research, Environmental Studies, Technology Advancements, and Social Sciences Experiments are pivotal research areas driving innovation and addressing societal challenges. Implementing interdisciplinary collaborations, leveraging big data analysis, and fostering creativity are key strategies for driving innovative research outcomes. Conclusion and Q&A Ethical Considerations Potential research areas include exploring advancements in technology, addressing environmental challenges, and delving deeper into the realms of social sciences to drive further breakthroughs. Ethical dilemmas are inherent in scientific research, requiring researchers to navigate complex moral and societal implications. Upholding ethical standards is essential for research integrity and credibility. Environmental Studies Environmental studies encompass research on pollution, climate change, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable practices to safeguard our planet's health and ecological balance. Data Management Funding and Resources Interdisciplinary Collaboration This section will summarize the key points discussed in the lecture, delve into potential future research areas, and open the floor for a question and answer session. Effective data management is foundational for successful research endeavors. Proper handling and organization of data ensure research integrity, reproducibility, and the ability to derive valuable insights. Securing adequate funding is a critical challenge in scientific research. Limited resources can impede progress and innovation, hindering the potential impact of projects. Collaboration across diverse disciplines is crucial for holistic and innovative research outcomes. Interdisciplinary teams bring together varied expertise to address complex scientific challenges. Ethical Considerations in Research Codes of Ethics in Research Risk in Failure to Secure Funding Inadequate funding can jeopardize research projects, leading to project discontinuation, limited scope, and missed opportunities for impactful discoveries. Adherence to ethical codes is integral to maintaining research credibility and

Presentation for scientific writing

Transcript: Three languages Conclusions Limited reliability of interpretative approach Reliability of the study — a consensus in interpretations We strive to get the research credible: collect as many responses and ideas filter the result to remove invalid responses Similar results can be got by other researchers Therefore, validity can be tested Reality is changing over time most of the people are aware of the basic recommendations do not follow them perfectly. Password management software advised by only small part of people. (it is not a solution) The problem is within developers side We suggest to improve the algorithms Correct horse battery staple Problem -Analyze method: Interpretive philosophical perspective, context based method Goals -Prove that people have problems in using passwords and fail (or not fail) to use them properly. People constantly fail to follow security recommendations in order to simplify the access. People invent their own tricks to design and store passwords. How do people balance security and usability when using passwords? Purpose To collect as many responses as possible Ideas from all over the world would be taken into consider Easy one Time & Location Hermeneutics Background Complex One -Draw users and designers' attentions to improve passwords -Introduce some creative methods to users 13 days 170 responses, 164 of them are valid Hypothesis Angie and Jun Wu -find a set of common behavior models of password designing, storing and retrieving. Question?s Post on SNS networks:, and Method Discussion Totally anonymous! You can skip those questions which you don't want to answer. We won't let you input you real passwords. Future work Measure the potential of graphic passwords and alternative authentication methods. -Data collection : Questionnaire Reason 1: Totally anonymous Reason 2: Without the limit of location Reason 3: Accessing Password Database has privacy problem. Reason 4: hash function Ethical consideration -explosive growth of technology -security and privacy becomes more important -password is still the most common authentication method Results How do people balance security and usability when using passwords

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