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Interview Presentation First 100 Days Template

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First 100 Days

Transcript: First 100 Days Elsie Coke Getting to know you....... Priorities and Outcomes (And me) Why do I do what I do? Why do I want to work at Homelink? Who am I? Doing HR right Make life better for employees Be the moral compass for the business Promote a positive and inclusive workplace, where you can be your authentic self Why here? Homelink is the kind of healthcare company I would have wanted to work for when I was a nurse. This is a great opportunity to have a leadership role in a company which resonates with my personal ethos. Agenda Current Landscape Building Relationships Key Goals HR Strategy Priorities and Outcomes Care at home, inclusion of family Clinically led Rapid regional growth, expanding remote workforce Employee engagement Talent acquisition and retention Training and development Compliance Current Landscape Vision Vision: Everyone should have the choice to be treated at home rather than in a hospital. Values What are the drivers for the people I would be supporting and interacting with? Whilst technology has its place, in person meetings are still important Visit regional hubs/attend team meetings Building Relationships Develop Credibility Know your subject matter Know your audience Roll up your sleeves Walk the walk What do you need? As the leader of the HR function, I would be asking of each department 'How do I/we support you to be your best, deliver the best service, give the best care.' This presentation is entitled 'first 100 days' and whilst there will be initial priorities, and priorities will change over time, there are key goals that will continue well beyond those initial weeks and months Key Goals Understand the culture Align HR and business strategy Establish relationships TUPE 100 days and beyond Growth Recruit and retain talent HR strategy Engagement Develop and communicate HR policies Key stakeholders Recruitment Team HR Consultant C Suite Regional Leads Commercial Leads Actually..... Everyone! HR Strategy should be proactive, constantly reviewed and refined as the needs of the business change. Review and continuous improvement. HR Strategy Workforce Planning Review current data, turnover, time to hire, absence Growth, work closely with commercial teams, what contracts are they working on, Work with recruitment team, they are the specialists make sure they have tools they need to recruit and retain talent Closely align with the Company's business plan, to deliver future growth, at pace whilst maintaining quality Talent Management Branson, Train employees well enough so they can leave, but treat them well enough so they don't want to Advocate of grow your own We should be the standard everyone else aspires to Employer of choice 9 box grid, critical roles/people concept Employee development programmes Engagement starts from 1st contact. Review on boarding and induction Opportunities for career growth Well being and work life balance Colleague Council D&I committee Employee Engagement Comp & Bens Remuneration is currently a hot topic, what do/can you offer? Competitive base salaries Performance related bonus Pension provision Work-life balance Professional development Family friendly policies/benefits Empower managers to deal with capability, performance and disciplinary matters. Employees want to feel they are treated fairly and equitably, having lax boundaries causes problems. ER Evaluate what is currently in place, consider what works and what could be developed. 1-1, team meetings, newsletter, intranet, Town Halls, video updates, socials, Teams, Encourage open communication and feedback channels to address concerns and create a culture of continuous improvement. Ethics Lead and speaking up champions Communication Relationships Credibility Growth Successful transition Engagement Priorities and Outcomes Establish credibility Develop comprehensive understanding, conduct thorough review Enhance recruitment and retention Develop plan for Growth TUPE Priorities Outcomes Successfully transition from HR consultant Establish relationships and become trusted advisor to Senior Managers Develop the people strategy Strengthen high engagement and low turnover Deliver growth and a plan for growth, in the short, medium and long term

First 100 Days

Transcript: That we will strive to be the Number 1 region in the Business!!! 0-30 Days Build Relationships & Goal Alignment The First 100 Days My expectations for a professional, safe and productive work environment have not changed. Encourage and nurture positivity especially with the new direction of the business. I have cultivated good working relationships with all managers within the southwest region along with most managers in the neighbouring region. For me to build upon these relationships it is important to reiterate the goals that we want to achieve as a region and as a business. Thank you for listening. As Regional Director - South West Day 1-30 - Relationships & Goal Alignment Day 30-60 - Understand the Role Day 60-99 - Define role and Feedback Day 100+ - Proven Results & Futureproofing LETS DRIVE THE BEHAVIOURS FOR SUCCESS 30-60 Days Understand the Role Although there is a job profile as to what makes a suitable candidate for a regional director, there are multiple angles and a plethora of attributes and methods to generate results. 100+ Days Deliver Tangible Results 60-99 Days Define the Role and Give Feedback A role is equated or defined by the behavior, and by extension its responsibilities, in which a person interacts with a business. Understand the criteria used to measure success Establish my strengths and how they aid me in this criteria Consistent customer satisfaction Increased profits Reduced Costs Continued safe working environment - measured by audits Staff retention and feedback Innovative and fresh ideas Using my strengths, and developing on my weaknesses, define the role and make it my own. There are a multitude of characteristics that define a successful manager and they vary across a spectrum of traits. Feedback to the business about successes and developments I have had whilst performing the role. Becoming the number 1 region can only inspire us to become the number 1 Tool Hire Supplier in the UK!

First 100 Days

Transcript: Outcomes Adding value as soon as possible Preserving the successes, planning for the next level. Ownership of CRM and Appeal projects Provide a resource report Team - capacity Budgets Technology Review of Strategy Alignment Priorities for 22/23 Top level thoughts for 23/24 and onwards 3 Opportunities - and top level pathway 3 Challenges - and top level pathway Brand and Reputation - my initial thoughts Questions Timeline 30 Days - Learning, building credibility, listening 60 days - situation assessments, prioritise key projects, understand quick wins 100 days - hitting agreed outcomes, being a value adding part of the team, being trusted by the team and my peers. Jayne Clarke The first 100 days The Viewpoints Up in the clouds On the ground Deep dive Horizon scanning Deep Dive CRM Project - timelines/ budget Against Time Appeal - targets / plans Team Welfare - well being Overarching 22/23 Plan - anything to review ( the world is changing everyday) Risk Register & Regulatory Check in Budgets - 21/22 & 22/23 Risks and Opp's Financial reporting and governance Up in the clouds Strategy, plans / plans and strategy Organisation Strategy Teams Strategies Marketing and Fundraising Strategy Communications Strategy Engagement Strategy Brand and Reputation Strategy Functional Plans Budgets and Financial Governance Organisation and team culture Governance and Risk Management On the Ground Culture & People Meeting all the team, all my peers and key stakeholders WHY Everyone needs a voice - to be listened to and heard Answers need data points and references Need to create virtual circles, not vicious ones What's the prescribed culture - is that a reality What do the values mean to the team? What are the well being challenges, are they being addressed? Is the team diverse? Is the team inclusive? Are there any HR issues I need to know about? The outcomes The Questions A broad view of the organisation A lot of opinions, but a lot of data too Hopefully a team that feels listened too. Faces to names A foundation to start to prioritise A list of quick wins What are the three top opportunities? What are the three top challenges? What three things would you change if you could tomorrow? What risks do you think I should be aware of? How do you like to be managed / communicated with? If you were in my shoes what do you think I need to know? Define the team culture in your own words? Who will be quizzed My team - yup, every single one of them My peers - all fellow Directors My stakeholders - HR, Finance, Data & Governance My boss - obviously! Any Trustee who's happy to be in the hot seat

First 100 Days

Transcript: Zoom out for more assets Asset library First 100 Days August - December 2023 This is a SMART Build Relationships and Collaborate This is a Goal Goal objective 4 SMART Goal Measurable Quantify the goal and make sure you can track its progress. Measurable Specific Quantify the goal and make sure you can track its progress. Clearly define the goal, people, and important steps involved. Add a short description of your goal here Achievable Relevant Review and adjust the goal until it’s realistic. Explain why the goal is important and how it fits into the bigger picture. Timely Set deadlines for the goal. Days 11-30 Due Date mm/dd/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy Due Date Days 1-10 Due Date mm/dd/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy Goal objective 3 Assess and Observe Goal objective 5 This is a This is a Add a short description of your goal here SMART SMART Add a short description of your goal here Goal Deliverable Goal 1. Familiarize myself with the school's mission, vision, and strategic goals. 2. Meet with key stakeholders, including the superintendent, principals, coaches, teachers, parents, and students to understand their perspectives and expectations. 3. Review academic data, including student achievement, attendance, and discipline records. 4. Conduct classroom observations to assess instructional practices and identify areas for improvement. 5. Analyze the school's curriculum and instructional materials to evaluate alignment with academic standards. Measurable Specific Specific Measurable Quantify the goal and make sure you can track its progress. Clearly define the goal, people, and important steps involved. Quantify the goal and make sure you can track its progress. Clearly define the goal, people, and important steps involved. Relevant Achievable Achievable Relevant Review and adjust the goal until it’s realistic. Explain why the goal is important and how it fits into the bigger picture. Review and adjust the goal until it’s realistic. Explain why the goal is important and how it fits into the bigger picture. Quantify the goal and make sure you can track its progress. Timely Timely Set deadlines for the goal. Set deadlines for the goal.

First 100 Days

Transcript: ...and what has happened? Director of Student Activities Defining my role Leadership Style Communication Authentic Self “you have to build this relationship within the first six months…to operate correctly” ~Dr. Curtis Ivery The Mission: Schoolcraft is a comprehensive, open-door, community-based college. The mission of the College is to provide a transformational learning experience designed to increase the capacity of individuals and groups to achieve intellectual, social, and economic goals. "Leadership is more than management. Leadership is people more than projects, movement more than maintenance, art more than science, intuition more than formula, vision more than procedure, risk more than caution, action more than reaction, relationships more than rules, who you are more than what you do.” ~John C. Maxwell As the Director of Student Activities Who am I? Building a Community Demonstrating Respect Familiarizing with Traditions Moving forward together... What could be happening? Who are they? Expanding Ideas Collaboration Observe Listen Ask questions Defining the Truths Trust and Respect Student Activities Office Culture Celebration of students diverse and inclusion Student Autonomy First 100 Days Observe, observe, observe... Ask good questions Get to know everything Check-in Document Where am I? Schoolcraft Culture: Diverse student population Continuing Education Culinary Arts Program Schoolcraft College is a public institution located in Livonia, MI Livonia is a large suburb population was 96,942 (2010 census) What is happening? Closer examination of Culture Listen, Listen, Listen Inspiring Ask more questions Engage Politics Document

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