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Consultant Education Presentation Template

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Education Consultant (2018)

Transcript: Education Consultant - Interview Stages of Change: Training Initiatives INTRO & Content Topics Content 1 2 3 Stages of Change Stages of Change in Addictions and Mental Health Training Connect Care and Change Readiness - Activity Stages of Change Stages of Change Precontemplation no intention to change, unaware of the need to change Contemplation developed awareness, not yet committed Preparation some commitment, small changes Action overt behaviour changes, considerable commitment Maintenance relapse prevention and consolidate gains Norcross, J., Krebs, P., & Prochaska, J. (2011) Hiatt, J. (2006) Adults need to know why they are learning Adults are motivated to learn by the need to solve problems Adults' previous experience must be respected and built upon Adults need learning approached that match their background and diversity Adults need to be actively involved in the learning process Adult Learning Adult Learning Bryan, R., Kreuter, M., & Brownson, R. (2008) Concurrent A & MH training - an example Change Theory: A & MH Training Initiatives Concurrent Capable Education Initiative (2018) Online PCCLS modules (2 days) Shadow shifts and orientation (3 days) Why? integrate addictions practices into the MH recovery model of care Staff motivation - problems to be solved increase in concurrent presentations - need to build capabilities Building on Experience enhancing prior knowledge and experience Learning approaches? foundational and experiential learning Active learning? majority of the training time was experiential Activity & Discussion Activity Connect Care Readiness What stage are we each at? What barriers exist to overcome? Brainstorm steps to overcome the barriers? Stages of Change and the ADKAR model individual vs. group level Moving forward... Bryan, R., Kreuter, M. & Brownson, R. (2009). Integrating Adult Learning Principles Into Training for Public Health Practice. Health Promotion Practice, 10, 557-563. Norcross, J., Krebs, P. & Prochaska, J. (2011). Stages of Change. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, 67, 143-154. Wensing, M. (2004). What Drives Change? Barriers to and Incentives for Achieving Evidence-Based Practice. The Medical Journal of Australia, 180, 57-60. References References

Education Consultant

Transcript: "Education Consultant" Level B Assessment Job Application Presentation "I always use RIOT when determining who and when to test." Reliability refers to the consistency of measure. It is important to remember that there can be a "bad" side to assessment. These are; labeling, loss of individuality, inaccuracy, not enough cultural sensitivity and sometimes can be resource intensive....sometimes, Resource Teachers can spend too much time assessing and not enough time working with students. Validity By Caroline Murray Sand Verbenas grow in the dry, sandy prairies of South Texas. "Good" assessment is purposeful, systematic, multiple sources of information, a process and contextual. "Good" assessment helps identify those at risk, determines strength and needs, allows access for resources, provides tracking and monitoring and generally improves educational outcome. Review Interview Observe Test ...reliability and measurement error, validity, measurement scales on which tests are based, type of score interpretation (e.g. norm-referenced, content representativeness, criterion characteristics such as sufficiency and relevance) Follow up with parents and teachers!! (send an e-mail or telephone) Offer to be available for any questions or concerns parents, teachers or the student may have in regards to the report and programming Assist in programming for the student -take a collaborative approach Monitor student's progress (check to see if there needs to be some changes with the student's program) Be an active member of the student's educational journey Percentile Ranks allow us to determine a student's relative position within a normed group What are the test taker variables? e.g. age, gender, culture, race, disability... Reliability Does the test match the needs of the current examinee? Interpretation of Scores Major types of derived scores used in norm-referenced measurement are; standard scores percentile rank stanines age (AE) and grade (GE) equivalents (use AE and GE with caution if at all!) Validity refers to whether a test measures what it intends to measure. A test must be reliable to be considered valid. What to do once the assessment has been completed, reported and debriefed? How do I choose the right assessment? Factors affecting reliability; test length homogenity of items test-retest interval guessing variation in the test situation sample size improper administration judgemental scoring Here are some considerations when debriefing different audiences including students, parents, teachers, administrators, psychologists, professionals and paraprofessionals. Understanding the Considerations of Assessment -The "Good" and the "Bad" Sand Verbenas live in the dry, sandy prairies of South Texas. Ethics are a system of principles that guide behavior. The core principles of an ethical code are; respect for the dignity of others, professional competence, integrity, honesty and responsibility to others. What skills and considerations are required to effectively administer a variety of Level B assessment instruments? When conducting debriefing conferences; invite all members of the student's educational team begin with a personal anecdote about the students have a collaborative approach to planning take the time to explain assessment results and answer any questions talk about both strengths and areas of need respect the parents as "experts" on their children remember "I am there to provide support for this student's educational journey" Written Reports must; be professional, comprehensive and practical include background information, behavioral observations, any information regarding interviews with teachers, parents etc, include description of assessment instruments and a brief description of the subtests, strengths and areas of need, include recommendations that are useful and practical Foundations of Assessment Types of validity are; face validity content validity construct validity criterion-related validity "I will always remember to understand my own limits as well as the the limits of the assessment tools I select." Am I considering the characteristics of validation, normative standardization of groups and the legal rights of the examinee? Communicating Results Standardized scores are used in norm-referenced assessment to compare one student's performance on a test to the performance of other students her age. Validity and Reliability of Assessment Instruments Use of the bell curve assumes that human characteristics, including academic achievement follow a normal curve

Consultant presentation

Transcript: Consulting and Training Services About Me! ABOUT ME I am born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. I graduated from Loveland High school and it was there where I played football and wrestled. I was 4 year varsity in wrestling in 215 weight bracket and defensive tackle/ nose guard in football. After graduating high school I joined the Army as a Combat engineer. When I was in the military I met my wife and we now have 4 beautiful children together. MY HISTORY My Construction History Started out as a Canvasser with Benchmark Roofing and Restoration. After my first month I trained to Sales for Storm Restoration. My first year I sold 958,000 in residential sales The next year I went to Jackson, Mississippi to sell from a friend of my boss who owned Procraft Exteriors. I was there number one sales rep in total sales and highest profit percentage. 6 month later, I returned to Cincinnati, Ohio and helped start Vision Technologies as Sales Manager. I left 6 months later with the company making 4.8 million in revenue. I then went to Little Rock and Worked for Champion Restoration. I started out as a Sales Rep and quickly got promoted as Sales Manager then General Manager. When i first got to the company the were selling 3.2 million a year and 1 year later when came back home to Cincinnati they were making 9.34 million a year in revenue. I came back to Cincinnati and worked as an independent business consultant and helped companies train their sales reps to sell interior and exterior retail as well as restoration work. I have helped struggling sales reps and companies realize the true potential of income that construction has to offer. MY VALUES MY VALUES My family comes first. My success is only as valuable as the legacy I leave for my wife and kids. I strive to be the person I want my kids to be.Integrity and adaptability are the backbone to any person wanting to be more then what they are. Every company I help, I bring these values with me. Its not the big things that make a company worth working for. Its the small things. Its not a motivational speech that makes someone say "I love working here!". Its asking how their day is every day and listening and caring about the answer. Even if you have to call. Its asking what do you need, even when they don't need anything. Asking to help when no help is needed. That's when a company goes from a good company to a great company. That's when workers say "I love working here!" MY NUMBERS MY NUMBERS 40% 12 1.05 Million 125,000 250,000 100+ These are my average numbers for companies I've helped and trained. Average sales per year per sales rep Average Profit after labor and material Companies saved from going out of business Sales reps trained Trained sales rep pay Owners pay MY LOCATION City, States I've worked in. Boston, MA Louisville, KY Columbus, Ohio Little Rock, AR Cincinnati, Ohio Jackson, MS Indianapolis, IN Jacksonville, NC Services PRODUCTS In office consulting In office Consulting The whole package I'll be at your office, working with your entire team. Sales management, Production management, Sales Rep, Office staff. This includes CRM Management, canvassing management/training, Sales management/training, insurance training, marketing, production management/training. Helping owner run his business. Whatever you need while I'm there. This also include unlimited in hours calls. While under contract access to all training material. Getting systems in place that cater to your company and the way you want it working. Management Training Management Training Production Training on how to run production for retail and insurance jobs Training on how to deal with crews Training on how to schedule Training on how to order material Training on managing production staff Sales Training on hiring Training on sales reports Training on how to train Training on canvassing and canvassing management Training on how to manage CRM Training on leadership of sales reps/ how to keep sales reps Training on basic marketing Completion time varies Sales and insurance training Sales and Insurance Training Sales Sale process Building report Working leads One call closing Estimates Insurance Property inspections Claim process Dealing with insurance Getting payment Supplement basics Re inspections etc. PRICING PRICING Training is charge at a one time fee unless it's online. $100 down payment to reserve online training. Half down to reserve in office training. In office training includes field training as well as office training. Local is in Cincinnati or company that pays for travel and lodging. Online $400 per half day Local in office $2500 Out of town in office $5000 $400 per half day $1500 for 20 hours a week $2000 for 40 hours a week 150 an hour for weekends or after hours Online $400 per half day Local in office 3000 Out of Town in office $7500 1 week training Package deals 1 week training Management training In office Consulting Sales Training CONTACT US CONTACT ME Joshua Hasley

Internet Education - Presentation Template

Transcript: INTERNET EDUCATION About Introduction Make a presentation about online learning & education In order to create an engaging learning experience, the role of instructor is optional, but the role of learner is essential. Bernard Bull Idea Content Slides Get to the main point of your Presentation. Show and tell your idea. Topic Overview "This is example dummy text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed dodes eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in repre henderitas in voluptate. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in repre henderitas in voluptate." Timeline Timeline Slide Present important dates and events Present important dates and events 1999 Present important dates and events 2002 Present important dates and events 2006 Present important dates and events 2020 2000 Present important dates and events 2004 Present important dates and events 2011 Present important dates and events Data Statistical Data Present your charts and graphs Item 3 Item 4 Item 1 Item 2 Item 6 Item 5 Gallery Show and Tell Nothing beats a good gallery of images Image #1 Add a short description of the image or project here. Image #2 Add a short description of the image or project here. Add a short description of the image or project here. Image #3 Add a short description of the image or project here. Image #4 Image #5 Add a short description of the image or project here. Image #6 Image #8 Add a short description of the image or project here. Add a short description of the image or project here. Image #7 Add a short description of the image or project here. Single Item Show more details of a single item Project Details "This is example dummy text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed dodes eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in repre henderitas in voluptate." "This is example dummy text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed dodes eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in repre henderitas in voluptate." Map Global Reach Use the world map to show locations - Add details here - Add details here - Add details here - Add details here Facts Did You Know 33% of online students study business (Ka-Ching) Over 6 Million students are taking online courses in the US In Estonia You can study online to become a doctor without ever showing up in school! (just kidding, we made that up) (unless you're Dr. Dre?) Contact Contact Details How can People Get in Touch with You? Communication - the human connection - is the key to personal and career success. +1-202-555-0184 Get this Prezi Template from:

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