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Certificate Template Presentation

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Professional Certificate Presentation

Transcript: 4,090 students ► 7 Schools: -1 Regular High School (10th—12th) -1 Alternative High School (9th –12th) -1 Jr. High School (8th/9th) -1 Middle School (6th/7th) -3 Elementary schools (Pre—5th) Have you been bullied this school year? OLYMPIC MIDDLE SCHOOL ABOUT ME Collaborated with administration, my co-counselor, two teachers from each grade level and the PTSO to help identify what areas of growth I should focus on. As I explained that I wanted the areas of growth I chose to address the needs of our school as it pertains to school climate – these two emerged. STANDARD 5.A: School Counseling Program - Certified school counselors develop, lead, and evaluate a data-driven school counseling program that is comprehensive, utilizes best practices, and advances the mission of the school. Area 1: Develop the foundational pieces of a comprehensive program using the ASCA model as a framework. Area 2: Better utilize technology and data needs to be improved upon in order to build a program that is accountable, measures outcomes and shows its effectiveness. Micro Approach Family CYBERBULLYING and SCHOOL CLIMATE SCHOOL DISTRICT Needs Assessment Family 71% free and reduced lunch (2012-2013) Extreme poverty Counselor’s role responsive in nature Time spent with students and families – referring them to resources. 370 student qualified as “homeless” (2012-2013) Helping meet basic needs DEMPGRAPHIC PGP GOALS INTERVENTION Macro VS. Micro My Role – Demographics Stakeholder Collaboration About Me MY ROLE Administered School Climate Survey in Winter One of the most compelling statistics were in relation to the bullying questions. About Me Professional Certificate: Panel Presentation CYBERBULLING IMPACTS SCHOOL CLIMATE Administered another survey that focused on Bullying. We wanted to know. What type of bullying was occurring? Were students witnessing other students being bullied? How were they bullied? Do their parents monitor the amount of time they spend communicating electronically? Which electronics do they use? Do their parents know their passwords? How often do their parents monitor their social media? PGP Goals Olympic Middle School 62% indicated being cyber-bullied. 51% said they had seen or heard of someone else being cyber-bullied 59% of students said their parents don’t monitor the amount of time they spend communicating electronically. 70% of students are using facebook 71% of students use a cell phone 65% of students said their parents do not know their passwords 50% of students said their parents NEVER monitor their social media Macro VS. Micro .6 FTE - 3 days per week 580 Students 71% free and reduced 6th and 7th grade 16% receive special Ed Two Middle-Level Buildings Last year 23 504 plans DL Program (Spanish) Ethnicity (Approx.) Hispanic 15% White 72% - American Indian 9% Asian 3% Black 1% copy and paste as needed and take advantage of an infinite canvas! Macro VS. Micro Presented by Casey Wilson Findings – Cyber Bullying Emerged SHELTON A place to start….

Certificate Presentation

Transcript: Leadership skills and role models The Living Learning Community 4. Collaborate & Create Cybersecurity, personalized medicine, A.I. 3. Beyond the Classroom Certificate The GLI Student Group Poverty, human trafficking, access to education Growth in Leadership Migration, cultural identity, political gridlock Networking opportunities with leaders from various fields Studying how to generate and implement geothermal energy at the University of Iceland A seminar on different approaches to leadership GLI benefits for your future A small, interdisciplinary seminar A multidisciplinary perspective on global issues Community Giving back together Understanding global challenges at the local level, researching the human impact on the lands and waterways of Montana What will your experience be? Food security, clean water, energy use Where the community connects online Providing social events for and meaningful dialogue about the GLI 1. Explore Global Challenges The GLI Facebook Group The Capstone Experience Shared spaces and shared experiences GLI Service Days Chronic disease, mental health, children's health The challenges that you will confront at graduation are increasingly global and multifaceted in nature. The Global Century A service-learning project to feed children in Chacraseca, Nicaragua through sustainable agricultural practices GLI benefits as a college student... Opportunities to determine and practice your personal leadership style Exploring Global Challenges You will be the leaders and entrepreneurs who will shape the innovation and progress of the future. To do so, you will need: Global Leadership Thank you for coming! GLI Global Themes A full-day retreat with your peers Providing HIV/AIDS prevention education to communities in Cape Town through the Treatment Action Campaign A 12-credit Certificate in Global Leadership All statistics from the American Association of Universities and Colleges Beyond the Classroom 2. Growth in Leadership The Certificate in Global Leadership gives you the chance to work across disciplines to address global challenges and provides opportunities for out-of-classroom learning. Facilitated discussions on global challenges A foundational course on GLI's global themes Franke GLI will be hosting office hours tomorrow from 10am-3pm in Gilkey 007 and 008. Connect with the GLI Personal advising on your individual path Leah Payne A small discussion-based class as a freshman Technology and Society A faculty mentor assigned to each team 2. Funding toward an out-of-classroom experience The chance to address a real-world problem 3. The ability to collaborate across disciplines Significant leadership experiences Natural Resources and Sustainability Varied perspectives on global challenges Rachael Schmocker A tangible project on your resume 84% of employers expect students to complete a significant project The ability to collaborate across disciplines 90% of employers expect their employees to coordinate across departments Cody Dems A network of globally engaged peers and faculty members Raphael Hagen Hands-on experience Social Inequality and Human Rights An incredible resume-building opportunity 4. Hands-on, real-world experiences 81% of employers expect students to complete an internship or community-based field project to connect classroom learning with real-world experiences Studying how geothermal energy is harnessed and utilized in Iceland Raphael Hagen Options include: -An Internship -Service Learning -Education Abroad -Undergraduate Research The chance to learn from leaders in various fields Culture and Politics The experience will be tied to your chosen Global Challenge All GLI Fellows who meet the defined criteria will receive funding for this experience Small, interdisciplinary teams 1. A mentor guided opportunity to collaborate with peers Public and Global Health At least 3 upper-division credits of experiential learning

Certificate Presentation

Transcript: Take advantage of this new and unique opportunity! Apply today at: The School of Applied Health Sciences and Wellness 1234 Grover 740.593.1234 What? Diabetes Certificate Program Who? All undergraduate students When? Fall semester of 2012 Diabetes: From Bench to Bedside (NUTR 4320, 3 semester hrs): Certificate in Diabetes is earned upon completion of 3 online courses plus additional electives The coursework will encompass both the physiology of diabetes as well as clinically relevant issues surrounding diabetes including medical treatment, self management, and prevention Take advantage of this new and unique opportunity! This Certificate Will Give Students an Opportunity to: Gain a better understanding of diabetes and its disease process Learn how diabetes is treated and managed Participate in research  Experience clinical management  Become involved in diabetes service learning Make connections in the healthcare field Stand out from other professionals  Reach beyond the classroom to learn Why? Earn a Certificate in Diabetes Challenge yourself to reach beyond the classroom and broaden your career goals. Be unique. Trends in Diabetes (NUTR 4960, 2 semester hrs): A comprehensive course offering an exploration of the underlying genetics and physiology of diabetes and clinically relevant issues surround- ing diabetes from medical, self management, and prevention perspectives. Independent Study in Diabetes (NUTR 4932, 3-8 semester hrs): How? Apply today at: A capstone course offering re- search, clinical or service learning experience related to diabetes. Be UNIQUE. A clinical preceptorship as well as a weekly seminar discussing the latest trends in diabetes clinical care, novel discoveries in diabetes research, and experiences gained on preceptor

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