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Investing Presentation

Transcript: Investing By:Derrek Kommes Investing Basics Investing Compound Interest Compound interest makes a sum of money grow at a faster rate than simple interest Compound Interest How does Compound Interest impact investing? Compound interest makes your wealth grow faster so if you start investing at a younger age then it will help you with retirement Retirement How does investing affect retirement? Retirement If you start investing early then you it would have a better long term goal. Because if you want to retire earlier investing now would help out with that so you could have a certain amount of money for retirement. Diversification How is investment affected by diversification? Diversification Diversification can help reduce the risk factors of investing. So it would be smarter to use this technique to help you not lose a lot of money while investing Asset Allocation When you pick an asset allocation, you spread your investable dollars across categories of investments Asset Allocation How is investment affected by this? This is important because then you wont put all of the money you are investing into one company and it is spread appart Robo Idvisor Robo Advisor and IRA Robo Advisors are digital platforms that provide automated, algorithm-driven financial planning services with little to no human supervision.The best robo-advisors offer easy account setup, robust goal planning, account services, portfolio management, security features, attentive customer service, comprehensive education, and low fees IRA IRA An individual retirement account (IRA) is a savings account with tax advantages that individuals can use to save and invest long-term.Like a 401(k) account that an employee obtains as a benefit from their employer, an IRA is designed to encourage people to save for retirement. Anyone who has earned income can open an IRA and enjoy the tax benefits these accounts offer Traditonal Traditional In most cases, contributions to traditional IRAs are tax-deductible.It is taxed at your ordinary-income tax rate. In that way, your money grows on a tax-deferred basis in a traditional IRA ROTH ROTH Roth IRA contributions are not tax-deductible, but qualified distributions are tax-free. You contribute to a Roth IRA using after-tax dollars, but you do not have to pay any taxes on investment gains.Roth IRA contribution limits for 2020 and 2021 tax years are the same as for traditional IRAs Finacial Advisor Finacial Advisor Finacial advisors use there knowledge and expertise to construct personalized financial plans that aim to achieve the financial goals of clients.A financial advisor is often responsible for more than just executing trades in the market on behalf of their clients.Advisors further check in with their clients on a regular basis to re-evaluate their current situation and future goals and plan accordingly. Stock Stocks a security that represents the ownership of a fraction of a corporation. Units of stock are called shares. Stocks are bought and sold predominantly on stock exchanges, though there can be private sales as well, and are the foundation of many individual investors. Dividend Dividend A sum of money paid regulary by a company to its share owners. What is a dividend example? An example of a dividend is cash paid out to shareholders out of profits. They are usually paid quarterly. For example, AT&T has been making such distributions for several years, with its 2021 third-quarter issue set at $2.08 per share Stock Broker Stock Broker a broker who buys and sells securities on a stock exchange on behalf of clients. A stock broker noramlly buys stocks at a lower price and then sell them higher than what they go it for Mutal Funds Funds A mutual fund is an investment that pools money from investors to purchase stocks, bonds and other assets. A mutual fund aims to create a more diversified portfolio than the average investor could on their own. Mutual funds have professional fund managers buy securities for you. A mutual fund's fees and performance will depend on whether it is actively or passively managed. Passively managed funds invest to align with a specific benchmark. They try to match the performance of a market index such as the S&P 500 and therefore typically don’t require management by a professional. That translates into lower overhead for the fund, which means passive mutual funds often carry lower fees than actively managed funds Index Funds Index funds are made up of stocks or bonds that are listed on a particular index, so the risk aims to mirror the risk of that index, as do the returns. If you own an S&P 500 index fund and you hear that the S&P 500 was up 3% for the day, that means your index fund should be up about that much, too. Index Funds ETF An ETF is a basket of securities, shares of which are sold on an exchange. They combine features and potential benefits similar to those of stocks, mutual funds, or bonds. Like individual stocks, ETF shares are traded throughout the day at prices

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Investing Presentation

Transcript: Insights to : Investing what you need to know! Investing Basics Investing Basics Investing is a tricky thing a lot of people struggle figuring out, here's some things to pay attention to! Starting early is the key to ultimately growing your money. When you start early it can help with not only compound interest but also retirement. If you start investing at a young age it can help your money grow at a faster rate with compound interest which is essentially interest on interest. This will also help you reach the goal of having enough money to retire early instead of working until you are 80 because you didn't save enough. However, you should not just invest in one thing. Diversifying your profile is one of the most important things you can do, make sure to not put all your eggs in one basket. It helps you balance out the risk of the market and is also the most safe option. Being able to ride out the waves of the tricky stock market is a good quality to have when investing, diversification helps you with that extremely. Another thing to help you with investing is paying attention to the asset allocation. This is how much you put in to each of the assets you are investing in. You should keep track of how much you are investing in to each category such a stocks, bonds, and cash. When you are younger you can take more risk and invest in more stocks, when you are older you should be more wise and safe with your investments instead of throwing it at stocks. The rule of 110 is a huge thing to take in to consideration when choosing how much to invest in to something. The rule is to subtract your age from 110 to help you figure out how much to invest in to stocks. To have a better portfolio and ultimately grow your money, take all of this advise in to account. Stocks Stocks When dealing with stocks there are some very important things you need to know. A dividend is a regular payed return that goes to the shareholders of a company's stock. The company sharing profits with those who invest in it can help people earn money for investing in said stock. If a company is doing really well it will probably have higher dividends which will make people want to invest in it more. When a lot of people start investing in a stock the price will start to go up and get more expensive. However, when people start dropping out of if and not investing, the price will go back down. To know when a stock is doing well and is worth buying, you could consult a stock broker. They give you financial guidance and help you get stocks that will earn you money. A stock broker will require a fee, but in the end, having one will help you earn more money than trying to do it on your own. what is the stock market? the stock market is a market made up of exchanges, such as NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange. It lets buyers and sellers negotiate prices and make trades. The stock market may go up and down at random times and it is never predictable. It is important to buy low and sell high. You should also keep your investments in longer and not watch the market everyday, you need to give the stock time to grow and gain wealth. Bonds Bonds When investing in a bond it is important to know what kind of bond it is. A bond is is a loan from an investor to a borrower such as a company or government. When someone issues a bond they are normally looking to raise money to finance a new project coming up. When you are buying a bond , you're giving the person who issued it a loan, they agree to pay you back the value of the bond on a specific date. Some things to pay attention to are the risks of bonds, such as: interest rate risk, inflation risk, default risk, reinvestment risk, and market volatility Govermment Bond- a government bond is a debt security issued by a government to support governemnt spending and obligations and they are even low risk! types of governement bonds include: treasury bonds, treasury notes, and treasury bills Corporation Bonds- a corporate bond is a bond issued by a company to raise capital. An investor who buys a corporate bond is effectively lending money to the company in return for a series of interest payments but they are considered high risk types of corporate bonds include: mortgage bonds, collateral trust bonds, debenture bonds, and many more Funds mutual funds- A mutual fund is a proffesionally managed investment fund that pools money from many investors to purchase bonds and stocks that generate returns. the risk level is dependant upon what it is invested in, stocks are riskier so if it is mainly invested in stocks the risk level will be higher. Bonds are less risky and much safer than stocks os if it is invested in more bonds then the risk level will be lower. pro- risk reduction, advanced portfolio management con- high fees, tax inefficency, poor trade execution index funds- An index fund is an investment fund that follows a benchmark index. When you put money in an index fund, that money is used to invest in all the

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Transcript: The adsorption of contaminant molecules by catalysis The improvement of light absorption The improvement of charge separation and transportation ZnS QDs by precipitation method ( Zinc acetate, Sodium sulphide) ( T= 90º, t= 2h) (NaOH was used as a surfactant) (Low crystalyity) ZnS NPs by hydrothermal method ( Zinc chloride, Thioacetamide) (T=140º, t=5h) ZnS microspheres by hydrothermal method (Zinc chloride, Sodium thiosulfate) (T=180º, t=12h) The strongest material ever Optical Properties Synthesis of pure ZnS Secondary, the use of certain organic acids as additives (Formic acid) , in order to inhibit the growth of moulds, bacteria and yeasts. Graphite : narrow peak (2θ = 26.8º)(d=0.33 nm) ZnO nanorod : high intensity peak (002) (2θ = 34.331º) (JCPDS 00-001-1136) ZnS : sphalerite (111), (200), (220), (311) (JCPDS 00-001-0792) Graphite The mechanical and wear-resistance performance of the coating. 1 Morphology PL : The excessive of rGO can act a center for the recombination of electron-hole pairs instead of providing an electron pathway Solar cell device Synthesis of ZnS-based organic (graphene and polypyrrole) composite The intensity of the absorption peak of MB at 663 nm decreases with the increase of irradiation time D(%) = [(A(MB)0 - A(MB)t)/ A(MB)0] × 100 ZG-0 = 0.27% , ZG-1 = 59%, ZG-2 = 68%, ZG-3 = 79%, ZG-4 = 63% UV-vis absorbtion spectra Na2S + 2H2O 2NaOH + H2S (1) ZnO + H2S ZnS + H2O (2) Hummer's method Research Main Points The rule of graphene 300 times stronger than steel and much harder than diamond! Examples for nanomaterial that already used as a reinforcement in the coating XRD Pure ZnS QDs Publications Nanotechnology solutions hexagonal arrangement of carbon in layer stacked to each other One-pot synthesis Multi-step syntheis one-pot synthesis Multi-step synthesis synthesis of Graphene oxide nanosheets. ( Hummer's method) Graphene nanosheets (GNS) - Titanium dioxide composite Graphene Graphene : (2θ = 25.63º) PPy : amorphous (2θ = 26º) ZnS : Sphalerite ( 111), (220), (311) Insertion for a desired properties ZG-0 ( 0% GO), ZG-1 (0.5% GO), ZG-2 (1% GO), ZG-3 (1.5% GO), ZG-4 (2% GO) Synthesis of ZnS-based inorganic (ZnO-ZnS core-shell) composite Absorption XRD Characterization Morphology Synthesis of pure ZnS ZnO-ZnS core-shell nanostructure By Khaled El Sayed Mustafa The morphology of the core-shell structure is a mixture of round and rectangular shape Uv-vis absorption of ZnO-ZnS core-shell Photocatalytic measurement: Mild steel substrate XRD Characterization Improvement of high-surface area of catalysis (BET) Selective adsorption of the aromatic dye on the catalyst ( π electrons ) qe = ( Ci – Ce )V/m GO Intense and sharp peak ( 2θ = 10.6º ) (001) (d=0.83 nm) rGO very broad ( 2θ = 24.31º ) (002) ( d= 0.36 nm) very weak peak ( 2θ = 42.53º ) (100) ( d= 0.21 nm) ZG-0 Zinc blend ( 2θ = 28.609º, 33.153º, 47.591º, 56.473º, 59.227º, 69.583º, 76.894º ) (1 1 1), (2 0 0), (2 2 0), (3 1 1), (2 2 2), (4 0 0) and (3 3 1) ZG-0 Wurtzite ( 2θ = 27.081 ) Graphene : ideal ohmic ZnS nanoparticles : two fold light response, resistance of 3.23 × 10 23 Ωcm2 ZP : resistance of 2.81 × 10 23 Ωcm2 GZP : 1.35 × 10 23 Ω cm2 Hexagonal ZnO ZnS (111) Experimental XRD Characterization One-pot synthesis of ZnO-ZnS core-shell nanostructure Electrodeposition of rGO by Mg(NO3)2 Electrodeposition of ZnO nanorod arrays (ZnCl2, KOH, 1mM) anealing on the high purify Argon gas Sulfidation process ( thioacetamide) Photocatalytic Silo Corrosion failure The Anticorrosion Effect of Ni- RGO -TiO2 Nanocomposite Coating on Mild Steel in Neutral Environment The ZnS shell with an estimated tickness of 18 nm is observed Cathodic Protection synthesis of graphene nanosheets ( microwave assisted t=5min, 15 micro liter Hydrazine) PPy nanotube ( Pyrrol monomer, Fecl3, Methylene orange as a template) A red shift and increase in absorption edge of the UV-Vis spectra of ZnS were observed in the presence of graphene. The PL emission of ZnS-graphene decreased compared to the pure ZnS due to the presence of graphene the PL emission of the ZnO-ZnS core-shell nanostructure decreased due to the presense of ZnS shell and formation of type-II band alignment structure in the hetero-interface which is beneficial for solar cell devices. The presence of rGO in ZnS-rGO composite gives significant improvement in the degradation of methylene blue under visible light irradiation compared to pure ZnS, due to the increased adsorption of the dye, decrease in the band gap and stepwise structure of the energy levels in the composite. The presence of graphene and PPy in the GZP turnary composite lead to higher photocurrent response due to the creation of an interfacial separation between the graphene and the PPy by ZnS nanoparticles, which act as a bridge, and due to enhanced charge transport by graphene. ZnS microsphere-rGO composite Corrosion Inhibitors Crystal structure Bridging effect Charge separation Research Assistant Environmental Modifications Pt foil a counter

Investing Presentation

Transcript: Insights of Investing for teenagers Before we start Investing is a broad topic that plays a crucial role in managing money and building wealth. It involves putting money into different things like stocks, bonds, real estate, and other assets, with the hope of making a profit over time. You might be interested in investing for various reasons, such as securing your financial future, growing your money, or simply understanding how financial markets work. By learning about investing, you want to understand how to make smart investment choices, explore different strategies, and handle the complexities of finance. In this Prezi presentation on investing, we'll cover the basics, like why it's important to spread out your investments, how to manage risks, and the impact of economic factors on investments. we'll also talk about different investment options, such as mutual funds, ETFs, stocks, and bonds, and explain how they can fit into a well-rounded investment plan. Additionally, we may discuss more advanced ideas like technical analysis, fundamental analysis, market trends, and behavioral finance. This will give viewers a complete picture of what influences investment decisions. Overall, this Prezi on investing will be an informative exploration of an important part of personal finance. It will help viewers understand investments better, so they can make wise financial choices and work towards their long-term goals with confidence. Investing Basics Investing Basics Investing can be challenging for many, but there are key factors to keep in mind! Starting early is crucial for growing your wealth over time. By beginning your investment journey at a young age, you can benefit from compound interest, where your money earns interest on top of previously earned interest. This not only accelerates your wealth accumulation but also aids in building a comfortable retirement fund. It's essential not to put all your money into one investment. Diversifying your portfolio is vital to spread out risk and ensure safety. This strategy helps you weather the ups and downs of the unpredictable stock market. Asset allocation is another critical aspect to consider in investing. It involves distributing your investments among various asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and cash. As a young investor, you can afford to take more risks and invest more heavily in stocks. However, as you grow older, it's wise to prioritize safer investments to protect your wealth. The "rule of 110" is a helpful guideline for determining how much to allocate to stocks based on your age. By subtracting your age from 110, you can determine the percentage of your portfolio that should be invested in stocks. Following these principles can help you build a robust portfolio and achieve your financial goals. Stocks Stocks The stock market is a marketplace comprised of exchanges such as NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange where buyers and sellers come together to negotiate prices and execute trades. It's characterized by fluctuations, often unpredictable, where prices can rise or fall unexpectedly. The key principle is to buy stocks at low prices and sell them when their value increases, thus maximizing profits. It's advisable to adopt a long-term perspective when investing, allowing stocks time to grow and generate wealth. When engaging with stocks, certain essential concepts should be understood. A dividend is a regular payment distributed to shareholders of a company's stock, representing a portion of the company's profits. Companies offering higher dividends often attract more investors. The demand for a stock can influence its price; when many investors buy into a stock, its price tends to rise, while a decrease in demand can lower the price. Seeking guidance from a stock broker can be beneficial in navigating the market. Stock brokers offer financial advice and assist in selecting stocks that have the potential to yield profits. While employing a stock broker incurs fees, their expertise can often result in higher returns compared to individual investment efforts. Bonds Bonds When considering investing in bonds, understanding the type of bond is crucial. A bond essentially represents a loan provided by an investor to a borrower, which could be a company or government entity. Typically, bond issuers seek funds to finance various projects or initiatives. When you purchase a bond, you're essentially lending money to the issuer, who agrees to repay the bond's value on a specified date. Several factors should be taken into account, including the risks associated with bonds, such as interest rate risk, inflation risk, default risk, reinvestment risk, and market volatility. Government Bonds: These are debt securities issued by governments to support their spending and meet obligations. They are generally considered low risk. Examples include treasury bonds, treasury notes, and treasury bills. Corporate Bonds: These are bonds issued by corporations to raise Robo

Investing Presentation

Transcript: Investing by Alisa Partridge Investing Basics Investing Compound Interest What is compound interest? Interest you earn on Interest How compound interest will help with investment? It will help grow your wealth faster. A sum of money will grow at a faster rate than simple interest because you will earn returns on the money you invested in. Also as well as the compound interest at the end of a return. Using compound interest can benefit you for early retirement as well because you can start investing to grow your money for long-term. Compound Interest Retirement Retirement Investing early- The money will grow over time, the more money you start investing in the more money, in the end, you will get. Investing early and taking advantage of compound interest can be the biggest favor you can do for yourself later in life. Steps in retiring- 1- knowing when to start retiring -starting about at your 20's or even as early as possible 2- Figuring out how much money you need to start retirement- typical advice is to set aside 70-90% of your annual pre-retirement income through savings and social security. 3-Prioritizing your financial goals -saving for retirement can also mean you can start saving for your emergency fund 4- Choosing the best plan for you- it will determine how much to start saving 5- Selecting your retirement investment- Retirement accounts provide access to a range of investments, including stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Determining the right mix of investments depends on how long you have until you need the money and how comfortable you are with risk. Starting aggressively when you are young can lead to slowly growing more money for retirement. Diversification Definition- It is the practice of spreading your investments around so that your exposure to any one type of asset is limited. This practice is designed to help reduce the volatility of your portfolio over time. One way to balance risk and reward in your investment portfolio is to diversify your assets. It can help mitigate the risks that uncertainty creates. But many investors believe that their portfolios are more diversified than they actually are. Investors may have both stocks and bonds, which gives them diversity in asset classes. It can help a business to expand into markets and industries and explore, it could lead them into increasing their portfolio. Diversific-ation Asset Allocation is an investment strategy. It involves investing in assets that align with your goals, time frame to invest, and risk tolerance. Essentially your asset allocation is the mix of assets within your investment portfolio. These assets are typically equities, fixed income, and cash equivalents. Saving between 10% or 15% with your annual income when investing in assets. When all the money you are using for investments is placed among different categories. Involves stocks, bonds, with other way to invest. Asset Allocation Stocks? Stocks They consists of shares that go into ownership of a corporation or company is divided. A single share stock means fractional ownership of the corporation in proportion to the total number of shares. It is like a security that represents ownership of a fraction of corporations. Are they good for investments? Yes, one of the best ways to grow your wealth for long-term. The average stock return is 10% per year. Stock dividend- payment to the shareholder that is made by shares not cash. It is an advantage to the shareholder without reducing the company's cash balance, but it can duplicate earnings per share. What influences a price for the stock? Investor demand, demand & supply, interest rates, dividends, management, economy, political climate, short-term and long-term investors. Stockbroker and what they do? An agent or firm that charges a fee or commission for executing buy and sell orders for an investor. They serve as intermediaries and the investing public. They take the investors request and try and find them the best price possible for them. Basically a financial professional that buys and sells stocks for their customer. stocks Bonds Bonds What is a bond? A loan taken out by a company, the company gets the money from investors who buy its bonds. Most bonds are less risky because they pay investors at a fixed rate of interest income that is also backed by a promise from the issuer. It can also offer a reliable cash of flow. Risks- credit, interest rate, and market risks. You can default. Corporate Bonds- issued by companies that want to raise additional cash. Highly-rated, can raise your income for a portfolio Government - Treasury security, divided into three categories, T-bills, T-note, and T-bonds. a debt security issued by a government to support government spending and obligations. The five bonds-treasury, agency, municipal, savings, and corporate Funds Funds Target date funds- Like a "life cycle fund", they are structured like a mutual fund. It could take you "to"or "through" retirement. chooses and reallocates assets

Investing Presentation

Transcript: By Derek Jongco 9W Investing Presentation Year 9 Commerce Save or Invest? Convincing investors they should invest rather than save their money: Save or Invest? Saving Saving What is saving? - Putting money aside, bit by bit - Usually for something specific e.g holidays, home deposits or emergencies - Usually means putting money into cash products Investing Investing What is Investing? - Taking money and trying to make it grow e.g investing in stocks, property, shares or funds So how would I convince investors to invest? - Only seek the option of investing if it is for the long term - Saving is useful during the short-term A2 Milk A2 Milk A2 Milk in my opinion is a good investment in shares Why is it a good investment? Why is it a good investment? -May not be as profitable as it used to -has the potential to have sizeable gains ahead if one leading broker’s target is realised. -smart move due to the size of the market. - Macquarie believes there is a possible upside from new product launches. -dvised that it is “investigating specific new product opportunities for the US market to further capitalise on the growing brand awareness and expanded distribution.” Should you invest? Should you invest? -Implies potential upside of approximately 9% for a2 Milk’s shares over the next 12 months. -level would place them on a forward price-to-earnings ratio of 40x. -Would consider it is good value for the growth that the company is exhibiting. -A2 Milk will produce earnings per share of 20.6 cents this year, which is around 76% greater than the year prior Portfolio plan for a newly retired couple Portfolio plan for a newly retired couple What to do What to do -Take a look at three factors: The sources of your retirement income The flexibility of your budget Your ability to tolerate risk on both a practical and psychological basis. -Structure a portfolio based on one of two popular asset-allocation strategies that place a high priority on safety: the bucket plan or the cover the basics approach. The bucket approach The bucket approach -Splits your savings into three pieces -Used in the early, middle and late stages of retirement -start by putting between $48,000 and $72,000 in short-term reserves, such as bank accounts, money market funds and certificates of deposit. -Simply to finance two to three years of spending - refill the cash bucket so that they always have enough money to handle a year or two of bills. The Cover-basics approach The Cover-basics approach - Aims to match your fixed expenses with fixed sources of income -Invested to provide income for non-necessities -Consider the portion of the gap that is for fixed (that is, non-discretionary) expenses -Allows you to cover all of your fixed expenses -Permits you to take more risk with your remaining assets - Shouldn’t have to revamp your portfolio drastically. - Take a look at your investments -Decide whether your portfolio accurately balances your need for safety, improvement and income Final Points Final Points Questions Questions

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