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Training Presentation Guidelines Template

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Presentation Guidelines

Transcript: Presentations will begin on Tuesday, November 26th E-mail it to me by 9 a.m. on the day of your presentation Comparative Analysis Presentation You Need to: Prezi or Powerpoint or whatever other method you choose. 5-6 MINUTES Anything before 5 minutes will result in a deduction I will stop you after 6 minutes and deduct points. Practice your PRESENTATION SKILLS Presentation Guidelines Due Date: STAY ON TIME! 5- minutes goes by very quickly. State the important points and on task. BE CONFIDENT! There is absolutely no need to be nervous. This is about you and what you want. You should be able to discuss openly and easily BULLET POINTS, NOT PARAGRAPHS When presenting use as little text as possible. Helps with the overall direction of presentation. Be Respectful of others No Laptops, Phones, or outside distractions are allowed when someone is presenting. If seen, you will be asked to leave and will receive a deduction on your presentation grade ATTENDANCE MANDATORY and BE ON TIME -7 for every day late & -15 for every absence. Things to know Presentation Include Introduction to the U.S. organization/sport Introduction into the comparative org./sport THE REASON WHY THIS IS INTERESTING TO YOU The reason why this is interesting to others State the exact organization titles State the resources used and provide analysis Minimum Five SCHOLARLY Sources DO NOT HAVE TO READ State the similarities in structures State the differences in structures State if the U.S. should implement a similar structure to improve the current standing of the organization/sport? If not, explain why? Presentation Format Goal: Take what we have learned from international standpoint and compare what the world offers to what we see regularly

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