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Doctoral Dissertation Presentation Template

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Doctoral Presentation

Transcript: Start with high spring stiffness After 10 consecutive steps without stepping off the beam, the level of assistance will decrease High, Medium, Low, None Image Retrieved From: Subjects -2 Factors (main effects): 1. Age (Younger and Older) 2. Adaptive Assistance (With or Without) -Interaction effect Age*Assistance Other Measurements Sarahbelle Barreyro, Jillian Gerbracht, Heather Lyons, Supamas Tseng, Jeff Wood Doctor of Physical Therapy Program San Diego State University Materials Adaptive Assistance Walk heel to toe with hands placed over the abdomen If the subject falls off the beam, subject will wait 5 seconds before stepping on again 2.5 cm wide, small wooden blocks attached to form a beam Effects of Physical Assistance on Motor Learning of Beam Walking in Younger and Older Adults Day 1 Pre-training: 3 min without assistance Training Period: 30 min with or without assistance (depending on group) Post training: 3 min without assistance Day 2 Retention Test: 3 min without assistance Treadmill speed set at 0.22m/s Dribble goggles will be worn Instructed to walk on the beam for as long as possible without stepping off Procedures “Transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience.” --APTA Vision Statement for the physical therapy profession Analysis Experimental Measures Movement: “The act, process, or result of passing from one place or position to another….movement encompasses both locomotion but also a change of the position of the whole body or any of its parts.” 1. Optimal challenge point (Guadagnoli & Lee, 2004; Choi et al, 2008) 2. Age? (Coats 2013; Riva et al, 2013) 3. Task specificity (Kawato, 1999) Hypothesis - Young Background - Inability to Complete Proposed Task - Task Difficulty - Other characteristics that may affect performance - Performance vs Learning - Type I Error Procedures Treadmill-mounted balance beam (beam-mill) Procedures Hypothesis - Older Adults To examine the effects of adaptive assistance on motor learning of a challenging walking task in older and younger adults. 60 able bodied participants 4 groups of 15 subjects Force plates EMG electrodes Dribble goggles Orthopedic Shoes Lite Gait Spring Assist Device [Measure during the pre-test] - [Measure during the post-test] Timeline Learning: “Relatively permanent change in behavior that is the result of past experience or practice. The concept includes the acquisition of knowledge.” Potential Pitfalls Procedures Internal Model What factors affect motor learning? Hypothesis -Interaction Two-Way ANOVA Errors per minute Center of Mass variability EMG co-contraction index Performance gain (Dependent Variable) --PubMed MeSH Database, and Purpose Qualysis Track Manager **Somatosensory Testing** 1. COP Variability during SLS 2. Two-Point Discrimination T-Test for both to determine if older group has somatosensory deficits. Intrinsic Motivation Inventory Age Young Assist Young Unassist Older Assist Older Unassist

Doctoral Dissertation Presentation

Transcript: Doctoral Dissertation Presentation Data Analysis Techniques Exploring the Impact of Technology on Education The study utilizes advanced statistical analysis techniques, such as regression analysis and data mining, to interpret the collected data and derive meaningful insights. By applying these techniques, the research aims to uncover patterns and relationships between technology use and educational outcomes. Importance of the Study Understanding the impact of technology on education is crucial for educators, policymakers, and stakeholders to make informed decisions and implement effective practices. This study aims to explore the benefits, challenges, and implications of technology integration in the educational landscape, providing valuable insights for improving learning outcomes and student engagement. Research Methodology Background of Technology in Education Exploring Technology in Education Technology has become integral in educational settings, offering tools for interactive learning, virtual classrooms, and personalized instruction. It has opened new avenues for accessible and inclusive education for all learners, regardless of their location or circumstances. The foundation of the study lies in designing an effective research approach for investigating the impact of technology on education. Technology has revolutionized the field of education, transforming teaching methods and learning experiences. Data Collection Methods The research employs a combination of qualitative and quantitative data collection methods, including surveys, interviews, and classroom observations. By gathering data from multiple sources, the study ensures a comprehensive analysis of technology's impact on educational outcomes. Research Design and Approach Future Trends The future of educational technology is promising, with advancements in AI, virtual reality, and adaptive learning systems set to transform the educational landscape further. The study utilizes a quantitative research design to analyze the correlation between technology integration and academic performance in educational settings. The approach includes surveys, interviews, and observations to gather comprehensive data. Integration in Modern Education Unleashing Student Engagement Through Technology Today, educational technology is seamlessly integrated into classrooms, offering interactive learning experiences and personalized instruction for students. The integration of technology in education has revolutionized student engagement, transforming traditional learning experiences. Evolution of Educational Technology Personalized Learning Experiences Technology enables personalized learning paths tailored to individual student needs, promoting autonomy and self-paced learning. Data-Driven Insights Enhanced Interaction and Participation Enhanced Accessibility and Inclusivity Historical Context The evolution of educational technology has revolutionized the way students learn and teachers teach, shaping the future of education. Utilizing data analytics, educators gain valuable insights into student progress and performance, enabling targeted interventions and support. Technology facilitates interactive learning methods, encouraging active participation and collaboration among students. Technology enhances accessibility for students with diverse needs, ensuring inclusivity and equity in educational opportunities. Educational technology has its roots in the early 20th century with the use of audiovisual aids, evolving through the decades to encompass digital tools and online platforms. Cultivating Lifelong Learning Skills Technology cultivates essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and digital literacy, preparing students for the dynamic future workforce. Last checks... Adding final touches... Write something high-impact about this photo Polishing up... Dive deep into your first point or make a new one Limit your words so your audience stays focused Share a last point about this concept Use this space for details that you haven’t talked about yet. Hang on... A final point, a quote, more context — adapt the template to fit your needs. Remember that your presentation is almost done, so keep it simple. Thinking cap on... Fine-tuning... Keep your words short and punchy so your audience stays focused. Design at work... Keep it quick You have space for details later Share a last point about this concept Summarize each point you made Give quick call-backs so your audience remembers Leave space for questions

Doctoral Dissertation Final Defense

Transcript: Interactive whiteboard facilitiates assertions (85%) Interactive Whiteboard -Used the most @ 48% TTLs are not your average teachers - application process TTL learning community is a safe culture to take risks - logistics = 45% of the 42% of coded comments that were logistical/social/off-topic Is it common practice to have a logistics facilitator? Problems Identified Recommendations for Further Study What would I do the same? Not try to translate the Elluminate interactions - maybe look at interviewing teachers to get perceptions after a synchronous online discussion Pick teachers for the study population that are not associated with a large school district Summer time was not an ideal time to hold the sessions due to schedule challenges Logistical and social comments dominate the conversation Types of Critical and Integrative Thinking Channels of Communication Is 29% a normal or an unusally high or low percentage of evidence of critical and integrative thinking in a 90-minutes discussion - face2face, asynchronous, or synchronous? Limitations The communication channel of Audio yielded the most evidence of critical and integrative thinking Off-Topic/Social/Logistical: Sharing a comment that is not directly related to the current discussion Content Question: Making a request for information that is related to the content Reflect/Think Aloud: Sharing thoughts that are introspective in nature or indicate a spontaneous comment arising from the conversation Key Findings Case Studied - 29% of coded comments What would I do differently? 29% of coded comments showed evidence of critical and integrative thinking, with 33% of those displaying more than one type Coding Rubrics Where did I deviate from the plan? - collaborative lesson plan design - 79% of critical and integrative thinking comments occurred in audio channel 99% Inter-Rater Reliability RQ1: In a synchronous online conversation that is action orientated using a multi-channel interface (audio text, and interactive media), what sort of talk occurs in each channel, specifically, does each channel facilitate a different function of communication? Functions of Communcation 4% IM facilitates off-topic/social/logistical comments (53%) with majority being logistical (49%) Audio facilitates assertions (44%) and is critical if you want to build logical reasoning comments (95%) Instant Messaging Essential Role of Audio Audio Instant Messaging Interactive Whiteboard Participant Feedback Tools (clap, smile, thumb down, and polling feature) Impact of lesson plan design: 85% of the whiteboard coded comments were assertions - in two parts of the lesson plan participants were asked to add their thoughts to the whiteboard so that ideas could be grouped to form the basis for further discussion 25 instead of 30 TTLs 5 instead of 2 sessions Fine-tuned the wording on my critical thinking research question (#2) Took much longer than expected Definitions 29% of coded comments showed evidence of critical and integrative thinking 33% of those comments showed evidence of 2 or more types of critical and integrative thinking Research Questions Unexpected Findings RQ2: What proportion of a synchronous online conversation using audio, text, and interactive media is occupied by critical thinking? Participant feedback tools facilitate off-topic/social/logistical comments (77%) with majority being social in nature (57%) 95% of BLR were in Audio channel 87% Inter-Rater Reliability - IM was 48% of coded comments Did not address overcoming barriers to synchronous online and instead focused on impact once connected Did not address differences in online synchronous tools Did not address impact of lesson plan design 25 Technology Teacher Leaders (TTLs) employed by the Anchorage School District in Anchorage, Alaska Age range: 37-59+ 7-25 years teaching experience TTL Program: Total of 213 teachers 7 years (12-42 each year) Teams of 2-4 teachers/school Intentional CoP 1 year plus (Once a TTL ~ Always a TTL) 5 graduate credits PD + resources = impact student learning I really liked how the critical thinking provided context to the functions and channels I felt very supported throughout the process Audio Literature Review Highlights Participant Feedback Tools Reflections Both problems continue to be voids in the literature Significance of the Study Rubric uses evidence of linguistic markers found in communication RQ1: An instant message backchannel exists A logistics facilitator is needed Synchronous online communicaiton supports social learning constructs Functions of Communication: Assertion: Making a statement of belief or experiences Build Logical Reasoning: Identifying a series of steps or propositions that may be linked to models Endorsement: Agreeing with a statement made by someone else often providing an example from personal experience Instant messaging and audio are key channels of communication In order to analyze the qualitative importance of each communication channel, we need to RQ 1:

Doctoral presentation

Transcript: Supervisors Ass. Prof. Dr. Mervat Hosny Hussein Associate Professor of Physiology of Algae, Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University Prof. Dr. Sami Ahmed Shaaban-Dessuuki Professor of phycology, Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University Prof. Dr. Noura El-Ahmady Ali El-Naggar Professor of Biotechnology, Department of Bioprocess Development, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute, City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications, New Borg El-Arab City, Alexandria Prof. Dr. Sahar Ibrahim Mostafa Professor of Inorganic chemistry, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science Mansoura University Statistical optimization of MG bioremoval using alginate beads Desirability Function Discovering the optimum predicted conditions for optimal results. The desirability function of the Design Expert program has been set for any factor from 0 (undesirable) to 1 (desirable). More than one optimum point is expected, because of the curvature design of the response surfaces, and their combinations into the desirability function. Conclusion Sargassum latifolium – derived alginate hydrolysate can be used as C. vulgaris growth bio-stimulant. A new sustained release system of riboflavin-entrapped barium alginate-Arabic gum drug delivery matrix was elucidated. Moreover, drug entrapment technique using alginate is a valuable developmental tool of the multi particulate system for drug delivery even for a highly water-soluble drug such as riboflavin. Yamasaki et al. 2012 demonstrated that alginate oligosaccharides may function as growth enhancing agents for some green algae. Alginate hydrolysate concentrations affect C. vulgaris growth and metabolism in a concentration dependent manner illustrated a bell shaped profile. Optimum biomass growth (0.7g/L) was achieved at 0.3g/L alginate hydrolysate supplementation representing 291.67% relative to control growth. Alginate hydrolysate (oligosaccharides) induced cell signaling resulted in enhancing different physiological processes (Farmer et al. 1991). Many previous studies documented that alginate oligomers have growth promoting effect on higher plants, since C. vulgaris is a photosynthetic eukaryotic cell, having structural and functional similarities with higher plant cells so it responds to alginate oligomers in a comparable manner (Yokose et al., 2009). Yamasaki et al. (2012) demonstrated that alginate oligosaccharides may function as growth enhancing agents for certain plant cells and some green algae. Examiners Prof. Dr. Mostafa Mohamed El-Sheek Professor of phycology, Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University 2- alginate-Arabic gum Carrirer matrix potentiality for Riboflavin drug delivery Prof. Dr. Hala Yassin El-Kasass Professor of aquatic plants, Characterization SEM Kinetic studies encapsulation efficiency Kinetic studies Riboflavin encapsulation efficiency of the prepared riboflavin alginate-Arabic gum beads Scan Electron Microscopy FTIR Phycoremedition of Some Environmental Pollutants Using Biopolymer Nanocomposites Derived From Algae FTIR In vitro release study of Riboflavin In vitro release study of Riboflavin from riboflavin alginate-Arabic gum beads Owing to interpretation of Peppas and Narasimhan (2014), drug molecules dissolution from polymeric blends depends generally on two key phenomena: (1) Decomposing of the encapsulating substance and dispersion of the drug molecules through the polymeric matrix; however. (2) Swelling, chemical decomposition, osmotic consequences. Slow prolonged release could be ultimately due to the residual drug that is dispersed in Arabic gum pockets of the beads formulating a drug-Arabic gum dispersed matrix and the dissociation medium may exhibit two steps: Diffusion of the drug out of Arabic gum pockets into the barium alginate matrix at first It could be distributed outwards barium alginate matrix into the dissociation medium and to additional Arabic gum barrier formation. 3- Bioremoval of Malachite green dye from wastewater using alginate beads derived from Sargassum latifolium Ass. Prof. Dr. Mervat Hosny Hussein Associate Professor of Physiology of Algae, Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University Time effect Kinetic studies Thermodynamic studies Temperature effect Preparation of Alginate beads Factors 1- pH and point of zero charge effect 2- Time * Kinetic studies 3- Temperature effect * Thermodynamic studies 4- Alginate dose effect 5- Malachite green concentration effect * Isothermic studies Alginate dose effect Isothermic studies Malachite green concentration effect Shimaa Rabie Ibrahim Assistant lecturer of microbiology, Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University Publications Rheological analysis Characterization of sodium alginate Seaweeds collection UV – Visible analysis Yield and chemical composition of sodium alginate (%) Sargassum latifolium (Turner), C. Agardah was collected from the shores of Safaga-Quaser, Red Sea

The Qualitative Doctoral Dissertation

Transcript: Lit. Review part duo No Research has been done about the problem Some research has been done about the problem There is an abundance of related litrature An abundance of research has been done Anyone intending to do research involving people should: The Content This section of the proposal must contain a set of questions to be answered. They must be more specific than the general problem statement. Think of this as a "filter" or "lens" you see data through. AKA the theoretical orientation, framework or simply the Backing An Overview and Background This helps build an argument for solving the problem "This study will examine..." Your problem is good to go for research! By Pierre Arellano How to know when it’s ok to research your problem It is important to consult the research in your field to see what has already been done. 2) Thoroughly understand the implications of ethical concepts such as risk, no intent to harm, informed consent, and the right to withdraw The Problem Ethics "I want to explore..." Personal Milestone! Should be specific and concrete 3) Adhere to the formal ethical protocols of the university 1) Don't be naive concerning issues of power and privilege Sigh of Relief! Not much to say really, just give a brief overview of what you are going to cover. Accomplishment! Many of proposals conclude with a plan showing estimated timelines Really Important Tell the reader how the problem will be approached in a detail. It is critical to a proposal to narrow down the problem and come up with specific questions. The quality that your research will be judged "The problem this study will address is..." (If you have the chance, pick something you want to research) The introduction should lead into your problem. Introduction Conclusion In your proposal you should have: 1) Justification for why the problem you have constructed is worth researching. 2) Justification for why the methods you chose are appropriate to the questions the problem generates 3) Must show why the information that your research will generate is needed. 4) Most important, act ethically Theoretical Perspective It’s not so much about finding the problem so much as constructing and developing it over time. The first step of the doctoral journey Justification- why are you researching this problem This is important in a proposal because it is another way a researcher makes his or her findings intelligible to an academic audience and open to scrutiny. Questions Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (If this is the case it's ok, maybe you can see the problem with a different "lens") Method Important: make sure to address the problem as clearly as possible. Information from "The Qualitative Doctoral Dissertation" by Brent Kilbourn This is important when it comes to interpreting the data in a qualitative study. What should a proposal include? You want to tell the reader what the problem is right away. Literature Review Don't It does not have to be complete but it has to be complete enough to convince a potential committee member or supervisor that the researcher has done his or her homework and that the problem is worth researching and hasn't been addressed. Plan and Timelines Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Do Introduction Problem Theoretical Perspective Questions Literature Review Methods Ethics Plan and Timelines

Doctoral presentation

Transcript: Presenting: Amir A. Kadir Supervised by : Prof. Y. Zeiri Exhaled Breath Analysis as a Medical Diagnostic Tool Many of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted from the human body. Major sources of VOCs include: Breath Sweat Urine Feces Vaginal secretions VOCs emitted from different areas of the human body vary with: Age Diet Sex Genetic background Physiological status Pathological processes, such as infection and endogenous metabolic disorders, can influence our daily odour fingerprints by producing new VOCs or by changing the ratio of VOCs that are produced normally. Such Metabolic processes on the respiratory tissue are expected to be accompanied by Dissolution Production Release of new VOCs, some of which might be detected in the exhaled breath. Several Physical systems can be invovlved in trauma pathphysiology. Elevated Oxidative stress considered as inflammatory mediator in the development of trauma. The effect of oxidative stress on target molecules in the respiratory system, especially in lung tissue, was found to cause DNA oxidative damage of the alveolar epithelial cells It is believe that stress in life changes your DNA, which makes it more difficult to produce proteins that nurture the brain Data received from GC as retention time and peak area. Avoiding non-linear shifting of similar peaks in different samples we used Matlab software. Removing background and blank peaks from the target data. Clustering samples was assessed using principal component analysis (PCA) AIMS Another focous in this proposed study is to test the changes associating with rats trauma model on the composition of VOCs in exhaled breath. Data Pre-Processing & Analysis Example of patient's GC 1. Finishing analysing rest of the patients' samples. 2. If clustering is achieved for bacterias and viruses, will try further sub-analysis 3. GC-MS will be used to identify distinction VOCs 4. Further search for bio-markers in rats' urine and feces to assess Trauma. 5. Further pathological impairments will be assessed in the future such as Epilepsy and Alzheimer's. 1) Creating data base of bacterial and viral cultures VOCs Cells undergo programmed cell death (apoptosis) as an initial response to infections by viruses. The cellular response against viral infection includes production of inflammatory and anti-viral cytokines, as well as the induction of apoptosis. Rt. of suspected peaks Testing exhaled breath composition of rats before and after exposure to a process that could lead to trauma and attempt to find typical bio-markers that can indicate disease and trauma. Department of BioMedicine Ben Gurion Uni. of The Negev Pathogen Sampling 3) Trying to understand what biochemical processes stands behind production of the VOCs found specific to bacterial or viral infection. VOCs Associated with Trauma Major part of the study referes to detection and identification of infection biomarkers in exhaled breath. Viral Infections in collaboration with Prof. Hagit Cohen in collaboration with Prof. David Liberman 2. Developing a new novel tool for diagnosing Trauma. We built a system of two parts; 1st - collects patient's breath, patient breath into a mask for 20 minutes. 2nd- parallel part, collects room's air Both parts are connected to a pump to pump the sampled breath/room air, to a dry ice trap, where the sample vail is placed. Underlying Mechanisms Bacterial Infections 1. Assessing wether exhaled breath VOCs Analysis may provide a new novel tool for distinguishing between bacterial and viral infection in the respiratory system. Pathogenesis Sample Collection Resperatory System Diseases Hypothesis Patients System Rats System 1. The ability to invade tissues: Invasiveness, which encompasses mechanisms for colonization , ability to bypass or overcome host defense mechanisms, and the production of extracellular substances which facilitate invasion. 2. The ability to produce toxins: Toxigenesis. Bacteria produce two types of toxins called exotoxins and endotoxins. Analysis method Gas Chromatography Introduction 2) After classification of the subjects, results will be compared with clinical and laboratory results. Tools & Methods We built a Novel system for collecting rats' breath. Rat's breath togather with the air supplied to the cell, are collected into a sample vail placed in a dry ice trap. Patients Data Analysis After PCA FUTURE WORK one side of the vacutainer goes into the culture sample, the other side in a vail after being vacumed Example of Rats GC

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