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United States Template School Presentation

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united states presentation

Transcript: HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES HISTORY HISTORY The history of the United States is what happened in the past in the United States, a country in North America. Native Americans lived in the Americas for thousands of years. English people in 1607 went to the place now called Jamestown, Virginia. Other European settlers went to the colonies, mostly from England and later Great Britain. France, Spain, and the Netherlands also colonized North America. In 1775, a war between the thirteen colonies and Britain began when the colonists were upset over tyrannical British policies. Just after dawn on April 19, 1775 the British attempted to disarm the colonists, thus beginning the war with the "Shot Heard Round the World." On July 4, 1776, Founding Fathers wrote the United States Declaration of Independence. They won the Revolutionary War and started a new country. They signed the constitution in 1787 and the Bill of Rights in 1791. The first colonies to set up The first colonies to set up. The colonial history of the United States covers the history of European colonization of America from the early 16th century until the incorporation of the colonies into the United States of America. In the late 16th century, England, France, Spain, and the Netherlands launched major colonization programs in America. The death rate was very high among those who arrived first, and some early attempts disappeared altogether, such as the English Lost Colony of Roanoke. Nevertheless, successful colonies were established within several decades. European settlers came from a variety of social and religious groups, including adventurers, farmers, indentured servants, tradesmen, and a few from the aristocracy. American Revolutionary war American Revolutionary war. The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), also known as the American War of Independence,[43] was an 18th-century war between Great Britain and its Thirteen Colonies (allied with France) which declared independence as the United States of America.[ After 1765, growing constitutional and political differences strained the relationship between Great Britain and its colonies. Patriot protests against taxation without representation followed the Stamp Act and escalated into boycotts, which culminated in 1773 with the Sons of Liberty destroying a shipment of tea in Boston Harbor. Britain responded by closing Boston Harbor and passing a series of punitive measures against Massachusetts Bay Colony. Massachusetts colonists responded with the Suffolk Resolves, and they established a shadow government which wrested control of the countryside from the Crown. Twelve colonies formed a Continental Congress (with the exception of Georgia) to coordinate their resistance, establishing committees and conventions that effectively seized power. THE FIRST FIVES PRESIDENTS GEORGE WASHINGTON. The first president of the U.S (1789–1797), was the first president to be Freemason, G.W. was the first President to appear on a postage stamp. First president to receive votes from every presidential elector in an election. First and only president to have a state named after him. First president to have a city named after him. JOHN ADAMS. (1797-1801). The first president to live in the white house. First president to have previously served as vice president. First president to have previously served as an Ambassador to a foreign country. First president elected as a Federalist. First president to be a lawyer. First president who had never served in the military. JAMES MADISON (1809–1817) First president to have served in the United States House of Representatives. First president to ask Congress for a Declaration of War. First president to serve as a war-time commander-in-chief. First president to have an Inaugural ball. First president to wear long trousers instead of knee breeches. First president to issue a pocket veto. First president to succeed another president without serving as vice president. JAMES MONROE (1817–1825) First president to have served in the United States Senate. First president to have a child marry at the White House. First president to ride on a steamboat First president to have served as secretary of war. First president to issue a doctrine, the Monroe Doctrine. First president to be physically accosted (attacked) while in office. The First Fives Presidents of the United States THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743-1826). First president to be inaugurated in Washington, D.C First president inaugurated in the 19th century. First president whose inauguration was not attended by his immediate predecessor. First president to live a full presidential term in the White House. First president elected as a Democratic-Republican. First president to have previously been a governor. First president to have been ambassador to France. First president to have previously served as secretary of state CULTURE CULTURE AND TRADITIONS The culture of the United States of America is primarily of Western culture (European)

United States Presentation

Transcript: North America United States of America Physical Size - 9,833,517 sq km Ranked - #4 Capital - Washington D.C. Climate - Mostly temperate except for Tropical in Florida and Hawaii and Arctic in Alaska Geography Geography Coal (27% of total coal in the world is in the USA) Copper Lead Molybdenum Natural Resources Natural Resources Population - 326, 625, 791 Population Rank - #3 Median Age - 38/36/39 Labor Force Rank - #4 Unemployment - 4.7% Ranked #56 Population Below Poverty - 15.1% Human Resources Human Resources Flag - Red, white, blue, stars and stripes (50 stars for each state, 13 stripes for original 13 colonies) National Anthem - The Star Spangled Banner written by Francis Scott Key (during the War of 1812) National Symbol - Bald Eagle Flag & Anthem Flag & Anthem The Capitol Building in Washington D.C. Constitutional Federal Republic Head of Government - Donald J. Trump Chief of State - Donald J. Trump Government Government Present all the details The Economy $ Capitalist Economy Agricultural wheat corn Industrial petroleum steel Economy Economy GDP - $18.57 Trillion GDP Rank - #3 Per Capita GDP - $57,400 Per Capita Rank - #20 Standard of Living - High GDP GDP USD - US Dollar $ Money Money Industrial Growth 2.1% Ranked #99 Imports - Ranked #1 Exports - Ranked #2 Industrial Growth/Imports/Exports Industrial Growth/Imports/Exports Cell Phone Technology Cell Phone Users - 416 million Cell Phone Rank - #5 Cell Phone Usage Cell Phone Usage Internet Usage - 246.8 million Internet Usage Rank - #3 Technology Use is High Internet Usage Internet Usage

United States presentation

Transcript: The vegetation in the USA is mostly like Canada. - In the north there is the Tundra. - In the middle there are mixed forest. - Southern California produces a distinctive shrub vegetation known as chaparral Central Park Golden Gate Bridge The two major religions are Protestant and Catholic The head of state is Donald Trump we call him the president. The capital of USA,neighbouring country and water streams. Spoken languages of USA are English (80%), Spanish (12%), Chinese (3%), Vietnamese (3%) and French (1%) The emblem is the Bald eagle Main exports of USA Main imports of is country Sites Electrical machinery , machinery, vehicule, mineral fuel ect... The difference between the size of Canada and USA. Majors Cities United States Religions, head of states and who is head of states. Washington D.C Landform is Appalachion, Rocky mountains, Ozarks, Sierra Nevada, Cost range. Cascades, Alaskan range and Brooks range. USA is 9,970,630 kilometers but the Canada is 3,794,084 kilometers. Canada bigger that the USA Majors cities in the USA are San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Dallas, Houston and Chicago. Statue of liberty The flag of this country - - National Geographic - Student Resources USA - - The form of government is constitution-based federal republic The natural resources of USA are fresh water, oil, mineral deposit along with fertile sol. Empire State Building Walt Disny World Spoken languages and the animal emblem of this country The population is around 320 000 000 (318 892 103) people. The geographic area is 3 794 083 square kilometers. Population and Geographic area Currency and the value compared with the Canadian dollar Machinery, electrical machinery, aircraft, spacecraft, vehicule, mineral fuel ect... A project on a country Tourist attraction and type of landform Currency is the US dollar If I compare the Canadian dollar and the US dollar I have to spend 1.30$ Canadian to have 1$ US dollar. A tourist attraction is Walt Disney world, Golden Gate bridge, Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building and Central Park. Colorado River Type of vegetation The neighbouring countries are Canada and Mexico. The capital of USA is Washington D.C. The major water streams are Mississipi River, Missouri River and Colorado River. The form of government and the major natural resources

United States School Luches

Transcript: By Claro Arroyo Solutions to the Issues For Meat Quality Perfect School Lunches Controversial Meals Issues for U.S School Lunches Personal Conclusion Raise Standards Not enough promotion towards healthy eating Bloom, Jonathan. Schooling Food Waste: How Schools Can Teach Kids to Value Food. Food Tank, Bratskeir, Kate. Photos of School Lunches Form Around the World Will Make American Kids Want To Study Abroad. The Huffington Post, 25 February 2015. Buffenbarger, Amy. Quality of School Lunches Questioned. National Education Association, Nierenberg, Danielle. 5 Solutions for Healthy School Lunches. Eat Drink Better, Park, Alice. Here's one way to improve School Lunches. Time. 23 March 2015. School Lunch Programs. Mission 2014: Feeding the World. Siegel, Bettina. The Real Problem With Lunch., 15 January 2016, Wells, Jeff . What School Lunch Looked Like Each Decade for the Past Century. Mental Floss, 12 October, 2016, Quality of school meat does not satisfy expectations The faculty and staff lack the training and education United States School Lunches Meals became controversial for the lack of healthy products Hire Professional Cooks and Train Current Ones History of US School Lunches N/A Meals served in the cafeterias were gradually accepted. School Lunches were not provided in the begining of nineteenth century Works Cited Make school districts host events and marketing towards healthy eating

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