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Thesis Presentation Template Undergraduate

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Undergraduate thesis

Transcript: Focus on definition by Christopher Earley and Elaine Mosakowski (2009) Three dimensions cognitive CQ: “head” – awareness, self-awareness, knowledge motivational/emotional CQ: “heart” – perseverance, goal settings behavioral/physical CQ: “action” – adjust behaviors to cultural environment. H3b: Positive association between CQ and MTW weakens with IE H4a: CQ is positively associated with student’s learning satisfaction H4b: CQ is positively associated with student’s future employability H4c: CQ is positively associated with student’s academic achievement CQ as the ultimate outcome of intercultural occurrences Constructs of CQ should be more investigated to measure students’ learning satisfaction CQ training and education is important to improve students’ academic achievement Complexity of IE, MTW and CQ in the same context Research on the role of geographical positions on CQ influences. Consider MTW in attitude instead of involvement frequency (50% frequent, others experience) Select 3 dimensions instead of 4 in the construct of CQ 30% in total have intention to find a job -. Context not appropriate for future employment Subjective issues of online questionnaire might be biased Reference list Available upon request GPA Employability Learning satisfaction MTW can provide companies with significant gains in productivity. MTW’s members are expected to embrace cultural knowledge. Cross cultural group and team offer chances to gain CQ Cultural diversity in team: the more they adapt, the more competent they are. Implication for future research Conclusion The essence of cultural intelligence in the globalization era. What is cultural intelligence – CQ? APU – international institution – appropriate for developing CQ. The relationship between CQ and performance thanks to the influence of IE and MTW. Previous researches studied about these associations in the context of organizations and corporates Important to develop global talent or leadership IE can be fully utilized to develop CQ: positive effects on CQ IE: living in another country more than 6 months, even traveling to a new country. Positive association between CQ and IE, MTW MTW increases CQ overtime, important source of CQ development. CQ affects MTW as well High CQ in team members accelerates team integration, promote team cohesion, foster global identity CQ people will gain more from IE and exposure to culturally diverse settings H4b not wholly supported Student's performance H3b supported Limitation People with IE: more open minded, knowledge about culture benefits when participating in MTW skills to communicate, work in unfamiliar backgrounds H3: IE and MTW jointly influence CQ MTW and IE are predictors for CQ, can serve as substitutes in strengthening CQ level Positive association between CQ factors and students’ academic achievement Cognitive CQ and physical CQ predicts degree of learning satisfaction Emotional CQ and physical CQ relates to future employability for undergraduates Strongly expected that students are eager to intensify their skills in MTW, flourish in their IE to build on their CQ then flashing prospects in prevailing globalization scenario. Outline Implication and limitation H1, H2, H4c are supported. Testing H3, H3a, H3b: Smart PLS is used to find the association among three factors: IE, MTW, CQ CQ predicts performance and adjustment outcomes in multicultural situations (Ang, 2007) CQ is important to elements of success, including career success. Introduction DANG Minh Huyen (Anne) Undergraduate thesis Multicultural teamwork Cultural intelligence International Multicultural teamwork Experience H3a not supported Empirically examine the role of CQ with performance outcomes in relations with IE and MTW. H3a: Positive association between CQ and MTW strengthens with IE H2: Positive association between IE and CI Research purpose H4: CQ has positive association with students’ performance outcomes. CQ strengthens when IE serves as a substitute with MTW Strong association between CQ and students’ academic achievement (GPA) Cognitive CQ, physical CQ affect students’ learning satisfaction. Emotional CQ and physical CQ are important in job hunting activities. Questionnaire: 107 APU students from 16 nations. Response rate: high (94%) Measure 4 factors: IE, MTW, CQ and students’ performance. IE: countries they live, travel. MTW: the frequency of experience, attitudes toward teamwork activities CQ: measured by 12-questions set by Earley and Mosakowski regarding three dimensions. Students’ performance: GPA, number of job offers, the level of learning satisfaction. Smart PLS, Excel used to analyze data. Role of cultural intelligence on student performance with respect to multicultural teamwork experience and international experience. Cognitive Physical Emotional H4a not wholly supported Hypotheses testing Correlation between CQ with IE and MTW Student performance General result Discussion Introduction Theoretical background & hypothesis development

Undergraduate Thesis

Transcript: Communicator Style Construct by Norton (1983) Animated Attentive Contentious Dominant Dramatic Friendly Impression-leaving Open Precise Relaxed Communicator Image OBJECTIVES Methodology Respondents 15 Disciplers 15 Disciples •Who have been involved in discipleship under CCC for more than 6 months •Ages range from 16-21 years old •Students of UPD or staff of UPD CCC •Willing to answer the scales administered in the study •Willing to be part of the present study Research Instruments Norton's Communicator Style Measure (CSM) Hendricks' Relationship Assessment Scale Interviews Conclusion Implications Recommendations 1.Consider having a bigger number of respondents. 2.Widen the scope. 3.Consider other factors that can affect relationship satisfaction in discipleship. 3.To determine the perceived level of satisfaction of the disciples in their relationship with their disciplers. 3.All of the disciple-respondents expressed satisfaction in their relationship with their disciplers. The Communicator Styles of UPD CCC Disciplers and their Effects on their Disciples' Relationship Satisfaction Perez, 2004 3. Dominant, Contentious and Precise communicator styles have positive effects but should be employed in moderation and coupled with affirming communicator styles such as Friendliness and Attentiveness. (Taylor, 1997; Infante and Gorden, 1989) 2. Disciples prefer communicator styles that cater to the relational dimension of discipleship (Friendly, Attentive) than those that reach to the informational dimension (Dominant, Contentious, Precise). 4. To create relationship satisfaction with their disciples, disciplers should become more open to them (Koike, 1988). 5. Disciplers should know their disciples well. Communicator Styles in Different Contexts 1.The top five communicator styles of disciplers as they perceived are: Attentive Friendly Animated Dramatic Open. Bible study, prayer, praise, vision sharing, training and evangelism. (CCC, 2007) 2.The top five communicator styles of disciplers as their disciples perceived are: Impression-Leaving Attentive Friendly Animated Relaxed. Mendiguarin, 2009 1.To determine the most common self-perceived communicator styles of UPD CCC disciplers during their interaction with their disciples. 1. The top communicator styles of UPD CCC disciplers create relationship satisfaction with their disciples 2.To determine the most common disciple-perceived communicator styles of UPD CCC disciplers during their interaction with their disciples. “A training or mentoring program." (All About Christianity .org, n.d.) “Helps others come to know Christ and become more like him.” (Laurico, 2007) DISCIPLESHIP Presented by Melinda Karla Ramo BA Speech Communication Lawyers-Clients (Gacutan, 2003) Birth Order (Bonus, 2004) Father-Daughter-Boyfriend (Castro, 2006) Introduction Tresvalles, 2008

Undergraduate Template 3

Transcript: Article Overview: Autism Preschool Peer-Mediated PECS Intervention Picture Exchange Communication System and Pals: A Peer-Mediated Augmentative and Alternative Communication Intervention for Minimally Verbal Preschoolers With Autism Introduction “The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a PECS intervention combined with peer-mediated instruction to increase communication between children with autism and typically developing preschool children in routine social activities.” PECS, or Picture Exchange Communication System, was designed to allow people with communication difficulties to communicate through pictures. Peer mediated instruction involves teaching peers of children with autism how to be responsive in social situations in order to further increase communication and integration. Researchers simply wanted to improve on what previous studies had done using PECS and peer mediated instruction. Kathy Thiemann-Bourque Nancy Brady Keenan Stump Amy Naylor Sara McGuff The Authors Who are the authors? Kathy Thiemann-Bourque is an associate research professor at the University of Kansas. Nancy Brady is a speech-language-hearing professor at the University of Kansas. Keenan Stump is a speech-language pathologist for New Balloon Therapy Services in Kansas City, MO. Main Authors “Does teaching peers to be responsive communication partners using PECS affect rates of functional communication of nonverbal or minimally verbal preschoolers with autism?” Hypothesis Hypothesis Methods The authors taught the peers how to use PECS when interacting with a child with ASD. Intervention followed for several weeks, and carryover of skill was determined. A baseline was determined, intervention followed, then generalization probes were completed. All interactions were coded live during intervention as a communication mode, behavior, or function. Independent variable- PECS sessions with focus child and peer Dependent variable- communication abilities of focus child Participants Participants Coding Coding Results “A closer examination of the type of communication act—initiation or response—revealed that the peer’s responsiveness to the focus child’s communication increased more than did initiations..” With PECS, children become more comfortable requesting with varied partners across settings. Results Results Initiations Initiations Responses Responses Discussion “A noteworthy feature of this study was the involvement of peers without disabilities and examination of an intervention that trained these peers to use PECS to be more effective communication partners for minimally verbal preschool children with autism.” The study fills a gap by listing specific measures of peer communication as well as specific peer teaching steps to make sure the study was both sound and replicable. In the future, researchers may choose to look into an environment’s effects on communication. For example, snack time seemed to encourage the two focus children to engage with their peer. Formal measures were not taken to document changes in social communication from the perspective of parents, peers, and teachers. More generalization sessions and changes should be documented when it comes to untrained peers in order to more accurately test carryover into the classroom. Intervention should be prolonged, and secondary gains in peers should be examined. Limits Limits Combining the prior studies on PECS with adults and peer intervention was extremely effective in teaching all children involved how to communicate in “natural, social settings”. With information from this study, autism intervention plans can be altered to be the most effective. Conclusion Conclusion Thiemann-Bourque, Kathy, et al. "Picture Exchange Communication System and Pals: A Peer-Mediated Augmentative and Alternative Communication Intervention for Minimally Verbal Preschoolers with Autism." Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research (Online), vol. 59, no. 5, 2016, pp. 1133-1145. Source Source Questions? Questions?

Undergraduate Thesis

Transcript: The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance, and Financial Distress on Tax Avoidance Undergraduate Thesis Nur Qomariyah DIV AKM Supervisor: 1. Dr. Ari Kamayanti, MM., MSA., Ak., CA 2. Drs. Sigit Budisantoso, M.Pd BACKGROUND 1. Tax is the highest income source in a country including Indonesia. 2. The difference point of view between government and taxpayers. 3. The realization tax income under the target. INTRODUCTION RESEARCH QUESTIONS RESEARCH QUESTIONS ? 1 ? 3 DOES FINANCIAL DISTRESS HAS AN EFFECT ON TAX AVOIDANCE? ? 2 DOES CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WITH THE PROXY GENDER DIVERSITY OF DIRECTORS, BOARD SIZE, AND AUDIT QUALITY HAVE AN EFFECT ON TAX AVOIDANCE? DOES CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY HAS AN EFFECT ON TAX AVOIDANCE? RESEARCH PURPOSES RESEARCH QUESTIONS ? 1 ? 3 TO EMPIRICALLY ANALYZE THE EFFECT OF FINANCIAL DISTRESS ON TAX AVOIDANCE? ? 2 TO EMPIRICALLY ANALYZE THE EFFECT OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WITH THE PROXY GENDER DIVERSITY OF DIRECTORS, BOARD SIZE, AND AUDIT QUALITY ON TAX AVOIDANCE TO EMPIRICALLY ANALYZE THE EFFECT OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ON TAX AVOIDANCE LITERATURE REVIEW LITERATURE REVIEW THEORY THEORY 2. LEGITIMATION THEORY An organization should act in a manner that society deems socially acceptable 1. AGENCY THEORY - The nature of human - Organization - Information Previous Research PREVIOUS RESEARCH 11:00 12:00 13:00 HYPOTHESIS HYPOTHESIS H1. Corporate Social Responsibility has a positive effect on tax avoidance H2. Gender diversity of directors has a negative effect on tax avoidance H3. Board size has a negative effect on tax avoidance H4. Audit quality has a negative effect on tax avoidance H5. Financial distress has a positive effect on tax avoidance CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK RESEARCH METHOD RESEARCH METHOD Research Object Research Object Manufacturing Company listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (2016-2020) Research Type Research Type Quantitative approach with the associative form Research Sample Research Sample - Purposive Sampling Method 16 Companies Variable Measurement CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (X1) TAX AVOIDANCE (Y) GENDER DIVERSITY OF DIRECTORS (X2) BOARD SIZE (X3) AUDIT QUALITY (X4) FINANCIAL DISTRESS (X5) Data Analysis Technique Data Analysis Technique 1. Descriptive Statistic Analysis 2. Classic Assumption Test - Normality Data Testing - Multicollinearity Testing - Heteroscedasticity Testing - Autocorrelation Testing 3. Multiple Linear Regression - Determination Coefficient Testing - Individual Parameter Testing - F statistical Testing RESULT RESEARCH FINDINGS 1 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DOES NOT HAS EFFECT ON TAX AVOIDANCE 2 GENDER DIVERSITY OF DIRECTOR HAS A NEGATIVE EFFECT ON TAX AVOIDANCE 3 BOARD SIZE DOES NOT HAS EFFECT ON TAX AVOIDANCE 4 AUDIT QUALITY DOES NOT HAS EFFECT ON TAX AVOIDANCE 5 FINANCIAL DISTRESS HAS A POSITIVE EFFECT ON TAX AVOIDANCE CONCLUSION RECOMMENDATION FOR COMPANY FOR FUTURE RESEARCHER - The company should pay attention to the tax payment based on tax provisions. - The further research is expected to extend to the other sectors because the scope of this research was only carried out in manufacturing companies. - should be more careful in the forming and making-decision of management strategies related to taxation. - The further research is expected to investigate other independent variables that affect tax avoidance.

Undergraduate Thesis

Transcript: "A Third Culture Kid (TCK) is a person who has spent a significant part of his or her developmental years outside the parents' culture. The TCK frequently builds relationships to all of the cultures, while not having full ownership in any. Although elements from each culture may be assimilated into the TCK's life experience, the sense of belonging is in relationship to others of similar background." (Pollock and Van Reken, 2009) * Undergraduate Thesis - 10,000 words with independent research * focusing on transnational families and the concept of the Third Culture Kid * Problematizing the idea - effect of labeling * Information Sheet * Consent form * Due date * Start of interviews - meeting with students? *Questions? Who am I? My research Transnational Families, Identity and "Third Culture Kids" * Italian *Graduated from Jakarta International School *3rd Year Undergraduate Student at the University of Sussex in Brighton, England *BA in International Development * Research is based on individual case studies - qualitative data base * Interviews and focus groups would be conducted with each of you students (anonymously) to get your ideas of TCK-ism identity, home, belonging and your life experiences * Interviews - 45min to 1 hour once between now and the 11th of September after school, at school, at any time that would be most convenient for you * Focus groups - 45 min to 1 hour everyone together. there will be 2 so we they will be co-ordinated based on when everyone is available Process *Increase popularization of concept * I am a "third culture kid" - Italian born, african raised, schooled in Indonesia and now living in Bolivia and England * Curiosity to see if the TCK stereotype can be applied to the majority * Basically: "what's all the hype about" What is a third culture kid? WHY? Giulia Corsi Logistics

Undergraduate Thesis

Transcript: WATER QUALITY OF RED TILAPIA (Oreochromis sp.) CULTURE USING FERMENTED TARO CORM (FTC) IN OUTDOOR CONCRETE TANKS INTRODUCTION Aquaculture Red Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) Fermented Taro Corm (FTC) INTRODUCTION STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM -Water pollution and diseases have become serious limiting factors. -Bioremediation methods have been developed in aquaculture to address the problem. -no scientific studies have explored the chance of Fermented Taro Corm (FTC) being used as a bioremediator in aquaculture. INTRODUCTION SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY -Bioremediation is widely used in aquaculture to reduce and eliminate toxic pollutants, and to stabilize water quality. -this study may provide information regarding to the efficacy of FTC on the water quality of red tilapia culture in tanks. INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES To determine the effect of FTC on water quality of red tilapia under outdoor tank culture. -Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH, Total Ammonia Nitrogen (TAN), temperature and alkalinity. -gain in weight of Red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.). MATERIALS AND METHODS Eighty, size #24, mixed sex Red tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) fingerlings MATERIALS AND METHODS MATERIALS AND METHODS EXPERIMENTAL TREATMENTS USED ON THE STUDY MATERIALS AND METHODS EXPERIMENTAL LAYOUT OF THE STUDY MATERIALS AND METHODS PREPARATION AND APPLICATION OF FERMENTED TARO CORM (FTC) MATERIALS AND METHODS SAMPLING OF RED TILAPIA MATERIALS AND METHODS MONITORING OF WATER QUALITY RESULTS AND DISCUSSION RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Temperature (˚C) Acceptable Range=25 to 32 degrees (C) no significant difference among treatments RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS pH Acceptable Range=6.5-9.0 T2, T3, T4 were signifcantly lower than T1. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Acceptable Range=5 mg/L above T2, T3, and T4 were significantly lower RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Alkalinity Acceptable Range=200 to 400 mg/L CaCO3 T2, T3, T4 were significantly higher than T1. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Total Ammonia Nitrogen (mg/L) Acceptable Range=0.24 to 1.03 mg/L No significant difference among treatments RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Gain in Weight Note: Means with different superscript are significantly different at 0.05 level of significance SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION FTC decreases dissolved oxygen concentration in water. might regulates the acidity of the water could be an effective agent in increasing the alkalinity increasing FTC may bad to the growth of the species CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION should be filtered to reduced turbidity in water study related to composition of FTC by: Daniel R. Carpo

Undergraduate Thesis Seminar

Transcript: Chapter 3 Method of The Study Research Findings Procedure of The Study Data Collection Techniques Writing field notes for observation during the process ELT vocabularies. Distributing tests (pre-test and post-test) to the learners. Documenting all processes of ELT vocabularies using visual audio 1. Type and Design of the Study In this research, the researcher will use Classroom Action Research (CAR). Research methodology plays an important role in the research. The researcher uses a Classroom Action Research (CAR). One study methodology used to address problems in the classroom or learning process is called classroom action research, or CAR (Tripathi, 2022). It looks for ways to increase efficiency and effectiveness in obtaining the goals that have been set. There are usually multiple processes involved in CAR, such as planning, performing, observing, and reflecting. Time, Location, and Subject of the Study Procedure of The Study Data Collection Techniques Writing field notes for observation during the process ELT vocabularies. Distributing tests (pre-test and post-test) to the learners. Documenting all processes of ELT vocabularies using visual audio Time and Location This research conducted in even semester of Kindergarten in Surabaya for the 2023/2024 academic year Subject The subject of this research is thirteen students from Class A in one of the Kindergartens in Wonokromo, Surabaya. Scheme of CAR Instruments of The Study Mean Score Application and Effectiveness of Total Physical Response (TPR) in English Vocabulary Acquisition Field Notes Tests Documentation Classroom Action Research Indicators Data Analysis Techniques Instruments of The Study Field Notes Tests Documentation 1. Giving the amount test items. 2. Counting the number of correct answers on the test to determine the learner’s interval grade. The following formula is used to count the percentages of the test score.: 3. Determining the frequency of correct answer. The formula is: frequency of responder divided by total number of respondent (n), then multiplied by 100%. Note: P= the Percentage of Correct Answer ∑f = the Frequency of Correct Answer n = the Total of learners 4. Finding the Classical Mean Following data analysis, the researcher locates the distribution’s total of the scores, which is utilized to determine the mean. The arithmetical average, or mean, is calculated by dividing the total number of learners by the sum offset score. This is the formula: Explanation: M : The mean ∑x: The sum of scores N : The number of learners Recommendations: Incorporate TPR into Curriculum: Create engaging and effective language learning environments. Teacher Training: Provide workshops and seminars on TPR's theoretical foundations and practical applications. Parental Involvement: Inform parents about TPR benefits. Encourage TPR activities at home for extra practice. Future Research: Replicate study in different settings with larger samples. Explore long-term impact on vocabulary retention and language development. Conceptual Framework an Undergraduate Thesis Seminar Research Methodology Theory In this research, the researcher used a Classroom Action Research (CAR). A Classroom Action Research on Improving English Vocabulary for Young Learners Using Total Physical Response English Language Teaching English Language Teaching Method English Language Teaching (ELT) is the process of teaching English to non-native speakers. English language teaching involves a variety of methods and techniques to help students learn and improve their English language skills English Language Teaching methods refer to the various approaches and techniques used by educators to teach English as a second or foreign language. Total Physical Response Total Physical Response (TPR) is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action. It attempts to teach language through physical movement. TPR also emphasizes the importance of establishing psychomotor associations to facilitate language learning. English Vocabulary English for Young Learners English for Young Learners (EYL) describes the language teaching taught to kids in the age range of three to twelve. Since their brains are still developing and they are more open to learning new languages, people in this age range are referred to as young learners. Children who begin to learn a language before the ages of 10-12 are able to acquire the language better than older peers. Vocabulary is a fundamental part of language that is needed by learners in learning English as they need to communicate effectively. Teaching English vocabulary is a crucial component in the overall language learning process. It involves employing various methods and strategies to ensure that learners not only acquire new words but also understand their meanings and usage in context List of Contents Background of the Study Statements of the Problem 1. How is the application of TPR method in classroom? 2. Is TPR method effective in

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