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Monthly Business Review Presentation Template

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Transcript: MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW JANUARY 2020 OVERVIEW BUSINESS REVIEW DASHBOARD - FY2021 Toll Ipec - 76% of OH Sales, ~50% of overall Sales for Jan’21. Sales are approx. flat month to month, although OH sales down 11%, as Multi-user warehouse closure drove an uptick. Allied GM is a correction from Dec’20 (51% GM) - timing issue Drivers on road exceeded forecast by 2. Heavy reliance on Toll Ipec to drive volumes, however we are working to rebalance with Star Track and introduce a new client by end of March. ‘Other’ column is comprised of Aryzta, Josies and VicTas. OH volume is expected to be low for the quarter until operations pick up - new drivers are recruited & trained. Focus is on application architecture and rebrand in Q1’21. Outstanding debtors of $64K relating to exiting business units – expecting to recover ~90%, with remaining likely written off as unrecoverable. Business Dashboard Income by Customer (FY'21) P&L SUMMARY Profit & Loss Summary Income up 88% Y-o-Y, and 47% in OH only. OH is 66% of total Income YTD Jan’21 (7 mths), Net Profit is 13%, 2pts above forecast, driven by Government subsidies. We are on forecast at 11% if we look at OH only. BALANCE SHEET Balance Sheet BALANCE SHEET COMPONENTS PERFORMANCE RATIOS Performance Ratios Highlights: COS as a % of Revenue will trend upwards as focus shifts to OH, however net profit will improve as OpEx reduces. Expecting reduced driver volume in Jan and Feb’21, which will impact EBIT negatively, but we should be back on track late 1Q’21 The spike in OPEX in FY’19 is due to salary distributions at end of financial year. Spike in EBITDA in OCT’20 is due to a major 3PL client activity including two warehouse exit/transfers. As the company dissolves the 3PL business DSO will keep falling. An average of 9 days is a strong result.

Monthly Business Review

Transcript: Monthly Business Review Analyzing Performance and Forecasting Trends Cash Flow Review Customer Feedback and Satisfaction Competitive Landscape Assessment Assessing the movement of cash in and out of the business to ensure liquidity and financial stability. Forecasting and Action Plan Analyzing customer feedback trends to gauge satisfaction levels, identify areas of improvement, and enhance the overall customer experience. Evaluating the competitive landscape to understand positioning, strengths, and weaknesses compared to key competitors in the industry. Understanding Business Activities Analyze Financial Reports Exploring the detailed financial reports to gain insights into the business's financial performance and make informed decisions. Anticipating Future Growth and Strategy Implementation Short-Term Forecasts Analyzing current market trends to project short-term revenue growth and potential challenges Expense Breakdown Financial Ratio Evaluation Market Share Dynamics Overview of Business Activities Breaking down expenses into categories to understand cost drivers and areas for cost optimization and efficiency enhancement. Calculating and interpreting essential financial ratios to evaluate profitability, efficiency, and financial health. Gain insights into the various business activities and operations that drive the company's performance and success. Analyzing the fluctuation in market share over the past months, identifying key drivers of growth and areas for improvement. Analyzing Market Trends and Competitors Explore the core functions and processes that contribute to the operational efficiency and productivity of the business, covering areas such as production, sales, marketing, and customer service. Profit Margin Analysis Budget Variance Analysis Revenue Trends N/A Long-Term Strategic Planning Delving into the profitability of the business by assessing profit margins and analyzing factors influencing profitability. Analyzing the differences between budgeted and actual financial data to identify variances and areas for improvement. Examining the patterns and fluctuations in revenue over the past months, identifying growth areas and challenges. analysis, forecasting, planning, strategy, implementing Developing a comprehensive strategy for sustainable business expansion over the next five years Financial Trend Forecasting Cash Management Strategies Utilizing historical financial data to forecast future trends and make informed financial decisions for the business. Developing effective cash management strategies to optimize cash flows and ensure sufficient liquidity for business operations. Key Objectives of Monthly Review Analyzing Financial Performance Understanding the dynamics of market share, competitive analysis, and customer feedback and satisfaction. Understand the goals and objectives of the monthly business review, which may include performance evaluation, goal setting, strategic planning, and decision-making based on data-driven insights. Implementation Roadmap Creating a step-by-step action plan to execute strategic initiatives and achieve long-term goals Financial Risk Assessment Understanding the financial health of the business through in-depth analysis of revenue, profit margins, expenses, and cash flow. Identifying and assessing financial risks that could impact the business's financial stability and developing risk mitigation strategies.

Monthly Business Review

Transcript: MONTHLY BUSINESS REVIEW I.T. Department SCOPE Company Internet Usage Our internet usage policy outlines our guidelines for using our company’s internet connection, network and equipment. We want to avoid inappropriate or illegal internet use that creates risks for our company’s legality and reputation. COVERAGE Appropriate employee internet usage Highlights Employees are advised to use our internet connection for the ff: 1. To accomplished their job duties. 2. To search out information needed to improve their work. Inappropriate employee internet usage Lowlights Our employees must not use our network to: 1. Download or upload obscene, offensive or illegal material. 2. Send confidential information to unauthorized recipients. 3. Invade another person’s privacy and sensitive information. 4. Download or upload movies, music and other copyrighted material and software. 5. Visit potentially dangerous websites that can compromise the safety of our network and computers. 6. Perform unauthorized or illegal actions, like hacking, fraud, buying/selling illegal goods and more. Disciplinary Action Action Items Employees who don’t conform to this company internet usage policy will face disciplinary action. Serious violations will be cause for termination of employment, or legal action when appropriate. Examples of serious violations are: 1. Using our internet connection to steal or engage in other illegal activities. 2. Causing our computers to be infected by viruses, worms or other malicious software. 3. Sending offensive or inappropriate emails to our customers, colleagues or partners. All any IT related concern, they should ask assistance from IT Department. Help Items Employees should not deactivate or configure settings and firewalls without managerial approval.

Monthly Review Presentation

Transcript: Monthly review June Himanshu Mishra 08/07/2021 DATA Data Demo Planned- I panned for the PCC demo. Actual- I have done with PCC demo. and attened 2 demo(PCC and PFF3) Firki Courses Planned- 10 course( 3 completed previous month) Actual- 5 courses Reading circle Planned- every week of Monday and Wednesday Actual- We mostly did on this day if any urgent and important tasked not come in between. New SLs meeting Planned- Not decided Actual- One SLs orientation. Learning from demo Wearing two hats, as facilitator and as School leader. A rich understanding about the contents. Learn about time management Be patience and asked reflective questions Sticking to objective Feedback session( I, U,V) Learning Reading circle, Firki, New SLs Orientation, Learning from.. How to create a learning atmosphere for the students in school context How to draw decision making tree. How to initiate the discussion 5E (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate) method of learning Skills learned from month Facilitation Use of tools coogle(Use for mind mapping) & Firki, and Prezi presentation Empathetic listening and journaling on NVC. Sharing space ( I U V). New way to fill up Daily log. learned skills and tools Daily reflection, reading learning curve article, reflective questions. Prioritize the task , observation, listening, team work, articulation, journaling. Learning team coordination PPT, what’s alive, open circle, close circle, intention setting and makes the agreements of the day. Tools and Processes used to facilitate Articulation skills Empathetic listening skills Presentation skills Multitasking Skills want to learn for next month Challenges faced and Strategies applied to solve the challenges Multitasking Prioritizing the things and go with flow. Weekly plan, sharing expected output of day. Network issue Need wifi or router Miscommunication Precise articulation and stick on agreements and listen to understand not response. Challenges and action plan Action plan for coming month I will try to finish my work on time and not run behind the perfectionism. Working on backward planning. I will work on my articulation to be more crisp and clear. Thank You!

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