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Final Capstone Project Presentation Template

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Final Capstone Presentation

Transcript: INTRODUCTION & MOTIVATIONS PREVIOUS WORK PROPOSED SOLUTION BENEFITS & FEASIBILITY ORGANIZATIONAL APPROACH SUMMARY ENERGY BREAKDOWN 1 WORK BREAKDOWN COST BREAKDOWN SCHEDULE Compressor package Pressure vessel Gas conditioners Heat exchanger for exhaust 6 BUDGET Individually develop 3 preliminary designs Select final solution using a design matrix Solution specific work broken down - Physicial design - Safety and regulations - Economic analysis ERCB Directive 60 - Flaring & Venting CSA Class. I Div. II Class I: Flammable gas may be present in the air Div. II: Hazard present under abnormal conditions STORAGE TANK BACKGROUND COMPRESSOR 4 RETScreen Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word Microsoft Visio AutoCAD KNOCK OUT TANK Annual Gas Energy Breakdown Utilized a decision matrix Micro turbine cogeneration selected TOTAL PROJECT COST: $662 000 ENGR 499 - CAPSTONE 2011/2012 Annual blanket gas consumption approx. 463,000 cubic meters (≈$67,000/yr) Large electricity consumption ( approx. $120,000/yr @ 7 cent/kwh) System volatiles (i.e. H2S) System pressure < 1 psig Operating temps between -50 C & 40 C BENEFITS & FEASIBILITY TURBINES Develop a more efficient blanketing system Capstone C30 (30 kW) 26 % electrical efficiency Handle up to 7% sour gas 80,000 hr service life (9.3 years) Grid connected or stand alone GOAL GOING FORWARD Skidded building (16' x 24') House major components PROPOSED SOLUTION PACKAGE PLACEMENT PACKAGE DETAILS 3 GAS BLANKETING IMPROVEMENT Balance: $300 DELIVERABLES Weigh opportunity costs & decide on approval Further develop portions of the analysis High level approach Design assumptions verified Continued correspondence with vendors THANK YOU QUESTIONS TURBINE SIZING 5 REVISED Options Consume expelled blanketing gas Supply excess gas for more turbines Selection 4 C30's optimum Grid connected Sized from annual blanketing gas TURBINE ARRAY PAYBACK ORIGINAL CCS cleans oilfield waste in Western Canada Product tanks blanketed for safety Currently natural gas blanketing is flared Potential to reduce waste Heat generation Nitrogren blanketing Electricity generation 2 PRESSURE VESSEL RESOURCES PREVIOUS WORK INTRO & MOTIVATIONS HEAT EXCHANGER CCS MIDSTREAM CCS contact: Bob Lipsett Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Prodanovic Kelowna Landfill: Darren Enevoldson CCS wants to find an efficient use for vent gas Selected turbine electricity production Specified a 4 micro turbine array Quantified the following benefits - Payback period 7.4 years - Net Benefit of $229 754 - Recapture 59% of vent gas energy - Offset 325 tonnes of CO2 annually - Positive environmental impact Physical design Economic analysis Feasibility study ORGANIZATIONAL APROACH GROUP 21 Bryce Rowe Regan Harris Ken Kaminski-Raab MAIN SOLUTION AREAS FACILITY DATA & SPECS SUMMARY SAFETY & REGULATIONS OTHER COMPONENTS 325 tonnes of CO2 offset annually COGENERATION Select 3 prilimiary designs (OCT 29) (OCT 29) Final solution selection (DEC 1) (DEC 19) Physical system spec'd (JAN 16) (FEB 29) Economic study complete (FEB 16) (MAR 26) Final report complete (MAR 1) (APR 1) SOLUTION SELECTION Payback in 7.4 years Annual income ~$90 000 Net benefit ~$230 000


Transcript: NICODEMUS URINGI UWANDA SEX AND GENDER WHY THIS TOPIC. Topic 1 I chose this topic because the society we live in today, is highly weak when it comes to sex and gender part. In most cases, women are seen as less valuable than men. OBSTACLES. For a topic like this, it is usually hard to get all the information you want, especially through surveys. Surveying people who are older than you, is a big obstacle i faced. Majority of them were not willing to talk about sex. OVER VIEW. Topic 2 For many years, we have been taught that sex and gender do not matter or they have no difference In some cultures sex is considered a sin, but in other cultures sex is a normal thing that is done in private. Perhaps you might ask yourself how sex and gender even came into existence. How did we end up considering sex as an adult private affair? Why females are considered weaker than men in some cultures? This presentation explains all the questions and mysteries about sex and the creation of gender (female stereotype). THE STORY BEHIND Topic 3 In the beginning the earth was filled with nothing and God decided to create something in it. He created the water bodies, land, fish, birds, animals, plants and lastly he created human beings He create Adam to take care and control everything that was in the earth AND he created Eve out of his ribs. God told Adam and Eve to eat all the fruits that the trees within the garden bear, but they shouldn’t eat the fruit of the tree that was in the middle of the garden. The serpent was craftier than any other animals. It persuaded Eve to eat the fruit and then Eve persuaded Adam to eat it as well THEY SINNED AGAINST GOD WHY WOMEN BLAMED Topic 4 the unfairness we see today towards women derive from the wrong choice she did when the serpent tempted her to eat the forbidden fruit. In original sin, woman was considered weak by the serpent and that’s why it went to her first instead of man. CONCLUSION Although many people say that the forbidden fruit was sex and sex was the first original sin and that sin made a lady look weak, I say no. The forbidden fruit was not sex and the sin that our first ancestor committed, shouldn’t make women weak. Sex has been there and we shouldn’t consider it as a sin. Women should not be under looked by men. Both man and woman ate the fruit so no one is a saint. Topic 4 OUTCOMES I CHOSE The communication competency of analyzing fitted best in my project.In this, I analyzed and evaluated messages from my sources and incorporated it with my own opinions for my paper. Before starting my research paper, I had a lot of opinions. For a perfect research paper, I needed facts rather than opinions. For example, I had an opinion that women are more affected by the sex and gender issue because they were the first to bring sin into existence. I used the phrase in the bible that says, “Eve, the first female, gave the forbidden fruit to her husband. They both sinned against God, but the woman is the one who initiated it”. The information from the sources, helped me organize my opinions into a fact through evidences. Evidences makes your arguments strong and reliable. Topic 4

Capstone Final Project Presentation

Transcript: In the coming days and potentially months I hope to continue drafting the inner cuts to the bass for switches, the bridge, and the pickups, which I have recently received in the mail (as this held me back for a while). The final stage of the outer-body work that I finished in class was the routtering of the edges of the bass, which went smovely, however it required further saning along the edges to create a deeper looking "Cut." The next step in the process involved re-drafting the design onto a piece of would, in this case I used maple (Primarily for its density), from here I merely used the bandsaw to roughly cut out the design of the body of the bass, and finally I sanded around the edges using a belt sander. Phase 1 Initially the project involved drafting, and design of the bass, this process primarily utilized French Curves, in order to create the long sweeping arches in the guitar, while a simple straight edge was used in drafting the neck of the bass. Capstone Final Project Presentation - Talon Flynn Conclusions I was able to learn a lot from this project as well as you dozens of techniques and skills I've used over the course of my high school years, and I was able to meet, and connect with people in my community that shared a common passion, such as the instructor I shadowed from spotlight music who assisted me in drafting and design of the internals of the guitar. I picked this design, and this subject for constructing for my passion for music, and building, and I am very excited for the results! Phase 3 As well as beginning on the drafting of the neck of the guitar, and completing this portion. Phase 4 Phase 2 The guitar required additional sanding after this; which was entirely manual

Capstone Presentation Final

Transcript: Capstone Project: Development of a Nurse Practitioner-Led School Based Sun Safety Action Plan for Adolescents I. Nursing Staff II. School Faculty III. School-based Clubs Query letter sent Interest in manuscript Turnitin Manuscript submitted National Indoor Tanning Restrictions Goals include: Reduction in the proportion of adolescents grade 9-12 who report sunburn & use artificial sources of UV light for tanning Increase in the proportion of adolescents in grades 9-12 who follow protective measures to reduce skin cancer risk Reflects the incidence, need for education, prevention, and research concerning cancer in Maryland 2015 goals to reduce the incidence of skin cancer include: Increasing education on skin safety to MD adolescents Decrease the percentage of minors who use artificial sources of UV light References Proposed Action Plan Inpatient oncology certified nurse at PRMC Local community at increased risk Personally at increased risk Interest in learning how to promote healthy habits among adolescent population Why use school-based nurse practitioners to implement action plan? Legislative Efforts to Reduce Indoor Tanning Use More than 30 states regulate indoor tanning use by minors California and Vermont first to ban use of indoor tanning devices by anyone under 18 Excise tax on indoor tanning device use implemented with the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed in 2010 (, 2011) (Heckman & Coups, 2011) Maryland Targeted Journal Virginia Parental consent required for users under 15 years old Skin Cancer Statistics Lauren Moore BSN, RN Family Nurse Practitioner Program Salisbury University QUESTIONS? What interests me? Should I complete an academic project or paper? How will I ever finish? Located in school or on school campus Provides preventive and primary care services Staffed by a variety of healthcare professionals, including nurse practitioners. In the 2007-2008 school year, SBHCs served 72 of the 1455 public schools in Maryland Why Skin Cancer Prevention is Important to Me? ( Maryland Parental consent signed in person if less than 18 years old Literature Review Policy Environmental change Education Families Professional development Health Services Evaluation (Moyer, 2012) CDC Guidelines for School Programs to Prevent Skin Cancer (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2013) (Boe & Tillotson, 2006) Maryland Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan Most common type of cancer in the United States Diagnosed in greater than 2 million Americans annually American Cancer Society estimated 76,000 new cases and 9,200 deaths from melanoma during 2012 Approximately 78% percent reduction in lifetime incidence of non-melanoma skin cancers with regular sunscreen use Why are Adolescents at Risk? Ideal setting for health promotion & disease prevention They have the time! Greater than 25% above the US average rates of melanoma incidence and mortality Occupational hazards: farmers, watermen Local adolescents grow up along the coastline of the Eastern Shore, spending a greater amount of time outdoors Delaware Bans indoor tanning use if less than 14 years old (unless medically necessary) Parental accompaniment if under 14 Adolescents between age14-18 must have a parental consent signed in person Internet Resources for Schools Capstone Committee Members: Mary Parsons Ed.D., CRNP (chair) Susan Battistoni PhD, RN Tina Reid Ed.D., RN Healthy People 2020 What is a school-based health center? Many Thanks... 80% of lifetime sun exposure and damage occurs before age 18 Lowest protection rates Less parental influence Seeking identity and acceptance Local Indoor Tanning Restrictions National Conference of State Legislatures website: I. Sunwise US Environmental Protection Agency II. Sun Safety for America's Youth Toolkit Centers for Disease Control III. Sun Smart U Skin Cancer Foundation IV. Sunny Days Healthy Ways Klein Buendel, Inc. V. Sun Smart America Melanoma Foundation VI. Sun Safe Schools National Skin Cancer Charity

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