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5th Grade Presentation Lesson Plan Template

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5th Grade Lesson Plan

Transcript: Vertical rows are groups and horizontal rows are called periods. First you have alkali metals, the most reactive metals. These are metals with only one electron in their outer shell so they want to combine as quickly as they can with other elements. It will be in orange. Next, we have the alkaline earth metals. These are the second most reactive group of elements in the table. These react with water by bubbling, just like alkali metals. The color for this is yellow Nucleus After that, you have rare earth metals. These are unstable isotopes (have a different number of protons and neutrons) and are very hard to find. This is going to be turquoise. Now you have other metals and metalloids but these are important. For example, carbon is the best at bonding and we need oxygen to live. These elements will be in green. How is this connected to the periodic table? Energy Level 1 Finally there is hydrogen. This atom is the atom that has the sun burning through atomic explosions. It is the only gas on the left side of the periodic table. Next comes the noble gasses. These are atoms that will not bond with other atoms. These will be shown in dark blue. What is an Atom? The Periodic Table Atoms and Elements An atom is the smallest thing in the universe and it makes up everything. To find what type of element an atom is, count the number of protons. In the bottom two rows, there are too many extra elements that fit in period 6 and 7 and group IB, so they stick it in the bottom What is an Element? 8 electrons This is the latest version of what we think an element looks like. It's called the cloud model where there are levels of electrons called energy levels. Energy Level 2 Protons are positive The periodic table IS elements. Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. 2 electrons It is organized by amount of protons, and the reactivity. Now you have transition metals. Transition metals are the most metallic metals that have greater densities than alkali, and alkaline earth metals. The transition metals are alloys and that means they are good for making tools.These will be violet. Electrons are negative and are in a cloud around the nucleus. An element is an atom. Neutrons are neutral

Lesson Plan Template

Transcript: (2.3) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student adds and subtracts whole numbers to solve problems. The student is expected to: The student will be able to: Three Open-Ended Questions Once I have presented the lesson and asked questions. I will have students to work in groups of two and solve 3 additions, 3 subtractions and 3 subtractions to check addition problems. What numbers (place) do we subtract first? What is the “difference”? How frequently can we use addition and subtraction? Materials/Resources Needed I used Subtraction and Addition worksheets from for practice and understanding. TEKS Standard Used I will verify understanding by walking around each student to monitor their performance. When students have completed the activity, I will recover the worksheets to check their work and verify the answers with them. Opening Hook Add and subtract tens. Subtract two-digit numbers with regrouping. Add two-digit numbers. Use subtraction to check addition. Explain how and why their methods of addition and subtraction work. Lesson Plan Template (C) Select addition or subtraction to solve problems using two-digit numbers, whether or not regrouping is necessary; Grouping Patterns Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers 2nd Grade Closure/Ending Summary Carla González To capture student’s attention, I will ask “How many students were absent, if only 18 of 22 are present today “ Then I will introduce how math can help to find some answers and play one by one the videos in order to gave them a general idea of the lesson. Mathematics During the Lesson... Students will get in groups of two for the activity assigned in class. The objective will be to have students working together and helping each other. Activities Independent practice/Assessment Objectives The “Adding two digit numbers” video will be used and the “Two digit subtraction with regrouping”. I will begin by playing the videos “Adding two digit numbers” and “Two digit subtraction with regrouping” to introduce the lesson. Then I will review a couple of previous exercises to refresh their skills by asking them to solve one basic addition and one subtraction. For example, 10 + 2 = 12 and 10 – 2 = 8. To continue I will explain the lesson and encourage students to participate in class also using subtraction and addition worksheets exercises to reinforce their understanding. During the Lesson... To summarize the lesson, I will ask the class for volunteers to solve one addition and one subtraction on the white board. I will be checking their methodologies and the level of understanding.

5th Grade Lesson Plan

Transcript: cubing in 2nd grade Sierra Santiago Chelsea Aguon Elyssa Santos Ronna Jaravata lESSON ACTIVITY Quarter: 1st Quarter Subject: ELA / Science Activity Name: Cubing Intro to Activity Objectives I can statement: Create a cube using the six perspectives Objectives I Can statement VOCAbulary VOCABULARY: Description Analysis Argumentation Cause and Effect Problem and Solution Cubing Intro to Cubing Description - Describe the topics Association - Explain why it makes them think of the associated topic? Comparison - Similarities and Differences Intro to cubing Making Cubes Step 1: Choose a topic Step 2: Exercise the topic from each perspective Step 6: Construct the cube Step 7: Display the Cube Step 3: Draft a paragraph Step 4: Share Drafts Step 5: Revise & Edit paragraphs Analysis - What is it composed of? Application - What can be done with the topic? Argumentation - For or against a topic with support? Present Technique 2 Student Exemplar Topic: Tigers Student Exemplar Description Description Tigers are big and beautiful animals. They are strong and powerful, too. Tigers are the biggest cats in the world. Comparison COMPARISON Tigers are similar to lions, they are in the "panthera group. tigers are different from cheetahs, cheetah's are in the "acinonyx" group. Association Association Tigers can be associated with: Jungles like in Guam Carnivore like a lion Hunter like in my game Cool cat like my pet Sharp teeth like a shark Stripes like my shirt Analysis Who: Tigers What: A big furry animal Where: Savannahs and jungles When: Hunts at night Why: for survival How: by the help of his stripes that camouflage and sharp claws and teeth. Cont. Cubing Perspective Application application Through this nonfiction book, students will understand the balance and connection of food web. They can create a food web model or a tiger habitat diorama. They can also share their learnings to their families and show their cube. } { As apex predators, they keep prey species under control. This protects the vegetation which in turn maintains the integrity of streams, forests and croplands that provide people around the world with clean air, water, food and financial benefits. When we protect tigers, we protect ourselves. Argumentation Argumentation Disadvantages occasionally eat humans or livestock Not easily tamed (agressive) Advantages Tigers help keep ecosystems balanced. Keep vegetation from not dying out. Apex predators (no natural predators as adults) are very important. keep the deer and pig populations in check FInal Product Final product

5th grade science lesson plan

Transcript: 5th grade lesson plan with vocabulary activities Tori Cadora National University b 5-LS2 Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics 5-ESS3 The Earth and Human Activity The Standards The Standards Next Generation Science Standards The Plan The Plan I will show students this video to get them thinking about sharks and their importance in the ecosystem as well as give them an opportunity to hear some of their vocabulary words in context. Introduction Introduction Students will then read the article with a partner, with the vocabulary list and definitions available to them Following the the article reading we will have a class discussion and I will use the vocabulary words to reinforce their meaning with students. Students will then do vocabulary activities to practice the vocabulary and review previous terms. Get them thinking: How much impact do you think humans have on the environment? What might happen if people hunt too many sharks? How could a decline in shark population affect the growth of seagrass? (*Hint: think about what you know about food webs!) The Article The Article Threats To Sharks Threaten Entire Ecosystems Visit the source: Vocabulary Words Vocabulary Words Students will write each vocabulary word with a definition in their own words in a journal to review throughout the year. I will ask them if they remember using the words in the past or if they can relate them to other vocabulary words from prior lessons Vocabulary Activities Vocabulary Activities Students and I will listen for each other to use vocabulary words in context throughout the year- student's who are "caught" will be given points to use toward rewards I will assign each student a different word and ask them to write it in large letters with the definition to create a vocabulary wall. They will read their word out loud and place it on the wall. Students will be given game time to divide into groups and act out the words like charades or put a word on their forehead and have other students give them clues to help them guess their word. Half of the time will be spent on new vocabulary and the other half they can use any words in their vocabulary journals. WRITE DRAW USE ACT The Why The Why Rational behind my lesson and activities My introductory questions help students know what to look for as they are reading the article and watching the video. I think getting to watch a video helps students engage in a format they enjoy and it gets them thinking about the topic. Some content related vocabulary becomes more familiar before it is presented in readings. Introduction Introduction The Article The Article I selected this article because I feel it was written at a level that is detailed enough to challenge 5th grade students, but not above their comprehension level. I think many students find sharks interesting and this article would work well within a unit on ecosystems and biodiversity as well as discussing how humans can impact the earth. I feel a lot of the vocabulary used in this article will be used in many articles and presentations so it creates an opportunity to review and use repetition with these words in context instead of just vocab lists and recitation of definitions. Vocabulary Words Vocabulary Words The vocabulary I selected in this article, I felt was crutial to students understanding the main ideas. I think the words I selected will be seen in high frequency in the life science content area, and many of the other words (Tier 2) will be seen across many content areas. Many 5th grade students may have a fairly good grasp of many of these words, but I think all of the words are worthy of review and clarification and some even have slighly different meaning in this context than possiby how a student would be familiar with them. Students will write each vocabulary word with a definition in their own words in a journal to review throughout the year. Students who are more visual can add images or draw pictures. I will ask them if they remember using the words in the past or if they can relate them to other vocabulary words from prior lessons Vocabulary Activities Vocabulary Activities Students and I will listen for each other to use vocabulary words in context throughout the year- student's who are "caught" will be given points to use toward rewards I will assign each student a different word and ask them to write it in large letters with the definition to create a vocabulary wall. They will read their word out loud and place it on the wall. Students will be given game time to divide into groups and act out the words like charades or put a word on their forehead and have other students give them clues to help them guess their word. Half of the time will be spent on new vocabulary and the other half they can use any words in their vocabulary journals. WRITE DRAW USE ACT Keeping a vocabulary journal gives students easy access to their own words and

5th Grade Mummy Lesson Plan

Transcript: Time to unwrap ourselves with Egyptian mummies Once all the organs were removed, salt was put inside of the open body for 40 days of the 70 day mummification process to dry the body out. The bodies were then washed with palm wine to help preserve the skin The head was the first thing that was wrapped up The heart was pickled and put back into the body. Let's take a look at the mummification process *Took 70 days The organs such as the: liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines were stored in canopic jars. The Process Each of the four jars represented one of the sons of the God Horus Mummy Science Experiment * A total of 3850 sq ft of linen was used to wrap one body Once the body was wrapped up, a red shroud was then put over the head. A portrait of the person was then painted on the shroud. Standard 1: Nature and Application of Science and Technology Once everything was removed, it was time to begin to store the organs. As we go through this tutorial, write down three things that you did not already know What do we want to know about mummies? What do we want to learn about mummies? GEOGRAPHY STANDARD TWO: Students will develop a knowledge of the ways humans modify and respond to the natural environment [ENVIRONMENT]. *Multiple embalmers took place in the mummification process Duamutef * Held the stomach KWL CHART The embalmers would completely clean the body and then take it to the wabet (A wabet is the place were the emblaing would take place.) Once all the organs were stored away and the body was ready, the embalmers began to wrap the body up The skin would resemble leather Each day you will take a look at your apple and you will record any changes that take place in your science journal. Delaware Content Standards for a 5th grade classroom: * Each layer of the linens was sealed with resins * At the end of the lesson the children will be able to create a short paper using their science journal notes with 85% accuracy. * At middle of the lesson the children will follow a tutorial and write down three things that they did not know with 100% accuracy. * At the end of the lesson the children will be able to describe two of the steps that take place during mummification with 95% accuracy. Overall Objectives: * Gain factual knowledge * Learn fundamental principles * Analyze and understand historical information on Egyptian mummies History Standard Two 4-5b: Students will examine historical materials relating to a particular region, society, or theme; chronologically arrange them, and analyze change over time. A procession then began to take place. Each tomb was individualized to each person. The tomb was filled with thing that the person would need in their after-life. Resources: 1. To what extent does one thing always lead to another? Taken from: The Journey Beyond *Shroud: a length of cloth 3. How have past scientific contributions influenced current scientific understanding of the world? How were mummies made? Once the 40 day time period was reached the skin would be shriveled up After the body was stuffed, it was then covered with resin and paint. The spirit of the person can now travel to the underworld to face judgement before Osiris. 2. How should historical sources be used to look for change? ** What kind of materials do you think that we will need? Egyptian Mummies What do we know about mummies? Time to empty out At the end of the week you will use your science journal notes to write a short paper, that will answer a question that I provide. Storing the organs A priest would then come in and make a long cut along the left side of the body Red ochre paint was used for the men *Needs to be at least 6 sentences Did you know? That it was not until the era of the New Kingdom: * That gold was used to cover the tombs * Jewelry would be added * Teeth would be reattached * Name tags would be placed on the mummy Materials: 1 Apple 1 Popsicle stick 1 Plastic bag 1/4 cup of salt 1/2 cup of sodium carbonate (powdered bleach) 1/2 cup bicarbonate of soda 1. Mix the salt, sodium carbonate, and bicarbonate of soda into the plastic bag. 2. Cut a face into your apple using the popsicle stick. Do this by pushing the stick into the front of the apple to make eyes, a nose, and a mouth (be creative). 3. When finished with the face, push the popsicle stick into the top of the apple so it makes a handle. 4. Place the apple into the bag with the mixture and ensure that it's covered by the mixture 5. Leave the bag open in a warm dry place and watch what happens to the apple! Time to get plumped up Taken from: Ready to Go! Final Step Objectives: The last and final step was when a priest dressed up as Annubis. The priest opens the mummies mouth so that it awakens all the senses

Lesson Plan 5th Grade Math

Transcript: (0,0) X Coordinate - The horizontal value in a pair of coordinates, how far along the point is. Always written first in a pair of coordinates (x,y), such as (12,5). 12 is the x-coordinate. negative - On x-axis, y=0 Coordinate System or Cartesian Coordinates (1,1) Y-AXIS (-3,4) The axis of the earth is an imaginary line drawn through the north and south pole X-AXIS (1,1),(-3,4),(-2,-4),(5,-2) X is a cross, so X is across Y Coordinate - The vertical value in a pair of coordinates. How far up or down the point is. Always written second in a pair of coordinates (x,y), such as (12,5). 5 is the y-coordinate. negative - (5,-2) (100,40)? (-60,-20)? (0,0)? (100,-80)? (-100,40)? positive + Reference: (-2,-4) Reference: Coordinate System or Cartesian Coordinates http://www.mathsisfun PLOT THE FOLLOWING POINTS positive + Where are you at when you are at the following coordinates? Real Life Example: Content: Mathematics Grade Level: 5th Standard Specifics: Use a pair of perpendicular number lines, called axes, to define a coordinate system, with the intersection of the lines (the origin) arranged to coincide with the 0 on each line and a given point in the plane located by using an ordered pair of numbers, called its coordinates. Understand that the first number indicates how far to travel from the origin in the direction of the second axis, with the convention that the names of the two axes and the coordinates correspond (e.g. x-axis and x-coordinate, y-axis and y-coordinate). On y-axis, x=0 POINT OF ORIGIN

5th Grade Photosynthesis Lesson Plan

Transcript: Products of Photosynthesis Products of Cellular Respiration The Cycle of Life A Chloroplast is an organelle found in plants where photosynthesis occurs. Water Raw Materials needed for Cellular Respiration: Interesting Fact: Photosynthesis Video Cellular Respiration is the process by which plants and animals use oxygen to release energy from food. What is the chemical formula for glucose? Chemical Formula for Oxygen: What is Cellular Respiration??? Video... Question 2 Question 1: O2 Sunlight Energy Question 1 Photosynthesis Song What is Photosynthesis??? Glucose is a sugar and is one of the main products of photosynthesis starting cellular respiration. It is also used as a energy source in most organisms. 6CO2 + 6H2O + Light Energy ----> C6H12O6 + 6O2 Carbon Dioxide's formula: Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration 3.3.14 5th Grade Life Science Carbon Dioxide + Water + Light Energy ---> Glucose + Oxygen CO2 Photosynthesis is the process by which plants turn water and carbon dioxide into food in the presence of sunlight. Photosynthesis happens in the chloroplasts of plant cells in leaves. Sugar What is the food produced by photosynthesis? What is the chemical formula for carbon dioxide What is the chemical formula for water? Chemical Formula for Photosynthesis Glucose chemical formula: The Mitochondria are known as the powerhouses of the cell. They act as the digestive system that takes in nutrients, breaks them down and creates energy, the process of creating cell energy is known as cellular respiration Carbon Dioxide How do plants capture sunlight??? Water's chemical formula: Question 2: Mitochondria Cellular Respiration Video C6 H12 O6 What is the chemical formula for oxygen? Question 3 Raw Materials needed for Photosynthesis: The food a plant makes is a sugar called glucose! Oxygen Plants absorb light with the help of chlorophyll of plant cells. The chlorophyll is green in color and absorbs blue & red light, incapable of absorbing green light. This is why our eyes see green. H20 Glucose

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