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Transcript: GENDER 2024 FOCAL POINT COURSE GFP & GENAD MILITARY EFFECT OUR ROLES Assess the operation environment and look at how different genders are affect during conflict and crisis Variety of Thoughts Better Plans More Stable Organisation Enhance and build more networks ON OPERATION WORKING AREA UNSCR 1325 GENDER PERSPECTIVE EQUITY DIVERSITY INCLUSION A continually growing research base has now recognized the importance of women’s involvement in peace and security issues to achieving long lasting stability. This acknowledgment stems from the efforts by international organizations, national governments and civil society around the world to establish what we now know as the Women, Peace and Security Agenda through the adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325. The gender perspective focuses particularly on gender-based differences in status and power, and considers how such discrimination shapes the immediate needs, as well as the long-term interests, of women and men. Increased participation of women at all levels of decision-making, including in national, regional, and international institutions; in mechanisms for the prevention, management and resolution of conflict; in peace negotiations; in peace operations, as soldiers, police, and civilians; and as Special Representatives of the U.N. Secretary-General. The protection of women and girls from sexual and gender-based violence, including in emergency and humanitarian situations, such as in refugee camps. The advancement of relief and recovery measures to address international crises through a gendered lens, including by respecting the civilian and humanitarian nature of refugee camps, and taking into account the particular needs of women and girls in the design of refugee camps and settlements. Improving intervention strategies in the prevention of violence against women, including by prosecuting those responsible for violations of international law; strengthening women’s rights under national law; and supporting local women’s peace initiatives and conflict resolution processes. Why is it important to have women peacekeepers? More women in peacekeeping means more effective peacekeeping. Women peacekeepers improve overall peacekeeping performance, have greater access to communities, help in promoting human rights and the protection of civilians, and encourage women to become a meaningful part of peace and political processes. improved operations and performance: Greater diversity and a broadened skillset means improved decision‐making, planning and results, leading to greater operational effectiveness and performance. Better access: Women peacekeepers can better access the population, including women and children - for example, by interviewing and supporting survivors of gender-based violence and violence against children - thereby generating critical information that would otherwise be difficult to reach. Reflecting the communities we serve: Diversity in United Nations peacekeepers allows engagement with all members of the communities we are there to protect. Place your logo here


Transcript: WPS Worker Protection Standard = Pesticide Safety 5 years Any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest or intended for use as a plant growth regulator, defoliant or dessicant What is WPS (Worker Protection Standard)? (reduce risk or hazard) What is a Pesticide? Provide Safety Training Pesticide Safety Poster Access to Label Information Access to Info on specific Pesticide Treatments Herbicide Fungicide Rodenticide Insecticide Miticide (Acaricide) Repellants Molluscicide Plant Growth Regulator Nematicide Insect Growth Regulator YES Information Reduces risk of pesticide poisonings, injuries, and exposure Federal regulation issued by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1992 revised in 2005 Covers pesticides used in production of agricultural plants Covers workers on farms, nurseries, forests and greenhouse operations There are state and national certifications for organic production Broad Categories of Pesticides Do Organic Growers Use Pesticides? Pest = an unwanted organism Cide = to kill Decontamination Supplies Must Be Available Emergency Assistance Must Be Provided Mitigation Handlers must apply pesticides in a safe way Workers must be excluded during treatment with pesticides Workers must be excluded in treated areas until REI is met Early entry workers must be protected Workers must be notified of areas being treated Handlers must be protected during mixing, loading and applying pesticides Protection 3 Components of WPS How long is the WPS training good for? Organic growers must still control pests


Transcript: Powerlifting > WEIGHT CLASS > INTRO In competitive PL, one of the most common competitive formats is “raw” where SQ, BP, and DL compressive suits, shirts or knee wraps are not permitted, only allowing use of knee sleeves, wrist wraps, and a belt. Powerlifting Deadlift: -chief referee’s arm is in the air, down; - The double overhand grip, mixed grip, hook grip; - Conventional deadlift, Romanian deadlift, Sumo deadlift, single leg deadlift, hex bar deadlift, snatch grip deadlift, deficit deadlift; Squat: - Squat, rack; - Back squat, front squat, pulse squat, kettlebell sumo squat; For competition, back squat is acceptable type of squat. Bench press: -Start, press, rack; Powerlifting is a sport of relative and absolute maximal strength that includes 3 events: the squat, the bench press, and the deadlift. Deadlift Biomechanics How to deadlift? The setup phase The deadlift is one of the best exercises you can do to build muscle and strength. Common mistakes > Barbell Position; > Foot Placement; > Grip Variations; > Hand Placement; > rounded back, excessive lower back involvement, and improper hip and leg drive; > Neutral Spine - head, neck, and back aligned; > Hip Hinge - maximizes the recruitment of the posterior chain muscles, including the glutes and hamstrings; > Grip and Hand Placement; > Bar Path; Squat Biomechanics How to squat? No matter your goals, squats should probably be at the core of your training program. Challenges in squat > Barbell Placement - upper traps and posterior deltoids; > Foot Placement - shoulder-width apart, toes angled outward; > Hip and Knee mechanics - proper alignment of the knees is crucial to prevent excessive stress on the joint and maintain stability > Spinal Alignment - head, neck, and back aligned - a spinal flexor moment - exercises like front squats and leg extensions; - a knee flexor moment - hip thrusts and "push the knees out"; - an ankle dorsiflexor moment - calf stretches, ankle circles, and foam rolling the calves Bench press Setup Pausing How to bench press? Forgotten reverse bench grip > The soft pause; > The sinking technique; > scapulae locked in; > arching the back; > proper foot position - get leg drive while not letting your butt come off the bench in the process > reverse grip bench with a wide grip produces roughly 25-30% more upper pec muscle activation than bench with a pronated grip; > biceps muscle activation was roughly twice as high for reverse grip bench than benching with a pronated grip When someone finds out you lift weights – unless they’re a competitive strength athlete – they’re not going to ask what you squat or deadlift. No, they’re going to ask what you bench. Training frequency > RESEARCH Performance bottlenecks, or “weak points” - Bryce Lewis 700 lbs barrier - sumo - grip A small dose of specific training can result in large gains in strength in short time periods, even in well-trained lifters; 13 studies with a total of 328 subjects Comparison of subjects: - who had 1 to 2 training per week, and 3+ training per week; - untrained and trained subjects; - upper vs. lower body muscle strength development; Study results Average Trained and untrained subjects Review study results Upper vs. lower body Lower frequency groups - 14.65% stronger,; Higher frequency groups - 18.04% stronger Low frequency group Low frequency group Upper body - 1.52% stronger per week Untrained group - 2.50% stronger per week Lower body - 1.92% stronger per week Trained group - 1.49% stronger per week High frequency group High frequency group Upper body - 2.16% stronger per week Untrained group - 3.07% stronger per week Lower body - 2.19% stronger per week Trained group - 1.78% stronger per week The only significant difference was between a frequency of once per week (CI=1.05-1.89% per week) and thrice per week (CI=1.99-3.23% per week), but the overall trend seems to suggest that a thrice-per-week frequency is best. Programs > PROGRAMS Smolov Sergey Smolov - Russian 13 weeks long program; - High volume squatting 4x per week; - For athletes at the highest competition, after developmental training years. Most people would have a hard time with it. Bulgarian Ivan Abadjiev - Naim Süleymanoğlu - Stefan Botev - high-frequency training, which involved training each muscle group several times a day, six days a week Sheiko method Boris Sheiko - numerous sets and repetitions; - variations in intensity; - accessory exercises and variations; - no autoregulation; 5/3/1 program Jim Wendler - four-week cycle; - week 1: 3 sets 5 reps (3x5); - week 2: 3x3; - week 3: 1x5, 1x3, 1x1; - week 4: 3x5 deload; - Each week and each set has a percentage to follow Westside’s Conjugate Method Louie Simmons - variations of the squat, deadlift, and bench press; - improving upon the weaker areas, as well as addressing injuries; How to find the best weight class? The best weight class will be the biggest one you can fill out while still being lean. Athlete has to find the minimum level of body fat that

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