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Phd Candidate Presentation Template

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Candidate Presentation

Transcript: Next President of the United States - James Anthony Franklin Candidate Candidate James Franklin running for president who will be representing the Equal Parties Campaign is an exemplary example of the following: Young: The candidate is young, so he can respond to views of youth too and not just the adults. Cool: The candidate is cool and has a laid back personality that everyone likes to be around. Educated: The candidate is educated, so he can do good for our country by making the smart/right decisions. Political Party Political Party The Equal Powers: This political party is all about everything being equal, whether it be something as small as which requirements are needed to get a business license or something as big as the drinking age. The Equal Powers is here to represent the people and maintain the freedoms, so a healthy relationship is intact and not a rebellious one. The Equal Parties will resolve problems that our country is struggling with in the time span of our candidate James A. Franklin's term. We hope to Resolutions Issues Issues 1. Crime & Justice - The Equal Powers party and Mr. Franklin view that the crime rate should be lowered and justice should be served to those who do make the wrong choices. 2. Economy & Taxes - Our candidate views that taxes are a necessity, but they are also too high for those who can't afford them, so the wealthy should pay more than middle-class people. 3. Healthcare - He believe that this is a huge problem in the U.S. because of many people not having any healthcare we will provide it for them at a discount rate depending on level of wealth, some might get it for free. 4. Labor - The Equal Powers along with Mr. Franklin believes that the job rate should be lowered for the youth. We believe the age should be 14 years of age to get good paying jobs of at least minimum wage, this will guide the youth to become strong leaders and individuals, so they will be ready for the outside world when they become older. 5. Education - Our candidate believes that the youth should have the best future and that starts with the education system. We believe that students shouldn't be able to drop out, get at least a high school diploma. We believe the school day should be shortened for high schoolers and made longer for younger kids because they are at the peak of their learning career and should learn as much as they can. OTher Issues

Candidate Presentation

Transcript: Use branding & communication to create a campus presence. Find colleges & departments interested in using technology to organically improve methods & practices. To work with technology that enhances education & advances student achievement. Assemble faculty cohorts for collaborative professional development within colleges or departments. Instructional Technology Consultant To leverage technology to connect to the world-at-large. Assemble an advisory team to set the plan's direction. Ann Patricia Steckel candidate for Director of Education Design & Curricular Innovation Collaborated with CSU, Chancellor's Office to create the design, development & delivery of the Proven Course eAcademy at CSU, Chico Base practices per recommendations of groups such as National Center for Academic Transformation. Conduct a needs assessment to determine the current skills & abilities of the faculty, their issues, concerns and vision of what comprises a tech-literate faculty body. Create communication between the learning management team ( Moodle) & instructional designers. Creating a Professional Development Program Curriculum Coordinator, Faculty Mentor, Coach, & Advisor To receive support for learning new technologies & recognition for successful implementation. Fact Finding & Building Support Consult the university's strategic plan. Expert-level advisor to faculty for learning management systems, mobile devices & web 2.0 applications Fully-online courses & programs to provide additional revenue for the campus, beyond what the brick & mortar facilities can provide. Students to access high-demand & over-enrolled courses via fully online or hybrid distance learning. Over 2,000 faculty consultations for course redesigns Students expect ... Faculty expect ... Supervised the design, development, & delivery of CSU, Chico's university-wide Academy e-Learning * 100+ faculty served in 5 cohorts * Created & managed large-scale college-level course redesign institutes NJ Association of Educational Technology State Technologist of the Year Determine administrative support, commitment & goals. Determine a budget based on facts & needs. Creating Mindful Change Virtual world curriculum designer, builder & international mentor Professional Development Designer Their education will prepare them with technical skills needed to compete for jobs. Connect with and listen to stakeholders to identify the gap between where the university is currently & where it ideally wants to be. Technology workshop designer, developer, & presenter Build a team of instructional designers who understand how teachers work and how 21st Century students learn. CSU, Chico & CSU Chancellor's Office California State University, Chico Secondary Mathematics & English Teacher with over 25 years of experience Small-Scale Implementation Technology to promote the university's name & reputation beyond the traditional campus. To work any time and anywhere in a way that promotes just-in-time learning. Find the "low-hanging fruit" & start there. Hold college-level or department events that directly correspond to the goals & approach of the cohort. Technology's Role in Higher Education Monitor student achievement via research-based evaluation. New Jersey The University & State expect ... Schedule practical "make & take" workshops. Technologies that assist with workflow, reduce workload, & are easy to learn and implement. To learn technologies that don't waste time & quickly become obsolete. Upon graduation, to enter the workforce as highly-trained individuals with the most current tech skills. Mindfully build a professional development plan based on those results. Establish IT capabilities for support, service, and products. NJAET & NJ Department of Ed Technology Advisory Board Member Look for partnership opportunities for funding, state monies & research. A Brief Biography To utilize tools such as iPads, smart phones, e-texts, mobile apps, and learning management systems to facilitate their learning. Educator Technology Coordinator State Technology Leader Assess availability & quality of equipment & learning spaces. Share cohort successes by recording presentations for flexible viewing by others seeking change. Teamwork & Collaboration

PhD Interview Presentation Template

Transcript: Why I Have Applied for a PhD Program Project 2 Overview Diving into [Project Name], I delved into [brief description of the research questions]. The methods utilized, such as [mention specific methods], led to [highlight significant outcomes]. This project enhanced my expertise in [mention relevant skills or knowledge areas]. Mostafa Gharbawi Dissertation project: Synchronisation of Heterogeneous Oscillators in Power Networks Introduction: Unveiling My Academic Journey With a background in [mention field], I am deeply passionate about [add specific research interests]. Through my academic journey, I have honed my skills in [mention relevant skills] and aim to make impactful contributions to the field of [mention field]. A Stable Power Network: Aim: Online integration of renewables into the grid, Eliminating environmental impacts. Challenges: Operational and inertial dissimilarity, system instability, Asynchronisation and frequency disturbance, Uncertainty in availability of natural resources. Prepared for the Next Chapter Personal Background: Studied Engineering Mathematics, Skillful in data modeling, Worked on numerous group projects, Helped my employer to increase revenue, Highly receptive, enthusiastic, and discipline. Envisioned Power Network: Project 1 Overview Solutions: Conventional power network model, Kuramoto model. Results: Synchronisation and stability equivalence, Quantifying network connectivity, Synchronous parametric conditions. Future work: Feasible synchronisation conditions, Locally merging green generators. Involvement in Other Group Projects Automation of Manual Tasks Early Prediction of Sepsis Disease Objective: Service Quality, End-user experience. Tools: Challenges: Data pre-processing, Missing clinical records, Effective approach. Binary Probabilistic Classification: Maximum a Posteriori method, Naive Bayes Theorem. Outcome: Reduced completion time to 20%, Streamlined journal process, Improved invoicing quality. Why Am I the Ideal Candidate for This Project? My educational background, Possess genuine passion for this field, Result-driven and pragmatic in approach, Responsible for my own academic development, Believe in AI as a tool for the betterment of humanity. Assignment Using MAP: Skills Acquired: Data quality assurance, Coding reproducibility, Collaboration & improvement, Interpersonal & communication. Final Results: THANK YOU FOR LISTENING Improved input data Increased success rate from 45-60% Any questions?

PhD Candidate Seminar

Transcript: Background Sub objective: Construct framework and indicators for vulnerability What are the characteristics of vulnerable people? Fewer material and/or financial resources Less physically or mentally capable Less knowledge or experience Restricted by commitments Current evacuation procedures often expect people to: Be able to understand warnings, have physical capability and resources to evacuate, and don’t have other responsibilities Niigata prefecture - Sanjo city Ibaraki prefecture - Chikusei city Acknowledgments Objective 1 Methods Background Objectives Methods Results Discussion Conclusions Short Overview of Methods Case study areas Flooding of Sanjo City in 2011 Sub objective: Evaluate DRM policy for measures for vulnerable people Metric based on study by Lumbroso (2011) with these scores: 1. No mention of groups of potentially vulnerable people 2. Recognition of a group of potentially vulnerable people 3. Specific measures taken to reduce vulnerability 4. Anticipation of future numbers of potentially vulnerable people 5. Involvement of potentially vulnerable people in policy creation Evaluated DRM laws and policies on national, sub-national and regional level with 2 local areas in each country Sub objective: Define vulnerable people Literature review and analysis DRM laws and policies Laws and policies related to vulnerable people Research publications from official organizations (UN, NGOs) Journal publications, books and other expert publications No consensus on vulnerable people 6th APHW Conference, 19 August 2013: Title: Quantifying the effectiveness of measures taken for vulnerable people in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in the Netherlands Pending publications: Article for Natural Hazards, under review (2014) Title: How many people are vulnerable? A quantitative estimate of vulnerable populations and evaluation of flood evacuation policy Authors: K. Vink, K. Takeuchi, K. Kibler Article for Water International, in preparation (2014) Book for Routledge publishing, in preparation (2015) Title: Generationing Crisis and Disaster Editors: J. Warner, R. Gigengack, K. Vink In your opinion, who are vulnerable people? Overall: DRM laws rarely anticipated future numbers of vulnerable people, and none were created by involvement of vulnerable people Objective 3 Results Objective 4 Methods Discussion Methods Need to assume or estimate certain statistical data, particularly for the characteristic ‘restricted by commitments’; estimated numbers were related to other numbers of people For all indicators in each country I made equal effort to locate evidence from governmental or scientific reports pertaining to the number of people No data on ‘people living in poverty’, who also have the characteristic ‘less physically or mentally capable’, perhaps due to privacy issues. This group could be both extremely vulnerable and numerous Recommendations and future research Objectives Limitations First limitation: lack of independence associated with vulnerability characteristics - people can have multiple characteristics simultaneously or the characteristics may change over time If the numbers of vulnerable people are combined, the actual total number of people who are vulnerable would be lower, but their vulnerability would be increased depending on how many characteristics they have Conclusions Japan Problem Statement Results of DRM policy evaluation USA has the most elaborate measures, these could be used as examples (for Netherlands) Identification or lack of identification of groups of potentially vulnerable people at the national level does not necessary lead to more or less detailed support measures DRM laws rarely anticipated future numbers of potentially vulnerable people, and none were created by involvement of potentially vulnerable people. We count on our governments to make equitable policies, but this has clearly not yet been established in these countries Methods To evaluate regional policies two areas were chosen per country. This is a low amount, based on data availability and the expectation to encounter support measures The regional examples should not be seen as representative for the entire country; rather the national measures can be seen as supporting the regional areas Measures supporting vulnerable people may or may not be implemented, as well as complemented by measures not written down in any policy document Policies should focus on: Most numerous characteristics (~50%): people with fewer material and/or financial resources people restricted by commitments Top three most numerous indicators: women with no car access people with pet dependents children aged 0-14 DRM laws rarely anticipated future numbers of potentially vulnerable people, and none were created by involvement of potentially vulnerable people. We count on our governments to make equitable policies, but this has clearly not yet been established in these countries I would like to thank: My PhD supervisors, Prof. Kuniyoshi Takeuchi and

PhD Candidate

Transcript: Working Title: Social Media, relationships, sexuality, crip theory and people living with intellectual disability What are participant's experiences of using social media? What supports do participants believe/think they need to develop or maintain their use of social media? Where do participants go for support? What I am looking for in 2014 What kinds of Internet use are participants currently involved in? What are participant's aspirations, if any, for developing sexual relationships through the use of social media? Social media use has fast become a firmly embedded phenomena of every day life Using the Internet and social media is a way in which individuals living with intellectual disability can create/expand their friendship networks for the purpose of exploring their sexuality and developing relationships Like anyone else in society Overview of Research proposal Judith Darragh PhD Candidate Anyone who would be interested being on my list for next year once I have obtained Ethics Approval and can begin to collect my data PhD Candidate Judith Darragh Target Group Studies have explored the use of computers, the Internet and social media tools for the general public and individuals living with physical disabilities. Few studies have focused on the lived experience of individuals living with disabilities and their use of these forms of communication. Study aims to give individuals living with intellectual disability a 'voice' to describe their lived experience to explain how and/or why or why not they use social media for allowing me this opportunity to share with you my proposed research Motivation Overview of Research Questions Young adults between the ages of 18 to 26 who identify as living with an intellectual disability What are the barriers, if any, to participants' current or future use of social media? Views of significant others and gate keepers

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