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Budget Presentation For Executives Template

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Transcript: Leaders influence and guide. Leaders focus on the bigger picture: What is the company's mission statement? Where is the company headed? How can the company improve and grow? ELEMENTS Leadership School Experience Supervisor at Cafe Shift Leader- trained new employees, checked up on the work and gave orders to keep flow going Made sure everything was well-stocked, service was 100%, and customers and employees were always happy and getting along Made sure all workers were on same page- which required a lot of calling out orders and checking up on one another Reported to manager any problems, what needed to be purchased, restocked, fixed and updates on daily sales WITH PROFESSOR PATRICK Very hot-headed Reacting to situations first, instead of thinking through it first End up saying things I do not mean, or saying hurtful things that I can no longer take back Results in hurting the other person and tainting our relationship Relationships get awkward and slowly fall apart Effective Communication Addressing Vulnerability #1 Managers focus on the administrative work of the company. Management is "planning, budgeting, organizing, and deals with problem-solving." - John Kotter Recognition > Resonance/Empathy > Regulation > Response Management more effective leadership and social influence To effectively communicate, leaders must must consider other's “personal luggage: each individual’s unique needs, values, attitudes, goals, aspirations, styles, education, cultures, physical, and emotional abilities and disabilities, life history, and present life circumstances." -John Kotter Better communication = Management & Leadership BRAINSTORM COMMUNICATION FOR EXECUTIVES Vice President of Vietnamese Student Association Administrative work (paper work for both in and outside of school conferences) Oversee the work of the VP of Events and VP of Marketing Communicating with VSA's in other regions FINAL PORTFOLIO BY MAGGIE LI Personality Assessment I know I can get annoyed easily and realized I always rush into responding to people when I'm heated Need to take a step back when I feel angry or annoyed at a situation or person Take deep breaths and calm down before I say anything Think about why the other person feels the way they do or said what they said Take what they said into consideration and explain in the nicest way possible how I feel Vulnerability #1 copy and paste as needed and take advantage of an infinite canvas! Both are necessary components in running a business. However, they play different roles and impact the company differently. VP of Events for Vietnamese Student Association Organized and executed fundraisers (bake sales, selling apparel) Organized social events (movies, dinner, sports day) Organized philanthropic events (volunteering at food banks, helping out at the Vietnamese Heritage center, and cleaning up parks) Work Experience REMEMBERING... Management v. Leadership Communication Vulnerability #2 Nothing thinking decisions through Rushing into things without thinking of all the possible effects or consequences my actions may have in the future No planning is done Results in bad decisions being made along with a lot of regret

CE Budget Template Presentation 091217

Transcript: Conceptual Estimate Template Template Overview Budget Summary Detailed Quantities Cost Details Historical Data For Pricing Project Comparisons Cost Breakdown By Cost Code Basis of Estimate Reports Template Overview Budget Export For Construction GENERAL SUM SHEET Header Cost Summary Specific Cost Tracking Budget Update Comparison BUDGET COST DETAIL TABS Tab Cost Summary Tab Coded Item Totals Tab Cost Details Similar Direct Building and Parking Tabs Carry Approximately 76% of the Total Budget Point of Interest CREATING A BUDGET The Nuts and Bolts How does it all come together? Itemized Tracking The Sums From Each Tab Are Then Totaled Back On The General Sum Sheet Cost Tracking Codes Are Defined On The General Sum Sheet. 5 Categories Are Pre-Defined For Tracking Sources Of Budget Costs. All Direct Budget Costs Are Identified With A Price Source Code. Then Input Throughout The Budget. Three Types of Escalation are Tracked: Proforma - Escalate Budget to Current or Specified Date. Subcontractor - Escalation Negotiated With a Specific Subcontractor (Normally Under Contract). Outsized - Escalation for a Specific Trade Above the Overall Proforma Rate. Each Tab Sums Up The Coded Line Items Escalation is Tracked Similar to Cost and Source Tracking. Fixed Items with No Applicable Source Cost Sources are Tracked Similar to Cost Tracking. Individual Building (WRAP & Podium) Takeoff's Multiple Building (SOG) Current Project Multiplier Current Project Qty. Totals Manual Adjustment To Reconcile With Directive Matrix Pricing 3 Primary Groups Sub-Groups Functions and Tables Used to Generate Budget. Previous Projects/Budgets Cost & Quantities. Used to Extrapolate Pricing and Budget Evaluation (Comparisons). Sub-Groups Sub-Groups Tools for Maintaining and Updating the Budget Template. 3 Primary Groups Sub-Groups Sub-Groups Sub-Groups Distributing a Total Dollar Value Across Cost Codes The Amount Column is Populated with the Selected Project Budget Select the most Comparable Project from the Dropdown List The % of Total $ Allocated to Each Line Item is Calculated Remove Specific Line Items from the Distribution as Needed The Percentages are Applied to the line Items Throughout the Budget Total Amounts to be Distributed are Entered at the Tops of the Detail Tabs The Amounts Entered are Distributed Throughout the Budget by the Allocated % . 3 Primary Groups Sub-Groups Sub-Groups Sub-Groups Extrapolating a Budget From Historical Unit Pricing Extrapolated Budgets are Useful For: Select the most Comparable Project from the Dropdown List Early Acquisition Budgets or Fast Turn Around Comparable Project Pricing Reference while Generating a Budget The Source Project $/UOM Rates Calculate from the Values in the Database Keep the Default UOM's, or Select from Drop Down List $ per Quantities Extrapolated Budget is Generated in Dedicated Brown Rows Throughout the Budget Budget Review BUDGET ANALYSIS & COMPARISONS Review Budget Costs and Compare Against Other Projects/Budgets History & Stats Summary By Cost Code OUTPUT / DELIVERABLES Wrap It Up Basis of Estimate Reports Comments Takeoff Items Comments Values Units Values Construction Budget Export Template Budget Cost Details Construction Budget Format


Transcript: FUTURE Executives Sam Kirk Chia-Chia Wang Sam Kirk Donna Growing market Kirk wanted to see more access Inspire a shared vision Model the way Enable others to Act Challenge the Process Encourage the Heart Coaching Leader Chia- Chia Wang Donna Johnson- Thompson How do you see the organization changing in two years, and how do you see yourself creating that change? How have you guided employees to follow your strategic vision for the organization? Donna Have you shared core values and visions with other leaders within your organization? Why? Why not? Leadership Style Standards set for others to follow their example. Inspire Shared vision Recommendations "I tell them to listen carefully, watch, and learn; I have them do an exercise where they draw a bowl and write a recipe for effective leadership, I have them put what they believe are the necessary measurements that create a great leader." Encourage the Heart. "We all agree in missions and visions, we all believe that there is God in every human being and that there is human dignity and social justice" inspire shared vision Encourage the Heart What are the most important values and ethics you demonstrate as a leader? Give me examples of these in practice. "Yes, with monthly meetings where we brainstorm new ideas and share new ones e.g. what is your goals; did you meet them and do they coincide with our values and vision. If no, why not? What realistic and obtainable measures are you implementing meet said goals to reaffirm the agency's values and vision." Donna Johnson-Thompson Sam Kirk "Closing down the Chicago market, we had a lot of students. The trade offs involved...still allowed students to attend the program." "I believe that you should lead by example, I do not think anyone in this organization is too big for the smallest job, they are all important. Always reiterate your vision and remember why you are here." "Everyone goes through strategic planning every year, sometimes more depth than others." Strategies Methodologies Results Newark Day Center -Donna Johnson-Thompson American Friends Service Committee- Chia Chia Wang Youth About Business- Sam Kirk Chia-Chia Wang What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position within your organization for the first time? "Participation by staff members in whatever activities. I make Sure that their voices are heard. (ideas or concerns) AFSC is a unionized work place and not everyone talks about their needs and not everyone likes to bargain" Sam Kirk Chia-Chia Wang "Alot of learning on the way, do not hesitate to reach out and ask question YOU DESERVE IT you will do well." “Stay focused on the purpose in which you came to the organization vision and mission in which you saw the organization and help the organization to grow that vision and mission and everything else will fall in place.” Donna Johnson-Thompson Model the way "American Friends service committee is really big and for that reason there is only so much that can be done nation wide but as a program and as a leader, I would like to see more vibrant program along with staff participation both internal and external activity" Enable others to Act Sam Kirk Introduction of organization "I hope to increase the financial stability of Newark Day Center by bringing in additional funding sources, also am looking at a session plan to groom someone to take over for me, as my former boss and mentor did for me years ago. This is to ensure that this agency is here for the next 200 years; also board member recruitment and training." “Everyone is aware of the core value. We don’t want to sacrifice any of the core value like integrity and hard work. We have to make sure everyone is on the same level." Core values creates existence Inspire a shared vision Model the way Enable others to Act Challenge the Process Encourage the Heart Coaching Leader Encourage the Heart Parents are leaders “Now the organization reaches a much broader group of students than it did before because its expanding. A great change is the ability for students to experience the corporate work place." Living Corporate America "Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." Peter Drucker Uniting teams to make each person to feel capable and powerful. Changing the Status Quo Chia- Chia Wang Models the way Zeno Type Leader Enables others to act "Integrity and service, being mindful of what you are signing and be aware of the finances, detailed financial reports are done weekly. Make sure to meet budget projections and make sure it is realistic." Model the way Sam Kirk Are you the Next Super Leader? Mission Possible What is the most significant change you have brought in your organization? Decisions " The hardest decision I have ever had to make is laying people off and or laying a really important program off. Two most affected program are: immigrant community and African American community." What are the most important values and ethics you demonstrate as a

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