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Dental Case Presentation Template

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Transcript: DENTAL CHART REFERRAL LETTER Molars cannot be accessed because #19 & #30 are missing. Right and Left Canine: Class III Edge to Edge: 8 & 9 Open Bite: 1-7 & 10-16 Midline Shift: 1mm to the RIGHT Quadrant One- (02/6/2014) BP 130/85 R 20 P 66 Temp 97.5 Oraquix was discussed with patient and patient consented. Ms. MC wanted to try another route of anesthesia besides "with a needle". Oraquix was applied to quadrant one; above the gumline (both buccal and lingual) and then inside the sulcus. Prophylaxis began with cavitron and patient experienced tooth sensitivity on #3. After patient expressed her complaint, I handscaled the fine residual calculus after exploring. Quadrant one had generalized moderate subgingival calculus and light to moderate supragingival calculus with moderate bleeding. The patient took frequent breaks due to lower back pain. Quadrant Four- (03/04/2014) BP 122/78 R 16 P 66 Temp 98.2 Local (1 carpule of 2% lidocaine with epinepherine) was administered. Prophylaxis began with cavitron and was followed up by fine scaling with hand instruments. Patient had to be readjusted in chair several times with the addition of a pillow due to lowerback pain. Moderate generalized subgingival and moderate interproximal supragingival calculus (localized to anteriors) was removed with light to moderate bleeding. The patient tolerated the procedure with high sensitivity between 31 and 32 due to large carious lesion. Mesial Drift: #17 & #31 #14 super erupted Lamina Dura fuzziness between #29-#31 & #17-#20 30 DAY RE-EVALUATION "Numerous studies have reported positive associations between periodontal infections and clinical cardiovascular disease. Among these studies, a pattern has emerged in which findings are markedly stronger for stroke as compared to coronary outcomes. One possible explanation for these trends is that periodontal infections might contribute to clinical CVD through risk factors that are more strongly linked to stroke than to coronary pathophysiology. While both hypertension and abnormal cholesterol profiles are established risk factors for stroke and coronary heart disease, it is generally accepted that hypertension is a stronger risk factor for stroke while cholesterol profiles are more strongly linked to CHD. Therefore, if periodontal infections contribute to the development of hypertension but have little or no influence on lipid metabolism and cholesterol levels, one would expect periodontal infections to be more strongly associated with stroke, as compared to CHD. There is currently a need for more research on periodontal infections and hypertension to inform this hypothesis, although it is noteworthy..." INITIAL TREATMENT PLAN Host Factors PROCEDURES Dental Experiences & Symptoms COMPARISON Local Etiologic Factors Occlusion DENTAL HYGIENE CASE STUDY PRESENTATION PERIODONTAL SUMMARY Ms. MC never consumes alcohol or uses tobacco products. She uses: Breath Mints (2x daily) Chewing Gum (2x daily) Canned/Bottled Liquids (daily) Sugared Liquids (2x daily) Quadrant Three- (02/18/2014) BP 128/86 R 18 P 68 Temp 97.8 Local for quardrant three was set up but it was too late into the clinic time for this to be administered. The situation was discussed with patient and the patient consented to moving forward with quardrant three with only Oraquix. One carpule of Oraquix was applied to quadrant three; above the gumline (both buccal and lingual) and then inside the sulcus. Prophylaxis began and patient tolerated handscaling only in this quadrant with generalized moderate supragingival and subgingival calculus with moderate bleeding. The patient adjusted several times in the chair and took small breaks due to lowerback discomfort. DENTAL HISTORY Restorations present: 3, 14, & 15 Decay present: 1, 15, 17, 31, & 32 Extracted: 18, 19, & 30 Lingually displaced: 7 & 10 Mesial Drift: : 18 & 31 Super Erupted: 14 Mesially Rotated: 29 Ms. MC documented that her dental home care routine consists of a medium bristled toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste, and mouth rinse with fluoride. She estimates that she brushes for 3 to 5 minutes twice daily. She never flosses. She states that her busy schedule as a phlemotomist makes it difficult for her to brush as many times throughout the day as the would like. Overview Medical History Review Vital Signs Extra/Intraoral Exam Restorative/Hard Tissue Charting Complete Periodontal Evaluation Xrays Scaling & Root Planing (DOD III) Ultrasonic/Caviron Anesthesia: Oraquix (Quad 1) & Local (Quad 2, & 4) OHI: BASS method toothbrushing ASSESSMENT OF ETIOLOGIC FACTORS ...continued Oral Habits Bacterial Etiology BEFORE PROPHYLAXIS Extent of Plaque: Ms. MC has moderate generalized plaque intra-orally. Current homecare practices: She documents her dental home care routine of a medium bristled powered toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste, and mouth rinse with fluoride. She estimates that she brushes for 3 to 5 minutes twice daily. She never flosses. She states that her busy schedule as a

Dental Case

Transcript: Dental Case No. 54337: Zaldana, Mirna Lizbeth, RDA Case no. 54337: Zaldana, Mirna Lizbeth, RDA *On December 11, 1999 the Dental Board of California issued Registered Dental Assistant License No. 54337 to Mirna Lizbeth Zaldan. *Mirna was convicted of violating vehicle code section 23152, driving under the influence of alcohol not only once but multiple times. *The RDA License was in full force and effect at all times relevant to the charges brought. ???? Fifth and sixth Cause for Discipline *Mirna was Convicted of five separate misdemeanor alcohol-related criminal offenses. *Mirna was caught driving on a suspended license *She was caught shop lifting at a Mission Viejo Macy's department store, totaling $281.49. *On May 12, 2011, the Board received Mirnas RDA/EF Renewal Application, and she failed to tell the truth when item 4 of the application stated if she had been convicted of any crime in any state since she last renewed her license. Mirna checked No By: Vickie Reyes *Did Mirna get a fair punishment for all of her misdemeanors? *What would have been a fair punishment? PARTIES *Richard DeCuir, Executive Officer of the Dental Board of California *Karen M. Fischer, Executive Officer of the Dental Board of California *Kamala D. Harris, Attorney General of the State of California * Amanda Dodds, Senior Analyst First and Second Cause For Discipline *Driving under the influence with a Blood Alcohol Concentration over .08, a misdemeanor, not only once but several times. *As a result of her first conviction, on June 6, 2008, Mirna was granted 36 months summary probation, and ordered to complete a three month First Offender Alcohol Program. she was ordered to pay $1,546.38 in fees, fines and restitution. her probation was revoked twice for failing to comply with its terms. *As a result of her second conviction, on December 2, 2011, Mirna was granted five years formal probation, and ordered to serve 60 days in the Orange County Jail. she was ordered to complete an 18 month Multiple Offender Alcohol Program. Third and Fourth Cause For Discipline *Respondent has subjected her license to disciplinary action, for unprofessional conduct in that on March 7, 2008, September 24, 2010 and May 7, 2011 *Used alcohol and was impaired in a manner that was dangerous or injurious to herself and the public. Decision And Order *Mirna plead guilty for all of her misdemeanors and surrendered her license. *The Dental Board of California accepted the surrender of Mirnas RDA license. *Also, the Board decided that Mirna will have to pay $1,002.50 to the agency of investigation and enforcement for the costs of investigation. *She cannot apply for licensure or petition for reinstatement for three years from the effective date of the Dental Board of California’s Decision and Order which was on January 10, 2014.

Dental Hygiene Case Presentation

Transcript: DH: many restorations Major learning moment: get a completion check! Success: Completed patient HH: High BP, allergies (seasonal, processed meats), melanoma (right leg, removed 1994) Occlusion: class I bilateral, with a class II tendency from a canine relation. 4mm overjet, with a moderate overbite Subjective/Objective Implementation Treatment Planning IO/EO: WNL, bilateral linea alba, bilateral mandibular tori, exostosis near #20 and #21 Analysis Difficulties: Instrumenting while patient slept Patient was eager to learn about homecare, involved in her treatment and seemed very compliant. Dental Hygiene Case Presentation I learned to value the relationship and trust that is built between a patient and clinician. Through treatment, I was able to show my patient the improving indice scores, and it turn I think she began to trust me more. Appointment 2: HH, vitals, IO/EO, velscope, complete perio maintenance quads 3 and 4, and begin on quads 1 and 2, OHI flossing with recommended floss. Moderate caries risk Difficulties: Patient built calculus quickly Contributing factors: plaque biofilm, existing restorations, medications, and xerostomia. Therapy outcomes: prevent further bone loss, improve plaque biofilm scores, home care, and xerostomia, and reduce the plaque biofilm build up. Constraints: medications and compliance. Process: started on quads 3 and 4 due to heavy supra calculus build up. When patient returned at next appointment, it was all back. Patient Appointment 1: HH, vitals, IO/EO, assessment, nutritional counseling, perio maintenance on quads 3 and 4, OHI brushing. Recommend: Bass method 3 Mos. Perio maintenance interval Modifications: Due to not completing quads 3 and 4 at appointment 1, another appointment was needed. Biotene for patient's xerostomia was also added in. CC: 3 mos. perio maintenance recare Implementation 73.9% Plaque Indice I always tend to look at small details when treating a patient, and through this I was allowed to see how all of the pieces fit together. Gingival Health: Periodontitis Subjective/Objective Vitals: 4/16/14; BP 144/78, P 60, R 18 5/6/14; BP 130/70, P 58, R 16 5/13/14; BP 124/82, P 76, R 18 5/21/14; BP 126/76, P 64, R 16 Success: O'herir for supra calculus removal Med Alert: Allergic to some BP medications ASA:II Plaque indice scores started as 73.9% on 5/6/14, then 68.75% on 5/13/14, finally 56% on 5/21/14. PN: Retired DH Diagnosis: AAP Perio Case Type II, generalized moderate, localized severe in her molars. Self Assessment Appointment 3: HH, vitals, IO/EO, complete perio maintenance quads three and four, coronal polish, and fluoride. OHI with recommended ACT rinse. Subjective/Objective Instrumentation Many restorations 85 year old female 24 teeth present Evaluation

Dental Case Presentation

Transcript: Case History Medical History case presentation IntraOral Examination there is No medical Condition patient info and Evaluation chief complaint Dagnosis Treatment plan Procedure performed result Acute Phase Chief Complaint Control Phase 1- Caries removal of active lesion of upper central and ltaeral incisors and restore esthetics ( class V , III composite restorations . Problem List Treatment Plan The patient came with pain and sensetivity with cold and he was upset from color of his anterior teeth Dental History 1- caries removal related to upper right 6 2-subgingival scaling and prescribition of clorohexidine mouth wash for 2 week to treat gingivitis 3- eliminate risk factor as bad diet habits 4- improve oral hygine 4. 2. Control Phase Acute Phase Definitive Phase Manitainance phase 1- calculus and stains 2- Class III caries related to upper right lateral and central 3- class III and class v caries related to upper left central and class III lateral incisor 4-class I upper right first molar 5-unerupted upper Right cannine and partially erupted first premolar 6- Class III Malocclusion 3. 1. Definitive Phase Extra Oral Examination The patient had class 1 composite Restoration 1- Orthodontic treament 2- gingival depigmentation Diagnosis Of Chief Complaint Carious Lesions Related to upper right lateral and central incisors and upper left central and lateral incisors Case Presentation By : Passant Mahmoud Abd Elazim Under supervision Of Prof Dr. Iman El sayyad Maintainance phase 1-Follow up every 3 month 2-Educate patient about healthy oral condition Topic Topic

Dental Presentation

Transcript: First 3 years of College build resume by doing service, leadership, Shadowing, work experience etc. April-June Study for DAT Submit AADSAS application June ~15 June/July Fill out secondary Applications wait wait wait Interview in Feburary Accepted in March COST TO APPLY Dat Study Materials $500 -old text books from gen chem and ochem, dat destoyer, kaplan text book, etc. Application cost $1,598 Secondary App. $600 Interviews $1,770 Two interviews Total: $5,068 Items to pay for upon acceptance Tuition Deposit $2,450 Moving $2,200 Utility Deposits $120 New ID $20 renters policy Varies school fees.... Varies Housing Deposit $650 Total: $5,555 Total Cost To date:$10,623 Pros: Small Class Size. 38 Students Six International Enter clinic early-Second semester of school Patient base grows each year Simulation of actual dental office High student to faculty ratio Mid-range tuition cost: $57,100 Boards Free babies Each child receives a check each month from the government Don't have to apply through AADSAS Tuition includes all fees ADVICE Cry Pray to your Deity Offer sacrafices Major selection isn't as important as good grades. Submit application early Even if you have not taken the DAT Build a good application not just good DAT score and GPA There's no perfect formula to get you in Work experience, shadow opportunities Good letters of Recommendation Save your money now! Questions? My stats DAT Score First time I got 16 Second time 17 PAT 19 Total Science 18 Overall GPA 3.25 However Last 2 years I had 3.6-4.0 GPA Biology Major I've taken almost every -ology offered on campus. So lots of Science course work. Spencer Knight I've always been a saver. Use Credit card to pay for it, then I could pay more than the minimum balance and avoid a finance change. Allowing me to spread the cost out over two months, instead of one. Utah State University Go into dentistry because you love the field, not because of the money you hope to make one day! Average Utah dentist makes about $120k a year. Average pharmacist makes more than that! How did I handle the cost? Beacon of Hope Timeline My Journey Canada EH? MY SCHOOL My Fake it until you make it! Cons: International student Cost of living Cell phone Car insurance Distance DalHousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Dental Case Presentation

Transcript: Write a bold statement here Introduce your first point Put something fun or important here Expand on the bold statement above. Provide statistics, go into detail, or more — whatever works best for your presentation. Remember to break up your words so your audience can follow. This is the first information your audience sees. Provide context and make it easy for them to follow. Keep your words short and punchy so your audience stays focused. You can add imagery and frames to keep their attention where you want it. Remember to break up your words so your audience can follow. Adapt the template to fit your needs. Put something fun or important here Use this space for details that you haven’t talked about yet. Relate what you’re saying to the nearby image so your audience has a visual, too. Use this space for details that you haven’t talked about yet. Relate what you’re saying to the nearby image so your audience has a visual, too. Follow up with another point Make this anything Wrap up your presentation quickly Keep your words short and punchy so your audience stays focused. You can add imagery and frames to keep their attention where you want it. Dive deep into your first point or make a new one Limit your words so your audience stays focused Use visuals to help Keep it quick Use this space for details that you haven’t talked about yet. Relate what you’re saying to the nearby image so your audience has a visual, too. Expand on the bold statement above. Provide statistics, go into detail, or more — whatever works best for your presentation. Remember to break up your words so your audience can follow. My presentation You can put a subtitle here

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